Palin Challenges Obama To A Debate

Obama tried to campaign against Palin and she just knocked the snot out of him

Had she run she would have gotten the nomination and she would have won 55 maybe 56 of our 57 states

Palin was really exposed early in the campaign. But you know who loved her anyway and turned out to see her?? Low information right wing voters that probably also thought Queen Elizabeth was the PM of England. Yet you say she knocked the snot out of him?? You're nuts. All of you.
Yes, your boy Obama consider her enough of a threat to his reelection that he's running ads against her

yeah, that was low-hanging fruit he picked there. i don't blame him, it is campaign season, and palin wants to be "involved".

good decision, btw, on deflecting from the palmprompter. that did not go well for you.

LOL I made that one, jackass

So why is Obama pussying out and not debating her? Does he only pick on women who can't answer back?

Did he call her to apologize?

you made what? an own-goal? clearly.
Obama tried to campaign against Palin and she just knocked the snot out of him

Had she run she would have gotten the nomination and she would have won 55 maybe 56 of our 57 states

Palin was really exposed early in the campaign. But you know who loved her anyway and turned out to see her?? Low information right wing voters that probably also thought Queen Elizabeth was the PM of England. Yet you say she knocked the snot out of him?? You're nuts. All of you.

Palin left out a flaming bag of dog pooh and Obama jumped on it head first.

He can attack her in an ad but he's too much of a fucking pussy to debate her.

What a guy
yeah, that was low-hanging fruit he picked there. i don't blame him, it is campaign season, and palin wants to be "involved".

good decision, btw, on deflecting from the palmprompter. that did not go well for you.

LOL I made that one, jackass

So why is Obama pussying out and not debating her? Does he only pick on women who can't answer back?

Did he call her to apologize?

you made what? an own-goal? clearly.

I mad that picture of Palin's hand

So why won't Obama debate her?
I don't think she knows what she's asking. She'd better thank the Lord that Obama wouldn't give her the time of day.

So Obama has a habit of attacking people he doesnt give the time of day? Seems kind of unnecessary and foolish to me.

Oh, come now. She has been running her mouth for almost 4 years about the prez. She deserved the attack ad. And as usual, she has shown she can dish it out but she can't take it.
I don't think she knows what she's asking. She'd better thank the Lord that Obama wouldn't give her the time of day.

So Obama has a habit of attacking people he doesnt give the time of day? Seems kind of unnecessary and foolish to me.

Oh, come now. She has been running her mouth for almost 4 years about the prez. She deserved the attack ad. And as usual, she has shown she can dish it out but she can't take it.

She challenged him to a debate and he pussied out, who can't take it? Seems your boy Obammy is regretting taking on Palin
As time goes on, Palin just can't help but reveal herself to be the intellectual lightweight she really is. All that great PR from the late summer and early fall of 2008 has pretty much been revealed to be little more than hype.

Yet Obama ran a commercial specifically against her, so which is it?

Is she a light weight or a danger to Obammy's reelection?
LOL I made that one, jackass

So why is Obama pussying out and not debating her? Does he only pick on women who can't answer back?

Did he call her to apologize?

you made what? an own-goal? clearly.

I mad that picture of Palin's hand

So why won't Obama debate her?

you mad?
for real?

i got that, it is not working unless you think palin can't remember even such simplistic statements. if you aimed at libs, then own-goal. you are a bright guy. surely you can see that.
This is all the fault of archduke Ferdinand's driver and that wrong turn.
So Democrats caring about the common citizen is shear bullshit... right..

Now that is bullshit.
And you know it, you are smarter than that.

the dems care about the common citizen about as much as the republicans do.

democrats care about the common citizen's vote and that is it. The O'Bamma's are the worst examples of the "new rich" lottery winner types. Michelle is such a white trash wanna be, she couldn't give her shoes to a homeless person...... nobody else has that bad of taste.

I think USC's sarcastic nature is not known by a lot of people around here and quite frankly, Sitarro, I am surprised you are one of those as long as you have been around.

I would advice you to read the post that he was responding to and then read the response, especially this part:

the dems care about the common citizen about as much as the republicans do.

Now tell me what exactly USC was trying to say. I'll guarantee it wasn't that either party cares about the common citizen.

you made what? an own-goal? clearly.

I mad that picture of Palin's hand

So why won't Obama debate her?

you mad?
for real?

i got that, it is not working unless you think palin can't remember even such simplistic statements. if you aimed at libs, then own-goal. you are a bright guy. surely you can see that.

Got it. My writing "Libs R Stupid" across Palins hand mocks Palin and not Libs, cause you're smart, not like everyone says, like dumb.

Bet you want respect too, right Freddo?

Why didn't I know that when I made that picture? Whatever was I thinking?
Why would our president debate a former half term governor from one of our least populated states?

What's with the slag Alaska shit? There's good people there. Or are the only "good people" the people you decide are cool enough to be in America?
How do you slag your fellow Americans? Only Libs can do this crap. And it's disgusting.

Wow!!! Did you not comprehend what was said or what?? Nothing was said about Alaska not having good people or that they are people not cool enough to be Americans. You and your fellow conservatives have got to stop making things up!!! If the facts don't suit you, that's your problem. Say nothing, but don't twist people's words to suit yourself and then condemn all libs. That kind of behavior is really not cool.

There are a hell of a lot of your friends on the left that need to read that message as well. The sad thing is that I don't think you believe that.

There are people here who literally seem to think that Obama is afraid of Palin.

This is what happens when you surrender to ideology. It prohibits you from thinking rationally and reasonably, and it doesn't matter which end of the spectrum you inhabit.

Holy crap. I don't think Obama should be going after Palin, because she's (currently) a civilian. But he's doing it because she's such an easy target.



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