Palestinian weapons: UNRWA or hospitals? [Racist Baby killers]

Favorite location by Arab palestinian terrorists to store wepaoms /fire from?

  • UNRWA school

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • Residential homes, child bedrooms

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Mosques

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • Hospital

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • Kindergarten, playgrounds

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Any

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
What do you think is the favorite location by Arab palestinian terrorists to store weapons and/or fire from?


‘Hamas wants to use people as human shields’, says White House National Security spokesperson.
Matt Frei, 13 Oct 2023


Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Hamas is allegedly blocking roads and preventing civilians from evacuating Northern Gaza. Israel warned 1.1 million Gazans to flee to the south ahead of an anticipated ground invasion.
Newsweek, Oct 13, 2023


US intelligence shows Islamic Jihad rocket misfired on Gaza hospital, but Tlaib still blames Israel
By Jon King - October 19, 2023

Gaza hospital blast: Biden says "rocket fired by terrorist group" to blame for explosion | FULL

Global News. Streamed live on Oct 18, 2023
During a press conference in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, U.S. President Joe Biden claimed that the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital explosion which killed hundreds in Gaza City on Tuesday

Don’t ‘Rush to Judgement’: British PM Tells Parliament Errant Palestinian Missile, Not Israeli Air Strike, Responsible for Gaza Hospital Blast

by Ben Cohen, October 23, 2023

French military intelligence says Israeli strike not behind Gaza hospital blast
By John Irish
October 20, 2023

Video Analysis Shows Gaza Hospital Hit By Failed Rocket Meant for Israel"
Ryan Trefes, 21 October, 2023


Hamas 'are using civilians and children as human shields and placing rocket launch sites beside a kindergarten, schools and a mosque', according to Israeli satellite images
By David Averre, 23 Oct 2023


'They are shooting at people,’ Gazan says Hamas preventing evacuation to safety
IDF releases recording of call urging civilians to move southward to safety ahead of Israeli strike as part of military intelligence effort to minimize civilian casualties.
Yoav Zitun, October 26, 2023


N12 - The IDF spokesman revealed in a statement: "Hamas is using the hospital in Gaza as a terrorist headquarters."

Benjamin Netanyahu @netanyahu:
Hamas-ISIS is sick.
They turn hospitals into headquarters for their terror.
We just released intelligence proving it.
Here it is:
Oct 27, 2023

IDF: Hamas’s terror command center built under Gaza’s main hospital
The Israeli military shares detailed information on how Hamas has turned hospitals into terror command centers and hideouts.
Yaakov Lappin.
(October 27, 2023 / JNS)
Hamas has systematically turned hospitals in the Gaza Strip into terror command centers and hideouts, the Israel Defense Forces said on Friday, as volleys of rockets fired by Hamas targeted central and southern Israel.

“Hamas not only endangers the lives of Israeli civilians but also exploits the lives of innocent Gazans as human shields. Hamas’s use of hospitals is systematic. They do so precisely because they know Israel distinguishes between terrorists and civilians,” he said. “We already exposed that Hamas stole fuel from UNRWA—and UNRWA confirmed it.”


Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh: We Need The Blood Of Women, Children, And The Elderly Of Gaza – So It Awakens Our Revolutionary Spirit.
October 27, 2023
Palestine | Special Dispatch No. 10911

Hamas leader Isamil Haniyeh called in an October 26, 2023 address upon all the "free people of the world" to stop the bombing of Gaza, which he referred to as the "new" He said: "The blood of the women, children and elderly […] we are the ones who need this blood, so it awakens within us the revolutionary spirit, so it awakens with us resolve." He said that the demise of the Israeli occupation is "inevitable," and therefore, preparations must be made for the post-occupation phase. The address was aired on Mayadeen Network (Lebanon), and other TV networks.

Hamas Leader: ‘Women, Children, Elderly’ Must Die In Gaza To Help Our Fight Against Israel.
By Daily Wire News
Oct 28, 2023,

Hamas leader Isamil Haniyeh called for Palestinian civilians to die in Israel’s strikes against Hamas terrorists inside of Gaza.

The remarks come as Hamas commits war crimes by using civilians as human shields and lies about events that have unfolded during the three-week war, including its false claims that Israel bombed a hospital.


Hamas officials admit its strategy is to use Palestinian civilians as human shields.
By Natalie Ecanow
Published Nov. 1, 2023, 7:29 p.m. ET

An interviewer recently posed a logical question to Mousa Abu Marzouk, a senior member of the Hamas politburo: “Since you have built 500 kilometers of tunnels, why haven’t you built bomb shelters where civilians can hide during bombardments?”

Abu Marzouk said the tunnels are “meant to protect us” from Israeli aircraft and facilitate attacks on Israeli targets.

“Us” meaning Hamas. Not civilians.

Hamas chooses not to build bomb shelters in Gaza because that would undercut its ability to use the population as human shields.

By putting civilians in or above its military positions, Hamas knows it cannot lose.

Either it will prevent Israel from attacking, since the Israeli military tries to minimize harm to civilians, or if Israel does attack, the use of human shields will ensure high civilian casualties.

Hamas can then hold the death toll against Israel while generating sympathy for itself.

Hamas uses its hundreds of miles of tunnels for military purposes: to transport weapons and ammunition, store supplies and train its members without exposing them to enemy surveillance and fire.

Hamas leader shows why no cease-fire is possible if Israel is to survive
Equally important, the tunnels are a convenient way for Hamas to hide its military assets underneath civilian infrastructure. That is a textbook use of human shields, which international law prohibits.

Reliant on civilians to protect it from Israeli counterattacks, Hamas cannot afford to let Gaza’s civilian population seek refuge from clashes with the Israel Defense Forces.

Accordingly, Hamas leadership ordered civilians in northern Gaza to defy the IDF’s advice to “evacuate south for your own safety” in advance of Israel’s ground invasion.

Eyad al-Bozom, a spokesman for Hamas’ interior ministry, encouraged Gaza’s residents to “stay put in your homes and your places.”

To its credit, the Biden administration has called out Hamas for employing a strategy whose essence is the commission of war crimes against the same people Hamas supposedly represents.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby explained on CNN, “Hamas actually gave a counterorder telling Palestinians in Gaza to stay at home. Why? Because having human shields, they think, protects them.”

Hamas’ use of human shields is not new. Hamas has come close to confessing its exploitation of civilians before.

During an organized 2016 uprising at the Gaza border, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar admitted the group “decided to turn that which is most dear to us — the bodies of our women and children — into a dam blocking the collapse in Arab reality.”

After acknowledging Hamas builds tunnels to protect fighters but not civilians, Abu Marzouk ventured that it is the job of the United Nations, not Hamas, to protect civilians.

It might have been hard to say that with a straight face, since Hamas also has a long record of turning UN facilities into part of its wall of human shields.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), whose mission is to provide relief for Palestinians, has repeatedly found stores of Hamas rockets hidden in tunnels beneath its schools.

In 2018, Congress passed the Sanctioning the Use of Civilians as Defenseless Shields Act, which has lain dormant since becoming law.

The Shields Act, which specifically calls out Hamas, requires the president to impose sanctions on individuals determined to be using human shields, but neither Biden nor his predecessor designated any Hamas leaders. Now would be a good time to start.

Doing so is unlikely to change Hamas’ behavior, but it would send an important message both to Americans and leaders in other democratic nations.

It is not Israel but Hamas that bears moral responsibility for the death of civilians in this war. [Gaza receives largest aid shipment so far as deaths top 8,000 and Israel widens military offensive]

Hamas seeks to win by generating enough pressure on Israel from its allies to force an end to Israel’s military operations. Washington should make clear it will never fall for this ruse; nor should anyone else.


In battle for Gaza stronghold, 100 women and children pushed forward by Hamas to act as human barrier

IDF troops met with a disturbing tactic at base of Hamas's Force 17 near Jabaliya; 'We stand ready to face more instances of such cynical and brutal use of civilians,' Israeli officer says

Yoav Zitun | published: November 1, 2023.


The criticism in Gaza: "All this happened because of the dogs of Hamas" | Watch the video.
A resident of Gaza who was documented among the ruins, decided to condemn the terrorist organization in an unusual step - but she was immediately silenced and removed from the scene • Protests are also on social networks: "Hamas is hiding in the tunnels and uses residents as human shields" • The Green Prince claims: "Hamas must be reckoned with"
Sapir Lipkin | N12 | 02.11.23.


Israel Defense Forces on X:
"A Hamas terrorist cell was identified using an ambulance. In response, an IDF aircraft struck and neutralized the Hamas terrorists, who were operating within the ambulance.

We emphasize that this area in Gaza is a war zone. Civilians are repeatedly called upon to evacuate southward for their own safety.
Nov 3, 2023


Horrific video purportedly shows Gaza street strewn with at least a dozen bodies gunned down by Hamas.
By Chris Nesi
Published Nov. 3, 2023, 5:32 p.m. ET
A horrifying new video purportedly shows at least a dozen Gaza residents shot dead in the streets by Hamas terrorists as they were attempting to flee from the north to the south of the Hamas-controlled region.

In the video posted on X, a man films the carnage as he rides a bicycle down the Al Rasheed beach road, crying out in anguish the camera focuses on the dead bodies, many of them lying in pools of blood.

In a separate post, author and journalist Amjad Taha said the victims were among “dozens” killed by Hamas snipers, including women and children, because “they do not want citizens to leave.”

“They want to use them as human shields and will kill anyone who attempts to leave. Hamas terrorists in Gaza will, as usual, blame #Israel because it is easy and there is media that accepts this propaganda,” he wrote.


Hamas using Qatar-funded hospital for terrorism, IDF says.

IDF reopens Gaza humanitarian corridor despite Hamas attacks
Over 2,500 targets have been hit since the start of ground operations in the Strip, according to the IDF.
Joshua Marks, November 5, 2023 / JNS


IDF shows Hamas rockets next to children’s pool, playground
“This is further proof of the terror organization’s constant use of the civilian population as a human shield for terror purposes.”
November 5, 2023 / JNS

Israel Uncovers Hamas Rocket Launchers Next to Children’s Pool, Playground.
By TPS / Tazpit News Agency - 22 Heshvan 5784 – November 5, 2023
Israel Uncovers Hamas Rocket Launchers Next to Childrenâs Pool, Playground


Dozens of Hamas rockets found inside youth center, mosque.
Over 50 rockets found inside youth center in Gaza together with launchers, rocket launching sites found inside mosque.
Israel National News, Nov 6, 2023.

Hamas tunnels, weapons found near amusement park and university.

By Jerusalem Post Staff, November 6, 2023.


Hamas terrorists’ last stand at Gaza hospital.
In showdown witnessed by a Telegraph reporter, Israeli warplanes, tanks and infantry corner last remains of 1,000-strong battalion.

By Paul Nuki in Gaza, 7 November 2023..

...“My hope is that out of all this tragedy people would come together and rebuild and finish all this,” he said. “Israel is not going anywhere. Jews are not going anywhere. Palestinians are not going anywhere. We need to find a way to coexist, otherwise it’s a nightmare for everyone.

“So hopefully out of this tragedy – and it is a tragedy – what we’ll see is a new Middle East or a new Israel or a new Palestine, whatever you want to call it. Something [positive] like what happened to Europe after the defeat of the Third Reich.”


Terror tunnel shafts, weapons found near Ferris wheel, university.
IDF continues to find more proof of Hamas' exploitation of civilian areas for military purposes, use of human shields.
Israel National News, Nov 7, 2023,.


Terrorists reveal: This is how Hamas exploits hospitals and ambulances
In a recorded conversation, a Hamas terrorist operative can be heard telling a Gazan resident: 'I can leave with any ambulance I want.'
Israel National News, Nov 8, 2023.


IDF uncovers weapons manufacturing site next to children's room.
IDF soldiers locate weapons production facility inside residential building, next to little girls' bedroom.

Israel National News, Nov 9, 2023,.


IDF troops destroy terror tunnel shaft near UNWRA school.
Israel National News
Nov 9, 2023, 9:58 AM


IDF finds Hamas weapons factory next to Gazan children's bedroom.
By Tzvi Joffre. Published: November 9, 2023.

The IDF found a Hamas tunnel entrance placed near a kindergarten in northern Gaza on Thursday.

The IDF said that it had found a rocket and drone production site in the middle of a residential building in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in northern Gaza.

U.S. News and World Report

Israel Military Says Misfired Militant Projectile Hit Shifa Hospital.

By Reuters,.Nov. 10, 2023


Hamas’s human shields: ‘Terrorists left the hospital with civilians.’
IDF allows terrorists to leave Rantisi Hospital in Gaza to avoid harming Palestinian noncombatants, but later kills Hamas commander.
Yaakov Lappin
(November 11, 2023 / JNS)


IDF kills Hamas commander who held Gazans hostage at Al Rantisi Hospital
Ahmed Siam was killed while hiding in a school.
By Jerusalem Post Staff, November 11, 2023


Gallant: Tonight - the world got to see what we have known for years.
Defense Minister on revelation that Hamas held hostages underneath a Gaza hospital: We will continue operating against Hamas - the ISIS of Gaza.
Israel National News, Nov 13, 2023.
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Monday evening commented on the IDF’s revelation that Hamas held hostages under a hospital in the Gaza Strip.

“Tonight - the world got to see what we have known for years. The Hamas terrorist organization has cynically built a terror base underneath the ‘Rantisi’ hospital in Gaza, just as it does in additional hospitals and civilian institutions,” Gallant said.

“IDF troops revealed a Hamas command center underneath the hospital. Instead of finding medical equipment, they found ammunition, explosives, and clear signs that Israeli hostages had been held there - including babies,” he added.


WATCH: Video shows Hamas tunnel under Rantisi Hospital
FOX News Videos
Mon, November 13, 2023 at 3:44 PM EST

T@)_ @malachovsky:
Only the Jews have to prove every single thing with 50 pieces of evidence and it will still be denied at large. They can provide an MRI, three videos cam with different angles, an explanation, Hamas calling his father to brag about how many people he killed, 20 photos, eyewitness testimony, DNA evidence, and it will still be denied by people like Cassandra McDonald, the filthy Jew hating douchebag.
On the other hand Hamas ministry of health says it and it's gospel across the globe.
Nov 13, 2023


Palestinian Media Watch.
Little girl tells the truth: Hamas is “underneath, in tunnels, and we – the victims who are dying – are civilians”.

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Nov 22, 2023
Civilian in Gaza about Hamas: They are “hiding among the people… Let [them] go hide in Hell.”
Hamas war on Israel October 2023 - At least 1,200 Israelis, including over 1,000 civilians, were murdered and over 4,800 wounded, in addition to at least 244 (including 5 later released or liberated, 1 born in captivity, and 2 found murdered) who were abducted into the Gaza Strip, in a Hamas terror war that began when approximately 3,000 Hamas terrorists broke through Israel's security fence at the Gaza Strip border and launched a surprise attack, taking control of several Israeli towns and attacking a music festival on the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, which fell on the Sabbath, Oct. 7, 2023. During the massacre the terrorists tortured, raped, shot, beheaded, and burned their victims alive, murdering entire families and leaving at least 21 children without parents. Hamas terrorists also fired at least 5,000 rockets at Israeli population centers. In response, Israel launched Operation Iron Swords to counter the Hamas terror threat. Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon joined Hamas' terror war starting from the following day, attacking Israel from the north. Occasional rocket launches and shootings continued from Lebanon throughout the war.


WATCH: Gaza resident criticizes Hamas on Al Jazeera, reporter turns away and ignores him.

By Maariv Online, Jerusalem Post Staff. November 15, 2023. A resident in Gaza publicly criticized Hamas during an interview on the Qatar-run news channel on Tuesday. In response, the reporter turned away and ignored his statement.


IDF's Duvdevan Unit raids Hamas infrastructures, finds weapons in school.
By Jerusalem Post Staff, 11/18/2023.


The investigation of the terrorist of the Nuh'ba force |
The terrorist reveals in the investigation: "Hamas operatives place civilians on the roof of the house so that the IDF does not shell".
N12 |
Published 18.11.23

New documentation from the investigation of a terrorist: a terrorist from the Nuh'ba force who was caught during the massacre on October 7 in Kibbutz Miflasim. The documentation reveals how Hamas operatives use the residents of Gaza as human shields to save themselves.


COGAT @cogatonline:
These are Hamas operatives running into the Rantisi during combat.
Hamas released this bit on an official bragging video. No shame.

#FreeGaza from Hamas
Nov 19, 2023


Fortified terror tunnel exposed underneath Gaza's Al Shifa hospital complex.
Yoav Zitun, Nov 19, 2023.

WATCH: Fortified Terror Tunnel Exposed Underneath Shifa Hospital in Gaza.
By Jewish Press News Desk - 7 Kislev 5784 – November 19, 2023

Israel: 55-Meter Fortified Tunnel Found Under Shifa Hospital.
November 19, 2023 6:06 PM
VOA News.
An opening to a tunnel that, according to Israel's military, was used by Palestinian militants under Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip as seen in this screen grab taken from a handout video released by the Israel Defense Forces, Nov. 19, 2023.

Israel War Room @IsraelWarRoom:
Joint IDF and ISA announcement: Fortified Terror Tunnel Exposed Underneath the Shifa Hospital Complex Based on IDF and ISA intelligence, IDF troops exposed a 55-meter-long terror tunnel 10 meters deep underneath the Shifa Hospital complex. A deep staircase leads to the entrance of the tunnel shaft, which consists of various defense means including a blast-proof door and a firing hole. This type of door is used by the Hamas terrorist organization to block Israeli forces from entering the command centers and the underground assets belonging to Hamas. The tunnel shaft was uncovered in the area of the hospital underneath a shed alongside a vehicle containing numerous weapons including RPGs, explosives, and Kalashnikov rifles. IDF and ISA forces are continuing to uncover the route of the tunnel.
Nov 19, 2023.


Detained Gaza terrorist says Hamas hid as hospital staff in Al Shifa.
Yoav Zitun, Ynet, November 20, 2023


Hamas has command node under Al-Shifa hospital, US official says.
By Jake Tapper, CNN
Updated 11:22 PM EST, Mon November 13, 2023


US says it has intelligence Hamas has used Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital to hold hostages.
White House spokesman John Kirby made the claim, followed by the Pentagon.
By Justin Gomez, Luis Martinez and Shannon K. Crawford, November 14, 2023


Hamas has command center at Gaza hospital: White House.
San Francisco (AFP) – Palestinian militants have a command center at Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza, the White House said Tuesday, backing up a key Israeli justification for military moves on the facility.
Issued on: 15/11/2023


Hamas Stored Weapons, Military Comms Gear in Al-Shifa Hospital, IDF Video Reveals
By Ari Blaff, November 15, 2023

IDF publishes evidence of weapons found inside Shifa Hospital’s MRI center.
By Emanuel Fabian, November 15, 2023


IDF finds AK47 hidden behind MRI scanner in Gaza hospital raid.
15 November 2023.
UN chief: Hamas must not use hospital as 'shield.'


Initial IDF search of Al-Shifa Hospital reveals Hamas weapons, intelligence materials, military equipment.

IDF, Weapons found at Al-Shifa Hospital)

By Ruth Marks Eglash, November 16, 2023.


IDF reveals entrance to Hamas tunnel, weapons cache found in Shifa Hospital complex.
Troops also locate a Hamas pickup truck with weapons in it, similar to those used in October 7 attacks; Gallant says military has moved on to 'next phase' of operation
By Emanuel Fabian and TOI Staff, 16 November 2023


Tunnel Found Under Al Shifa Hospital Complex.
Plus: Hospital shafts, poetry holes, Osama bin Laden, Randi Weingarten, and more...
Liz Wolfe | 11.17.2023.

US 'still convinced' Hamas used Al-Shifa as command center as Israeli raid continues
By Shannon K. Crawford and Molly Nagle ABC News, November 17, 2023

Behind the Blast Door: Hamas Terrorist Base Under a Hospital.
Israel Defense Forces.
Nov 22, 2023
IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari reveals a hidden Hamas terrorism base beneath Gaza's largest hospital—stark proof of Hamas' direct threat to innocent lives.

Israel Defense Forces @IDF:
A first look into Hamas’ underground city, underneath the Shifa Hospital complex:
Nov 22, 2023.

'Post' joins Israeli forces in Hamas's Gaza tunnel underworld.

This was the first time a reporter from the Jerusalem Post crossed into Gaza since the IDF withdrawal in 2005.
By Yonah Jeremy Bob, November 22, 2023
Israel-Hamas war: Jerusalem Post joins IDF in Gaza's tunnel underworld


Troops in Gaza find dozens of rockets under UNRWA boxes.
By Emanuel Fabian, December 2, 2023.
Troops of the 7007th Reserve Battalion were searching a home in a neighborhood when they found a room full of boxes bearing the logo of the UN agency that supports Palestinian refugees.

Underneath the boxes, dozens of rockets, mortars and other explosives were found, the IDF says.

Separately, troops of the 414th combat intelligence collection unit operating in a home in northern Gaza found grenades, weapon parts and other military equipment inside a child’s bedroom, the IDF says.


Documentation: IDF forces located and destroyed an operational shaft in a school in the northern Gaza Strip.
The fighters, in cooperation with special forces, worked to neutralize the underground infrastructure, secured and isolated the area north of the Jabalia camp.
Channel 7, 2.12.23
תיעוד: כוחות צה"ל איתרו והשמידו פיר מבצעי בבית ספר בצפון רצועת עזה INN


US News
FIENDISH TACTICS Hamas ‘cowards’ stash AK-47s in babies’ cots and ‘send children to the frontline’ in Gaza as they cower under nurseries.
Explosives also found in a baby formula tin - as a soldier describes hunt for Hamas as 'like fighting ghosts'
Nick Parker, Dec 5 2023.

HAMAS terror troops have been hiding weapons in babies’ cots and sending children on to the frontline in Gaza, shocked Israeli soldiers told The Sun yesterday.
Terror tunnels have been found under a kindergarten and mosques have been used to store huge stashes of weapons among fiendish tactics.


IDF finds massive weapons cache near Gaza clinic, school.
The stockpile contained "hundreds of missiles and RPG launchers of various types, dozens of anti-tank missiles, dozens of explosive charges, long-range missiles aimed at the center of the State of Israel, dozens of grenades and unmanned aerial vehicles."
(December 6, 2023 / JNS)
Earlier this month, Israeli soldiers found missiles and military gear hidden among U.N. relief supplies in the northern Gaza Strip.

More than 100 rockets, including 30 “Grad” rockets, were found hidden among boxes belonging to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the IDF said.

In November, the IDF’s 401st Brigade found a large number of weapons in bedrooms and under children’s beds in a building linked to a senior Hamas operative on the outskirts of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip.


Terrorists fired rockets from humanitarian zone in Gaza.
"The rockets were launched near the tents of Gazan citizens who were evacuated to the south of the Gaza Strip for their protection."
(December 7, 2023 / JNS)
Israeli soldiers found missiles and military gear hidden among U.N. relief supplies in the northern Gaza Strip, the Israel Defense Forces said on Dec. 2.

One hundred ten rockets, including 30 Grad projectiles, were found hidden among boxes belonging to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which supports Palestinian refugees and their descendants, the IDF said.

The rockets were found inside a home in a densely populated area.


Baby doll? weapons and ammunition were found inside Teddy bear in Gaza.
IDF forces located a teddy bear, and inside it sniper weapons and ammunition. Also, in a nearby school, weapons were found that were disguised inside classrooms, some of them were hidden in UNRWA bags
בובת ילדים? נשק צלפים ותחמושת נמצאו בתוך דובי בעזה

America Reports,
December 09, 2023.
IDF finds sniper rifle, ammunition hidden inside teddy bear.
The Israel Defense Forces said troops in the 551st Division found weapons and ammunition inside of schools in Gaza, including a sniper rifle that was stashed inside a teddy bear.


As IDF ups ops in Gaza, Hamas targets troops from schools, mosque.
Palestinian terrorists opened fire on Israeli soldiers from an UNRWA school in Beit Hanun.
Charles Bybelezer, December 9, 2023 / JNS.


Terrorists armed with shoulder-fired missiles struck by the IDF.
Israel National News, Dec 11, 2023
IDF locates truck containing long-distance rockets near a school in Gaza, explosive devices inside UNRWA-labeled bags in civilian residence.
Last edited:
Any human shielding. Whichever comes first as an opportunity.
Lazy propagandist.

The cowards also had to wear pampers..


Ae you hired by BDS?
Imam ancient_lion has been spamming for 13 years. The group he works for might be diverse.

Notice how these same BDS propagandists keep reposting that old thing which Usrael banned. LOL

In addition.
Imam ancient_lion does not get the difference of:

Using its own prople
To make sure they die:
Baby killers


The adversaries'.

Only the anti-Israel side does that:

Last edited:
Silly IOF propagandists have no shame to do what they are hired to do.
Saysthearse is weighed down with mental health problems. See the length of his OP .
He has lost control of himself .
DogBlessUSLess probably just tidies and makes the tea .

Terrible when Racism and Hate Speech take over and consume a person .
Imam ancient_lion has been spamming for 13 years. The group he works for might be diverse.

Notice how these same BDS propagandists keep reposting that old thing which Usrael banned. LOL

In addition.
Imam ancient_lion does not get the difference of:

Using its own prople
To make sure they die:
Baby killers


The adversaries'.

Only the anti-Israel side does that:

We all know why they do that.
What do you think is the favorite location by Arab palestinian terrorists to store weapons and/or fire from?


‘Hamas wants to use people as human shields’, says White House National Security spokesperson.
Matt Frei, 13 Oct 2023


Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Hamas is allegedly blocking roads and preventing civilians from evacuating Northern Gaza. Israel warned 1.1 million Gazans to flee to the south ahead of an anticipated ground invasion.
Newsweek, Oct 13, 2023


US intelligence shows Islamic Jihad rocket misfired on Gaza hospital, but Tlaib still blames Israel
By Jon King - October 19, 2023

Gaza hospital blast: Biden says "rocket fired by terrorist group" to blame for explosion | FULL

Global News. Streamed live on Oct 18, 2023
During a press conference in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, U.S. President Joe Biden claimed that the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital explosion which killed hundreds in Gaza City on Tuesday

Don’t ‘Rush to Judgement’: British PM Tells Parliament Errant Palestinian Missile, Not Israeli Air Strike, Responsible for Gaza Hospital Blast

by Ben Cohen, October 23, 2023

French military intelligence says Israeli strike not behind Gaza hospital blast
By John Irish
October 20, 2023

Video Analysis Shows Gaza Hospital Hit By Failed Rocket Meant for Israel"
Ryan Trefes, 21 October, 2023


Hamas 'are using civilians and children as human shields and placing rocket launch sites beside a kindergarten, schools and a mosque', according to Israeli satellite images
By David Averre, 23 Oct 2023


'They are shooting at people,’ Gazan says Hamas preventing evacuation to safety
IDF releases recording of call urging civilians to move southward to safety ahead of Israeli strike as part of military intelligence effort to minimize civilian casualties.
Yoav Zitun, October 26, 2023


N12 - The IDF spokesman revealed in a statement: "Hamas is using the hospital in Gaza as a terrorist headquarters."

Benjamin Netanyahu @netanyahu:
Hamas-ISIS is sick.
They turn hospitals into headquarters for their terror.
We just released intelligence proving it.
Here it is:
Oct 27, 2023

IDF: Hamas’s terror command center built under Gaza’s main hospital
The Israeli military shares detailed information on how Hamas has turned hospitals into terror command centers and hideouts.
Yaakov Lappin.
(October 27, 2023 / JNS)
Hamas has systematically turned hospitals in the Gaza Strip into terror command centers and hideouts, the Israel Defense Forces said on Friday, as volleys of rockets fired by Hamas targeted central and southern Israel.

“Hamas not only endangers the lives of Israeli civilians but also exploits the lives of innocent Gazans as human shields. Hamas’s use of hospitals is systematic. They do so precisely because they know Israel distinguishes between terrorists and civilians,” he said. “We already exposed that Hamas stole fuel from UNRWA—and UNRWA confirmed it.”


Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh: We Need The Blood Of Women, Children, And The Elderly Of Gaza – So It Awakens Our Revolutionary Spirit.
October 27, 2023
Palestine | Special Dispatch No. 10911

Hamas leader Isamil Haniyeh called in an October 26, 2023 address upon all the "free people of the world" to stop the bombing of Gaza, which he referred to as the "new" He said: "The blood of the women, children and elderly […] we are the ones who need this blood, so it awakens within us the revolutionary spirit, so it awakens with us resolve." He said that the demise of the Israeli occupation is "inevitable," and therefore, preparations must be made for the post-occupation phase. The address was aired on Mayadeen Network (Lebanon), and other TV networks.

Hamas Leader: ‘Women, Children, Elderly’ Must Die In Gaza To Help Our Fight Against Israel.
By Daily Wire News
Oct 28, 2023,

Hamas leader Isamil Haniyeh called for Palestinian civilians to die in Israel’s strikes against Hamas terrorists inside of Gaza.

The remarks come as Hamas commits war crimes by using civilians as human shields and lies about events that have unfolded during the three-week war, including its false claims that Israel bombed a hospital.


Hamas officials admit its strategy is to use Palestinian civilians as human shields.
By Natalie Ecanow
Published Nov. 1, 2023, 7:29 p.m. ET

An interviewer recently posed a logical question to Mousa Abu Marzouk, a senior member of the Hamas politburo: “Since you have built 500 kilometers of tunnels, why haven’t you built bomb shelters where civilians can hide during bombardments?”

Abu Marzouk said the tunnels are “meant to protect us” from Israeli aircraft and facilitate attacks on Israeli targets.

“Us” meaning Hamas. Not civilians.

Hamas chooses not to build bomb shelters in Gaza because that would undercut its ability to use the population as human shields.

By putting civilians in or above its military positions, Hamas knows it cannot lose.

Either it will prevent Israel from attacking, since the Israeli military tries to minimize harm to civilians, or if Israel does attack, the use of human shields will ensure high civilian casualties.

Hamas can then hold the death toll against Israel while generating sympathy for itself.

Hamas uses its hundreds of miles of tunnels for military purposes: to transport weapons and ammunition, store supplies and train its members without exposing them to enemy surveillance and fire.

Hamas leader shows why no cease-fire is possible if Israel is to survive
Equally important, the tunnels are a convenient way for Hamas to hide its military assets underneath civilian infrastructure. That is a textbook use of human shields, which international law prohibits.

Reliant on civilians to protect it from Israeli counterattacks, Hamas cannot afford to let Gaza’s civilian population seek refuge from clashes with the Israel Defense Forces.

Accordingly, Hamas leadership ordered civilians in northern Gaza to defy the IDF’s advice to “evacuate south for your own safety” in advance of Israel’s ground invasion.

Eyad al-Bozom, a spokesman for Hamas’ interior ministry, encouraged Gaza’s residents to “stay put in your homes and your places.”

To its credit, the Biden administration has called out Hamas for employing a strategy whose essence is the commission of war crimes against the same people Hamas supposedly represents.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby explained on CNN, “Hamas actually gave a counterorder telling Palestinians in Gaza to stay at home. Why? Because having human shields, they think, protects them.”

Hamas’ use of human shields is not new. Hamas has come close to confessing its exploitation of civilians before.

During an organized 2016 uprising at the Gaza border, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar admitted the group “decided to turn that which is most dear to us — the bodies of our women and children — into a dam blocking the collapse in Arab reality.”

After acknowledging Hamas builds tunnels to protect fighters but not civilians, Abu Marzouk ventured that it is the job of the United Nations, not Hamas, to protect civilians.

It might have been hard to say that with a straight face, since Hamas also has a long record of turning UN facilities into part of its wall of human shields.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), whose mission is to provide relief for Palestinians, has repeatedly found stores of Hamas rockets hidden in tunnels beneath its schools.

In 2018, Congress passed the Sanctioning the Use of Civilians as Defenseless Shields Act, which has lain dormant since becoming law.

The Shields Act, which specifically calls out Hamas, requires the president to impose sanctions on individuals determined to be using human shields, but neither Biden nor his predecessor designated any Hamas leaders. Now would be a good time to start.

Doing so is unlikely to change Hamas’ behavior, but it would send an important message both to Americans and leaders in other democratic nations.

It is not Israel but Hamas that bears moral responsibility for the death of civilians in this war. [Gaza receives largest aid shipment so far as deaths top 8,000 and Israel widens military offensive]

Hamas seeks to win by generating enough pressure on Israel from its allies to force an end to Israel’s military operations. Washington should make clear it will never fall for this ruse; nor should anyone else.


In battle for Gaza stronghold, 100 women and children pushed forward by Hamas to act as human barrier

IDF troops met with a disturbing tactic at base of Hamas's Force 17 near Jabaliya; 'We stand ready to face more instances of such cynical and brutal use of civilians,' Israeli officer says

Yoav Zitun | published: November 1, 2023.


The criticism in Gaza: "All this happened because of the dogs of Hamas" | Watch the video.
A resident of Gaza who was documented among the ruins, decided to condemn the terrorist organization in an unusual step - but she was immediately silenced and removed from the scene • Protests are also on social networks: "Hamas is hiding in the tunnels and uses residents as human shields" • The Green Prince claims: "Hamas must be reckoned with"
Sapir Lipkin | N12 | 02.11.23.


Israel Defense Forces on X:
"A Hamas terrorist cell was identified using an ambulance. In response, an IDF aircraft struck and neutralized the Hamas terrorists, who were operating within the ambulance.

We emphasize that this area in Gaza is a war zone. Civilians are repeatedly called upon to evacuate southward for their own safety.
Nov 3, 2023


Horrific video purportedly shows Gaza street strewn with at least a dozen bodies gunned down by Hamas.
By Chris Nesi
Published Nov. 3, 2023, 5:32 p.m. ET
A horrifying new video purportedly shows at least a dozen Gaza residents shot dead in the streets by Hamas terrorists as they were attempting to flee from the north to the south of the Hamas-controlled region.

In the video posted on X, a man films the carnage as he rides a bicycle down the Al Rasheed beach road, crying out in anguish the camera focuses on the dead bodies, many of them lying in pools of blood.

In a separate post, author and journalist Amjad Taha said the victims were among “dozens” killed by Hamas snipers, including women and children, because “they do not want citizens to leave.”

“They want to use them as human shields and will kill anyone who attempts to leave. Hamas terrorists in Gaza will, as usual, blame #Israel because it is easy and there is media that accepts this propaganda,” he wrote.


Hamas using Qatar-funded hospital for terrorism, IDF says.

IDF reopens Gaza humanitarian corridor despite Hamas attacks
Over 2,500 targets have been hit since the start of ground operations in the Strip, according to the IDF.
Joshua Marks, November 5, 2023 / JNS


IDF shows Hamas rockets next to children’s pool, playground
“This is further proof of the terror organization’s constant use of the civilian population as a human shield for terror purposes.”
November 5, 2023 / JNS

Israel Uncovers Hamas Rocket Launchers Next to Children’s Pool, Playground.
By TPS / Tazpit News Agency - 22 Heshvan 5784 – November 5, 2023
Israel Uncovers Hamas Rocket Launchers Next to Childrenâs Pool, Playground


Dozens of Hamas rockets found inside youth center, mosque.
Over 50 rockets found inside youth center in Gaza together with launchers, rocket launching sites found inside mosque.
Israel National News, Nov 6, 2023.

Hamas tunnels, weapons found near amusement park and university.

By Jerusalem Post Staff, November 6, 2023.


Hamas terrorists’ last stand at Gaza hospital.
In showdown witnessed by a Telegraph reporter, Israeli warplanes, tanks and infantry corner last remains of 1,000-strong battalion.

By Paul Nuki in Gaza, 7 November 2023..

...“My hope is that out of all this tragedy people would come together and rebuild and finish all this,” he said. “Israel is not going anywhere. Jews are not going anywhere. Palestinians are not going anywhere. We need to find a way to coexist, otherwise it’s a nightmare for everyone.

“So hopefully out of this tragedy – and it is a tragedy – what we’ll see is a new Middle East or a new Israel or a new Palestine, whatever you want to call it. Something [positive] like what happened to Europe after the defeat of the Third Reich.”


Terror tunnel shafts, weapons found near Ferris wheel, university.
IDF continues to find more proof of Hamas' exploitation of civilian areas for military purposes, use of human shields.
Israel National News, Nov 7, 2023,.


Terrorists reveal: This is how Hamas exploits hospitals and ambulances
In a recorded conversation, a Hamas terrorist operative can be heard telling a Gazan resident: 'I can leave with any ambulance I want.'
Israel National News, Nov 8, 2023.


IDF uncovers weapons manufacturing site next to children's room.
IDF soldiers locate weapons production facility inside residential building, next to little girls' bedroom.

Israel National News, Nov 9, 2023,.


IDF troops destroy terror tunnel shaft near UNWRA school.
Israel National News
Nov 9, 2023, 9:58 AM


IDF finds Hamas weapons factory next to Gazan children's bedroom.
By Tzvi Joffre. Published: November 9, 2023.

The IDF found a Hamas tunnel entrance placed near a kindergarten in northern Gaza on Thursday.

The IDF said that it had found a rocket and drone production site in the middle of a residential building in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in northern Gaza.

U.S. News and World Report

Israel Military Says Misfired Militant Projectile Hit Shifa Hospital.

By Reuters,.Nov. 10, 2023


Hamas’s human shields: ‘Terrorists left the hospital with civilians.’
IDF allows terrorists to leave Rantisi Hospital in Gaza to avoid harming Palestinian noncombatants, but later kills Hamas commander.
Yaakov Lappin
(November 11, 2023 / JNS)


IDF kills Hamas commander who held Gazans hostage at Al Rantisi Hospital
Ahmed Siam was killed while hiding in a school.
By Jerusalem Post Staff, November 11, 2023


Gallant: Tonight - the world got to see what we have known for years.
Defense Minister on revelation that Hamas held hostages underneath a Gaza hospital: We will continue operating against Hamas - the ISIS of Gaza.
Israel National News, Nov 13, 2023.
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Monday evening commented on the IDF’s revelation that Hamas held hostages under a hospital in the Gaza Strip.

“Tonight - the world got to see what we have known for years. The Hamas terrorist organization has cynically built a terror base underneath the ‘Rantisi’ hospital in Gaza, just as it does in additional hospitals and civilian institutions,” Gallant said.

“IDF troops revealed a Hamas command center underneath the hospital. Instead of finding medical equipment, they found ammunition, explosives, and clear signs that Israeli hostages had been held there - including babies,” he added.


WATCH: Video shows Hamas tunnel under Rantisi Hospital
FOX News Videos
Mon, November 13, 2023 at 3:44 PM EST

T@)_ @malachovsky:
Only the Jews have to prove every single thing with 50 pieces of evidence and it will still be denied at large. They can provide an MRI, three videos cam with different angles, an explanation, Hamas calling his father to brag about how many people he killed, 20 photos, eyewitness testimony, DNA evidence, and it will still be denied by people like Cassandra McDonald, the filthy Jew hating douchebag.
On the other hand Hamas ministry of health says it and it's gospel across the globe.
Nov 13, 2023


Palestinian Media Watch.
Little girl tells the truth: Hamas is “underneath, in tunnels, and we – the victims who are dying – are civilians”.

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Nov 22, 2023
Civilian in Gaza about Hamas: They are “hiding among the people… Let [them] go hide in Hell.”
Hamas war on Israel October 2023 - At least 1,200 Israelis, including over 1,000 civilians, were murdered and over 4,800 wounded, in addition to at least 244 (including 5 later released or liberated, 1 born in captivity, and 2 found murdered) who were abducted into the Gaza Strip, in a Hamas terror war that began when approximately 3,000 Hamas terrorists broke through Israel's security fence at the Gaza Strip border and launched a surprise attack, taking control of several Israeli towns and attacking a music festival on the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, which fell on the Sabbath, Oct. 7, 2023. During the massacre the terrorists tortured, raped, shot, beheaded, and burned their victims alive, murdering entire families and leaving at least 21 children without parents. Hamas terrorists also fired at least 5,000 rockets at Israeli population centers. In response, Israel launched Operation Iron Swords to counter the Hamas terror threat. Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon joined Hamas' terror war starting from the following day, attacking Israel from the north. Occasional rocket launches and shootings continued from Lebanon throughout the war.


WATCH: Gaza resident criticizes Hamas on Al Jazeera, reporter turns away and ignores him.

By Maariv Online, Jerusalem Post Staff. November 15, 2023. A resident in Gaza publicly criticized Hamas during an interview on the Qatar-run news channel on Tuesday. In response, the reporter turned away and ignored his statement.


IDF's Duvdevan Unit raids Hamas infrastructures, finds weapons in school.
By Jerusalem Post Staff, 11/18/2023.


The investigation of the terrorist of the Nuh'ba force |
The terrorist reveals in the investigation: "Hamas operatives place civilians on the roof of the house so that the IDF does not shell".
N12 |
Published 18.11.23

New documentation from the investigation of a terrorist: a terrorist from the Nuh'ba force who was caught during the massacre on October 7 in Kibbutz Miflasim. The documentation reveals how Hamas operatives use the residents of Gaza as human shields to save themselves.


COGAT @cogatonline:
These are Hamas operatives running into the Rantisi during combat.
Hamas released this bit on an official bragging video. No shame.

#FreeGaza from Hamas
Nov 19, 2023


Fortified terror tunnel exposed underneath Gaza's Al Shifa hospital complex.
Yoav Zitun, Nov 19, 2023.

WATCH: Fortified Terror Tunnel Exposed Underneath Shifa Hospital in Gaza.
By Jewish Press News Desk - 7 Kislev 5784 – November 19, 2023

Israel: 55-Meter Fortified Tunnel Found Under Shifa Hospital.
November 19, 2023 6:06 PM
VOA News.
An opening to a tunnel that, according to Israel's military, was used by Palestinian militants under Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip as seen in this screen grab taken from a handout video released by the Israel Defense Forces, Nov. 19, 2023.

Israel War Room @IsraelWarRoom:
Joint IDF and ISA announcement: Fortified Terror Tunnel Exposed Underneath the Shifa Hospital Complex Based on IDF and ISA intelligence, IDF troops exposed a 55-meter-long terror tunnel 10 meters deep underneath the Shifa Hospital complex. A deep staircase leads to the entrance of the tunnel shaft, which consists of various defense means including a blast-proof door and a firing hole. This type of door is used by the Hamas terrorist organization to block Israeli forces from entering the command centers and the underground assets belonging to Hamas. The tunnel shaft was uncovered in the area of the hospital underneath a shed alongside a vehicle containing numerous weapons including RPGs, explosives, and Kalashnikov rifles. IDF and ISA forces are continuing to uncover the route of the tunnel.
Nov 19, 2023.


Detained Gaza terrorist says Hamas hid as hospital staff in Al Shifa.
Yoav Zitun, Ynet, November 20, 2023


Hamas has command node under Al-Shifa hospital, US official says.
By Jake Tapper, CNN
Updated 11:22 PM EST, Mon November 13, 2023


US says it has intelligence Hamas has used Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital to hold hostages.
White House spokesman John Kirby made the claim, followed by the Pentagon.
By Justin Gomez, Luis Martinez and Shannon K. Crawford, November 14, 2023


Hamas has command center at Gaza hospital: White House.
San Francisco (AFP) – Palestinian militants have a command center at Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza, the White House said Tuesday, backing up a key Israeli justification for military moves on the facility.
Issued on: 15/11/2023


Hamas Stored Weapons, Military Comms Gear in Al-Shifa Hospital, IDF Video Reveals
By Ari Blaff, November 15, 2023

IDF publishes evidence of weapons found inside Shifa Hospital’s MRI center.
By Emanuel Fabian, November 15, 2023


IDF finds AK47 hidden behind MRI scanner in Gaza hospital raid.
15 November 2023.
UN chief: Hamas must not use hospital as 'shield.'


Initial IDF search of Al-Shifa Hospital reveals Hamas weapons, intelligence materials, military equipment.

IDF, Weapons found at Al-Shifa Hospital)

By Ruth Marks Eglash, November 16, 2023.


IDF reveals entrance to Hamas tunnel, weapons cache found in Shifa Hospital complex.
Troops also locate a Hamas pickup truck with weapons in it, similar to those used in October 7 attacks; Gallant says military has moved on to 'next phase' of operation
By Emanuel Fabian and TOI Staff, 16 November 2023


Tunnel Found Under Al Shifa Hospital Complex.
Plus: Hospital shafts, poetry holes, Osama bin Laden, Randi Weingarten, and more...
Liz Wolfe | 11.17.2023.

US 'still convinced' Hamas used Al-Shifa as command center as Israeli raid continues
By Shannon K. Crawford and Molly Nagle ABC News, November 17, 2023

Behind the Blast Door: Hamas Terrorist Base Under a Hospital.
Israel Defense Forces.
Nov 22, 2023
IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari reveals a hidden Hamas terrorism base beneath Gaza's largest hospital—stark proof of Hamas' direct threat to innocent lives.

Israel Defense Forces @IDF:
A first look into Hamas’ underground city, underneath the Shifa Hospital complex:
Nov 22, 2023.

'Post' joins Israeli forces in Hamas's Gaza tunnel underworld.

This was the first time a reporter from the Jerusalem Post crossed into Gaza since the IDF withdrawal in 2005.
By Yonah Jeremy Bob, November 22, 2023
Israel-Hamas war: Jerusalem Post joins IDF in Gaza's tunnel underworld


Troops in Gaza find dozens of rockets under UNRWA boxes.
By Emanuel Fabian, December 2, 2023.
Troops of the 7007th Reserve Battalion were searching a home in a neighborhood when they found a room full of boxes bearing the logo of the UN agency that supports Palestinian refugees.

Underneath the boxes, dozens of rockets, mortars and other explosives were found, the IDF says.

Separately, troops of the 414th combat intelligence collection unit operating in a home in northern Gaza found grenades, weapon parts and other military equipment inside a child’s bedroom, the IDF says.


Documentation: IDF forces located and destroyed an operational shaft in a school in the northern Gaza Strip.
The fighters, in cooperation with special forces, worked to neutralize the underground infrastructure, secured and isolated the area north of the Jabalia camp.
Channel 7, 2.12.23
תיעוד: כוחות צה"ל איתרו והשמידו פיר מבצעי בבית ספר בצפון רצועת עזה INN


US News
FIENDISH TACTICS Hamas ‘cowards’ stash AK-47s in babies’ cots and ‘send children to the frontline’ in Gaza as they cower under nurseries.
Explosives also found in a baby formula tin - as a soldier describes hunt for Hamas as 'like fighting ghosts'
Nick Parker, Dec 5 2023.

HAMAS terror troops have been hiding weapons in babies’ cots and sending children on to the frontline in Gaza, shocked Israeli soldiers told The Sun yesterday.
Terror tunnels have been found under a kindergarten and mosques have been used to store huge stashes of weapons among fiendish tactics.


IDF finds massive weapons cache near Gaza clinic, school.
The stockpile contained "hundreds of missiles and RPG launchers of various types, dozens of anti-tank missiles, dozens of explosive charges, long-range missiles aimed at the center of the State of Israel, dozens of grenades and unmanned aerial vehicles."
(December 6, 2023 / JNS)
Earlier this month, Israeli soldiers found missiles and military gear hidden among U.N. relief supplies in the northern Gaza Strip.

More than 100 rockets, including 30 “Grad” rockets, were found hidden among boxes belonging to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the IDF said.

In November, the IDF’s 401st Brigade found a large number of weapons in bedrooms and under children’s beds in a building linked to a senior Hamas operative on the outskirts of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip.


Terrorists fired rockets from humanitarian zone in Gaza.
"The rockets were launched near the tents of Gazan citizens who were evacuated to the south of the Gaza Strip for their protection."
(December 7, 2023 / JNS)
Israeli soldiers found missiles and military gear hidden among U.N. relief supplies in the northern Gaza Strip, the Israel Defense Forces said on Dec. 2.

One hundred ten rockets, including 30 Grad projectiles, were found hidden among boxes belonging to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which supports Palestinian refugees and their descendants, the IDF said.

The rockets were found inside a home in a densely populated area.


Baby doll? weapons and ammunition were found inside Teddy bear in Gaza.
IDF forces located a teddy bear, and inside it sniper weapons and ammunition. Also, in a nearby school, weapons were found that were disguised inside classrooms, some of them were hidden in UNRWA bags
בובת ילדים? נשק צלפים ותחמושת נמצאו בתוך דובי בעזה

America Reports,
December 09, 2023.
IDF finds sniper rifle, ammunition hidden inside teddy bear.
The Israel Defense Forces said troops in the 551st Division found weapons and ammunition inside of schools in Gaza, including a sniper rifle that was stashed inside a teddy bear.


As IDF ups ops in Gaza, Hamas targets troops from schools, mosque.
Palestinian terrorists opened fire on Israeli soldiers from an UNRWA school in Beit Hanun.
Charles Bybelezer, December 9, 2023 / JNS.


Terrorists armed with shoulder-fired missiles struck by the IDF.
Israel National News, Dec 11, 2023
IDF locates truck containing long-distance rockets near a school in Gaza, explosive devices inside UNRWA-labeled bags in civilian residence.

All of the above, and you should use bigger font.
I didn't want this to be too much of a long post.
Well that ship sailed anyway. Now it's just a long tiny font post.

TL/DR past 2-3 things anyway.

You could spoiler that stuff to make the post shorter.

Long list of things

{spoiler="blank"} big page of stuff {/spoiler}

But with brackets [] instead of {}
Last edited:
Well that ship sailed anyway. Now it's just a long tiny font post.

TL/DR past 2-3 things anyway.

You could spoiler that stuff to make the post shorter.

Long list of things

{spoiler="blank"} big page of stuff {/spoiler}

But with brackets [] instead of {}
Last edited:
The thread is about current (all the dates are after Oct 7 atrocities). Not old history, and/or unrelated to those using its very women and children.
Imam ancient_lion has been spamming for 13 years. The group he works for might be diverse.

Notice how these same BDS propagandists keep reposting that old thing which Usrael banned. LOL

In addition.
Imam ancient_lion does not get the difference of:

Using its own prople
To make sure they die:
Baby killers


The adversaries'.

Only the anti-Israel side does that:

True distinction.

Forum List
