Our most excellent POTUS Biden has forgiven student debt

And while we are at it, lets make people pay for their education from K-12th grade as well. It's just completely useless.
Perhaps if we knew something about you we could explain where we are coming from.
Are you a US citizen?
Where did you grow up?
What's the highest level of education you have attained?
Why do you think schools aren't funded?
I pay $7,000.00 a year in School taxes for those kids to get a "free" education.
So does your employer. Taxes are a shared burden. You would not just make $7000 more, if those taxes went away. Also, it is an investment in the society where you succeeded. Rising tide lifts all boats.
OK, what if someone has credit debt, or a car loan? Why don't they get their debt paid off.
Because the federal government does not hold that debt, and because that has no political traction whatsoever. And not enough $$ to go around.
So does your employer. Taxes are a shared burden. You would not just make $7000 more, if those taxes went away. Also, it is an investment in the society where you succeeded. Rising tide lifts all boats.
When will you inform your fellow LibBot that he is incorrect that public school is free?
I didn't see you butting in on that one.
So by your fucked up logic, unless you personally benefit from a new law, said law or executive order should not happen. Gotcha. Lets be honest here. You are a masochist that enjoys watching people suffer.
Because the federal government does not hold that debt, and because that has no political traction whatsoever. And not enough $$ to go around.
The government doesn't hold student debt either. When they say "forgive student debt", it's not something that can be wiped away. Money was paid to a college, and to other institutions. It's money already spent, which means the taxpayers are on the hook for it, which means the taxpayer holds the debt.

People need to stop thinking that the government has all this money with which they can do what they want. That's the problem with all of this. People think that our government just magically has all this money.

The government has no wealth and it has no income. The only money the government has is what it takes from the people, or borrows from foreign countries or the federal reserve, which also just puts the taxpayer on the hook for more money in more taxation.

These student loans are guaranteed on the wallets of the American taxpayer.
So by your fucked up logic, unless you personally benefit from a new law, said law or executive order should not happen. Gotcha. Lets be honest here. You are a masochist that enjoys watching people suffer.
No the logic is you signed up for the debt, just like a car loan or a home loan or a loan for hookers and blow and therefore should have to pay back said loan. It wasnt like these people were forced to take out the loans. Why should we forgive student debt and not home debt? I didnt go to college because I didnt have the money and didnt want to take out a huge loan, but Im now on the hook to pay for someone else's education. That sounds fair and equitable dont it?
Really? And trump never wrote an executive order. Got it.
Colon, you are as stupid as it gets, quit embarrassing yourself.
Start educating yourself before you open your yap.

President Biden has signed a record 37 executive actions in his first week in office, and the exact number of executive orders is not known because the Federal Register has not been updated since Jan. 21.

The Economist noted on January 22 that Biden had signed more executive orders in two days than Trump had in two months and was setting a record pace, while NBC News lists 40 executive actions up to January 26.

As of October 11, 2021, President Joe Biden (D) had signed 64 executive orders

And, yes Trump did sign EO's, not like this authoritarian has.

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