Palestinians/Israeli Arabs - REALLY hard to tell the difference

I was only correcting your statement about the one's that did leave. Historically the jury is still out as to whether they were all expelled, instructed to leave or a combination.

No, the jury came back when Israel declassified all their documents dating from the independence period. We do now know. They were expelled.

they were expelled -----after they left? oh ok-----so then lots of jews were expelled from
shariah cesspits gee-------the LEGAL DETAILS!!!!!

can someone define "expelled" for me....... I kinda thought expelled meant ----a decree
from the government----"get out or die" or a death march OUT

Those legal details will be Israel's undoing.
And that is exactly what "expelled" means in this case, too. I've shown you films of Palestinians being marched out of their villages at gunpoint by the Haganah. I have shown you pictures of Palestinians trudging along roads lined by armed men every 50 feet or so. I have linked you to documents showing the expulsion orders issues to commanders.

Let me ask you this.... does their being expelled make a difference to you?
Why should Palestinians' having been expelled make a difference?

A greater number of Jewish Arabs were expelled from all around the ME, and that's made no difference to you.
How would you know. You spent 8 years with Palis in Gaza-hole after you converted to Isssslam. And now you're here spreading bullshit Islamic propaganda, spamming the board 24\7. You are very transparent.
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Nothing said to me by the likes of a 'Hostility' is going to make any difference. EVER.

Because you're simply a 'wannabe', a poseur, a l'il WASP princess playing an 'oppressed minority' game for reasons having ZERO to do with humanitarian or pacifist or any positive concerns.

Ooo, temper, temper!

So would their being expelled make a difference to you?
Why should Palestinians' having been expelled make a difference?

A greater number of Jewish Arabs were expelled from all around the ME, and that's made no difference to you.

To the extent that Jews were expelled from Arab countries (which is not quite accurate, is it?), it was a response to Palestinians being expelled.

So you are NOT allowed to use it as justification.
Why should Palestinians' having been expelled make a difference?

A greater number of Jewish Arabs were expelled from all around the ME, and that's made no difference to you.

To the extent that Jews were expelled from Arab countries (which is not quite accurate, is it?), it was a response to Palestinians being expelled.

So you are NOT allowed to use it as justification.
Ignoramus of epic proportions, 1.2 million Jews were expelled from Arab countries, and NONE of the Arabs themselves believed in a Palestine. Jews moved on and build a life for themselves in other countries and lands, and the Arabs created a new identity and became a bunch of terrorists.

True story. :cool:
... that the fantasized distinction made in Z's response to the Palestinian scarf experiment - Israeli style thread between so-called "Muslim Israelis" and "Arabs with Israeli citizenship" or "born here" versus "born elsewhere" exists pretty much in the complacence of Zionists and nowhere else.

If they have Israeli citizenship they should be loyal to Israel.

Just like in case where American Jews should be loyal to the United States.

Not a valid analogy.
American Jews came here by choice and have full rights.

Palestinians had their country stolen from underneath them and did not agree to Israeli citizenship, and do NOT have equal rights in Israel.
The Arab beggars and squatters who occupied territories around a loosely defined area you call Palestine were never citizens of a country.

There was never a country called Palestine.
NOT quite.

The Jews were able to go to Israel because that was the big idea of all the provocateur operations Israel undertook to make it happen.

Unlike the Jews, Palestinians were UNWILLING to leave their homes. And thanks to Israel they are unable to get on with their lives.
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Why should Palestinians' having been expelled make a difference?

A greater number of Jewish Arabs were expelled from all around the ME, and that's made no difference to you.

To the extent that Jews were expelled from Arab countries (which is not quite accurate, is it?), it was a response to Palestinians being expelled.

So you are NOT allowed to use it as justification.

I'm sorry for you that the plain meaning of simple English sentences eludes you, Hostility.

It's not about "justifying": I was referring to the fact that you refuse to acknowledge the illegality of the Arab League cabal's deliberate conspiracy to commit ethnic cleansing. It's very clear that the AL had that intent even before the Partition was approved - so their beggaring and ejecting just under a million Jews was NOT a 'response' to anything the Israelis had done. Because the AL decided on their plans *before* Partition.

Despite the planning ahead for ethnic cleansing, I have NOT sought to 'justify' a freakin' thing. You are lying to claim so. I simply don't see any point in trying to 'discuss' the idea of "refugees" while Hostility insists on pretending that ONLY the Palestinians were 'real' refugees.

As for some daft bint telling me 'you're not allowed' - HAHAHAHAHAHA! So the little princess poseur presumes to place herself 'in charge', how utterly adorable : ))
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NOT quite.

The Jews were able to go to Israel because that was the big idea of all the provocateur operations Israel undertook to make it happen.

Unlike the Jews, Palestinians were UNWILLING to leave their homes. And thanks to Israel they are unable to get on with their lives.

NO. The nearly one million Jews beggared and stripped of their citizenship en masse by nations such as Syria, Egypt, Iraq, were 'able' to go to Israel because the AL nations had all conspired to commit ethnic cleansing (they passed 'laws', yanno!) AND to refuse entry to any Jews for any reasons.

Perhaps you could explain to me, unless they had close relatives there - where else could any of those Sephardi or Mizrachi Jews have gone BUT to Israel?

The 'master plan' was that of the AL nations: they figured that dumping one million penniless refugees into a nation of four million would swamp it and destroy its economy.......
I was only correcting your statement about the one's that did leave. Historically the jury is still out as to whether they were all expelled, instructed to leave or a combination.

No, the jury came back when Israel declassified all their documents dating from the independence period. We do now know. They were expelled.

Wrong. The jury was seated only after the declassified documents came out. Up until then it was claimed only that the Palestinians were urged to leave by the Arab League in anticipation of a full on war to wipe the Jew/Israelis out.

Read all about it:

Causes of the 1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And to add to what Marg and others are talking about, the Jews being expelled from the other Arab League nations; think about it. Even today you cannot even enter Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and many other countries (usually) if you have an Israeli stamp on your passport, irregardless of the country of origin of said passport.
Despite the planning ahead for ethnic cleansing, I have NOT sought to 'justify' a freakin' thing. You are lying to claim so. I simply don't see any point in trying to 'discuss' the idea of "refugees" while Hostility insists on pretending that ONLY the Palestinians were 'real' refugees.

That's right, only the Palestinians were REAL refugees. Accepting a bribe of $10,000 to emigrate to Israel hardly warrants refugee status. Ask the UN why if you are unclear. Israel's attempt to rework the demographics of the middle east in its own favor does not justify what has been done to Palestinians.

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