Zone1 Our Father, who art in heaven, hollowed by thy name...........

The New World Order is not only here, but is taking over. Bible prophecy is correct. There will be a One World Government. If our turnip president knows it, you certainly should...


Antichrist candidates.

Don Francisco Nero Caesar
Yasser Arafat Regis Philbin
"The Beast" Pope John Paul II
Jimmy Carter Bob Dylan
Bill Gates Ronald Reagan
Billy Graham Pat Robertson
Mikhail Gorbachev Donald Trump
John F. Kennedy David Rockefeller
Michael Eisner Theodore Roosevelt
Henry Kissinger Anwar el-Sadat
Bill Clinton Larry Flynt
Martin Luther Saddam Hussein
Benito Mussolini
Consider that Domitian was the son of Vespasian and he was demonized by Trajan.

The most popular has been that of John Nelson Darby (1800-1882), which is known as Dispensationalism, a view made popular in England and America in the early XXth century through the publication of Cyrus Scofield (1843-1921).

First published in 1909, it came to be known as The Scofield Reference Bible. On each page it printed the King James translation of 1611 alongside of Scofield's own copious "notes" on how to read each passage of the Bible in conjunction with other "prophecies." It thus provided a chainlink referencing system to the Book of Revelation, by which one could jump from passage to passage to follow the "true" meaning.

The Scofield Bible continued to be popular among certain Protestant Christian groups. From 1909 to 1967 it sold more than 10 million copies; reprinted in 1967, it is said to have sold another 2.5 million copies by 1990. More than any other "future history" interpretation, this one has had the most impact on current literalist interpretations of Revelation.
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The inadvertent followers of the Elohim Worshipping Cult now cannot make up their mind whether their Controller is male , female or something else .
Oh boy , they have some shocks coming their way , later this year probably .
Utterly hilarious
God the Father is an exalted man and the father of our spirits. He is the God of the universe and our world. He only wants the best for us. To cut him out of our lives is to make the gravest mistake one can make.

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