Seasons Change: A Halloween Drawer


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
It's interesting how our modern media-and-magazine culture has reoriented our thinking about 'populism access' and hoisted networking socialization 'loci' such as Facebook as 'conversational beacons.'

This is the age of People Magazine and Dianetics.




Vishnu (Hindu god of protection) and Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) noticed how Americans were making countless horror films and comic book adapted vigilantism-daydream films. In 2017 alone, a Hellraiser (Clive Barker) and It (Stephen King) remake were in the works! Vishnu and Shiva decided to catalyze a populism-friendly Halloween 'autumn festival' in the USA. They invited American movie superstar Tom Cruise to host a media-gauged Dianetics campaign coordinated with 'Halloween color' that autumn.


Cruise planned an elaborate outdoor picnic-tent event in September (a precursor to Halloween!), since the weather was unusually still warm (thanks to global warming). The event featured gorgeous white pumpkins, an idyllic white-linen tent environment, and of course Scientology scholars as well as multiculturalism representatives from the Trump Administration. The 'Dianetics gala' would serve as a 'media appetizer' to the countless upcoming clever media advertisements regarding 'Halloween symbolism' and AMC (an American movie TV-station) Halloween fear-fest horror-film merchandising.


Vishnu and Shiva then coordinated and 'choreographed' a terrific Halloween party in Washington, D.C. hosted by the environmentalism group The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. The party featured a Jane's Addiction rock-music group reunion performance and an immigration platform regarding the optimism surrounding 'masqueraded pageantry.' The press said, "It seems that D.C. is finally melding consumerism with culture, which spells political kudos for 'TrumpUSA'!"




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