Palin speaks at California campus amid controversy

we love Palin and her Eureka moments. Please don't make me spit coffee on my computer screen telling me she could get your nomination.
It's funny the way you folks claim you don't have any irrational hatred for Palin. :lol:

I've been saying for a while that one of the reasons Liberal "males" suffer so badly from PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) is penis envy because Sarah is more of a man than almost every Liberal "male". She hunts, she camps out, she can filed dress game.
Obama went to the "how can I be broke? I still have blank checks!!!" school of financial management.

Now he went on the G20 world stage & said don't stop now, keep spending this socialist power party is just getting started. How can we be broke? I still have the printing press!!!
It's funny the way you folks claim you don't have any irrational hatred for Palin. :lol:

I've been saying for a while that one of the reasons Liberal "males" suffer so badly from PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) is penis envy because Sarah is more of a man than almost every Liberal "male". She hunts, she camps out, she can filed dress game.

Shut the fuck up, nobody is envious of clueless woman who looks pretty yet is unqualified and unfit to be president and has abused their little bit power they had while a govenor. The average housewife is better than Palin. I'll never forget that Katie Couric interview where she could even answer a fucking question and stick to the topic, thats to be envied? Some dickheaded men are blind to reality just because they see a cute face and nice legs in a dress.
It's funny the way you folks claim you don't have any irrational hatred for Palin. :lol:

I've been saying for a while that one of the reasons Liberal "males" suffer so badly from PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) is penis envy because Sarah is more of a man than almost every Liberal "male". She hunts, she camps out, she can filed dress game.

Shut the fuck up, nobody is envious of clueless woman who looks pretty yet is unqualified and unfit to be president and has abused their little bit power they had while a govenor. The average housewife is better than Palin. I'll never forget that Katie Couric interview where she could even answer a fucking question and stick to the topic, thats to be envied? Some dickheaded men are blind to reality just because they see a cute face and nice legs in a dress.
Once again, prove what a hater you are. Keep it up, you prove the conservatives point that the hate comes from the left. :lol:
I've been saying for a while that one of the reasons Liberal "males" suffer so badly from PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) is penis envy because Sarah is more of a man than almost every Liberal "male". She hunts, she camps out, she can filed dress game.

Shut the fuck up, nobody is envious of clueless woman who looks pretty yet is unqualified and unfit to be president and has abused their little bit power they had while a govenor. The average housewife is better than Palin. I'll never forget that Katie Couric interview where she could even answer a fucking question and stick to the topic, thats to be envied? Some dickheaded men are blind to reality just because they see a cute face and nice legs in a dress.
Once again, prove what a hater you are. Keep it up, you prove the conservatives point that the hate comes from the left. :lol:

Thats not hate you asswipe, pull youre head out your ass, those are facts, even most Republicans don't think she's qualified to be President and she couldn't give straight fucking answers to Couric, she look unprepared and bewildered.
It's funny the way you folks claim you don't have any irrational hatred for Palin. :lol:

I've been saying for a while that one of the reasons Liberal "males" suffer so badly from PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) is penis envy because Sarah is more of a man than almost every Liberal "male". She hunts, she camps out, she can filed dress game.

Shut the fuck up, nobody is envious of clueless woman who looks pretty yet is unqualified and unfit to be president and has abused their little bit power they had while a govenor. The average housewife is better than Palin. I'll never forget that Katie Couric interview where she could even answer a fucking question and stick to the topic, thats to be envied? Some dickheaded men are blind to reality just because they see a cute face and nice legs in a dress.

Hey Flayo, If she is clueless then how did she beat a incumbent governor and a former governor who both were polished seasoned politicians? Debunk this record:

Governor Sarah Palin’s Accomplishments

Energy Independence, Development, and Environmental Stewardship

*Governor Palin’s cornerstone accomplishment is AGIA (Alaska Gasline Inducement Act). During the Palin administration, TransCanada and Exxon formed an alliance to build a natural gas pipeline from Alaska to the Lower 48. Under Governor Palin’s governance, the project was expanded and revised from what previous governors had proposed with an open policy process for the Alaskan people. More progress was made on this effort than in the previous 30 years. This is the largest private sector infrastructure project in North American history and helps put us on the path to energy independence.

*Governor Palin’s administration opened up drilling for oil and natural gas at Pt. Thompson for the first time in decades.

*Governor Palin created the Alaska’s Petroleum Integrity Office to oversee all aspects of energy development and to make sure oilfield equipment was safe to operate and a Climate Change Subcabinet to comprehensively and honestly evaluate climate change.

Fiscal Conservatism

*Governor Palin reduced earmark requests for the state of Alaska by 80% during her administration, requesting only earmarks that would benefit the country as a whole.

* Governor Palin reduced spending in her budget for Fiscal Year 2010 by more than one billion dollars from the previous governor’s Fiscal Year 2007 budget, a 9.5% real reduction in spending. Her FY2010 budget was $10.57 billion compared to Governor Murkowski’s FY2007 budget of nearly $11.7 billion. At the same time, she fulfilled her campaign promise to forward fund education, allowing districts greater flexibility and predictability in their planning.

*Governor Palin opposed much of the "stimulus", wanting only to accept 55% of the money allocated to Alaska, specifically only dollars dedicated to infrastructure [projects. Although the Alaskan legislature ultimately overturned her veto, she stood firm on her commitment to help Alaska to become more self-sufficient while not adding to not add to the skyrocketing national debt.

* Governor Palin invested $5 billion in state savings.

Walking the Walk on Fiscal Responsibility

*Governor Palin sold the private jet purchased by the previous governor. She state it was an unnecessary financial burden on the state and was unable to land on many of the state’s landing strips.

* To cut costs that would be incurred by continuing to use a personal driver like previous governors, the governor drove herself from Wasilla to her office in Anchorage. She also dismissed the governor’s personal chef stationed in Juneau, Alaska’s capital.

* Governor Palin accepted less state per diem for herself and her family than her predecessors even though she had a larger family.

10th Amendment Advocacy/Promotion of State Constitution

*Showing that she is a strong supporter of the 10th amendment, Governor Palin advocated for the sovereignty of the state of Alaska.

*Governor Palin’s administration sued the federal government for placing the polar bear on the endangered species list, as this restriction affected energy development which would increase energy costs.

*A Constitutionalist, Governor Palin signed Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share (ACES) bill into law. The Alaska constitution states that the Alaskan people own the oil and other resources. This law ensures that the "owners", the people of Alaska, receive a clear and equitable share of oil profits.

National Defense/Veterans

*Governor Palin supported ground-based missile defense Ft Greely and other Alaskan Bases around to protect America from America’s enemies. She criticized the Obama administration for cuts that they made to this national defense system.

*Governor Palin, with Senators Murkowski and Begich, fought for retirement benefits from the federal government that were due to the Alaska Territorial Guard members who fought during World War II. These benefits were eventually rewarded to these veterans by the federal government.

* Governor Palin visited Alaskan soldiers in Kosovo and Kuwait.


*Governor Palin signed bipartisan ethics reform legislation into law that helped to hold both the legislative and executive branches accountable.

*Governor Palin put the state checkbook online, allowing all constituents to see how state money was being spent.

Health Care

*Governor Palin introduced health care transparency legislation which aimed at putting information in the hands of consumers about cost and quality of health care as a way to make health care consumer driven and accessible.

Sanctity and Dignity of All Life

* Governor Palin strongly supported both parental consent and parental notification legislation.

*Governor Palin increased educational funding for special needs’ children.

*Governor Palin implemented the Senior Benefits Program to support low income seniors.

Positions Held while Governor

* Chairman of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission.

*Vice Chair of the National Governors Association Natural Resource Committee.

* She served as chair of the Alaska Conservation Commission, which regulates Alaska’s most valuable non-renewable resources: oil and gas. She was elected by her peers to serve as president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors. In this role, she worked with local, state and federal officials to promote solutions to the needs of Alaska’s communities.

She exposed legal violations and conflicts of interest of Alaska Republican leaders, including the former state Attorney General and the State GOP Chairman (who was also an Oil & Gas Commissioner), who was doing work for the party on public time and supplying a lobbyist with a sensitive e-mail. Several went to jail.

Governor Palin signed several pieces of legislation and resolutions during July 2009. They were:

•SB-125: Encourage aerospace development in AK
•SB-177: Extend sunset for sport fishing guides and address harvest data collection
•Pro-energy development and missile defense resolutions

HJR-27: Alaska a Sovereign State
HJR-25: Hydro-Electric a Renewable Resource
HJR-28: Oppose Federal Restriction on Oil and Gas Development
HJR-12: Support Missile Defense System
•SB-88: Power cost equalization
•Defending Second Amendment rights.

SB-201: Extends Concealed Carry Permit Expiration to 5 Years from Birthday
HJR-17: Urges Congress not to pass HR-45.The federal legislation would put burdensome licensing and registration controls on individual gun owners.
SJR-10: Urges Congress to pass S-371. The legislation was to ensure that citizens of each state who are licensed or authorized by their home state to carry a concealed weapon, could do so in another state as long as they comply with the laws of that state.
SJR-3: The resolution expresses support to Congress for repealing the ban on carrying a firearm on National Park Service lands.
•SB-3 Requiring information sharing between two agencies.
•HRJ-19 Supports requirement of escort for loaded tankers traversing Prince William Sound.
•The Governor appointed 29 people to boards, commissions and councils and made three judicial appointments between July 6, 2009 and July 26, 2009.

Governor Palin's total appointments for 2009 was123, including 116 to boards, commissions and councils, five judicial appointments, one legislative and one attorney general. Governor Palin averaged one appointment every 1.67 days during 2009.
•The Governor vetoed $28.6 million in stimulus money that would have involved federal interference with the state of Alaska.
Governor Palin signed bills removing experience caps on teacher's salaries and extending boat safety programs.

Governor Palin signed legislation that gave struggling charter schools a one-year grace period to increase enrollments or integrate with other charter schools. She also signed legislation that authorizes Alaska "to enroll in the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children."

Governor Palin signed legislation granting birth certificates for stillborn babies

Governor Palin signed legislation authorizing the state to fund retirement benefits for Alaska Territorial Guard veterans. The federal government ceased funding benefits on April 1, 2009

Governor Palin signed legislation safeguarding student loans

Sarah Palin was Commander of the Alaska National Guard. Alaska is the first line of defense in our missile interceptor defense system. The 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard is the first line of defense unit that protects the entire nation from ballistic missile attacks. It’s on permanent active duty, unlike other Guard units in the United States. As governor of Alaska, Palin was briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counterterrorism daily.

Governor Palin was the commander in chief of the Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF), a federally recognized militia incorporated into Homeland Security's counterterrorism plans
Palin might be a bit fuzzy on some aspects of geography and history, but then she works from her own memory and not from notes prepared by a huge staff of researchers who keep her updated with a teleprompter. Obama had all that stuff and still he indignantly criticized the war plan that wasn't transferring Arabic linguists to Afghanistan where they were really needed despite the fact that Arabic is not spoken in Afghanistan.

He made a number of Gaffes like that which were blown off by his throng of worshipers as inconsequential because he after all was the second coming.

Wouldn't it be a great world if the Left were half as tolerant of those with a different point of view as they are of their exalted dieties?

One thing Sarah Palin has on her side that I don't think Obama will ever have though. She is a woman of conviction and can articulate her convictions. Obama articulates the politically expedient conviction and does that poorly if he doesn't have a teleprompter.

She is also a manager. She is an administrator. She gets stuff done and doesn't take days, weeks, months to make up her mind that something needs to be done and her instincts of how to get it done are pretty good. Even her worst enemies in Alaska acknowledge that.

Obama is perhaps the very worst administrator/manager that we have EVER had as President.
Shut the fuck up, nobody is envious of clueless woman who looks pretty yet is unqualified and unfit to be president and has abused their little bit power they had while a govenor. The average housewife is better than Palin. I'll never forget that Katie Couric interview where she could even answer a fucking question and stick to the topic, thats to be envied? Some dickheaded men are blind to reality just because they see a cute face and nice legs in a dress.
Once again, prove what a hater you are. Keep it up, you prove the conservatives point that the hate comes from the left. :lol:

Thats not hate you asswipe, pull youre head out your ass, those are facts, even most Republicans don't think she's qualified to be President and she couldn't give straight fucking answers to Couric, she look unprepared and bewildered.

You sound like a hater to me. :eusa_whistle:
Hey Tea Bagger Ted...........

What has Obama done? Health care reform, Wall St. reform, running 2 wars left behind by Bush Jr.

And he's only been in office a year and a half, and has done more than just about any other president.

The Wasilla Chihuahua hasn't done shit except run away from her job that she fucked up.

BTW Ted, anyone can copy and paste. You apparently can't think enough for yourself to defend Palin.
Hey Tea Bagger Ted...........

What has Obama done? Health care reform, Wall St. reform, running 2 wars left behind by Bush Jr.

And he's only been in office a year and a half, and has done more than just about any other president.

The Wasilla Chihuahua hasn't done shit except run away from her job that she fucked up.

BTW Ted, anyone can copy and paste. You apparently can't think enough for yourself to defend Palin.

Oh he's done stuff. And not one thing he promised would happen as a result of it has proved to be true and nobody, and I do mean nobody, believes anything they have done to date will accomplish what it was supposed to do. And he's on track to add 14 trillion dollars to the National Debt should he serve for a full eight years if he doesn't get the cap and trade bill through--it could be much worse if they do that piece of crap legislation which also will not accomplish much of anything it is supposed to do but will ensure the economy doesn't recover for a very long time if ever.

For the life of me I can't understand how some people are still supporting this current bunch except for those who are being supported and think their best chance to continue to be supported is by keeping the current bunch in office.

But Palin's record as mayor of Wasilla and governor of Alaska does include some significant legislation all of which accomplished what it was billed to accomplish. No amount of prejudice or criticism of her can take that away from her.

I wish she had finished her term as governor too. The fact that she didn't does put a question in my mind whether she is emotionally tough enough to withstand the pressures of the Presidency and I probably would prefer others over her to run for that office.

But I have no questions about her intelligence, her honesty of her convictions, or her managerial abilities. She's good there.
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Hey Tea Bagger Ted...........

What has Obama done? Health care reform, Wall St. reform, running 2 wars left behind by Bush Jr.

And he's only been in office a year and a half, and has done more than just about any other president.

The Wasilla Chihuahua hasn't done shit except run away from her job that she fucked up.

BTW Ted, anyone can copy and paste. You apparently can't think enough for yourself to defend Palin. don't think Palin could have followed the Bush playbook like 0bama has? My guess is she could have done it with ease and better. 0bama will go down as the worst President just below Carter.
Meanwhile... Joe "hoof-n-mouth" Biden treats custard guy like he's some piece of shit, now does a 180 from his "Stimulus Great" stance and says fuck it.. we're NEVER gonna get the jobs this admin has pissed away back (despite the 2 trillion spent to "save" the economy) and Obama is off eating.. again. Unfuckingbelievable.
Hey Tea Bagger Ted...........

What has Obama done? Health care reform, Wall St. reform, running 2 wars left behind by Bush Jr.

And he's only been in office a year and a half, and has done more than just about any other president.

The Wasilla Chihuahua hasn't done shit except run away from her job that she fucked up.

BTW Ted, anyone can copy and paste. You apparently can't think enough for yourself to defend Palin. don't think Palin could have followed the Bush playbook like 0bama has? My guess is she could have done it with ease and better. 0bama will go down as the worst President just below Carter.

In Carter's defense, he at least didn't INTEND to do damage. I think he really thought he was doing good for the country, and when he gave his mea culpa speech, I felt true sincerity that he felt bad that he had not been a competent leader. I think he wanted to be a good President. He just didn't have the ability. I have never questioned his character.

With Obama, I don't think he has the ability. But I also am becoming increasingly concerned that his motives are less than pure and do not include the best interests of the country. I hope beyond hope that I am wrong about that.

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