Participant in Cliven Bundy standoff sentenced to 68 years in prison!!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
All his "crimes" were vague and victimless - threatening a cop, obstruction of justice, and interstate travel in aid of extortion - but federal judges always throw the book at anti-federal protesters. Judge is a racist white-hating hispanic.

JULY 26, 2017 1:00 AM

The weight of a heavy sentence landed in the quiet federal courtroom Wednesday morning, leaving Gregory Burleson occasionally stroking his graying beard and his attorney pleading unsuccessfully for leniency.

The 53-year-old Burleson was the first to be sentenced for his role in the 2014 standoff between federal agents and supporters of Cliven Bundy near his Nevada ranch.

He got 68 years in prison.

U.S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro did take into account his blindness and frailty – he sat in a wheelchair during the hearing – but she also reminded Burleson of his crimes, which included threatening a federal law enforcement officer, obstruction of justice and interstate travel in aid of extortion.
Do guys like him actually rot while they are in jail or is "rot in jail" just a saying?

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