Page 47 and a strange fruit.

I wanted to give the gopro a run, so I set it on time lapse, and went to a supermarket, after a little wander first

Discipline on the roads is something other people do.
Because the norm is to buy your driving licence from a corrupt cop, no one knows how to drive properly, or what is reasonable.

These posts are there to stop motorcycles using the pavement in an attempt to
get past the jam.


I'm Fred, and I'm clever.

I fixed the gopro on top of my motorbike helmet, but set it on time lapse, taking a snap ever 0.5 of a second.
Most are not a lot worth bothering about, but I'm getting shots I normally miss as I can't get a camera out in time.

Here's one of two guys on bike with guns, one talking on his mobile phone.


And this is a moron in a microbus, pulling though a red light, almost hitting me and a bunch of other people.

I'm humbled, and I must renounce all I've ever said about health and safety in Indonesia.

I was wrong.

A man taking his shot on a driving range,


A man collecting rubbish on a driving range.

The rainy season is with us, and that means floods.
The floods generally destroy a lot of personal property, disrupt a lot of lives, and there are usually a few deaths as people get trapped.
This year, there is an attempt to stop, or at least reduce, the problems.

Rubbish in rivers blocks them, so someone has set a rubbish trap in order to make it easier to clean up. They'll very probably sell the plastic as well.


Clearing rubbish from the drains, all by hand



Of course, this is Indonesia,so thhey didn't get around to putting the covers back.

This area, near McD in Bintaro 9 is known for bad flooding, along with the housing estates in the area.

They're dredging the rivers, in the hope of getting water away as quickly as possible.

As you get towards Christmas, the schools start advertising for new students, so banners appear all over the place.

This guy walks around all day, trying to sell his aluminium clothes hangers,
He'll walk for miles until he sells them, or it gets dark.


That guy walks because he can't carry his stuff on a motorbike, if he can afford one.

These guys walk because they reject pretty much everything in modern society, including money, the internal combustion engine and shoes.
They wander around, without women because females aren't allowed to leave the village, bartering honey and semi precious stones for food.


I'm sometimes asked how I get unusual photos, and photos of the unusual.
Easy, people see a river; I see a photo shoot.


When I see something, I look closely, just to see what else is there.
In small villages, washing clothes in the river is normal.



Of course, the terrific optical zoom helps a lot.
The road system out here is a mess, as are the pavements (Sidewalks).
In many towns, the drains have been covered over with heavy concrete, providing pedestrians with a fairly safe place to walk.
Sadly, truck drivers don't always realise these slabs have a limited load bearing capacity, especially when their truck is overloaded with concrete blocks.

The less than slim bloke in blue is the boss, a man who I have to take my hat off to as he remained calm and even managed a happy smile for me.
In that situation, I'd be really grumpy, and would probably have hacked the driver to death.



Many Indonesians are less than well off, but can manage a small, comfortable house.
Lots of villagers and migrant workers live in places like this.

From the outside.


The living room.
At the front of he house, and where guests usual sit when they visit you.


The bedroom.
Small, just enough for a bed and bits and bobs.
It's commonly divided from the living room by a curtain.


The kitchen.
No gas, and the electricity supply is commonly limited to 400 watts, so you use bottle available from the local shop.
That's about enough to run a fridge and a small TV.


After all that food, you'll need to know about the toilet.
Most village houses (Not the posh ones) have squat toilets.
The whole room is a wet room, so no need for a shower cubicle. Washing is commonly done by scooping water from a bucket, and pouring it over you as required.

The UK has very strict rules on downloads and pirate movies (and software).
Indonesia also has rules, but strict isn't usually mentioned.
This is the basement section of a large shopping mall in Tangerang.
Not a single legal copy of a DVD or software package in sight.

You may have notice my mention of buying a gopro camera, a wonderful tool.
When I'm out and about, I leave it on my rucksack strap, ready for action if I see anything crazy on the roads.
This being Indonesia, I don't have to wait long.

Most people produce a level of rubbish, and that has to be dumped.
Most small villages don't have anyone to collect their waste, so they dump it at the edge of he village and, every so often, the local authority send a truck to remove it.



A lot of people burn it, so terrible smells of burning plastics are often in the air.

Village people make a living in many ways, but many don't do very well at all.
This house is run on the profits from a pedicab service.
The guy will probably work all day, every day, and still never have enough to feed his family properly.


Fishing can either feed your family, or produce cash by selling the fish.
He'll never be able to buy a boat, so this has to do.



Be a little careful when buying fish from village people, you don't always know where they got it from.

Yorkshire saying - Where there's muck, there's brass.
Indonesian version. Where there's rubbish, I won't starve to death.
This guy will work until he can no longer walk, not far away looking at the way he was stumbling along, then he will die.


A family business.


Sorry, been really busy. Only been using the small tab for forums and news - all the photos are on here, and I haven't been out all that much, so not many new ones.
I'll try to carry on ASAP.
Sorry, been really busy. Only been using the small tab for forums and news - all the photos are on here, and I haven't been out all that much, so not many new ones.
I'll try to carry on ASAP.

Here I am feeling all inconvenienced because the garbage disposal isn't working and then I see these. The one of the man stooped over carrying that huge load, and the fishing "boat" one. Intense.
They are all great pics btw. =)
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