Paddock prescribed antidepressants in June, which means virtually every mass shooter....

And the mass shooting was by far more likely to be due to the mental illness than from the medication used to treat the mental illness.
Or maybe a side effect, especially if he mixed with alcohol or other drugs.

There are side effects and risks. Which is one of a few reasons why they are not sold over the counter.

Mood altering or SSRI drugs can and have been proven to be dangerous.

The side-effects of mixing benzos and alcohol causes extreme sedation. It does not cause homicidality.

Plus, we know that he brought an arsenal into the room several days before. So this was quite pre-planned when he wasn't on benzos and alcohol.
There are all sorts of side effects. Typically if you are on a benzodiazepines and mixing with alcohol, you tend to become lethargic etc.

However different sorts of psychosis happens if one is experiencing withdrawals of any kind.

It is apparent that this person must have had a slow dissent into madness. Did prescriptions play a part in it? Is it possible he was experiencing severe withdrawals?

The point is all of those mass shootings were committed by people on mood altering or SSRI drugs. Which, all have documented side effects.

The media will ignore those things. So will the politicians. Mainly due to big pharma and the numbers of lobbyists on their behalf in washington.
Millions of people have taken SSRI's and other anti-depressants for decades with positive results. Blaming the drugs is probably not anymore of an answer than better background checks on guns.
Depression, though, can get so bad that it twists the mental apparatus totally out of shape. Many say that depression is anger turned inward. Besides wanting to end your own life, it makes you so roaring angry that you want to take others with you. In doc lingo, that's suicidal/homicidal. Perhaps a Valium wasn't enough or he needed talk therapy along with it (depressed people seldom feel there's anything wrong with their thinking--or if they do, they figure nothing will help, anyway, so why bother talking about it).
Mental health shouldn't be ignored, but the drugs themselves aren't solely to blame.
Look everyone. A lefty ignoring the well documented side effects of mind altering drugs. Had to be the guns. Back to that.

Nothing to big pharma, over prescribing and the fact that ALL of those mass shootings happened to be carried out someone on one of these prescriptions is not worthy of news.

Mental health shouldn't be ignored, but the drugs themselves aren't solely to blame.
Did you miss the word "solely?"
And the guns have something to do with it, obviously.
The drug companies know that their "anti-depressant" drugs can lead to temporary insanity, many suicides and murders, and are to trying to suppress the data.

I find it funny that they call it "antidepressant", when the side effects can be so averse and drastic.

Your average dumbass doesn't bother reading the inserts within the box. They take their medical gods word for it all and oh how safe it is. They're to fkn stupid to realize the medical industry gets kick backs for pushing certain drugs. They're also to fkn stupid to face the truth these companies often can't be sued over it either.

Obama tried making it so people could not think about it themselves by trying to take those inserts out of the box when given same with those oh so safe Vaccines.
If all you have is 50 10mg Valium back in June? Anti-anxiety med, not anti-depressants.

If this guy was on anti-depressants (Prozac Paxil etc.) for a period and quit......that could contribute to his craziness.

As some pointed out, Xanax mixed with booze? Adverse re-action? Maybe? He would have fallen out the window more likely while trying to break it. Have to stay sane kong enough to get everything up 32 floors in front of other humans? Does not appear to be a stumbling junkie or drunk. Evil. Killer. Crazy
And when you mix the antidepressants with other drugs and alcohol, it drastically increases the risk of temporary insanity. It's highly possible that is what happened in Vegas.
John Ringo has an interesting piece. I normally don't read anything on FB, but mr. boe suggested this one. Ringo's take is that Paddock had a psychotic breakdown due to a prescription drug interaction/side effect. His wife had such a reaction to Cymbalta (the same drug taken by the Westfield Mall shooter).

The problem is not guns, the problem is the use of drugs whose side effects can be incredibly toxic. My own personal philosophy is to avoid prescription drugs for anything that can be managed naturally for this very reason.

A Theory on Las Vegas
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Just know there will be more false flags coming, and there are going to be more attacks and they will get worse. They want to take the guns and this is what the left have been working on since Obama. Each shooting incident gets the retards up and going again on it all then they start selling that take the gun bs. American's aren't giving up their guns you leftist pos losers .
Psychotropics Are Dangerous and Are a Traditional Part of Psyops
Why are many dangerous anti-depressants (e.g., Prozac) and various anti-psychotics still dispensed to patients despite the black box warnings related to violent enacting behavioral side-effects?

Why hasn’t there been a public/government outcry since pharmaceutical giant, Eli Lilly fully acknowledged a staggering 1200% increase in suicide risk for consumers of the Eli Lilly manufactured Prozac. This stunning revelation came in the wake of findings published in the British Medical Journal which clearly established the link between violent behavior (i.e., towards self and others) and taking the drug. Why is this dangerous drug still being prescribed while the government sits on its hands? The facts have been known for years!

Jolly Contacts
The Evidence Points to Paddock Being Used In a Psyops Operation
John Ringo has an interesting piece. I normally don't read anything on FB, but mr. boe suggested this one. Ringo's take is that Paddock had a psychotic breakdown due to a prescription drug interaction/side effect. His wife had such a reaction to Cymbalta (the same drug taken by the Westfield Mall shooter).

The problem is not guns, the problem is the use of drugs whose side effects can be incredibly toxic. My own personal philosophy is to avoid prescription drugs for anything that can be managed naturally for this very reason.

A Theory on Las Vegas
I had a teenage client once who was put on Prozac or Paxil--can't remember which--and within a week she had a psychotic episode that had the whole town, EMS team and rapid response folks out rescuing her. It was scary as hell. But it wasn't a slowly building planned event like this seems to have been.
Las Vegas Strip shooter prescribed anti-anxiety drug in June

Stephen Paddock, who killed at least 58 people and wounded hundreds more in Las Vegas on Sunday with high-powered rifles, was prescribed an anti-anxiety drug in June that can lead to aggressive behavior, the Las Vegas Review-Journal has learned.

Records from the Nevada Prescription Monitoring Program obtained Tuesday show Paddock was prescribed 50 10-milligram diazepam tablets by Henderson physician Dr. Steven Winkler on June 21.

A woman who answered the phone at Winkler’s office would not make him available to answer questions and would neither confirm nor deny that Paddock was ever a patient.


Yeap. Just about every mass killing in this country from columbine to Sandy Hook to VT to the Aurora shooter and now this.

All of them were on antidepressants or under the SSRI drugs.

We won't hear much about any of this. The pharmaceutical companies advertise on all of those great media networks, don't they?

Gun companies don't though. Get it? Oh, I am sure it may be a coincidence that all of those shooters were all on an SSRI drug.

Some others that the media sort of left out. Robin Williams was on antidepressants. So was Heath Ledger when he died. So was Chris Cornell.

No connection? It was the guns.

I think that your cause and effect might be a little off.

Do you truly think that the homicidality is due to the medication?

Or could the homicidality be due to the underlying reason the medicine is being prescribed?
There are all sorts of side effects of SSRI or even Valium. Rather well documented. Hell, they even give out the warnings while many drugs are advertised and feelings of suicide is one of those.

Not saying that is the reason for the attack. What I am saying this is yet another mass shooting by someone on prescribed drugs. That is the one we know of. Who knows what others?

What we do know as of now is no forensic psychologist has said this fits anything that is typical.

No criminal history of any signficance?

Just an angle that the media won't report and we can bet why that is.
Las Vegas Strip shooter prescribed anti-anxiety drug in June

Stephen Paddock, who killed at least 58 people and wounded hundreds more in Las Vegas on Sunday with high-powered rifles, was prescribed an anti-anxiety drug in June that can lead to aggressive behavior, the Las Vegas Review-Journal has learned.

Records from the Nevada Prescription Monitoring Program obtained Tuesday show Paddock was prescribed 50 10-milligram diazepam tablets by Henderson physician Dr. Steven Winkler on June 21.

A woman who answered the phone at Winkler’s office would not make him available to answer questions and would neither confirm nor deny that Paddock was ever a patient.


Yeap. Just about every mass killing in this country from columbine to Sandy Hook to VT to the Aurora shooter and now this.

All of them were on antidepressants or under the SSRI drugs.

We won't hear much about any of this. The pharmaceutical companies advertise on all of those great media networks, don't they?

Gun companies don't though. Get it? Oh, I am sure it may be a coincidence that all of those shooters were all on an SSRI drug.

Some others that the media sort of left out. Robin Williams was on antidepressants. So was Heath Ledger when he died. So was Chris Cornell.

No connection? It was the guns.

Probably half of America is on SSRIs.
Chris Cornell was a on a variety of drugs ( not all prescribed if I remember right), Heath Ledger the same.
This dudes father was more than just "depressed" and so was he, realistically we cant ban mental illness.
It makes more sense to regulate the type of weapons people have access to. No citizen needs access to the type of fire power he had....not for hunting or self defense.
After Sandy Hook some states now have restrictions on devices that can increase the fire rate. ( not sure what they are called) at least its a start.
John Ringo has an interesting piece. I normally don't read anything on FB, but mr. boe suggested this one. Ringo's take is that Paddock had a psychotic breakdown due to a prescription drug interaction/side effect. His wife had such a reaction to Cymbalta (the same drug taken by the Westfield Mall shooter).

The problem is not guns, the problem is the use of drugs whose side effects can be incredibly toxic. My own personal philosophy is to avoid prescription drugs for anything that can be managed naturally for this very reason.

A Theory on Las Vegas
I had a teenage client once who was put on Prozac or Paxil--can't remember which--and within a week she had a psychotic episode that had the whole town, EMS team and rapid response folks out rescuing her. It was scary as hell. But it wasn't a slowly building planned event like this seems to have been.

Its very risky to start teens on those drugs
John Ringo has an interesting piece. I normally don't read anything on FB, but mr. boe suggested this one. Ringo's take is that Paddock had a psychotic breakdown due to a prescription drug interaction/side effect. His wife had such a reaction to Cymbalta (the same drug taken by the Westfield Mall shooter).

The problem is not guns, the problem is the use of drugs whose side effects can be incredibly toxic. My own personal philosophy is to avoid prescription drugs for anything that can be managed naturally for this very reason.

A Theory on Las Vegas
I had a teenage client once who was put on Prozac or Paxil--can't remember which--and within a week she had a psychotic episode that had the whole town, EMS team and rapid response folks out rescuing her. It was scary as hell. But it wasn't a slowly building planned event like this seems to have been.

I suspect a teenagers' reactions are different than an adults. Cymbalta is no longer allowed for teenagers...which says a lot.
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Yes, and it was actually common knowledge, I guess, among treatment providers. But what happened was, the anti-depressant they WANTED to put her on was not approved by Medicaid because it was expensive. So the doctor was obligated to try her on the cheaper drug first before requesting the alternative. Sucks, huh?
Yes, and it was actually common knowledge, I guess, among treatment providers. But what happened was, the anti-depressant they WANTED to put her on was not approved by Medicaid because it was expensive. So the doctor was obligated to try her on the cheaper drug first before requesting the alternative. Sucks, huh?

No kidding. I had a health issue back in 2013. The best medication for me was not approved by my insurance company; their approved treatment was something my doctor said would not help me. We had to go through a byzantine, kabuki theater for a couple of months to appeal. My doctor figured out that if I tried the wrong medicine and it "bothered" my stomach, we could get approval for the proper treatment. He gave me a samples to use for a month so that I could get started with the right medicine. The insurance company finally approved the treatment after wasting numerous resources making us jump through hoops. What a frelling joke. They count on people just giving up out of frustration...but I'm not that kind of person.
Funny that you started this thread. I was just thinking about the same exact thing.

Antianxiety medicines (such as alprazolam, clonazepam, diazepam, and lorazepam) are sometimes used along with antipsychotic medicines to treat a relapse of schizophrenia. These medicines help calm you and relieve anxiety and nervousness. In high doses, they may make you sleepy.

Antianxiety medicines are sometimes used to shorten an episode of psychosis. In rare cases, taking antianxiety medicines makes psychotic symptoms worse.

Hmm. I'm thinking that some people are probably better off without the psychotropics. We are so dependent upon drugs. Is that the ONLY way you can feel better. What did people used to do in the old days before the days of Valium and all of these "feel good" prescription drugs? They dealt with it in other ways is what they did.

Look up aspirin's side-effects.

Every medicine has potential side-effects, but the vast majority of people that take a particular medicine never get any side-effects. Or they get some side-effects but they are minor and transient.

IRRELEVANT. ALL mass shooters are on a specific schedule of drugs known to have the side effects of homicidal and suicidal tendencies unless they are political jihadists..
There have been clinical trials in which patients were given a sugar pill in place of the actual medicine but because they THOUGHT they were on medicine, they would report feeling better. That says a lot, I think.

Yes, the placebo effect. I think it represents how powerfully our brain and body can influence our health.
The drug companies know that their "anti-depressant" drugs can lead to temporary insanity, are the cause of many suicides and murders, and they are trying to suppress the data.

I find it funny that they call it "antidepressant", when the side effects can be so averse and drastic.

The worst side effect is when patients go OFF SSRI's cold turkey. They just stop taking the drug and the withdrawal effect causes significant mental problems. When these drugs are prescribed, the dosage is slowly ramped up to the doctor-prescribed effective dosage level as well. Taken as prescribed these drugs actually typically help.

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