Palin slams W.H. on Libya response


Why should we shoot down any aircraft that is nor firing on our civilians?

For the same reason we should have protected the Tutsi in Rwanda.

Because murder is murder and if you have the ability to stop murder, you have a responsibility to do so.

So in other words you want your income taxes doubled so that the US military can be big enough to prevent a murder from ever happening around the world?

Don't worry we're going in that direction, if your grandchildren share your view they'll be ecstatic.

They won't raise taxes, they'll just increase the deficit and national debt.
For the same reason we should have protected the Tutsi in Rwanda.
Because murder is murder and if you have the ability to stop murder, you have a responsibility to do so.
The obvious response is that we -don't- have the ability to stop murder all across the globe.

We may have the ability to stop it in certain times and places, but that in no way creates an imperative that we stop it in all times and places.

Palin is mostly wrong. The US response to what's going on in Libya is mostly what it should be - that is, nothing, until such a time that the situation clears up and/or a threat to the national interest surfaces. Neither has happened.

This is not to say that The Obama has acted wisely - His lack of action is really a lack of ability TO act, rather than a conscious choice of restriant.
You would think with Libya being so close to Obama's home country of Kenya, he would know a little about about it. :cuckoo:

Hey stupid...........Libya is on the northernmost edge of Africa bordering the Med.

Kenya is BELOW SOMALIA and borders the Indian Ocean.

Africa is a big country ya idiot.

Besides, you drooling moron, Obama was born in Hawaii.

Africa is a Continent.

For the gaybiker :anj_stfu::night::321:
For the same reason we should have protected the Tutsi in Rwanda.

Because murder is murder and if you have the ability to stop murder, you have a responsibility to do so.

So in other words you want your income taxes doubled so that the US military can be big enough to prevent a murder from ever happening around the world?

Don't worry we're going in that direction, if your grandchildren share your view they'll be ecstatic.

They won't raise taxes, they'll just increase the deficit and national debt.

United States Sixth Fleet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Palin's right...we should be doing more...if Obama wants to be a great leader, he is going to have to learn to lead.

And what exactly can the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil teach Obama about leadership?

How to quit halfway when the going gets tough? Real leaders don't quit.

How to be petty and childish? No, we need a president who can act like a grownup.

How to Facebook? I'm pretty sure Obama is more internet savvy than Palin.

What "leadership lessons" can Palin give? That's right..........none.

Just so you know..... Palin is not the POTUS, so her lack of knowledge on international relations is of no consequence. However, Obama has shown himself to be a blundering fucking idiot during a time when we really can not afford to have a blundering fucking idiot in the WH.
So the wingnut crowd supported Mubarak, our friend, but won't support Khadaffi,

our other friend?

All for the sake of trying to get on the opposite side of the president on the issue?
Palin's right...we should be doing more...if Obama wants to be a great leader, he is going to have to learn to lead.

And what exactly can the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil teach Obama about leadership?

How to quit halfway when the going gets tough? Real leaders don't quit.

How to be petty and childish? No, we need a president who can act like a grownup.

How to Facebook? I'm pretty sure Obama is more internet savvy than Palin.

What "leadership lessons" can Palin give? That's right..........none.

Just so you know..... Palin is not the POTUS, so her lack of knowledge on international relations is of no consequence. However, Obama has shown himself to be a blundering fucking idiot during a time when we really can not afford to have a blundering fucking idiot in the WH.

I do not agree. Sarah Palin has been spot on regarding foreign affairs, compared to Barak Hussein Obama who has been a roving idiot on it. He has supported america's enemies and chastized america's friends.
So the wingnut crowd supported Mubarak, our friend, but won't support Khadaffi,

our other friend?

All for the sake of trying to get on the opposite side of the president on the issue?

Are yopu aware the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama's new love child, assassinated Sadat, and is a terrorist organization? This is who Obama's has helped bring into power.
The threat: The Muslim Brotherhood | Homeland Security News Wire

The Muslim Brotherhood, established in Egypt in the 1920s, is described by one scholar as "the mothership for the jihadi ideologies and thinking--- therefore one can say today's Al Qaeda, and today many other jihadists, are off shoots of the Muslim Brotherhood"; among the Brotherhood's graduates: Al Qaeda's number two leader, the Egyptian doctor Ayman al-Zawahiri who was imprisoned for three years on weapons charges following President Anwar Sadat's assassination in 1981; Hamas, the terror network behind suicide bombings and rocket attacks in Israel; the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, whose goal is the destruction of Israel

...Walid Phares, who is a terrorism analyst for FOX News, has studied the Muslim Brotherhood. Phares says its history shows that the group is not secular and not moderate.

“The Muslim Brotherhood is the mothership for the jihadi ideologies and thinking. And therefore one can say today’s Al Qaeda, and today many other jihadists, are off shoots of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
The threat: The Muslim Brotherhood | Homeland Security News Wire

The Muslim Brotherhood, established in Egypt in the 1920s, is described by one scholar as "the mothership for the jihadi ideologies and thinking--- therefore one can say today's Al Qaeda, and today many other jihadists, are off shoots of the Muslim Brotherhood"; among the Brotherhood's graduates: Al Qaeda's number two leader, the Egyptian doctor Ayman al-Zawahiri who was imprisoned for three years on weapons charges following President Anwar Sadat's assassination in 1981; Hamas, the terror network behind suicide bombings and rocket attacks in Israel; the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, whose goal is the destruction of Israel

...Walid Phares, who is a terrorism analyst for FOX News, has studied the Muslim Brotherhood. Phares says its history shows that the group is not secular and not moderate.

Did you ever bother to think about why az-Zawahiri left the Ikhwan?

This is the group that assassinated Sadat:

Egyptian Islamic Jihad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“The Muslim Brotherhood is the mothership for the jihadi ideologies and thinking. And therefore one can say today’s Al Qaeda, and today many other jihadists, are off shoots of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Somebody doesn't know much about al-Qa'idah's origins. :lol:
Are yopu aware the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama's new love child, assassinated Sadat

I'm afraid they didn't...

I'm sorry, I know your group would like to claim credit.

The Muslim Brotherhood

The Brotherhood's founder, al-Banna, was a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. During the 1930s, the Brotherhood became more political in nature and an officially political group in 1939. Over the years, the organization developed an apparatus through which to provide military training to its followers and to engage in political terrorism against Egyptian Coptic Christians and government officials.

In 1942, during World War II, Hassan al-Banna set up more Brotherhood branches in Transjordan and Palestine. The headquarters of the Syrian branch moved to Damascus in 1944. After World War II, Egyptian members took violent action against King Farouk’s government. When the organization was banned in Egypt, hundreds moved to Transjordan. Many also participated in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-1949.

The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood initially supported Gamal Abd an-Nasser's secular government and cooperated with it, but resisted left-wing influences. A Muslim Brother assassinated Egyptian Prime Minister Mahmud Fahmi Nokrashi on December 28, 1948. The Brotherhood was banned, and al-Banna himself was killed by government agents in Cairo in February 1949.

Muslim Brother Abdul Munim Abdul Rauf allegedly tried to kill Nasser on October 26, 1954. The Brotherhood was outlawed again and more than 4,000 of its members were imprisoned, including Sayyid Qutb, who later became the most influential intellectual of the group. He wrote influential books while in prison. More members moved to Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Syria.

...Nasser legalized the Brotherhood again in 1964, and released all prisoners. After claiming more assassination attempts against him, he had leaders executed in 1966 and imprisoned most others again.

Nasser's successor in Egypt, Anwar Sadat, promised reforms, and that he would implement Shariah. However, Sadat's peace treaty with Israel in 1979 angered the Brotherhood, which led to his assassination in 1981.
The threat: The Muslim Brotherhood | Homeland Security News Wire

The Muslim Brotherhood, established in Egypt in the 1920s, is described by one scholar as "the mothership for the jihadi ideologies and thinking--- therefore one can say today's Al Qaeda, and today many other jihadists, are off shoots of the Muslim Brotherhood"; among the Brotherhood's graduates: Al Qaeda's number two leader, the Egyptian doctor Ayman al-Zawahiri who was imprisoned for three years on weapons charges following President Anwar Sadat's assassination in 1981; Hamas, the terror network behind suicide bombings and rocket attacks in Israel; the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, whose goal is the destruction of Israel

...Walid Phares, who is a terrorism analyst for FOX News, has studied the Muslim Brotherhood. Phares says its history shows that the group is not secular and not moderate.

Did you ever bother to think about why az-Zawahiri left the Ikhwan?

This is the group that assassinated Sadat:

Egyptian Islamic Jihad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“The Muslim Brotherhood is the mothership for the jihadi ideologies and thinking. And therefore one can say today’s Al Qaeda, and today many other jihadists, are off shoots of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Somebody doesn't know much about al-Qa'idah's origins. :lol:

Same shit.

Anwar Sadat Assassination - Why and How Egypt's Anwar Sadat was Assassinated on Oct. 6, 1981

The attackers included four enlisted men, an army major and a lieutenant. The major and two enlisted men were killed in the swarm around the reviewing stand, once other members of the military realized what was taking place. The rest were arrested. The attackers would eventually come to be identified as Islamist nationalists associated with the Muslim Brotherhood under the name of Islamic Jihad.

FBI: Muslim Brotherhood deeply rooted inside U.S.
Are yopu aware the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama's new love child, assassinated Sadat

I'm afraid they didn't...

I'm sorry, I know your group would like to claim credit.

The Muslim Brotherhood

The Brotherhood's founder, al-Banna, was a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. During the 1930s, the Brotherhood became more political in nature and an officially political group in 1939. Over the years, the organization developed an apparatus through which to provide military training to its followers and to engage in political terrorism against Egyptian Coptic Christians and government officials.

In 1942, during World War II, Hassan al-Banna set up more Brotherhood branches in Transjordan and Palestine. The headquarters of the Syrian branch moved to Damascus in 1944. After World War II, Egyptian members took violent action against King Farouk’s government. When the organization was banned in Egypt, hundreds moved to Transjordan. Many also participated in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-1949.

The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood initially supported Gamal Abd an-Nasser's secular government and cooperated with it, but resisted left-wing influences. A Muslim Brother assassinated Egyptian Prime Minister Mahmud Fahmi Nokrashi on December 28, 1948. The Brotherhood was banned, and al-Banna himself was killed by government agents in Cairo in February 1949.

Muslim Brother Abdul Munim Abdul Rauf allegedly tried to kill Nasser on October 26, 1954. The Brotherhood was outlawed again and more than 4,000 of its members were imprisoned, including Sayyid Qutb, who later became the most influential intellectual of the group. He wrote influential books while in prison. More members moved to Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Syria.

...Nasser legalized the Brotherhood again in 1964, and released all prisoners. After claiming more assassination attempts against him, he had leaders executed in 1966 and imprisoned most others again.

Nasser's successor in Egypt, Anwar Sadat, promised reforms, and that he would implement Shariah. However, Sadat's peace treaty with Israel in 1979 angered the Brotherhood, which led to his assassination in 1981.


I sure am glad the Jewish Virtual Library was able to clear that up for me.

The attackers included four enlisted men, an army major and a lieutenant. The major and two enlisted men were killed in the swarm around the reviewing stand, once other members of the military realized what was taking place. The rest were arrested. The attackers would eventually come to be identified as Islamist nationalists associated with the Muslim Brotherhood under the name of Islamic Jihad.

FBI: Muslim Brotherhood deeply rooted inside U.S.

World Net Daily? Are you trolling me with these ridiculous sources or do you actually expect anyone capable of critical thought to take their nonsense seriously? :lol:

Please demonstrate that the two groups were "associated."
I'm afraid they didn't...

I'm sorry, I know your group would like to claim credit.

The Muslim Brotherhood

The Brotherhood's founder, al-Banna, was a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. During the 1930s, the Brotherhood became more political in nature and an officially political group in 1939. Over the years, the organization developed an apparatus through which to provide military training to its followers and to engage in political terrorism against Egyptian Coptic Christians and government officials.

In 1942, during World War II, Hassan al-Banna set up more Brotherhood branches in Transjordan and Palestine. The headquarters of the Syrian branch moved to Damascus in 1944. After World War II, Egyptian members took violent action against King Farouk’s government. When the organization was banned in Egypt, hundreds moved to Transjordan. Many also participated in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-1949.

The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood initially supported Gamal Abd an-Nasser's secular government and cooperated with it, but resisted left-wing influences. A Muslim Brother assassinated Egyptian Prime Minister Mahmud Fahmi Nokrashi on December 28, 1948. The Brotherhood was banned, and al-Banna himself was killed by government agents in Cairo in February 1949.

Muslim Brother Abdul Munim Abdul Rauf allegedly tried to kill Nasser on October 26, 1954. The Brotherhood was outlawed again and more than 4,000 of its members were imprisoned, including Sayyid Qutb, who later became the most influential intellectual of the group. He wrote influential books while in prison. More members moved to Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Syria.

...Nasser legalized the Brotherhood again in 1964, and released all prisoners. After claiming more assassination attempts against him, he had leaders executed in 1966 and imprisoned most others again.

Nasser's successor in Egypt, Anwar Sadat, promised reforms, and that he would implement Shariah. However, Sadat's peace treaty with Israel in 1979 angered the Brotherhood, which led to his assassination in 1981.


I sure am glad the Jewish Virtual Library was able to clear that up for me.
I'm glad someone was able too :eusa_pray:

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