Ozone Layer Shows Signs Of Recovery


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

What's this? I thought Man had destroyed it beyond repair and we were all going to burn to a crisp.

Read more w/video @ Ozone layer shows signs of recovery euronews world news
If Longknife had his way, nothing would have been done about ozone depletion, and millions more would have died of skin cancer.

The denier cult would, if permitted, rack up body counts to exceed Stalin and Mao. That's why they should never be considered harmless. Mock them, yes, but always remember how they're aiming for those massive body counts.
Wow...ozone hole recovery during the winter...who would have thought. Ozone is created when O2 is broken apart by incoming UV from the sun..those molecules then join with other O2 molecules to make O3...a very short lived and unstable molecule. Thinking people might ask themselves...if the ozone layer depends on incoming UV from the sun to even exist, where on earth, and at what time might there not be enough incoming UV to actually create an ozone layer.....thinking people know that at the poles, during their respective winters, there is a shortage of incoming UV and therefore , a shortage of ozone. The ozone hole was a hoax perpetrated by algore in an effort to pay off his largest political contributor at the time who just happened to have a "perfect" and very expensive replacement for freon.
Funny, I see no mention of Al Gore in this narrative. This is from The Skeptics vs. the Ozone Hole Weather Underground and was written by Dr Jeffery Master, PhD of Meteorology, founder of Weather Underground.

On June 28, 1974, Sherry Rowland and Mario Molina, chemists at the University of California, Irvine, published the first scientific paper warning that human-generated chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) could cause serious harm to Earth's protective ozone layer (Molina and Rowland, 1974). They calculated that if CFC production continued to increase at the going rate of 10%/year until 1990, then remain steady, CFCs would cause a global 5 to 7 percent ozone loss by 1995 and 30-50% loss by 2050.

They warned that the loss of ozone would significantly increase the amount of skin-damaging ultraviolet UV-B light reaching the surface, greatly increasing skin cancer and cataracts. The loss of stratospheric ozone could also significantly cool the stratosphere, potentially causing destructive climate change. Although no stratospheric ozone loss had been observed yet, CFCs should be banned, they said. At the time, the CFC industry was worth about $8 billion in the U.S., employed over 600,000 people directly, and 1.4 million people indirectly (Roan, 1989).

Critics and skeptics--primarily industry spokespeople and scientists from conservative think tanks--immediately attacked the theory. Despite the fact that Molina and Rowland's theory had wide support in the scientific community, a handful of skeptics, their voices greatly amplified by the public relations machines of powerful corporations and politicians sympathetic to them, succeeded in delaying imposition of controls on CFCs for many years. However, the stunning discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole in 1985 proved the skeptics wrong. Human-generated CFCs were indeed destroying Earth's protective ozone layer. In fact, the ozone depletion was far worse than Molina and Roland had predicted. No one had imagined that ozone depletions like the 50% losses being observed by 1987 over Antarctica were possible so soon. Despite the continued opposition of many of the skeptics, the Montreal Protocol, an international agreement to phase out ozone-destroying chemicals, was hurriedly approved in 1987 to address the threat.

Ozone depletion worsened globally throughout the 1990's, with peak ozone losses reaching 70% in Antarctica in Spring, 30% in the Arctic in Spring, 8% in Australia in summer, 10-15% in New Zealand in summer, and 3% globally year-round (WMO, 2002; Manin et. al., 2001; McKenzie et. al., 1999). In response, the international community adopted four amendments to the Montreal Protocol in the 1990's to promote an ever faster phase out of ozone-destroying chemicals. Finally, in the early 2000's, although the we cannot yet say that stratospheric ozone depletion has reached its maximum, atmospheric levels of ozone-destroying substances in the atmosphere are now declining, and a disappearance of the Antarctic ozone hole is expected by about 2050 (WMO, 2002). Molina and Rowland were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1995. The citation from the Nobel committee credited them with helping to deliver the Earth from a potential environmental disaster.
Funny, I see no mention of Al Gore in this narrative. This is from The Skeptics vs. the Ozone Hole Weather Underground and was written by Dr Jeffery Master, PhD of Meteorology, founder of Weather Underground..

And you don't see hansen mentioned in every piece on AGW even though he is the father of the hoax...the fact remains that we couldn't destroy the ozone layer if we tried...the only thing that would destroy the ozone layer would be a lack of O2 at that level and if that happens, the ozone will be the least of our worries. It was just one more hoax.

What's this? I thought Man had destroyed it beyond repair and we were all going to burn to a crisp.

Read more w/video @ Ozone layer shows signs of recovery euronews world news

Miss the ban on CFCs did ya?

After a 1976 report by the United States National Academy of Sciences concluded that credible scientific evidence supported the ozone depletion hypothesis[54] a few countries, including the United States, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, moved to eliminate the use of CFCs in aerosol spray cans.[55] At the time this was widely regarded as a first step towards a more comprehensive regulation policy, but progress in this direction slowed in subsequent years, due to a combination of political factors (continued resistance from the halocarbon industry and a general change in attitude towards environmental regulation during the first two years of the Reagan administration) and scientific developments (subsequent National Academy assessments that indicated that the first estimates of the magnitude of ozone depletion had been overly large). A critical DuPont manufacturing patent for Freon was set to expire in 1979. The United States banned the use of CFCs in aerosol cans in 1978.[55] The European Community rejected proposals to ban CFCs in aerosol sprays, and in the U.S., CFCs continued to be used as refrigerants and for cleaning circuit boards. Worldwide CFC production fell sharply after the U.S. aerosol ban, but by 1986 had returned nearly to its 1976 level.[55] In 1993, DuPont shut down its CFC facility.[56]
The U.S. Government's attitude began to change again in 1983, when William Ruckelshaus replaced Anne M. Burford as Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Under Ruckelshaus and his successor, Lee Thomas, the EPA pushed for an international approach to halocarbon regulations. In 1985 20 nations, including most of the major CFC producers, signed the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, which established a framework for negotiating international regulations on ozone-depleting substances. That same year, the discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole was announced, causing a revival in public attention to the issue. In 1987, representatives from 43 nations signed the Montreal Protocol. Meanwhile, the halocarbon industry shifted its position and started supporting a protocol to limit CFC production. However, this shift was uneven with DuPont acting quicker than their European counterparts. DuPont may have feared court action related to increased skin cancer especially as the EPA had published a study in 1986 claiming that an additional 40 million cases and 800,000 cancer deaths were to be expected in the U.S. in the next 88 years.[57] The EU shifted its position as well after Germany gave up its defence of the CFC industry and started supporting moves towards regulation. Government and industry in France and the UK tried to defend their CFC producing industries even after the Montreal Protocol had been signed.[58]
Ozone depletion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Funny, I see no mention of Al Gore in this narrative. This is from The Skeptics vs. the Ozone Hole Weather Underground and was written by Dr Jeffery Master, PhD of Meteorology, founder of Weather Underground..

And you don't see hansen mentioned in every piece on AGW even though he is the father of the hoax...the fact remains that we couldn't destroy the ozone layer if we tried...the only thing that would destroy the ozone layer would be a lack of O2 at that level and if that happens, the ozone will be the least of our worries. It was just one more hoax.

And the hole over the Antarctic... was that the fabrication of some scientist with a big put option on Dow Chemical?

I see Hansen mentioned frequently in discussions of global warming - particularly discussions of the development of the topic. I find NO mention of Al Gore in such regard and no one has yet posted a single word supporting the contention.
If Longknife had his way, nothing would have been done about ozone depletion, and millions more would have died of skin cancer.

The denier cult would, if permitted, rack up body counts to exceed Stalin and Mao. That's why they should never be considered harmless. Mock them, yes, but always remember how they're aiming for those massive body counts.

The Stalinists of the CAGW cult will kill billions by depriving the world of energy and sending us back to cave man days. and even then they would deny us fire in our caves to keep warm. All while they sit in their housing, using those evil carbons and telling us were evil..

I got a tip for you morons. Don't use hospitals (those evil hospitals use IV tubing and medications derived from carbon) , dont use computers ( they use evil energy to run and require carbon to build.), You go live in caves and lead by example. SHOW US HOW ITS DONE! And we will ignore you as the necxt glacial cycle starts just like you intend to ignore us after you have done the damage to our world.
Your postings - particularly the complete absence of reference material to back up your claims - does not indicate that to be the case.
If Longknife had his way, nothing would have been done about ozone depletion, and millions more would have died of skin cancer.

The denier cult would, if permitted, rack up body counts to exceed Stalin and Mao. That's why they should never be considered harmless. Mock them, yes, but always remember how they're aiming for those massive body counts.

The Stalinists of the CAGW cult will kill billions by depriving the world of energy and sending us back to cave man days. and even then they would deny us fire in our caves to keep warm. All while they sit in their housing, using those evil carbons and telling us were evil..

I got a tip for you morons. Don't use hospitals (those evil hospitals use IV tubing and medications derived from carbon) , dont use computers ( they use evil energy to run and require carbon to build.), You go live in caves and lead by example. SHOW US HOW ITS DONE! And we will ignore you as the necxt glacial cycle starts just like you intend to ignore us after you have done the damage to our world.

Grow a fucking brain, retard. Your posts are among the most ignorant on the board. Did you ever finish the third grade?

The problem is GHGs in the atmosphere. Now the, by volume, the majority of the GHGs are molecules containing carbon in their formula, CO2, CH4. Therefore, carbon is an easy way to measure the amount of GHGs being emitted. Has zero to do with the rest of carbon based chemistry here on earth. Except that you burn that carbon based chemistry, and you add CO2 to the atmosphere.

Now, you flap-yapping retard, who is it that constantly denigrates any of the new technology that would make all of us more energy independent on an individual level? It certainly is not the advocates of real science on this board. Instead, it is you 'Conservatives' that label everybody that would be more independent Stalinists or Nazis. You, and those like you, are a bunch of Luddites, contemptable in your willful ignorance, disgraceful in your intellectual laziness.
Funny, I see no mention of Al Gore in this narrative. This is from The Skeptics vs. the Ozone Hole Weather Underground and was written by Dr Jeffery Master, PhD of Meteorology, founder of Weather Underground..

And you don't see hansen mentioned in every piece on AGW even though he is the father of the hoax...the fact remains that we couldn't destroy the ozone layer if we tried...the only thing that would destroy the ozone layer would be a lack of O2 at that level and if that happens, the ozone will be the least of our worries. It was just one more hoax.

And the hole over the Antarctic... was that the fabrication of some scientist with a big put option on Dow Chemical?

I see Hansen mentioned frequently in discussions of global warming - particularly discussions of the development of the topic. I find NO mention of Al Gore in such regard and no one has yet posted a single word supporting the contention.

Of course there is a hole over the antarctic...it is predictable. UV breaks down O2 to O O which then joins with O2 to form an unstable molecule called O3. Where on earth might one expect less, and sometimes almost zero incoming UV? The poles during there respective winters perhaps? No incoming UV...no O3.

Further, it is the UV energy used in breaking down O2 to OO which serves as protection from UV...O3 is simply a byproduct of the process that actually dissipates incoming UV.

What's this? I thought Man had destroyed it beyond repair and we were all going to burn to a crisp.

Read more w/video @ Ozone layer shows signs of recovery euronews world news

Miss the ban on CFCs did ya?

After a 1976 report by the United States National Academy of Sciences concluded that credible scientific evidence supported the ozone depletion hypothesis[54] a few countries, including the United States, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, moved to eliminate the use of CFCs in aerosol spray cans.[55] At the time this was widely regarded as a first step towards a more comprehensive regulation policy, but progress in this direction slowed in subsequent years, due to a combination of political factors (continued resistance from the halocarbon industry and a general change in attitude towards environmental regulation during the first two years of the Reagan administration) and scientific developments (subsequent National Academy assessments that indicated that the first estimates of the magnitude of ozone depletion had been overly large). A critical DuPont manufacturing patent for Freon was set to expire in 1979. The United States banned the use of CFCs in aerosol cans in 1978.[55] The European Community rejected proposals to ban CFCs in aerosol sprays, and in the U.S., CFCs continued to be used as refrigerants and for cleaning circuit boards. Worldwide CFC production fell sharply after the U.S. aerosol ban, but by 1986 had returned nearly to its 1976 level.[55] In 1993, DuPont shut down its CFC facility.[56]
The U.S. Government's attitude began to change again in 1983, when William Ruckelshaus replaced Anne M. Burford as Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Under Ruckelshaus and his successor, Lee Thomas, the EPA pushed for an international approach to halocarbon regulations. In 1985 20 nations, including most of the major CFC producers, signed the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, which established a framework for negotiating international regulations on ozone-depleting substances. That same year, the discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole was announced, causing a revival in public attention to the issue. In 1987, representatives from 43 nations signed the Montreal Protocol. Meanwhile, the halocarbon industry shifted its position and started supporting a protocol to limit CFC production. However, this shift was uneven with DuPont acting quicker than their European counterparts. DuPont may have feared court action related to increased skin cancer especially as the EPA had published a study in 1986 claiming that an additional 40 million cases and 800,000 cancer deaths were to be expected in the U.S. in the next 88 years.[57] The EU shifted its position as well after Germany gave up its defence of the CFC industry and started supporting moves towards regulation. Government and industry in France and the UK tried to defend their CFC producing industries even after the Montreal Protocol had been signed.[58]
Ozone depletion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
hey CFCs, why did we get rid of the freon?
Funny, I see no mention of Al Gore in this narrative. This is from The Skeptics vs. the Ozone Hole Weather Underground and was written by Dr Jeffery Master, PhD of Meteorology, founder of Weather Underground..

And you don't see hansen mentioned in every piece on AGW even though he is the father of the hoax...the fact remains that we couldn't destroy the ozone layer if we tried...the only thing that would destroy the ozone layer would be a lack of O2 at that level and if that happens, the ozone will be the least of our worries. It was just one more hoax.

And the hole over the Antarctic... was that the fabrication of some scientist with a big put option on Dow Chemical?

I see Hansen mentioned frequently in discussions of global warming - particularly discussions of the development of the topic. I find NO mention of Al Gore in such regard and no one has yet posted a single word supporting the contention.

Of course there is a hole over the antarctic...it is predictable. UV breaks down O2 to O O which then joins with O2 to form an unstable molecule called O3. Where on earth might one expect less, and sometimes almost zero incoming UV? The poles during there respective winters perhaps? No incoming UV...no O3.

Further, it is the UV energy used in breaking down O2 to OO which serves as protection from UV...O3 is simply a byproduct of the process that actually dissipates incoming UV.
So I was doing some thinking the other day,not sure why, but it concerned the use of freon. I thought to myself, they asked us to quit using it, yet it was used in a closed loop application and was never airborn. So how did it make it to the atmosphere to affect the ozone. And then at the same time, someone had an alternate refrigerant to take its place. I supposed they made a buck or two right? This for some reason is bothering me all of the sudden.
Funny, I see no mention of Al Gore in this narrative. This is from The Skeptics vs. the Ozone Hole Weather Underground and was written by Dr Jeffery Master, PhD of Meteorology, founder of Weather Underground..

And you don't see hansen mentioned in every piece on AGW even though he is the father of the hoax...the fact remains that we couldn't destroy the ozone layer if we tried...the only thing that would destroy the ozone layer would be a lack of O2 at that level and if that happens, the ozone will be the least of our worries. It was just one more hoax.

And the hole over the Antarctic... was that the fabrication of some scientist with a big put option on Dow Chemical?

I see Hansen mentioned frequently in discussions of global warming - particularly discussions of the development of the topic. I find NO mention of Al Gore in such regard and no one has yet posted a single word supporting the contention.

Of course there is a hole over the antarctic...it is predictable. UV breaks down O2 to O O which then joins with O2 to form an unstable molecule called O3. Where on earth might one expect less, and sometimes almost zero incoming UV? The poles during there respective winters perhaps? No incoming UV...no O3.

Further, it is the UV energy used in breaking down O2 to OO which serves as protection from UV...O3 is simply a byproduct of the process that actually dissipates incoming UV.
So I was doing some thinking the other day,not sure why, but it concerned the use of freon. I thought to myself, they asked us to quit using it, yet it was used in a closed loop application and was never airborn. So how did it make it to the atmosphere to affect the ozone. And then at the same time, someone had an alternate refrigerant to take its place. I supposed they made a buck or two right? This for some reason is bothering me all of the sudden.

The why is easy...all you have to do is follow the money. At the time the ozone hole was "discovered" a senator named algore needed to provide some payback to his largest camaign contributor who just happened to have a very expensive and less efficient replacement for freon that no one wanted to buy....in a lab, CFC's destroy O3 so what should we do?...why ban CFC's of course....never mind that in the lab, there was no incoming high energy UV to create more O3 even faster than the CFC's could break it down....and there was really no reason to point that out to the dumbed down masses out there who would be buying the new expensive, less efficient replacement for freon...Blame CFC's for the hole rather than the lack of UV at the poles (where the holes happen to be)....make up some bullshit reason why the holes appear over the poles rather than the places where CFC's were actually being put into the atmosphere...get the liberal media onboard and next thing you know, instead of owing his largest contributor, his largest contributor now owes him.

You have to give the guy, or his staff credit for taking full advantage of a situation that didn't exist to the fullest political advantage.
SSDD, that tale no doubt brought tears to the eyes of your fellow party apparatchiks here. It was a trip down memory lane, reminding them of their glory days when no matter how crazy their stories were, party members were required to believe, on pain of being sent to the gulag.

Everyone else, however, is laughing at some old commie's crazy fables. But cheer up, it looks like you may have a new convert.
Mamoooth is a watermelon, green on the outside, red in the middle.
Wow...ozone hole recovery during the winter...who would have thought. Ozone is created when O2 is broken apart by incoming UV from the sun..those molecules then join with other O2 molecules to make O3...a very short lived and unstable molecule. Thinking people might ask themselves...if the ozone layer depends on incoming UV from the sun to even exist, where on earth, and at what time might there not be enough incoming UV to actually create an ozone layer.....thinking people know that at the poles, during their respective winters, there is a shortage of incoming UV and therefore , a shortage of ozone. The ozone hole was a hoax perpetrated by algore in an effort to pay off his largest political contributor at the time who just happened to have a "perfect" and very expensive replacement for freon.
Al Gore was the reason for the US to stop ultra sonic commercial and military flights?

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