Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel: U.N.

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More about one of the primary people behind the allegations in this 'report'(same article):

Falk has long been a controversial figure. After taking up the post in May 2008, he compared Israeli forces' actions in the Gaza Strip to those of the Nazis in wartime Europe.

In December that year he was detained at Ben Gurion airport and deported by Israeli authorities after being barred from crossing into Palestinian areas to carry out his investigation.

In 2011 he wrote on his blog that there had been an "apparent cover-up" by U.S. authorities over the Sept 11, 2001 attacks. He later said that he meant investigations must be transparent and exhaustive.

That July he posted a cartoon which critics called anti-Semitic. It was later removed and he apologized for "unintentionally posting an anti-Semitic cartoon".

More recently, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon rejected remarks by Falk suggesting the Boston marathon bombings in April were a response to U.S. foreign policy.

Its not Falks report being discussed here.

This has everything to do with Falk. He is the professional anti-Israel "investigator" with the UNHRC, and this "report" directly involves him as it was put out from the UNHRC under his auspices.
The other issue is that even when a "report" such as this has a grain of truth to it, there is no distinction made between actions that are part of Israeli policy and the acts of "rogues" who violate Israeli policy.

If an IDF soldier takes it upon himself to assault a peaceful protester, he is subject to prosecution and punishment by Israel.

By contrast, a "Palestinian" who murders an Israeli typically gets a street or park named after him.

If that is the case - then Israel should be more open about providing information.

The "they are worse" fallacy is just that - a fallacy.

Yes, other countries are worse, but that doesn't mean what Israel is doing in regards to Palestinian children in it's custody is right or should be overlooked.
The other issue is that even when a "report" such as this has a grain of truth to it, there is no distinction made between actions that are part of Israeli policy and the acts of "rogues" who violate Israeli policy.

If an IDF soldier takes it upon himself to assault a peaceful protester, he is subject to prosecution and punishment by Israel.

By contrast, a "Palestinian" who murders an Israeli typically gets a street or park named after him.

If that is the case - then Israel should be more open about providing information.

The "they are worse" fallacy is just that - a fallacy.

Yes, other countries are worse, but that doesn't mean what Israel is doing in regards to Palestinian children in it's custody is right or should be overlooked.

Israel doesn't have to provide you with any information. The Israeli government is accountable to Israelis, not to you, and certainly not to the filth at the UN and its subsidiaries.
Sometimes, you know, Israel is wrong, and when it is - it should be addressed. Israel is a better country than that.

Are you suggesting that UN "reports" regarding Israel have any legitimacy whatsoever?


And who are those criticizing Israel in the UN?

Those who are conveniently enough rule the fuel policy and hold the entire world by their family Jewels?

Reminds me of the 'enlightened' Goldstone and his rediculous report.

Just a tiny fact was left missing, that Goldstone himself who "supported" the "apartheird" claims, actually SUPPORTED the SA apartheid and and executed dozens of blacks in Africa.

If it wasn't sad, it could have been funny. The world is so hypocritical when it comes to Israel
Anyone who sees the UN as a legitimate organisation, particularly the UNHRC's "work" with respect to Israel, is not to be taken seriously when discussing Israeli/Jewish/Zionist issues.
Are you suggesting that UN "reports" regarding Israel have any legitimacy whatsoever?


And who are those criticizing Israel in the UN?

Those who are conveniently enough rule the fuel policy and hold the entire world by their family Jewels?

Reminds me of the 'enlightened' Goldstone and his rediculous report.

Just a tiny fact was left missing, that Goldstone himself who "supported" the "apartheird" claims, actually SUPPORTED the SA apartheid and and executed dozens of blacks in Africa.

If it wasn't sad, it could have been funny. The world is so hypocritical when it comes to Israel

Goldstone is a disgrace and needs to redeem himself.
If that is the case - then Israel should be more open about providing information.

Provide information to whom? Israel is a sovereign nation. It can handle its internal affairs just like any other sovereign nation. The UN's hyper-focus on Israel, while it ignores true atrocities accross the globe, is proof of its bias.

Yes, other countries are worse, but that doesn't mean what Israel is doing in regards to Palestinian children in it's custody is right or should be overlooked.

Israel can handle its own affairs without the assistance of anti-Semites like Faulk and the biased UN. Thanks for your concern.
Are you suggesting that UN "reports" regarding Israel have any legitimacy whatsoever?


And who are those criticizing Israel in the UN?

A variety of nations.

Those who are conveniently enough rule the fuel policy and hold the entire world by their family Jewels? we're now pushing into conspiracy theory territory rather than sticking to the facts and what is presented in this report as well as by groups such as B'tselem.

Reminds me of the 'enlightened' Goldstone and his rediculous report.

Just a tiny fact was left missing, that Goldstone himself who "supported" the "apartheird" claims, actually SUPPORTED the SA apartheid and and executed dozens of blacks in Africa.

If it wasn't sad, it could have been funny. The world is so hypocritical when it comes to Israel

Which means nothing - address the report and what was presented.

Sometimes Israel is wrong. Violations regarding Palestinian minors should be fairly examined rather than devolving into a race to descredit the sources and it's not this report alone that has been critical of this and complained of an absence of information from Israel on it.
I do not believe to Btselem reports.

Not long ago they showed a video presenting settlers cutting off olive trees. Turned out the Palestinians did it themselves.

Just like the Palestinians faked "price tag" incidents which were reported by Btselem.

Therefor, I do not take for fact anything they say.

"Fool me twice..." you know how it continues

I already said on page 1 however, that I think this should be checked and not directly being brushed under the rug.

Still doesn't mean we should change anything just because the UN thinks we do.
The other issue is that even when a "report" such as this has a grain of truth to it, there is no distinction made between actions that are part of Israeli policy and the acts of "rogues" who violate Israeli policy.

If an IDF soldier takes it upon himself to assault a peaceful protester, he is subject to prosecution and punishment by Israel.

By contrast, a "Palestinian" who murders an Israeli typically gets a street or park named after him.

If that is the case - then Israel should be more open about providing information.

The "they are worse" fallacy is just that - a fallacy.

Yes, other countries are worse, but that doesn't mean what Israel is doing in regards to Palestinian children in it's custody is right or should be overlooked.

Israel doesn't have to provide you with any information. The Israeli government is accountable to Israelis, not to you, and certainly not to the filth at the UN and its subsidiaries.

I'm not asking Israel to provide ME with anything. Read the OP.

If the Isaeli's don't want to have human rights charges brought against them then it behooves them to provide the necessary information clearing them of the charges. Instead, they cry wolf - everyone's biased, everyone want's their destruction yada yada yada.
I do not believe to Btselem reports.

Not long ago they showed a video presenting settlers cutting off olive trees. Turned out the Palestinians did it themselves.

Just like the Palestinians faked "price tag" incidents which were reported by Btselem.

Therefor, I do not take for fact anything they say.

"Fool me twice..." you know how it continues

They have a reputation for checking and investigating thoroughly - enough so that they have the respect of the government and courts. That doesn't mean they are 100% right - no one is. Sometimes the IDF is wrong. Should you then stop taking for fact anything they say?

I already said on page 1 however, that I think this should be checked and not directly being brushed under the rug.

I know - I saw, and agree :)

Still doesn't mean we should change anything just because the UN thinks we do.

No. You should change it because that is not the country you want to be and not the kind of people you want to be.

At least - that is how I feel about my country and abuses that occur in such issues as the treatment of the mentally ill, the high numbers of people incarcerated for minor crimes or the 3-strikes rules, the death penalty and the racial inequities regarding law enforcement, anti-semitism, islamophobia, racism etc etc. Those are things that I think we as a country should not condone or white wash.
U.S. Violating Human Rights of Children, Says U.N. Committee | American Civil Liberties Union

It's nice to know they're not singling out Israel on this subject......

I think part of the problem is that the UN groups tend to set an extremely idealistic standard. And they do not seem to take into account how many 'fails' or how severe such 'fails' are.

Most egregious of all - and this taints EVERYTHING from the UN! - there are entire nations whose 'laws' do not come close to meeting UN idealistic standards, and those nations are represented on many of the committees which are busily issuing condemnatory "reports"......

It's just unbelievable when some 'talking head' from a nation which sends out military death squads to 'clean up' the homeless presumes to lecture others on 'human rights'.
I love the "sometimes Israel is wrong" comment.

My response to it? Duh!!!!

That's not the issue.

The issue is that Israel's "wrongs" (even if the unsubstantiated allegations against Israel were 100% true, which they never are) are so minor in comparison to what is going on in Syria, the Sudan, Iran, North Korea and countless other places around the world, that it begs the question:

How does the UN set its agenda?

After all, the UN has only so much manpower and so many hours in a day. They can't address every issue in the world at all times, so they must come up with a priority list of some sort.

How is it that Israel always seems to be at the top of that list?

Is the over-aggressive interregation of a "Palestinian" punk who throws rocks at moving cars really a more pressing issue than the 100,000 people massacred in the Syrian Civil War?

Is the construction of an apartment building In "East Jerusalem" really a greater concern than a madman in North Korea firing test missles towards its neighbors?

Is the allegation of a known terrorist against the IDF really more urgent than the actual ethnic cleansing that's happening in Africa?

The UN is a joke. It abandoned Israel and left it to fend for itself after the Arabs rejected the Partition Plan. It failed to secure Jewish access to its holy sites from 1948-1967. It did nothing as the "Palestinians" violated every accord it ever signed with Israel. It appoints known anti-Semites to "evaluate" Israel. It granted observer status to a "nation" that is governed, in part, by a known terrorist organization.

In other words, the UN can go to Hell.
If that is the case - then Israel should be more open about providing information.

The "they are worse" fallacy is just that - a fallacy.

Yes, other countries are worse, but that doesn't mean what Israel is doing in regards to Palestinian children in it's custody is right or should be overlooked.

Israel doesn't have to provide you with any information. The Israeli government is accountable to Israelis, not to you, and certainly not to the filth at the UN and its subsidiaries.

I'm not asking Israel to provide ME with anything. Read the OP.

If the Isaeli's don't want to have human rights charges brought against them then it behooves them to provide the necessary information clearing them of the charges. Instead, they cry wolf - everyone's biased, everyone want's their destruction yada yada yada.

"Human rights charges"? What are those, exactly? Are you now going to invoke "international law" (as if you know what that means)?
I only WISH it were so clear-cut and tidy as "This is the report, it is reliable, so you are wrong and have to change"

But it's not. IMO, any nation which does not make 'up to high school' education compulsory AND free for both sexes, is committing official child abuse. The links between poverty and lack of education are VERY clear and undeniable.

Why don't we focus on THAT instead ? It has the best chance of producing a positive change worldwide in just one generation.
Committee on the Rights of the Child - Members

Here's a list of the players:



Term expires

Ms. Agnes Akosua AIDOO


28 February 2015



28 February 2017

Ms. Aseil AL-SHEHAIL (Vice-Chairperson)

Saudi Arabia

28 February 2015



28 February 2015

Ms Sara DE JESÚS OVIEDO FIERRO (Vice-Chairperson)


28 February 2017

Mr. Bernard GASTAUD


28 February 2015

Mr. Peter GURÁN


28 February 2017

Ms. Maria HERCZOG (Rapporteur)


28 February 2015

Ms. Olga a. KHAZOVA

Russian Federation

28 February 2017



28 February 2015

Mr. Gehad MADI


28 February 2015

Mr. Benyam Dawit MEZMUR (Vice-Chairperson)


28 February 2017



28 February 2017

Mr. Wanderlino NOGUEIRA NETO


28 February 2017

Ms. Maria Rita PARSI


28 February 2017

Ms. Kirsten SANDBERG (Chairperson)


28 February 2015

Ms. Hiranthi WIJEMANNE (Vice-Chairperson)

Sri Lanka

28 February 2015

Ms. Renate WINTER


28 February 2017
They give free education in Gaza. Unfortunately, this is the daily schedule:

Period 1: Bombmaking 101
Period 2: The History of Martyrdom
Period 3: Introduction to Propaganda
Period 4: Property Law Symposium: Everything is Ours
Period 5: History Denial
Period 6: AP Kidnapping
Israel doesn't have to provide you with any information. The Israeli government is accountable to Israelis, not to you, and certainly not to the filth at the UN and its subsidiaries.

I'm not asking Israel to provide ME with anything. Read the OP.

If the Isaeli's don't want to have human rights charges brought against them then it behooves them to provide the necessary information clearing them of the charges. Instead, they cry wolf - everyone's biased, everyone want's their destruction yada yada yada.

"Human rights charges"? What are those, exactly? Are you now going to invoke "international law" (as if you know what that means)?

From Miriam Webster:

Charge - a statement of complaint or hostile criticism
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