Palin daughter calls off engagement

What a crock of shit:

The world's 10 richest people have seen the global economic slump ravage their fortunes by almost a quarter.
Nine out of ten billionaires lost money over the past 12 months, with the average hit being 23 per cent of total wealth.
Tuff titty for them, has zilch to do with me. I'm secure and wealthy. Not in the game anymore. Make money with very little risk, as a hobby.

Where do you think some of their wealth is going?

And you act like I'm a slacker. I make over $75K. The reason I complain is because I see directly how GOPanomics has cost me about $15K a year.

And their policies cost me a huge chunk of my 401K. I don't know ANYONE that was smart enough to avoid taking a hit on their 401K

And how old are you that you can live the rest of your life off less than a million? Do you have a fucking pension that you live off? That would be a riot if you are talking all this shit and you are getting a pension. You would lose all credibility then. Explain how you are going to live the rest of your life on less than a million? I'm about to call BS on your story. Is this another Joe the Plumber?

So I was saving more before Bush fucked up the economy. When jobs are scarce, wages go lower. I was saying this back in 2004-2006 but braggards like you kept pointing to corporate profits and the stock market. You can't point to those things nowadays, so now you are making up some Joe the Plumber BS. And if you are telling the truth, you are soo rare its pathetic. So congrats if it is true, but I doubt it is.

And even if it is true, people like you make up 1% of our population? So all the stupid people on this site who vote GOP but didn't do what you did, are they stupid too?

Hey broke ass Republicans, Midnight is calling us all dumb.

And don't act like I'm stupid either Midnight. I'm doing quite well. I still make $75K, I'm about 4 years away from owning my condo on a lake, I have a 401K, I save the max roth every year, plus I have mutual funds/ira rollovers.

And so why aren't the investment people at these firms as smart as you Midnight?

No, you are either a liar or a lucky bastard. Either way, I don't think you are going to convince a lot of middle class people that this is the American dream, so keep it up. :clap2:
Come on Bobo.... It can't possibly take this long for even a moron like you to reply...

Its a lot harder to prove you are full of shit than it is for you to make up shit about the fantasy world you pretend to live in.

More people are renting because they have no downpayment (sic) and credit has been cut off to them. Renting is not the New American Dream, CBS, its (sic) the New American Reality for many.”

InvestorCentric: Has The American Dream Changed?

Fourth, we also know from recent experience that lower marginal rates on income taxes, and lower rates on capital gains and dividends, aren't necessarily wealth producers. The Bush years, which had lower marginal rates and capital gains taxes, were a fiasco. In fact, if you tally up the vast destruction of wealth in the late Bush years—caused by foolish hedge funds, investment banks, and other financial services companies, it seems like the wealthy have in fact been waging war on one another.

Great article called War on the Rich

Is Obama Declaring War on the Wealthy? | Newsweek Voices - Daniel Gross |
What a crock of shit:

The world's 10 richest people have seen the global economic slump ravage their fortunes by almost a quarter.
Nine out of ten billionaires lost money over the past 12 months, with the average hit being 23 per cent of total wealth.
Tuff titty for them, has zilch to do with me. I'm secure and wealthy. Not in the game anymore. Make money with very little risk, as a hobby.

Where do you think some of their wealth is going?

And you act like I'm a slacker. I make over $75K. The reason I complain is because I see directly how GOPanomics has cost me about $15K a year.

And their policies cost me a huge chunk of my 401K. I don't know ANYONE that was smart enough to avoid taking a hit on their 401K

And how old are you that you can live the rest of your life off less than a million? Do you have a fucking pension that you live off? That would be a riot if you are talking all this shit and you are getting a pension. You would lose all credibility then. Explain how you are going to live the rest of your life on less than a million? I'm about to call BS on your story. Is this another Joe the Plumber?

So I was saving more before Bush fucked up the economy. When jobs are scarce, wages go lower. I was saying this back in 2004-2006 but braggards like you kept pointing to corporate profits and the stock market. You can't point to those things nowadays, so now you are making up some Joe the Plumber BS. And if you are telling the truth, you are soo rare its pathetic. So congrats if it is true, but I doubt it is.

And even if it is true, people like you make up 1% of our population? So all the stupid people on this site who vote GOP but didn't do what you did, are they stupid too?

Hey broke ass Republicans, Midnight is calling us all dumb.

And don't act like I'm stupid either Midnight. I'm doing quite well. I still make $75K, I'm about 4 years away from owning my condo on a lake, I have a 401K, I save the max roth every year, plus I have mutual funds/ira rollovers.

And so why aren't the investment people at these firms as smart as you Midnight?

No, you are either a liar or a lucky bastard. Either way, I don't think you are going to convince a lot of middle class people that this is the American dream, so keep it up. :clap2:
Neither a liar, or lucky. Just smart.

"Neither a borrower nor a lender be" is from Shakespeare, and good words to live by. If you have to finance it, you don't need it yet. Wait until you can pay cash. Never had a 401K, or any kind of retirement program or pension. Stopped working for other people when I was 25. Never had money out there in investments, long enough to lose it. Worked through the 80s, 90s early "oughts," watching indeed folks make and lose fortunes, while I just patiently and silently collected offal.

When I had enough collected to satisfy my needs, I stopped. Now, I just play. Made $15 grand last week, playing.

Example of how this all happened: I have a marketable skill, can modernize machines and processes, to the great benefit of the companies who hire me. What might cost me $8000 to do to a machine, I would charge $40K for, since a new machine that could do what this modernized one now can do, would run them $80-120K. Simple really, they got a great bargain and I got the vig. Do this for ten years, leaving them smiling and glad you came around, and you will amass wealth that's not at risk.

Now, in my late 40s I can sit back and play little speculative games in the markets, pocketing nice little profits in penny-ante deals, and just smile. I have no debt, owe nobody anything, and take care of living expenses which are meager, with aplomb.

You know, I have an 11 year-old Ford pickup truck with 120,000 miles on it, and no desire ever to get a new one. This truck hasn't given me any trouble, not so much as even a flat tire. It doesn't have a scratch on it, and people still ask me if it's a new truck. I have a nice boat, ATVs, a big plasma TV with 900 watt Dolby Digital 5.1 sound, an acre of land with a decent but not extravagant house, and property taxes are low here. I mean, it's not rocket science.

The accumulation of wealth wasn't my driving force in life. Getting what I wanted was. I never wanted or needed much. Independence and security was all, and I have that now.

I DO in fact feel for the rich folks, and all the ones with 401K's and retirement plans gone south. It's tough noogies for them, but I am insulated. But hell, this is nothing new. I saw it happen in the 80s and 90s too.

Hate and envy "rich" folks like me all you want, but keep in mind there's a difference between rich, and wealthy.
Come on Bobo.... It can't possibly take this long for even a moron like you to reply...

Its a lot harder to prove you are full of shit than it is for you to make up shit about the fantasy world you pretend to live in.

More people are renting because they have no downpayment (sic) and credit has been cut off to them. Renting is not the New American Dream, CBS, its (sic) the New American Reality for many.”

InvestorCentric: Has The American Dream Changed?

Fourth, we also know from recent experience that lower marginal rates on income taxes, and lower rates on capital gains and dividends, aren't necessarily wealth producers. The Bush years, which had lower marginal rates and capital gains taxes, were a fiasco. In fact, if you tally up the vast destruction of wealth in the late Bush years—caused by foolish hedge funds, investment banks, and other financial services companies, it seems like the wealthy have in fact been waging war on one another.

Great article called War on the Rich

Is Obama Declaring War on the Wealthy? | Newsweek Voices - Daniel Gross |
Isn't it sad? But again, has nothing to do with me nor any effect whatsoever on my situation.
GOP brings up that Teddy story all the time.. they make bumpers stickers with that on it..

If McPalin cant run her family according to her values.. can she run a state or country..


I do agree to some extent that her private life should not be made public but her mommy chose to trot her out on stage telling the world that shes having this baby, using her daughter as an example of her families abortion values, during her pregnancy and into politics.. That was mommy McPalins choice..

.. and you know if this happens to Obamas daughters the God Only Party is gonna jump on that like the sky is falling..

If Sarah and Todd Palin had failed as parents, Bristol would have had an abortion without them ever being the wiser. If they had failed, they would have kicked her out. So because they taught and believe in abstinence but their teenage daughter acted humanly and acted on her hormones and got pregnant, the parent's failed?? :cuckoo:

I dont see the word failed anywhere in my post. Hypocracy but not failed

You injected your values into your response by stating that she got pregnant and having the child is a success.. others may think at her age a child is not such a good thing...

If your Christian parent is responsible for putting tax dollars into abstinance only education and your daughter gets pregnant while unwed that says a lot about both the parent and the program?

Wrong, I said that she didn't have an abortion and wasn't kicked out by her parents. Those are successes.

Where did I post about abstinence only? Never brought it up, you did. Should abstinence be taught in conjunction with birth control, etc.? Yup. Does teaching sex ed and abstinence guarantee that teenagers won't have sex? Nope. You can only provide the information, teach your children well and be there for them when they make mistakes; you can't live their life for them.

I'm glad they are not getting married. If there were no baby, would they be getting married? Nah. Getting married just because there is a baby isn't the best solution, imo.
Tuff titty for them, has zilch to do with me. I'm secure and wealthy. Not in the game anymore. Make money with very little risk, as a hobby.

Where do you think some of their wealth is going?

And you act like I'm a slacker. I make over $75K. The reason I complain is because I see directly how GOPanomics has cost me about $15K a year.

And their policies cost me a huge chunk of my 401K. I don't know ANYONE that was smart enough to avoid taking a hit on their 401K

And how old are you that you can live the rest of your life off less than a million? Do you have a fucking pension that you live off? That would be a riot if you are talking all this shit and you are getting a pension. You would lose all credibility then. Explain how you are going to live the rest of your life on less than a million? I'm about to call BS on your story. Is this another Joe the Plumber?

So I was saving more before Bush fucked up the economy. When jobs are scarce, wages go lower. I was saying this back in 2004-2006 but braggards like you kept pointing to corporate profits and the stock market. You can't point to those things nowadays, so now you are making up some Joe the Plumber BS. And if you are telling the truth, you are soo rare its pathetic. So congrats if it is true, but I doubt it is.

And even if it is true, people like you make up 1% of our population? So all the stupid people on this site who vote GOP but didn't do what you did, are they stupid too?

Hey broke ass Republicans, Midnight is calling us all dumb.

And don't act like I'm stupid either Midnight. I'm doing quite well. I still make $75K, I'm about 4 years away from owning my condo on a lake, I have a 401K, I save the max roth every year, plus I have mutual funds/ira rollovers.

And so why aren't the investment people at these firms as smart as you Midnight?

No, you are either a liar or a lucky bastard. Either way, I don't think you are going to convince a lot of middle class people that this is the American dream, so keep it up. :clap2:
Neither a liar, or lucky. Just smart.

"Neither a borrower nor a lender be" is from Shakespeare, and good words to live by. If you have to finance it, you don't need it yet. Wait until you can pay cash. Never had a 401K, or any kind of retirement program or pension. Stopped working for other people when I was 25. Never had money out there in investments, long enough to lose it. Worked through the 80s, 90s early "oughts," watching indeed folks make and lose fortunes, while I just patiently and silently collected offal.

When I had enough collected to satisfy my needs, I stopped. Now, I just play. Made $15 grand last week, playing.

Example of how this all happened: I have a marketable skill, can modernize machines and processes, to the great benefit of the companies who hire me. What might cost me $8000 to do to a machine, I would charge $40K for, since a new machine that could do what this modernized one now can do, would run them $80-120K. Simple really, they got a great bargain and I got the vig. Do this for ten years, leaving them smiling and glad you came around, and you will amass wealth that's not at risk.

Now, in my late 40s I can sit back and play little speculative games in the markets, pocketing nice little profits in penny-ante deals, and just smile. I have no debt, owe nobody anything, and take care of living expenses which are meager, with aplomb.

You know, I have an 11 year-old Ford pickup truck with 120,000 miles on it, and no desire ever to get a new one. This truck hasn't given me any trouble, not so much as even a flat tire. It doesn't have a scratch on it, and people still ask me if it's a new truck. I have a nice boat, ATVs, a big plasma TV with 900 watt Dolby Digital 5.1 sound, an acre of land with a decent but not extravagant house, and property taxes are low here. I mean, it's not rocket science.

The accumulation of wealth wasn't my driving force in life. Getting what I wanted was. I never wanted or needed much. Independence and security was all, and I have that now.

I DO in fact feel for the rich folks, and all the ones with 401K's and retirement plans gone south. It's tough noogies for them, but I am insulated. But hell, this is nothing new. I saw it happen in the 80s and 90s too.

Hate and envy "rich" folks like me all you want, but keep in mind there's a difference between rich, and wealthy.

I don't hate people like you. In a way, I am just like you. I don't have a lot of debt, my home is almost paid off, I HAD a lot in savings and I have the boat, motorcycle, I go on trips, etc.

I think YOU hate the middle class. Do you? What about the person that lost their job because it went overseas? I know a lot of Ford Hourly workers who live the exact same lifestyle you live. 30 years and out with a pension and healthcare.

I don't understand why you don't think that's possible in the future? Why can't factory line workers live the American dream too? See, people like you are ok with killing the middle class. So tell me why? Just because corporations tell you it isn't realistic, doesn't mean it is true. Ford and GM were profitable in 1999. What changed?

Were you jealous that factory union workers were able to live the same dream you are living? I didn't mind. Why do you hate them?

I'm a salesperson, and I do quite well. But not as well as I would in a good economy, and I blame the GOP for this economy. When they sent all the manufacturing jobs out of the country and put thousands of people out of work, it lowered all of our wages.

Couldn't you make just as good $ in a good economy? Or do companies only use you in a bad economy?

YOU, are not the source of my anger. Bernie Maydoff, Bush, Enron execs, Oil Execs, Mortgage companies that made money bundling mortgages and suckered a lot of people into sub primes they knew they couldn't afford, the people who own the Federal Reserve, the GOP leaders like Chaney & Delay who deregulated everything so that corporations could pollute so to maximize profits, CEO's that took $20 million dollar bonus' while their companies went under, or CEO's that took $20 million because their company went overseas and so they made a profit by putting Americans out of work and lowering wages. Did you do any of that? Then I don't hate you. Do you defend these things? Then that might be why you think I hate you, because then I think you are a selfish prick. Are you?

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. I "hate" the people who ruined America for the middle class. Can everyone do what you do? Can all the people struggling now find work like you do? Then what about them? FDR cared about them. He was even called a traitor to his class. Just like I think all the broke republicans on this site are traitors to their class. They won't wake up until it happens to them.

So I always tell people, if you are a republican, its either because you are ignorant, greedy or racist, or a combination of all three.

I put you in the greedy category. I don't know enough about you to figure out if you are ignorant and racist, but I'm sure I'll find out soon.
And you act like I'm a slacker. I make over $75K. The reason I complain is because I see directly how GOPanomics has cost me about $15K a year.

And their policies cost me a huge chunk of my 401K. I don't know ANYONE that was smart enough to avoid taking a hit on their 401K

And how old are you that you can live the rest of your life off less than a million? Do you have a fucking pension that you live off? That would be a riot if you are talking all this shit and you are getting a pension. You would lose all credibility then. Explain how you are going to live the rest of your life on less than a million? I'm about to call BS on your story. Is this another Joe the Plumber?

So I was saving more before Bush fucked up the economy. When jobs are scarce, wages go lower. I was saying this back in 2004-2006 but braggards like you kept pointing to corporate profits and the stock market. You can't point to those things nowadays, so now you are making up some Joe the Plumber BS. And if you are telling the truth, you are soo rare its pathetic. So congrats if it is true, but I doubt it is.

And even if it is true, people like you make up 1% of our population? So all the stupid people on this site who vote GOP but didn't do what you did, are they stupid too?

Hey broke ass Republicans, Midnight is calling us all dumb.

And don't act like I'm stupid either Midnight. I'm doing quite well. I still make $75K, I'm about 4 years away from owning my condo on a lake, I have a 401K, I save the max roth every year, plus I have mutual funds/ira rollovers.

And so why aren't the investment people at these firms as smart as you Midnight?

No, you are either a liar or a lucky bastard. Either way, I don't think you are going to convince a lot of middle class people that this is the American dream, so keep it up. :clap2:
Neither a liar, or lucky. Just smart.

"Neither a borrower nor a lender be" is from Shakespeare, and good words to live by. If you have to finance it, you don't need it yet. Wait until you can pay cash. Never had a 401K, or any kind of retirement program or pension. Stopped working for other people when I was 25. Never had money out there in investments, long enough to lose it. Worked through the 80s, 90s early "oughts," watching indeed folks make and lose fortunes, while I just patiently and silently collected offal.

When I had enough collected to satisfy my needs, I stopped. Now, I just play. Made $15 grand last week, playing.

Example of how this all happened: I have a marketable skill, can modernize machines and processes, to the great benefit of the companies who hire me. What might cost me $8000 to do to a machine, I would charge $40K for, since a new machine that could do what this modernized one now can do, would run them $80-120K. Simple really, they got a great bargain and I got the vig. Do this for ten years, leaving them smiling and glad you came around, and you will amass wealth that's not at risk.

Now, in my late 40s I can sit back and play little speculative games in the markets, pocketing nice little profits in penny-ante deals, and just smile. I have no debt, owe nobody anything, and take care of living expenses which are meager, with aplomb.

You know, I have an 11 year-old Ford pickup truck with 120,000 miles on it, and no desire ever to get a new one. This truck hasn't given me any trouble, not so much as even a flat tire. It doesn't have a scratch on it, and people still ask me if it's a new truck. I have a nice boat, ATVs, a big plasma TV with 900 watt Dolby Digital 5.1 sound, an acre of land with a decent but not extravagant house, and property taxes are low here. I mean, it's not rocket science.

The accumulation of wealth wasn't my driving force in life. Getting what I wanted was. I never wanted or needed much. Independence and security was all, and I have that now.

I DO in fact feel for the rich folks, and all the ones with 401K's and retirement plans gone south. It's tough noogies for them, but I am insulated. But hell, this is nothing new. I saw it happen in the 80s and 90s too.

Hate and envy "rich" folks like me all you want, but keep in mind there's a difference between rich, and wealthy.

I don't hate people like you. In a way, I am just like you. I don't have a lot of debt, my home is almost paid off, I HAD a lot in savings and I have the boat, motorcycle, I go on trips, etc.

I think YOU hate the middle class. Do you? What about the person that lost their job because it went overseas? I know a lot of Ford Hourly workers who live the exact same lifestyle you live. 30 years and out with a pension and healthcare.

I don't understand why you don't think that's possible in the future? Why can't factory line workers live the American dream too? See, people like you are ok with killing the middle class. So tell me why? Just because corporations tell you it isn't realistic, doesn't mean it is true. Ford and GM were profitable in 1999. What changed?

Were you jealous that factory union workers were able to live the same dream you are living? I didn't mind. Why do you hate them?

I'm a salesperson, and I do quite well. But not as well as I would in a good economy, and I blame the GOP for this economy. When they sent all the manufacturing jobs out of the country and put thousands of people out of work, it lowered all of our wages.

Couldn't you make just as good $ in a good economy? Or do companies only use you in a bad economy?

YOU, are not the source of my anger. Bernie Maydoff, Bush, Enron execs, Oil Execs, Mortgage companies that made money bundling mortgages and suckered a lot of people into sub primes they knew they couldn't afford, the people who own the Federal Reserve, the GOP leaders like Chaney & Delay who deregulated everything so that corporations could pollute so to maximize profits, CEO's that took $20 million dollar bonus' while their companies went under, or CEO's that took $20 million because their company went overseas and so they made a profit by putting Americans out of work and lowering wages. Did you do any of that? Then I don't hate you. Do you defend these things? Then that might be why you think I hate you, because then I think you are a selfish prick. Are you?

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. I "hate" the people who ruined America for the middle class. Can everyone do what you do? Can all the people struggling now find work like you do? Then what about them? FDR cared about them. He was even called a traitor to his class. Just like I think all the broke republicans on this site are traitors to their class. They won't wake up until it happens to them.

So I always tell people, if you are a republican, its either because you are ignorant, greedy or racist, or a combination of all three.

I put you in the greedy category. I don't know enough about you to figure out if you are ignorant and racist, but I'm sure I'll find out soon.
You're completely confused. For one thing, I am not a republican. You might find a thread about me on this somewhere here, where I freely discuss my stances and clear up ignorant, confused assumptions.

I believe ALL folks should earn what they wish and be able to enjoy it. I don't play the class warfare game. Lower, middle, upper-middle, upper, none of that rings any bell to me at all.

Were I greedy, I would still be taking those contracts to do what I do, and making obscene profits doing so. Know what I do instead? I refer these customers when they call me to a young protege whom I trained and worked with, who now does what I used to. That's my version of "spreading the wealth around" but see, he earns his money just like I did.

Folks who worked their tails off for companies and who now collect pensions, bonuses, "legacy" medical coverage, and etc? More power to them I say. There's more than one way to skin a cat!

The important thing is, decide young what you want out of the rat race and how best to get it and get out of the race as soon as possible. It doesn't have to be millions. And never take foolish risks with your wealth. Greed leads to this more than anything else.
Just like you are whining about the tax break Obama is going to give us while letting Bush's tax breaks to the rich expire?

Ehhhh, wrong, try again.

The tax break is great, the tax on the rich isn't even a problem. It's how the money is being spent that I have a problem with. He is increasing the tax rates on the rich by a good margin, as well as raising their taxable income by phasing out deductions AND he wants to increase the capital gains tax (that makes a lot a sense, like people need another reason not to invest). If the money generated from these higher revenues were actually being used to pay off the debt, I would have absolutely no problem with it. When instead, the money generated from these revenues is being used to give handouts to the worthless fucks who contribute nothing to society, I have a problem with it.

Tax and spend Democrats are some of the biggest idiots in the world. "Tax more, spend EVEN more, and the debt will cure itself in time." There's no logic behind their methods. If they were to cut spending and reduce the debt with the money generated, we could ALL be paying EVEN lower taxes in a few years. Instead, we'll be paying higher taxes before it's over with, because shits like you handed this triumvirate a blank check. And by God, they know what to do with a blank check.

His budget projects that $636 billion will be generated from the tax increases on the upper-income taxpayers by 2019. However, his total tax provisions will only reduce the debt by $49. Hmmm...that's a lot of goddamn spending over the next 10 years.

You think spending money on Americans in America is waste? Whatever dude. YOU lost the election, now it is OUR time to run the show.

I didn't know J was running, i'd have voted for him over the two main clowns that did run.....

You think you're helping "run the show" ? :cuckoo:

you're running two things, jack and shit .....
BoBo, for the third time I will correct you on your spelling of Dick Cheney (not Chaney). You definitely have a fixation on this guy since you refer to him on numerous posts and never have you gotten the spelling of his name correct, unless it was a cut and paste of an article in which his name appeared. I'm sorry for your A.D.D. Sorta explains your distorted political views.

I ask all members to help BoBo over his spelling problem. Maybe if we all point out his errors, he will overcome this problem. Thereafter, maybe we can help him with his other issues.

Whatever fagget.
and who is it that starts the attacks with sexual orientation slurs
Meanwhile 8,000 earmarks on the last bill signed, this is change we can hope for... I guess leadership says the following:

"I can do a wrong, and tell the public that I'll correct it."

The audacity of wrong. I wonder why Michigan is the figurative "Midwest graveyard."
Last edited:
Levi Johnston, 19, said he and 18-year-old Ms Palin mutually decided "a while ago" to separate.

(yea, like, before the election was even over)

Last month, CB reported that Governor Palin refers to Levi Johnston’s family as “white trash”. Levi’s sister says the same thing, only she puts the words “white trash” in Bristol’s mouth. Allegedly, Bristol tells Levi that she doesn’t want the baby around “white trash” unless Levi‘s baby-sitting.

Cele|bitchy » Blog Archive » Bristol Palin won’t let ‘white trash’ Levi see baby Tripp after breakup

He was railroaded into proposing anyway..

but now McPalin has an unwed daughter with a child.... The horror..

Imagine if this happened to Obama's daughter.. The GOP and the Christian outrage would stop the earth from spinning.. mean like it did when the ever "tolerant" left found out Bristol was pregnant in the first place?? Yeah,talk is cheap hypocrite.
But this Palin saga was different. You guys chose Palin BECAUSE of these things. Anti choice, abstenence only sex ed, no sex before marriage.

Wrong. Palin was chosen because she was a reformer.

Stop acting like a retarded asshole. No one ever gave two shits about Bristol's pregnancy or her relationship with Levi, except you. Didn't your messiah tell you to leave families out of it?

It's not an act!
But this Palin saga was different. You guys chose Palin BECAUSE of these things. Anti choice, abstenence only sex ed, no sex before marriage.

Wrong. Palin was chosen because she was a reformer.

Stop acting like a retarded asshole. No one ever gave two shits about Bristol's pregnancy or her relationship with Levi, except you. Didn't your messiah tell you to leave families out of it?

Well..out of one side of his two faces..yes.
We do. We saw right through this horrible pick for VP. And Republicans are so dumb that they actually wanted this white trash family to run the country?

Who gives a fuck? We do. So the next time you pick someone, maybe you will pick someone who you honestly think can run the country.

My oh my what little importance you Republicans put on the Commander & Chief position.

First you picked a goofball drug addict to ruin, I mean run the country, and then you picked this hot little piece of ass to be one heartbeat away from the job?

And you don't expect we are going to make fun of you?

Or you don't think we are going to call you out when we told you right from the beginning that the engagement would only last a little after the election. Win or lose, those two kids were not going to get married.

You son of a bitches actually picked the Palin's KNOWING we would make fun of them. You thought it would make us look mean to pick on a woman who decided to keep her Down syndrom baby.

Whatever you guys were thinking, it has provided us with a lot of entertainment and "I TOLD YOU SO's". :lol:

[ame=]YouTube - She Had Enough[/ame]

Republican women are typically whores. :eusa_shhh:

This is what you have to offer?

It's apparently very easy for you to disrespect women.

Says a lot about you.

And your lack of class.
Gosh damn if in dis aint sumthin and heres I thought it was dem black peoples....

Life in a Parallel Universe
Well not exactly parallel, in this universe Palin is now Obama.

Scene one: Democratic National Convention, at the podium Barack completing acceptance speech, behind him his family, daughter pregnant next to boyfriend of 17, wife holding latest child, Downs syndrome baby, other members of entourage.

Scene two: Conservative republican bloggers, radio, and TV commentators watching from the privacy of homes and limited access areas.

Voices heard from scene two.

"Typical muggars, ain't got the sense god gave em."
"Yea, pregnant at seventeen ain't anyone ever told them how that happens?"
"Passing the baby around like it was a trophy."
"We're gonna be paying for that baby's care you betcha."
"Another lazy liberal muggar on welfare!"
"Yea, shoulda stopped at four kids - they ain't got no damn sense."
"Ok but how do we relay this to the masses what are the key words?
"We can't say typical black dysfunctional family."
"But we need to repeat, cast doubt, make him a real muggar."
"Yea, we do it like we do with his name, we stress daughter-unmarried-pregnant."
"Yea, and family, mix it in."
"Yea, whenever he goes we mention if she is there."
"yea, is whole family there."
"If she is around we mention boyfriend and pregnant."
"Yea, that's it."
"Anyone know someone from her school who will comment negatively?"
"We'll get on that."
"Yea and stress Palin's children. They're in school, right?"
"Yea, good students, good kids, note that, repeat it."

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin
Gosh damn if in dis aint sumthin and heres I thought it was dem black peoples....

Life in a Parallel Universe
Well not exactly parallel, in this universe Palin is now Obama.

Scene one: Democratic National Convention, at the podium Barack completing acceptance speech, behind him his family, daughter pregnant next to boyfriend of 17, wife holding latest child, Downs syndrome baby, other members of entourage.

Scene two: Conservative republican bloggers, radio, and TV commentators watching from the privacy of homes and limited access areas.

Voices heard from scene two.

"Typical muggars, ain't got the sense god gave em."
"Yea, pregnant at seventeen ain't anyone ever told them how that happens?"
"Passing the baby around like it was a trophy."
"We're gonna be paying for that baby's care you betcha."
"Another lazy liberal muggar on welfare!"
"Yea, shoulda stopped at four kids - they ain't got no damn sense."
"Ok but how do we relay this to the masses what are the key words?
"We can't say typical black dysfunctional family."
"But we need to repeat, cast doubt, make him a real muggar."
"Yea, we do it like we do with his name, we stress daughter-unmarried-pregnant."
"Yea, and family, mix it in."
"Yea, whenever he goes we mention if she is there."
"yea, is whole family there."
"If she is around we mention boyfriend and pregnant."
"Yea, that's it."
"Anyone know someone from her school who will comment negatively?"
"We'll get on that."
"Yea and stress Palin's children. They're in school, right?"
"Yea, good students, good kids, note that, repeat it."

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin
wow, what a massive projection
Gosh damn if in dis aint sumthin and heres I thought it was dem black peoples....

Life in a Parallel Universe
Well not exactly parallel, in this universe Palin is now Obama.

Scene one: Democratic National Convention, at the podium Barack completing acceptance speech, behind him his family, daughter pregnant next to boyfriend of 17, wife holding latest child, Downs syndrome baby, other members of entourage.

Scene two: Conservative republican bloggers, radio, and TV commentators watching from the privacy of homes and limited access areas.

Voices heard from scene two.

"Typical muggars, ain't got the sense god gave em."
"Yea, pregnant at seventeen ain't anyone ever told them how that happens?"
"Passing the baby around like it was a trophy."
"We're gonna be paying for that baby's care you betcha."
"Another lazy liberal muggar on welfare!"
"Yea, shoulda stopped at four kids - they ain't got no damn sense."
"Ok but how do we relay this to the masses what are the key words?
"We can't say typical black dysfunctional family."
"But we need to repeat, cast doubt, make him a real muggar."
"Yea, we do it like we do with his name, we stress daughter-unmarried-pregnant."
"Yea, and family, mix it in."
"Yea, whenever he goes we mention if she is there."
"yea, is whole family there."
"If she is around we mention boyfriend and pregnant."
"Yea, that's it."
"Anyone know someone from her school who will comment negatively?"
"We'll get on that."
"Yea and stress Palin's children. They're in school, right?"
"Yea, good students, good kids, note that, repeat it."

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin


Now do one about John McCain being an alien.

Come it..please. mean like it did when the ever "tolerant" left found out Bristol was pregnant in the first place?? Yeah,talk is cheap hypocrite.

I think you missed the point ... I doubt most people on the "left" (whatever that is) gave a darn about bristol being pregnant. I think it was more a reflection on the hypocrisy of her mother being for abstinence only education... which, as bristol herself said, doesn't work and is unrealistic. The "left" doesn't claim to be the party of G-d. you know?

That said, I'm not sure why anyone cares that Bristol and her lowlife bf broke up. I feel bad for Bristol. I think the guy was a loser. mean like it did when the ever "tolerant" left found out Bristol was pregnant in the first place?? Yeah,talk is cheap hypocrite.

I think you missed the point ... I doubt most people on the "left" (whatever that is) gave a darn about bristol being pregnant. I think it was more a reflection on the hypocrisy of her mother being for abstinence only education... which, as bristol herself said, doesn't work and is unrealistic. The "left" doesn't claim to be the party of G-d. you know?

That said, I'm not sure why anyone cares that Bristol and her lowlife bf broke up. I feel bad for Bristol. I think the guy was a loser.
But.... No doubt both Bristol and and the punk DID know safe sex practices, and those didn't work either.

The flaw in both abstinence and safe sex practices is, neither work worth a damn if the parties don't employ them. Abstinence, every time it's employed, works 100% guaranteed. A condom? False sense of security, they break. They leak. They slip off. Accidents happen.
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