Palin thinks $215,000 a year is "working class"

Debate Solved!! I just saw a speech by Obama where he asked the crowd to raise their hand if they made over $250,000.00 Then he said "If you make less than $250,000.00 you will not see an increase in taxes" We are taking care of the "Middle Class"

So there it is Obama says you're middle class if you make less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.It's got to be true.
next topic please
ok, so any guy in a shirt and tie busting his ass making 40-60k a year working 50 hours a week isn't working class

I am glad we got that figured out

sometimes we just let our dictionaries get outdated don't we.
so, when the hell did white collar jobs all of a sudden become any kind of standard for the the blue collar "working class"?

Even if you could use that for a argument, guess what?


Aren't you late for your shift at Burger King.

Perhaps it never occurred to your underaged, do-nothing ass that the reason it pays so much is because workers accept the risk for the compensation.

It's not a sob-story, runt; it's a fact of life.

I'm guessing you're pitching for the grievance-monger whose hardest days work is suing banks and getting earmarks for his wife's employer...certainly hard work worthy of a millionaire.
Aren't you late for your shift at Burger King.

Perhaps it never occurred to your underaged, do-nothing ass that the reason it pays so much is because workers accept the risk for the compensation.

It's not a sob-story, runt; it's a fact of life.

I'm guessing you're pitching for the grievance-monger whose hardest days work is suing banks and getting earmarks for his wife's employer...certainly hard work worthy of a millionaire.

Right, because working at a firm, community organising, HLS Law Review, et al, are just really easy cake jobs, right?
Aren't you late for your shift at Burger King.

Perhaps it never occurred to your underaged, do-nothing ass that the reason it pays so much is because workers accept the risk for the compensation.

It's not a sob-story, runt; it's a fact of life.

I'm guessing you're pitching for the grievance-monger whose hardest days work is suing banks and getting earmarks for his wife's employer...certainly hard work worthy of a millionaire.

The only funny joke here is you trying to paint Sarah Palin as middle class.

The workers accept the risk, so there is no excuse to say "Oh they are taking the risk so feel sorry for them."

And to your last comment, who do I look like? John McCain? Sarah Palin? Lindsey Graham? I don't think so.

And in Todd Palin's case; the man participates in some of the world's most dangerous snowmobile races in the world for FUN; stop with the sob-story.

The Palins are sure in debt while owning that Piper PA-18.

Piper PA-18 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hole In The Void-

Why are you so angry at liberals? Because we want peace? Because we want justice for all? Because we want everyone to love eachother? Because we want community in the truest sense of the word? Because we want equal rights for all human beings? What?? Didn't Jesus want all those things? Are you a Republican because you want to be rich no matter who it hurts? From your responses on this board, that's really what you seem to represent: greed, hate, anger, war, and discrimination for anyone you don't like.
I bet he has soft hands.

Thats nice. Working hard doesn't only mean physical labor. Go work at a firm that makes you do 2400 billable hours a year. I bet your sorry ass couldn't handle it.

Firm work is fucking hard. If you don't know that, you just don't know what your talking about.
This ISNT about what Obama makes jackass. Even he knows that he's upper class and he is trying to raise taxes on himself. Its about what AMERICANS make and $215,000 is not working class.

Wow, some of you will just never get it
He can volunteer to pay more then dumbass. Why should I be punished just because he's a fucking liberal?
Thats nice. Working hard doesn't only mean physical labor. Go work at a firm that makes you do 2400 billable hours a year. I bet your sorry ass couldn't handle it.

Firm work is fucking hard. If you don't know that, you just don't know what your talking about.

poor widdle community organizers

If he worked so damned hard you'd think he'd talk up his experience a bit more. Right now Sarah Palin's daughter's goldfish has more experience.
Obama tried to raise taxes on people making less then 50000 a year so I guess middle class is what? 30k a year?

At one point he supported a bill that said that. It isn't part of his plan.

Can't keep living on the guvment credit card, RGS. Someone's gotta pay the bill. So yes, people who earn over $250,000 a year will get the taxes they used to pay and should have been continuing to pay reinstated.

It won't affect you, though. So why do you care?
poor widdle community organizers

If he worked so damned hard you'd think he'd talk up his experience a bit more. Right now Sarah Palin's daughter's goldfish has more experience.

Working hard isn't the same thing as experience, dumbass.
He can volunteer to pay more then dumbass. Why should I be punished just because he's a fucking liberal?

Sure, then lets take Bush's wealth and the Republican Congress's wealth and the asshats who supported them and pay down the deficit that has increased so much in the past 8 years.

Why should I be punished because you morons voted in a bunch of neoconservatives?
Thats nice. Working hard doesn't only mean physical labor. Go work at a firm that makes you do 2400 billable hours a year. I bet your sorry ass couldn't handle it.

Firm work is fucking hard. If you don't know that, you just don't know what your talking about.


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