Panicked New York Governor Tells Businesses “They Have Nothing to Fear” After Democrat Leaders Fleece Donald Trump of $355 Million

They're 87 billion in the red, Slade. What part of that concept don't you grasp?
You don’t understand economics very well do you? Did you know that the USA is also in the red? yet it is the largest economy in the world? Doesn’t that just blow your mind?!

I guess we will just have to wait a few years to see Cali run out. Haha
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You can never "state one value for tax purposes and one value for loan purposes".
You do NOT state a value for either loan OR tax purposes.
But law, both banks and taxes have to send out their OWN appraisers.
Owners NEVER do evaluations for any official use, ever.

Who do you think I'll believe? A random guy on the internet or... the judgement of a judge? Citing testimony of people under oath, conceding that they had both the obligation and were aware that as executives of the Trump organization they needed to submit accurate financial statements.

This is the stuff that really gets me. Not so much that you are speaking to stuff you obviously have little too no knowledge off.

But that you have to have gotten this information from somewhere you find credible. And that they are just as obviously lying.

I suggest you read through this before commenting. If that is, you have the slightest interested in actually having factual information.
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I'm not so sure, Arlette. There is no love lost for New York City in the rest of the country to begin with...then when they do something like Letetia James just makes people in "fly over country" really start to hate their guts! Truckers are conservative. This is the kind of thing that will appeal to them.
oh, ny might become a haven for electric car companies and government funded solar companies.
Elites and illegals will be quite the combination in that state.
So let me get this straight? Not prosecuting a billionaire for fraudulently inflating his value, in order to get favorable loan terms is what truckers and conservatives want.

Let me get this straight, Progressive don't know the first thing about how banking works
Let me get this straight, Progressive don't know the first thing about how banking works
This judge did. So do the people the judge quoted in his judgement, on account them working as banker's with Trump. They testified his FALSE statements affected their estimations and interest rates.

Again, and I can't stress this enough. Read the verdict. It's detailed and directly quotes witnesses.
This judge did. So do the people the judge quoted in his judgement, on account them working as banker's with Trump. They testified his FALSE statements affected their estimations and interest rates.

Again, and I can't stress this enough. Read the verdict. It's detailed and directly quotes witnesses.

The Judge is a fucking ignorant slob! No banks lost any money in this "Fraud" they testified for Trump and would do business with him again

You are playing with fire
The Judge is a fucking ignorant slob! No banks lost any money in this "Fraud" they testified for Trump and would do business with him again

You are playing with fire
Read the judgement. And then cite exactly what you find problematic.
Cause and effect. Another reality on a long list of things leftists are clueless about.
The Judge is a fucking ignorant slob! No banks lost any money in this "Fraud" they testified for Trump and would do business with him again

You are playing with fire

Really? Did they now?

Read the judgement!!!!!!
I’m not worried about it. She can do whatever she wants

You don’t understand economics very well do you? Did you know that the USA is also in the red? yet it is the largest economy in the world? Doesn’t that just blow your mind?!

I guess we will just have to wait a few years to see Cali run out. Haha
So you're saying "good" economics is to be the first to run out of money? Detroit filed for bankruptcy in 2013, that must be economic perfection for idiots like you.
So you're saying "good" economics is to be the first to run out of money? Detroit filed for bankruptcy in 2013, that must be economic perfection for idiots like you.
No, I didn’t say anything close to that. You should work on your reading comprehension.
The shit-eating marxist rodent winks and nods at the hated capitalists... and this version was installed only because the previous version was too corrupt and had problems with rape and serial killing.

That's a lovely 3rd-world shithole you have up there.... <goosebumps>

So we can sue the DNC for fraud in the voter database. KEWL!
Another red herring. But this one I'll actually respond too. It's tellling by the way that you think that's in any way a good argument.

I don't care if you or anybody sues the DNC.
I don't care if Hunter Biden gets indicted.
I don't care if you could indict Joe Biden.

I care that the justice department works as intended, without fear or favor, that's it. That doesn't mean they're never wrong. But the system has plenty of safeguards.

This is me on Thursday before the Fanni Willis hearings started. And all I had to go by was right wing reports that there were witnesses to Fanni lying in an affidavit. As I watched the hearing, and I did watch it all. My opinion changed. This on what was presented NOT based on my desired outcome.

A new prosecutor can and will be appointed. That prosecutor will then have to decide to continue the prosecution.

I don't know how that will go.

As I see it there's 2 competing interests.

A prosecution of this magnitude is a tremendous drain on available recourses. Both in man hours and money. A DA has much more than one case to prosecute. So whenever they take something big, that by necessity draws attention away from other cases. So they might for example choose to give a favorable plea deal to some white collar criminal because they don't have the recourses to prosecute him. Not saying they'll let rapists or something of the hook but it does have consequences.

On the other hand a prosecutor might decide this crime is so egregious that it is worth these other consequences. Willis did.

The point is this. No it doesn't make the trial go away. But also no, it doesn't mean the trial will continue either. It is literally up to the discretion of whomever replaces her. IF she gets replaced.
That's the difference between me and you, and why that argument is so telling.

My opinion on fairness is based on the evidence presented NOT on how the outcome relates to my political bias.
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You don’t understand economics very well do you? Did you know that the USA is also in the red? yet it is the largest economy in the world? Doesn’t that just blow your mind?!

I guess we will just have to wait a few years to see Cali run out. Haha
I obviously understand it better than you do, Slade! The difference between California and the United States is that California can't print money....whereas the US does. States and cities have to balance budgets...the Federal Government does not.

As for the US having the largest economy in the world? We also have the largest debt BY FAR!
This judge did. So do the people the judge quoted in his judgement, on account them working as banker's with Trump. They testified his FALSE statements affected their estimations and interest rates.

Again, and I can't stress this enough. Read the verdict. It's detailed and directly quotes witnesses.
The verdict is ridiculous. Ask anyone who's ever worked in real estate. What James charged Trump with is something literally EVERY real estate developer does! You assign a value to the assets you're using to secure a loan...the bank's appraisers assign a value to those same assets...and then you work out a compromise.

What Hochul said...that every OTHER developer doesn't have to worry about being charged as Trump was...simply underscores that this was never about was ALWAYS about using the legal system against someone because you don't like their politics!

Ultimately...THAT is why this case will be tossed on appeal! It's the epitome of "selective prosecution"!

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