OWS cop haters: HERE is why police have militarized.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
To all you people in the OWS who hate cops (I know, its not most of you but some) thought I'd fill you in on why the cops have militarized. Violent ambushes, bigger guns, huge explosion in mental subjects, foreign cartel invasion, etc, etc, and here are a few examples:

Before we start, the Officer Down Memorial Page:
Law Enforcement Line of Duty Deaths in 2011
To date today, in 2011, 54 cops killed by gunfire alone.
In 2010 59 killed by gunfire
In 2009 47 killed by gunfire
In 2008 40 killed by gunfire
In 2007 66 killed by gunfire
In 2006 51 killed by gunfire
In 2005 53 killed by gunfire
In 2004 56 killed by gunfire
In 2003 48 killed by gunfire
From 2003-current date 420 cops killed by gunfire alone. In comparison....
From 2003-current date 140 United Kingdom troops have died in Iraq.

In 2011 to date, 54 cops have been killed by gunfire only in America.
In 2011 to date, the US Coalition has had 53 deaths in Iraq/Afghanistan (iCasualties | Operation Iraqi Freedom | Iraq) (Great job US military stabilizing that region)

And you wonder why American Cops have militarized.

North Hollywood Shootout- 2 russians with AK47s make warzone in LA
Columbine High- 2 heavily armed kill 13 while patrol waited on swat
VA Tech- Crazed gunman kills 33
Fort Hood- Killer was dropped by a city cop
DC Sniper- High powered rifle sniping citizens
Ambush kills 4 Oakland SWAT officers 2009 shootings of Oakland police officers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ambush with AK47 kills several Pitt cops; Original 911 call was over a cat pissing in house: 2009 Pittsburgh police shootings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ambush kills 4 cops who were having coffee: Lakewood, Washington police officer shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ambushed with AK47 in Arkansas: Police: 2 suspects ambush officers at apartment complex - FOX16.com Little Rock, AR
Maniac kills 5 in shopping mall before off duty cop engages, saves lives: Trolley Square shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Woman calls for help; Husband ambushes and kills 2 cops with shotgun: 2 cops, suspect die after shootout in South Carolina - Orlando Sentinel
Barricaded man ambush, kill cops in biggest shootout in SC history: Officers Gather On Anniv Of Abbeville Standoff - Greenville News Story - WYFF Greenville

I can go on and on for dozens and dozens and dozens of more PAGES of hundreds upon hundreds of examples. But you get the point.
I dont know why people expect. Society is becoming more violent towards cops, more ambushes, bigger weapons, more and more dangerous. Do they expect them to be Andy Griffith and just tell their wives and parents and kids "Sorry guys, I might get killed today, but we simply can't do anything that would offend someone or do more to protect ourselves, we must maintain our 1950's appearance, attitude and training."

Like I explained. There is an abundance in reason why police have become more militarized.

HOWEVER, I suggest this: Hypothetically, let martial law be declared. Let the Army and US Marine Corp be tasked with enforcing traffic laws, trespassing, petty theft, assaults, disorderly drunk calls, etc, etc.

You think you got it bad now, let an actual "military" do the policing. You morons would be begging for UC Davis cops to come back.

But, unlike you, I'll actually respond to what you said. Yes, the "Miami model" is widely used. But.....like all police tactics, the "Miami model" was designed and trained on in REACTION to a previous event or set of events.

What were those?

1980's riots in Miami which got out of hand, out of control, devastated the city.
1990's riots in Los Angeles which we all saw the chaotic video of.

So...cops responded by modernizing their tactics. They looked to other parts of the world, where mass riots have occurred throughout history but are fairly new to America. And the "Miami model" is what they came up with.

In other words, they dont WAIT for a gathering to turn into what Miami and LA did in the past. Instead, they show up prepared for just that. Simple enough?

Now, would you respond to the ample substance I provided in my OP? On how more US cops have died from gunfire from 2003-present than have British troops in Iraq? Or how in 2011 to date, more US cops have died from gunfire than total US Coalition deaths in IRaq (54/53).............and you wonder why cops are stepping it up? Cops are humans, with families, NOT robotic target practice for shitheads.

Like I explained. There is an abundance in reason why police have become more militarized.

HOWEVER, I suggest this: Hypothetically, let martial law be declared. Let the Army and US Marine Corp be tasked with enforcing traffic laws, trespassing, petty theft, assaults, disorderly drunk calls, etc, etc.

You think you got it bad now, let an actual "military" do the policing. You morons would be begging for UC Davis cops to come back.

Except that won't happen. All the tactics that police have spent decades perfecting on minorities are now being used on America's precious and it's fun to watch.

But, unlike you, I'll actually respond to what you said. Yes, the "Miami model" is widely used. But.....like all police tactics, the "Miami model" was designed and trained on in REACTION to a previous event or set of events.

What were those?

1980's riots in Miami which got out of hand, out of control, devastated the city.
1990's riots in Los Angeles which we all saw the chaotic video of.

So...cops responded by modernizing their tactics. They looked to other parts of the world, where mass riots have occurred throughout history but are fairly new to America. And the "Miami model" is what they came up with.

In other words, they dont WAIT for a gathering to turn into what Miami and LA did in the past. Instead, they show up prepared for just that. Simple enough?

Now, would you respond to the ample substance I provided in my OP? On how more US cops have died from gunfire from 2003-present than have British troops in Iraq? Or how in 2011 to date, more US cops have died from gunfire than total US Coalition deaths in IRaq (54/53).............and you wonder why cops are stepping it up? Cops are humans, with families, NOT robotic target practice for shitheads.

Cops are "stepping it up" because companies like ATK, Taser and others are lobbying FOPs, police unions and police administrators to buy their products and take their training. Thus the militarization begins. If crime is down why is police militarization up?

Like I explained. There is an abundance in reason why police have become more militarized.

HOWEVER, I suggest this: Hypothetically, let martial law be declared. Let the Army and US Marine Corp be tasked with enforcing traffic laws, trespassing, petty theft, assaults, disorderly drunk calls, etc, etc.

You think you got it bad now, let an actual "military" do the policing. You morons would be begging for UC Davis cops to come back.

Except that won't happen. All the tactics that police have spent decades perfecting on minorities are now being used on America's precious and it's fun to watch.

Police focus their efforts on neighborhoods with the most violent crime. Not on the race of those in that neighborhood. Almost every single study done in major and small cities show violent crime is committed in any range from 60% to as high as 90% by minorities. However, every police study also shows a stronger correlation to poverty and crime than race. Unfortunately, some races are afflicted by poverty more than others, for many reasons that belong in another thread.

But....your assumption is simpy innaccurate. Especially with the recent decades surge in the hiring of black, asian and hispanic cops.

Now, care to address the OP?

But, unlike you, I'll actually respond to what you said. Yes, the "Miami model" is widely used. But.....like all police tactics, the "Miami model" was designed and trained on in REACTION to a previous event or set of events.

What were those?

1980's riots in Miami which got out of hand, out of control, devastated the city.
1990's riots in Los Angeles which we all saw the chaotic video of.

So...cops responded by modernizing their tactics. They looked to other parts of the world, where mass riots have occurred throughout history but are fairly new to America. And the "Miami model" is what they came up with.

In other words, they dont WAIT for a gathering to turn into what Miami and LA did in the past. Instead, they show up prepared for just that. Simple enough?

Now, would you respond to the ample substance I provided in my OP? On how more US cops have died from gunfire from 2003-present than have British troops in Iraq? Or how in 2011 to date, more US cops have died from gunfire than total US Coalition deaths in IRaq (54/53).............and you wonder why cops are stepping it up? Cops are humans, with families, NOT robotic target practice for shitheads.

Cops are "stepping it up" because companies like ATK, Taser and others are lobbying FOPs, police unions and police administrators to buy their products and take their training. Thus the militarization begins. If crime is down why is police militarization up?

Crime on the general public is down.
Crime against cops, like ambushes, are way up.
Both are because cops are doing their job and stopping crime against innocents.

And Taser, Cap Stun and ASP are becoming popular because THEY DONT KILL PEOPLE and police depts nationwide are looking for the best way to enforce the law with the fewest injuries, deaths, lawsuits for all. In fact, many have adopted Gracie Jiu-Jitsu as a hand to hand system because "the gentle art" is effective while minimizing the risk of injury to the suspect.

Next question? Or, I'll glady accept your explanation of why cops should NOT do more to protect themselves amidst the above clear documentation of the highly violent assaults and ambushes on cops?

Like I explained. There is an abundance in reason why police have become more militarized.

HOWEVER, I suggest this: Hypothetically, let martial law be declared. Let the Army and US Marine Corp be tasked with enforcing traffic laws, trespassing, petty theft, assaults, disorderly drunk calls, etc, etc.

You think you got it bad now, let an actual "military" do the policing. You morons would be begging for UC Davis cops to come back.

Except that won't happen. .

It wont? Remember Katrina? Remember LA riots? You truly think the US military could NEVER be used for law enforcement in the United States? You'd see a true "police state" then, and feel stupid for being a whining lil bitch because you can't "speed and smoke weed" with our cops.
you can't "speed and smoke weed" with our cops.

Says who...????


Like I explained. There is an abundance in reason why police have become more militarized.

HOWEVER, I suggest this: Hypothetically, let martial law be declared. Let the Army and US Marine Corp be tasked with enforcing traffic laws, trespassing, petty theft, assaults, disorderly drunk calls, etc, etc.

You think you got it bad now, let an actual "military" do the policing. You morons would be begging for UC Davis cops to come back.

Except that won't happen. All the tactics that police have spent decades perfecting on minorities are now being used on America's precious and it's fun to watch.

Police focus their efforts on neighborhoods with the most violent crime. Not on the race of those in that neighborhood. Almost every single study done in major and small cities show violent crime is committed in any range from 60% to as high as 90% by minorities. However, every police study also shows a stronger correlation to poverty and crime than race. Unfortunately, some races are afflicted by poverty more than others, for many reasons that belong in another thread.

But....your assumption is simpy innaccurate. Especially with the recent decades surge in the hiring of black, asian and hispanic cops.

Now, care to address the OP?

What does the race of the cop have to do with anything? A cop is a cop, is a cop. Throughout the history of this country some of the most abusive cops toward blacks have been black cops.

You stick to your "studies" and I'll rely on my 48 years of being a black man who witnessed the disparity in police treatment of whites and blacks growing up in a majority white rural area and that same disparity while living in urban areas while being stationed all over America while serving in the military.
Normally I would counter with a statement such as, "Those police officers are human at the end of the day, and there's only so much oppression Americans are willing to put upon their fellow citizens."

But then I remember world history and also the fact that there are so many people out there in this country that would pay money to be able to be out there with a baton caving a dissenter's skull in.
Except that won't happen. All the tactics that police have spent decades perfecting on minorities are now being used on America's precious and it's fun to watch.

Police focus their efforts on neighborhoods with the most violent crime. Not on the race of those in that neighborhood. Almost every single study done in major and small cities show violent crime is committed in any range from 60% to as high as 90% by minorities. However, every police study also shows a stronger correlation to poverty and crime than race. Unfortunately, some races are afflicted by poverty more than others, for many reasons that belong in another thread.

But....your assumption is simpy innaccurate. Especially with the recent decades surge in the hiring of black, asian and hispanic cops.

Now, care to address the OP?

What does the race of the cop have to do with anything? A cop is a cop, is a cop. Throughout the history of this country some of the most abusive cops toward blacks have been black cops.

You stick to your "studies" and I'll rely on my 48 years of being a black man who witnessed the disparity in police treatment of whites and blacks growing up in a majority white rural area and that same disparity while living in urban areas while being stationed all over America while serving in the military.

If you've never been white, how do you know whites aren't treated unfair also? You just want to be a victim. You are told that cops do that, so every encounter you have with one you automatically assume his intentions are racial. However, when a crime happens, and the fleeing suspect is a black male, its natural that cops in the area responding will look at black males to see if they are acting suspicious. And black males commit a massively higher percentage of violent crime, thus, putting many innocent black males into the police attention immediately following a crime. Sounds like your gripe is with the wrong people.

Your gripe was valid in the civil rights era and before. But as time goes on......so to mindsets and attitudes. And yes, studies by brilliant people have shown this. I can accept, however, that being your age and seeing the cops in the civil rights era would cause you to believe all cops today are like that, and it's simply not true.
Normally I would counter with a statement such as, "Those police officers are human at the end of the day, and there's only so much oppression Americans are willing to put upon their fellow citizens."

But then I remember world history and also the fact that there are so many people out there in this country that would pay money to be able to be out there with a baton caving a dissenter's skull in.

All they have to do is obey our simple laws. You cannot trespass after hours, or block a street. If you do, you'll be asked to comply or face arrest. When 10,000 do this at one, history shows us, even here with Miami, LA, New Orleans, that the crowd can instantly become violent. Hence riot teams.

You cop haters are simply on the wrong side of the fence on this one. Especially with Gallup showing over 80% of Americans approve of the police.

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