Palin speaks at California campus amid controversy

Hey Tea Bagger Ted...........

What has Obama done? Health care reform, Wall St. reform, running 2 wars left behind by Bush Jr.

And he's only been in office a year and a half, and has done more than just about any other president.

The Wasilla Chihuahua hasn't done shit except run away from her job that she fucked up.

BTW Ted, anyone can copy and paste. You apparently can't think enough for yourself to defend Palin.
Hey if Palin hasn't done shit then how do you explain her record which gave her a 80 to 90 % approval rating? Also Obama rammed health care down America's throat and the majority of Americans didn't want it after Palin exposed the death panels. Wall Street is still in shambles and the deficit if staggering since the democrats took control 2 years before Bush exited the office. That's almost 4 years of democrat control now. Obama is a constitution hater. He wants to give illegals amnesty and he is against Arizonas new law to find illegals and deport them and he wants to impose cap and trade that will decimate the oil and gas industry that I am in. He is letting the Gulf be ruined on purpose so he can ram it through. Your mentality is that of a communist sympathizer and not of a American Patriot like Sarah Palin who is proud of and loves her country. Obama will not stand a chance for a second term. He is finished and his poll numbers that are very negative and in fact are the lowest in history of any President in his first year and a half in Office. That is terrible. The man never operated or managed a business unlike Palin who did. He is just a community agitator whos job is to motivate people who dont work to get out and complain about the government not getting them more free government handouts at the expense of hard working taxpayers. Yes Palin will be our next President. She has a record of accomplishments like the partial ones I have dug up and posted. You liberals are scared to death of her. At least we know she is a Natural Born Citizen with a Birth Certificate who knows what hospital she was born in.
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Hey Tea Bagger Ted...........

What has Obama done? Health care reform, Wall St. reform, running 2 wars left behind by Bush Jr.

And he's only been in office a year and a half, and has done more than just about any other president.

The Wasilla Chihuahua hasn't done shit except run away from her job that she fucked up.

BTW Ted, anyone can copy and paste. You apparently can't think enough for yourself to defend Palin. don't think Palin could have followed the Bush playbook like 0bama has? My guess is she could have done it with ease and better. 0bama will go down as the worst President just below Carter.

In Carter's defense, he at least didn't INTEND to do damage. I think he really thought he was doing good for the country, and when he gave his mea culpa speech, I felt true sincerity that he felt bad that he had not been a competent leader. I think he wanted to be a good President. He just didn't have the ability. I have never questioned his character.

With Obama, I don't think he has the ability. But I also am becoming increasingly concerned that his motives are less than pure and do not include the best interests of the country. I hope beyond hope that I am wrong about that.

I only within the last few years questioned Carter's character. Now, I'm convinced he is not only a fool, but a rabid anti-semite and a fairly hateful person. IMHO. don't think Palin could have followed the Bush playbook like 0bama has? My guess is she could have done it with ease and better. 0bama will go down as the worst President just below Carter.

In Carter's defense, he at least didn't INTEND to do damage. I think he really thought he was doing good for the country, and when he gave his mea culpa speech, I felt true sincerity that he felt bad that he had not been a competent leader. I think he wanted to be a good President. He just didn't have the ability. I have never questioned his character.

With Obama, I don't think he has the ability. But I also am becoming increasingly concerned that his motives are less than pure and do not include the best interests of the country. I hope beyond hope that I am wrong about that.

I only within the last few years questioned Carter's character. Now, I'm convinced he is not only a fool, but a rabid anti-semite and a fairly hateful person. IMHO.

Yes he is an anti-semite but that comes somewhat from his generation and possibly from his fundamentalist religious background. And I think maybe some senility has crept in that triggers angry responses and hostile reactions. He says stuff now that he just didn't say and I think he just didn't think when he was in his 40's and 50's. So yeah, I have been really exasperated as he has become ever more irrational and belligerant in his old age, but that is a different man than Carter was when he was President.

Some people change for the better and I think they deserve props for that. And some change for the worse but that should not negate all of the better times. There was a time when I admired Al Gore. The first time I really noticed him was when he was on the floor of Congress eloquently urging his collegues to rally behind George H.W. Bush and support Desert Storm. He was positively magnificent. But I can't stand him now.
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She's comedy fodder, I don't hate her but the Repugs who feel she messed up McCain's campaign hate her. No Dems hate Palin like Repugs hate Obama. caveman is not very smart.
You actually believe that?


Do you believe Obama quit or vacated his Senate post?
He stopped being a Senator, didn't he?

Not that he was a very good one. How often did he vote "present", anyway? :lol:
It's funny the way you folks claim you don't have any irrational hatred for Palin. :lol:

I've been saying for a while that one of the reasons Liberal "males" suffer so badly from PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) is penis envy because Sarah is more of a man than almost every Liberal "male". She hunts, she camps out, she can filed dress game.

I do believe you're right. :lol:
The Obama has got to be the most unqualified person EVER to be elected President, yet the left like to say Palin, a mayor and then Governor is "unfit and unqualified.

you just gotta laugh your ass off.:lol::lol::lol:
Hey Tea Bagger Ted...........

What has Obama done? Health care reform, Wall St. reform, running 2 wars left behind by Bush Jr.

And he's only been in office a year and a half, and has done more than just about any other president.

The Wasilla Chihuahua hasn't done shit except run away from her job that she fucked up.

BTW Ted, anyone can copy and paste. You apparently can't think enough for yourself to defend Palin.
Hey if Palin hasn't done shit then how do you explain her record which gave her a 80 to 90 % approval rating? Also Obama rammed health care down America's throat and the majority of Americans didn't want it after Palin exposed the death panels. Wall Street is still in shambles and the deficit if staggering since the democrats took control 2 years before Bush exited the office. That's almost 4 years of democrat control now. Obama is a constitution hater. He wants to give illegals amnesty and he is against Arizonas new law to find illegals and deport them and he wants to impose cap and trade that will decimate the oil and gas industry that I am in. He is letting the Gulf be ruined on purpose so he can ram it through. Your mentality is that of a communist sympathizer and not of a American Patriot like Sarah Palin who is proud of and loves her country. Obama will not stand a chance for a second term. He is finished and his poll numbers that are very negative and in fact are the lowest in history of any President in his first year and a half in Office. That is terrible. The man never operated or managed a business unlike Palin who did. He is just a community agitator whos job is to motivate people who dont work to get out and complain about the government not getting them more free government handouts at the expense of hard working taxpayers. Yes Palin will be our next President. She has a record of accomplishments like the partial ones I have dug up and posted. You liberals are scared to death of her. At least we know she is a Natural Born Citizen with a Birth Certificate who knows what hospital she was born in.

Hey shit for brains........ANYONE will like you if you get them free checks from the oil companies because you sold out your state and didn't tell the people.

As far as being a communist sympathizer? 20 years of service in the Navy, after serving in 4 war zones and retiring would beg to differ on that count. What have YOU done for this country? I defended it cocksmoker.

And, if Palin is so smart, why the fuck did she confuse Eureka CA (that doesn't have a college) with the one that does?

No wonder everyone thinks she's retarded. And yeah......if you know that sorry bitch, you can tell her that A Biker Sailor says that the Wasilla Chihuahua is a fucking retarded bitch.
It's funny watching the tolerant, inclusive, and feminist left get all misogynistic about conservative women. :lol:

No it's funny how the right promotes anti-intellectualism as a virtue.

One wonders where you came up with that. I thought we were supposed to avoid intolerance, sexism and bigotry.

We already know the left doesn't avoid them. And that makes us anti-intellectual how?

Oh, I see...all intellectuals are bigoted, intolerant sexists.
Hey Tea Bagger Ted...........

What has Obama done? Health care reform, Wall St. reform, running 2 wars left behind by Bush Jr.

And he's only been in office a year and a half, and has done more than just about any other president.

The Wasilla Chihuahua hasn't done shit except run away from her job that she fucked up.

BTW Ted, anyone can copy and paste. You apparently can't think enough for yourself to defend Palin.
Hey if Palin hasn't done shit then how do you explain her record which gave her a 80 to 90 % approval rating?

Question, any idea what her ratings are now? lolololol

You sir are a certified ass. Good luck and god bless.
Yeah.......Palin's numbers were good while she was still in a position to lie effectively.

When she went national? People started to see through her bullshit.

Yeah Tea Bagger Ted, what ARE Palin's numbers now? Do Alaskans look back favorably or unfavorably on her 1/2 term as Governor?
Hey Tea Bagger Ted...........

What has Obama done? Health care reform, Wall St. reform, running 2 wars left behind by Bush Jr.

And he's only been in office a year and a half, and has done more than just about any other president.

The Wasilla Chihuahua hasn't done shit except run away from her job that she fucked up.

BTW Ted, anyone can copy and paste. You apparently can't think enough for yourself to defend Palin.
Hey if Palin hasn't done shit then how do you explain her record which gave her a 80 to 90 % approval rating? Also Obama rammed health care down America's throat and the majority of Americans didn't want it after Palin exposed the death panels. Wall Street is still in shambles and the deficit if staggering since the democrats took control 2 years before Bush exited the office. That's almost 4 years of democrat control now. Obama is a constitution hater. He wants to give illegals amnesty and he is against Arizonas new law to find illegals and deport them and he wants to impose cap and trade that will decimate the oil and gas industry that I am in. He is letting the Gulf be ruined on purpose so he can ram it through. Your mentality is that of a communist sympathizer and not of a American Patriot like Sarah Palin who is proud of and loves her country. Obama will not stand a chance for a second term. He is finished and his poll numbers that are very negative and in fact are the lowest in history of any President in his first year and a half in Office. That is terrible. The man never operated or managed a business unlike Palin who did. He is just a community agitator whos job is to motivate people who dont work to get out and complain about the government not getting them more free government handouts at the expense of hard working taxpayers. Yes Palin will be our next President. She has a record of accomplishments like the partial ones I have dug up and posted. You liberals are scared to death of her. At least we know she is a Natural Born Citizen with a Birth Certificate who knows what hospital she was born in.

Hey shit for brains........ANYONE will like you if you get them free checks from the oil companies because you sold out your state and didn't tell the people.

As far as being a communist sympathizer? 20 years of service in the Navy, after serving in 4 war zones and retiring would beg to differ on that count. What have YOU done for this country? I defended it cocksmoker.

And, if Palin is so smart, why the fuck did she confuse Eureka CA (that doesn't have a college) with the one that does?

No wonder everyone thinks she's retarded. And yeah......if you know that sorry bitch, you can tell her that A Biker Sailor says that the Wasilla Chihuahua is a fucking retarded bitch.

Hey, c'mon now, you have to give her some credit. She did manage to parlay a low paying going nowhere public service job into a lucrative position in the entertainment industry.

And I'm sure her stint as a beauty pageant bimbo did help her in learning how to work a crowd.
What is braggable about Palin?

She's a whiny bitchy little woman who only speaks out from Facebook or carefully orchestrated rallies.

She won't let anyone with a dissenting opinion get close to her, because she knows she'd get slaughtered.
What is braggable about Palin?

She's a whiny bitchy little woman who only speaks out from Facebook or carefully orchestrated rallies.

She won't let anyone with a dissenting opinion get close to her, because she knows she'd get slaughtered.

I'm no fan of Palin, but you don't have anything to brag about with Barry. See the irony?.
Palin Speaks at California Campus Amid Controversy - ABC News

She will do fine, as long as no one asks her any tough questions, meaning, anything beyond her name and age.


Yea, because we all know the Hussein is willing to answer tough questions isn't he? How many open press confrences has he given as Prez? How many town hall debates did he attend with McCain? :eusa_shhh:

You libs can do nothing now but deflect attention from the Chimpanzee-in-Chief. He is quickly passing Carter as becoming the worst President in our history.

Carry on dipshits, it is quite entertaining. :lol:
Hey Tea Bagger Ted...........

What has Obama done? Health care reform, Wall St. reform, running 2 wars left behind by Bush Jr.

And he's only been in office a year and a half, and has done more than just about any other president.

The Wasilla Chihuahua hasn't done shit except run away from her job that she fucked up.

BTW Ted, anyone can copy and paste. You apparently can't think enough for yourself to defend Palin.
Hey if Palin hasn't done shit then how do you explain her record which gave her a 80 to 90 % approval rating? Also Obama rammed health care down America's throat and the majority of Americans didn't want it after Palin exposed the death panels. Wall Street is still in shambles and the deficit if staggering since the democrats took control 2 years before Bush exited the office. That's almost 4 years of democrat control now. Obama is a constitution hater. He wants to give illegals amnesty and he is against Arizonas new law to find illegals and deport them and he wants to impose cap and trade that will decimate the oil and gas industry that I am in. He is letting the Gulf be ruined on purpose so he can ram it through. Your mentality is that of a communist sympathizer and not of a American Patriot like Sarah Palin who is proud of and loves her country. Obama will not stand a chance for a second term. He is finished and his poll numbers that are very negative and in fact are the lowest in history of any President in his first year and a half in Office. That is terrible. The man never operated or managed a business unlike Palin who did. He is just a community agitator whos job is to motivate people who dont work to get out and complain about the government not getting them more free government handouts at the expense of hard working taxpayers. Yes Palin will be our next President. She has a record of accomplishments like the partial ones I have dug up and posted. You liberals are scared to death of her. At least we know she is a Natural Born Citizen with a Birth Certificate who knows what hospital she was born in.

Hey shit for brains........ANYONE will like you if you get them free checks from the oil companies because you sold out your state and didn't tell the people.

As far as being a communist sympathizer? 20 years of service in the Navy, after serving in 4 war zones and retiring would beg to differ on that count. What have YOU done for this country? I defended it cocksmoker.

And, if Palin is so smart, why the fuck did she confuse Eureka CA (that doesn't have a college) with the one that does?

No wonder everyone thinks she's retarded. And yeah......if you know that sorry bitch, you can tell her that A Biker Sailor says that the Wasilla Chihuahua is a fucking retarded bitch.
Yes you are a communist sympathizer of Obama. It wasn't Palin who got Eureka wrong, it was her speach writer who was confused and not Palins fault. Simple mistake and no big deal as communist sypathizing libs like you want to make it out as. What have I done for my country? Drilled for oil and gas to help supply the petroleum to hall your ass around in military vehicles for the war effort.
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It's funny watching the tolerant, inclusive, and feminist left get all misogynistic about conservative women. :lol:

No it's funny how the right promotes anti-intellectualism as a virtue.

One wonders where you came up with that. I thought we were supposed to avoid intolerance, sexism and bigotry.

We already know the left doesn't avoid them. And that makes us anti-intellectual how?

Oh, I see...all intellectuals are bigoted, intolerant sexists.

You just don't understand noo-onts. That means liberals can say whatever hateful, intolerant, misogynistic thing they want, and turn around and condemn others for the exact same thing.

Yeah, I know. I don't see how they live with themselves, either. :confused:

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