Over 170 people with Jeffrey Epstein links likely to be named in court docs set to be unsealed in coming weeks

I'll believe it when I see it. Ultimately, if there is anyone on that list the "powers that be" really don't want released they probably won't be on there, so I'm not expecting anything Earth shattering. Also, just because someone was a client of Epstein, that doesn't mean they are guilty of anything.

You know as well as I do it's been scrubbed, and that is why it took so long, had to check aliases.
So let me get this straight

One day after someone was indicted for molesting children, Trump said he didn’t know him

Really insightful of. Trump not hanging out with indicted pedophiles
Did liberals change the definition of disavow?
Disavowing someone means you are stating that you have no responsibility for having known a person during a time in which they did something wrong.
Trump disavowing him is saying he knew nothing about what he was doing years before, and he also stated he knew him through acquaintances, having seen and talked to him at fund raisers etc.

Far cry from receiving a massage in a private waiting area in an airport while awaiting Epsteins plane to pick him up - that was Clinton. And it was filmed.
Folks like you and Mac1958 attempting to equate the relationships Trump and Clinton had with Epstein is dishonest and expected.
Did liberals change the definition of disavow?
Disavowing someone means you are stating that you have no responsibility for having known a person during a time in which they did something wrong.
Trump disavowing him is saying he knew nothing about what he was doing years before, and he also stated he knew him through acquaintances, having seen and talked to him at fund raisers etc.

Far cry from receiving a massage in a private waiting area in an airport while awaiting Epsteins plane to pick him up - that was Clinton. And it was filmed.
Folks like you and Mac1958 attempting to equate the relationships Trump and Clinton had with Epstein is dishonest and expected.
Trump: I used to be best friends with Epstein and admired his taste in young women

But once I found out he was indicted for child molesting, I thought it was a good idea not to hang out with him anymore
Trump: I used to be best friends with Epstein and admired his taste in young women

But once I found out he was indicted for child molesting, I thought it was a good idea not to hang out with him anymore
Putting funny words in his mouth, doesn't change what Clinton did.
They will scrub the big names... this is a joke... a man was killed in prison to keep this quiet... no way will we ever see the full list....
A man was killed/killed himself in prison, and not just in any context either. He was in a maximum security prison under protective custody with constant supervision. I work in a prison, and as somebody that understands how all that works, there is no question in my mind that it was all set up.
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Or the guards dropped the ball.
The cameras went out too. It is rare for a camera to go out in prison. They are very sturdy, long-lasting cameras that get regular maintenance so that doesn't happen. It's a prison, you know? And when it does happen it's considered emergency maintenance and there are people on the way to fix it immediately. They probably would have gotten a handheld camera in the meantime, under normal circumstances. So at least two guards passed out, the cameras went out, and in those moments Jeffrey Epstein just happened to kill himself.

I'm telling you that there are too many safeguards in a maximum security high profile protective custody situation for any of that to be seen as reasonable or normal. Something happened.
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deflecting again... lol... absolutely nothing illegal at all.... waiting on Epstein's private jet to pick him up isn't illegal either.
Epstein former employees stating they knew Clinton was at the island isn't illegal either.
So what is proper about Trump complimenting a child molester about his taste in women?
The cameras went out too. It is rare for a camera to go out in prison. They are very sturdy, long-lasting cameras that get regular maintenance so that doesn't happen. It's a prison, you know? And when it does happen it's considered emergency maintenance and there are people on the way to fix it immediately. They probably would have gotten a handheld camera in the meantime, under normal circumstances. So at least two guards passed out, the cameras went out, and in those moments Jeffrey Epstein just happened to kill himself.

I'm telling you that there are too many safeguards in a maximum security protective custody situation for any of that to seem reasonable or normal. Something happened.
He wasn't even on suicide watch.

He had plenty of reason to kill himself and had already hinted that he might.

He killed himself.
It s easy to disavow someone after their arrest is in all the papers

Nothing to brag about
The orange slob later claimed he knew for a long time that something was up with Epstein and young girls. He claimed to have kicked epstein out of his club for it years prior.

But he waited for the arrest to disavow him.

Uh huh.

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