Palin-backed Moore & Trump-backed Strange rumble in Alabama Senate debate ahead of Tuesday vote


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Roy Moore: DACA is wrong. Dreamer is wrong

Luther Strange, in opening remarks at AL Senate debate: "If you do not follow the president on Twitter, I urge you to do so."

Roy Moore: "Obamacare has not been fully repealed." That's one way to put it
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Luther Strange zinger on Bannon/Gorka: "Many of the people supporting my opponent look like the unemployment line at the White House."
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Roy Moore says unequivocally that he wants to see legal immigration cut to help American workers.."There’s no such thing as a 'DREAMer.' You know why? DACA was never passed by Congress..."

Roy Moore will be a LEADER in the Senate, standing on PRINCIPLE! Luther Strange? A FOLLOWER, owned by the SWAMP!
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this country is so fucked. democrats want to flood it with third-worlders, republicans want to bleed everyone dry. psycopaths on all sides
This is an interesting battle. Kushner & Strange VS Bannon & Moore. Needless to say, I'm running with Bannon & Moore. Enough of this liberal limousine shit with Javanka in the White House. They're freaking Democrats.

And sadly Trump is surrounded by so many of them. I'm flipping out over Jon Huntsman. How he got the nod for ambassador to Russia position is something I really want to find out about.
Palin and Gorka rocked it out for Moore.

Palin, along with former White House adviser Sebastian Gorka, campaigned for Moore after his debate with Strange.

Palin told the crowd that if Moore wins on Tuesday, “he’s going to be an inspiration for the rest of the country” and motivate other grassroots candidates to “rise up and take on their own Swamp creatures in their own states.”

Palin, whose endorsement in GOP primaries since 2008 (ask Nikki Haley) has arguably been the most coveted and influential, said the D.C. establishment is scared of Moore because he cannot be controlled and answers only to the people of Alabama like former Sen. Jeff Sessions.


Palin: Moore Victory Will Inspire Other Grassroots Candidates to Challenge ‘Their Own Swamp Creatures’

Palin: Moore Victory Will Inspire Other Grassroots Candidates to Challenge ‘Their Own Swamp Creatures’ - Breitbart
In 2003, Roy Moore was put on trial by a state ethics panel for not removing a Ten Commandments monument & for acknowledging God.
Luther Strange keeps reminding folks that ‘The President Picked Me’ over and over again. The President also picked Gary Cohn. Sad!
Roy Moore is a religious fanatic.

Roy Moore says homosexuality should be illegal. I do not support gay marriage laws however I do not believe they should be jailed.
He suggests that 9/11 was a punishment by God. God has nothing to do with it.

Islam is a fake religion. He subscribes to the fact that somehow Christianity is superior to Islam. There are There are radical Islamic terrorists however that does not mean everyone who follows Islam is a terrorist. Christians burned supposed witches in Salem, Massachusetts and tortured people in the inquisition because they refused to believe in Christianity.

I am glad that I don't have that choice. I would cry if that were my choice. Strange is a McConnell puppet and Roy Moore is a fanatic. That is like asking how would you like your poison? Slow or fast acting.

I also wish Palin and Trump would go hand in hand and take a long walk off a short pier.
Roy Moore is a religious fanatic.

Roy Moore says homosexuality should be illegal. I do not support gay marriage laws however I do not believe they should be jailed.
He suggests that 9/11 was a punishment by God. God has nothing to do with it.

Islam is a fake religion. He subscribes to the fact that somehow Christianity is superior to Islam. There are There are radical Islamic terrorists however that does not mean everyone who follows Islam is a terrorist. Christians burned supposed witches in Salem, Massachusetts and tortured people in the inquisition because they refused to believe in Christianity.

I am glad that I don't have that choice. I would cry if that were my choice. Strange is a McConnell puppet and Roy Moore is a fanatic. That is like asking how would you like your poison? Slow or fast acting.

I also wish Palin and Trump would go hand in hand and take a long walk off a short pier.

Roy Moore is a strong Christian conservative, Roy Moore wants the wall, Roy Moore is a man of integrity, Roy Moore will be president of the united states after trump leaves in 2024.
according to breitbart, Ben Carson broke with trump and is supporting Moore
Luther Strange is a McConnell lap dog surrounded by the pungent aroma of corruption
"There is no stronger, more principled Constitutional Christian conservative than Judge Moore." - Steve King
Roy Moore is a religious fanatic.

Roy Moore says homosexuality should be illegal. I do not support gay marriage laws however I do not believe they should be jailed.
He suggests that 9/11 was a punishment by God. God has nothing to do with it.

Islam is a fake religion. He subscribes to the fact that somehow Christianity is superior to Islam. There are There are radical Islamic terrorists however that does not mean everyone who follows Islam is a terrorist. Christians burned supposed witches in Salem, Massachusetts and tortured people in the inquisition because they refused to believe in Christianity.

I am glad that I don't have that choice. I would cry if that were my choice. Strange is a McConnell puppet and Roy Moore is a fanatic. That is like asking how would you like your poison? Slow or fast acting.

I also wish Palin and Trump would go hand in hand and take a long walk off a short pier.

Roy Moore is a strong Christian conservative, Roy Moore wants the wall, Roy Moore is a man of integrity, Roy Moore will be president of the united states after trump leaves in 2024.

Roy Moore wants a wall that Americans do not want. How is he going to pay for it or will Mexico pay for it? Roy Moore is a religious fanatic or do you think gays should be jailed? Trump will be defeated in 2020 if the Democrats pick a sane candidate.
AL Senate favorite Roy Moore pulled a real gun out of his pocket at his rally. No joke.

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