“Our diversity is our strength”....why do Dems say this without offering data to prove it?

We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

I'm guessing you're too well conditioned to see the irony inherent in you OP.

The irony is; the aforementioned group of filthy muts has caused far more divide among the citizenry than any before them.
You mean like the greatest ideas the world has ever known?
oh whoopsie!

Perfect metaphor for conservatives...."we have all of the good ideas we need".

Thanks for making my case for me.
We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

I'm guessing you're too well conditioned to see the irony inherent in you OP.

The irony is; the aforementioned group of filthy muts has caused far more divide among the citizenry than any before them.

I can see I am correct, as usual.
Yea, we have something like 300 years of evidence to prove it, you racist inbred moron.

We are a nation of immigrants from all around the world, you'd know that diversity is what made it this country what it is. The underlying thread that wove it all together was a belief that anyone can achieve the American Dream, and now we have a movement of conservative white fragility and unmasked resurgent racism trying to disenfranchise anyone who is not a white, evangelical conservative, or otherwise a member of the Trump Cult.

Got some good life advice for you: Fuck Off.

In biology the more diverse the pool the more likely the odds of survival.

Inbreeding. Or limiting genetic lines tends to create genetic weakness. A problem recognized and demonstrated in history.

So diversity creates a stronger genetic line. Basic biology. Need links or did you attend any schooling?

By examining a problem with many different viewpoints the solution can be found. Often looking outside of the limited initial view.

Take the tanks for the Saturn Rockets. These tanks would hold the cryogenic fuels to power the rockets. One of the problems that they ran into was getting the insulation to adhere to the tank satisfactorily. The Engineers were having a lot of trouble. They ended up hiring surfers who had a lot of experience working with the foam insulation and shaping it. That was the core of their surfboards after all.

Diversity allowed the Rockets to get us to the moon. Not rejecting someone because he wore his hair too long or smoked some funny stuff. Of course there was an absentee problem when the surf was up.

But we can prove it in international business too. Tata Motors owns companies that were founded. Operated. And run into the ground by Whites. Tata is Indian. From India. Not Native American.

Jaguar and Land Rover are turning profits. Because India bought them and made them profitable again. Something Ford couldn’t do.

Kia manages to operate American Factories for profit. Something Ford and GM had to go to Mexico to do.

Then again. You could argue that Ford and GM became profitable after diversification of their manufacturing. To Mexico.

Now none of this will matter to you. You will insist white people are better.

“Our diversity is our strength”

That the racist, bigoted, hateful right rejects this fact is the problem.

Take away every aspect of American life that is influenced by other cultures.
What do you have left?
It‘s odd, foolish and ignorant that you can pretend Democrats don’t refer to skin color in the context they use “diversity is our strength“.
Everybody sane and logical knows they mean “fewer whites makes us stronger”.
Stay on topic, follow the premise of this thread....beyond a basketball team, show us the data that proves “fewer whites” is a strength. We’ll wait patiently.

Ok. Vegetable picking. If you run a farm growing vegetables or fruits that must be picked by hand. You are going to hire migrant workers. And almost certainly they will be Hispanic. The Whites don’t show up for the money. And if they do they perform less work than the Hispanic.

Ford Motors. The vehicles built in Mexico have improved the reliability and customer satisfaction of the company’s products.

Want to buy a Pickup Truck? Odds are better than even that it will be built in Mexico. Well you could buy a Toyota will will probably be built in Texas. But not certainly.

So fewer Whites are good if you want to bring your crops in or build a car. At least if you want to turn a profit doing it.

How about if you want to crew your Boat? Well for international travel you won’t want Americans. American Passports need Visas in most every port. So you’ll probably crew it with people from the various Commonwealth nations. There are only so many Whites so you’ll end up hiring Blacks from the Caribbean. This saves on how much you have to pay to enter a port. You don’t have to have a company file for visas for everyone.

Granted. That example is one where fewer Americans are the better choice.

But that all acknowledges your definition of Diversity. Which isn’t right. Or I should say is the definition used by the Right.

For the rest of us Diversity means ignoring the color of a person. Or the gender. Something you are incapable of doing of course.

It means including people from different backgrounds to increase the total of experiences.

Because without Kathryn Johnson we never would have made it to the Moon. It’s a shame that no White Man knew math as well as she did.
No such thing as diversity is strength, but let's talk about what's really taking place, because as usual PROGS are wrong and being misled, and the left's actions contradict their words, as always.

They say diversity is strength yet they're quite literally trying to erase gender. It's so bad they're redefining science for this effort, pussifying men, and fagifying men to compete with women from sports to "beauty" pageants.

They say diversity is strength yet they're quite literally trying to erase race. This is demonstrated by false representations of interracial marriage, as they desire we fail to recognize people are attracted to their own race for mates. We already recognize their hatred for white, even if it means their own. With the wicked minds PROGS have, they desire everyone is brown erasing racism, they're just that fucked up in the head.

They say diversity is strength yet they're quite literally trying to erase the definition of family, another slap in the face of nature. This is demonstrated by false representations gay marriage and "gay families".

Rule of thumb, of the left says something or anything, there's a twist to it, which is they're always wrong and most times it's by long term design to turn humans into vegetables, similar the guy & gal they figure are fit to run shit.
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Yea, we have something like 300 years of evidence to prove it, you racist inbred moron.

We are a nation of immigrants from all around the world, you'd know that diversity is what made it this country what it is. The underlying thread that wove it all together was a belief that anyone can achieve the American Dream, and now we have a movement of conservative white fragility and unmasked resurgent racism trying to disenfranchise anyone who is not a white, evangelical conservative, or otherwise a member of the Trump Cult.

Got some good life advice for you: Fuck Off.
Actually we started off as a nation of immigrants from primarily Europe who supported themselves and families and contributed to society. Since welfare we have been getting immigrants from 3rd world countries who don't support themselves and families and live off welfare for generations mooching off the US not contributing to it. QUALITY OVER QUANITY....Its crazy stupid to allow the problems and moochers in...

The world is changing where technology will require far fewer workers to do the same task. The billionaires like Bezos see a world where workers won't be needed--most things will be automatic so there will be no jobs especially among the lower educated/dumber class and unskilled. Jobs now that our ghetto/trailer park populations take like McD's and trash collector will NOT exist...there will be no jobs for these people. NONE. Bezos wants everyone to live in tiny apartments and order off amazon using a government issued minimum living check to pay him making him richer and more powerful. What do you think the ghetto rats are going to do all day? MORE crime, more drugs, and more misery

Stop importing the welfare classes---they are destroying america already and will be a bigger problem in the years to come. We actually need less people---far less with better skills and a HIGHER IQ which just can't be taught.

And btw as we increase population of the useless and moochers----natural resources like land to live, food, and WATER will becoming more and more in short supply...........creating more misery for all people and for nature. More people = more environmental problems and more pain for wild animals. Stop the insanity----stop bringing in people especially ones that will only create more problems.
There was communism on the Mayflower, and a theocracy was attempted in several places in Massachusetts. It cannot be claimed as fact that black slaves were imported for simply slave-trade profit, and not also deliberately expelled by African administrations for reasons other than slave-trade profit. Implying that the trailer is somehow less desirable than the house is especially stupid, being that housing across the planet is for the most part, unaffordable for millions, while Bezo’s capitalism keep two-thirds of humanity in poverty.
We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

Did Raygun prove it when he said it? That fucking RINO!!!!

Reagan is the second worst president this nation ever elected.
He was a bi-partisan piece of filthy shit.
No signature on the 1986 Amnesty Bill = no wetbacks destroying Mexifornia, our public school, healthcare and prison systems and every community they inhabit...No Amnesty Bill = no Mexicrat Party...they couldn’t win CA, NV, AZ, NM nor threaten TX.

Ewe are kinda correct. Dubya and tRump were certainly worse for sure!!!!!
We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

All the data contradicts it. All the most peaceful successful countries in the world have a single ethnic group, like Japan and Sweden.
Yea, we have something like 300 years of evidence to prove it, you racist inbred moron.

We are a nation of immigrants from all around the world, you'd know that diversity is what made it this country what it is. The underlying thread that wove it all together was a belief that anyone can achieve the American Dream, and now we have a movement of conservative white fragility and unmasked resurgent racism trying to disenfranchise anyone who is not a white, evangelical conservative, or otherwise a member of the Trump Cult.

Got some good life advice for you: Fuck Off.
We have 300 years of race riots, crime and drug addiction.
You mean like the greatest ideas the world has ever known?
oh whoopsie!

Perfect metaphor for conservatives...."we have all of the good ideas we need".

Thanks for making my case for me.
LefTard Logic:
Remove God from our schools and replace him with SJW's and Trannies = Awesome idea
Force a society built on religious faith to pretend men fucking men in the ass is cool = Awesome idea
Free shit for lowlife degenerate pieces of worthless shit = Awesome idea
Foregoing our sovereignty to give the trash of Mexico a ride on the backs of Americans = Awesome idea

What are all these "good ideas" the Left have presented?
Regardless of if you think diversity is good or bad, this country is diverse and it’s only becoming more so.

So if you have a problem with it, you can piss and moan on an anonymous message board all you like. It’s not going to change. Sucks for you. :)
Regardless of if you think diversity is good or bad, this country is diverse and it’s only becoming more so.

So if you have a problem with it, you can piss and moan on an anonymous message board all you like. It’s not going to change. Sucks for you. :)
Start that thread...this thread is about Democrats pretending a less white government and citizenry is a good thing for America...us sane folks can‘t find the evidence...Do you have some you’d like to share?
Regardless of if you think diversity is good or bad, this country is diverse and it’s only becoming more so.

So if you have a problem with it, you can piss and moan on an anonymous message board all you like. It’s not going to change. Sucks for you. :)
Start that thread...this thread is about Democrats pretending a less white government and citizenry is a good thing for America...us sane folks can‘t find the evidence...Do you have some you’d like to share?

I like our diversity. You don’t.

Diversity isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Sucks for you huh? :)
Considering that even the slightest divergence from the Marxist democrat agenda van get a person cancellef. I would say diversity is about the LAST thing this party supports.
Yea, we have something like 300 years of evidence to prove it, you racist inbred moron.

We are a nation of immigrants from all around the world, you'd know that diversity is what made it this country what it is. The underlying thread that wove it all together was a belief that anyone can achieve the American Dream, and now we have a movement of conservative white fragility and unmasked resurgent racism trying to disenfranchise anyone who is not a white, evangelical conservative, or otherwise a member of the Trump Cult.

Got some good life advice for you: Fuck Off.
The prices and costs of things we do domestically should be going down with all of that greatness. Inclusion and opportunity is different then pushing equity through quotas of all kinds denying someone who is better. We are now having a larger and larger amount of white males becoming impoverished. And they are not on the favored group list. This fact.
Regardless of if you think diversity is good or bad, this country is diverse and it’s only becoming more so.

So if you have a problem with it, you can piss and moan on an anonymous message board all you like. It’s not going to change. Sucks for you. :)
Start that thread...this thread is about Democrats pretending a less white government and citizenry is a good thing for America...us sane folks can‘t find the evidence...Do you have some you’d like to share?

I like our diversity. You don’t.

Diversity isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Sucks for you huh? :)
I see you’re scared to address the point Gustavo...Does that mean you know we’re moving in the wrong direction?
Why would you support the degradation of America?
Thats just plain weird Gustavo.
I see you’re scared to address the point Gustavo...Does that mean you know we’re moving in the wrong direction?
Why would you support the degradation of America?
Thats just plain weird Gustavo.

Sounds like you really want to bitch and whine about something that isn’t going to change.

I guess you’re just going to have to deal with it. Sucks for you huh? :itsok:
I see you’re scared to address the point Gustavo...Does that mean you know we’re moving in the wrong direction?
Why would you support the degradation of America?
Thats just plain weird Gustavo.

Sounds like you really want to bitch and whine about something that isn’t going to change.

I guess you’re just going to have to deal with it. Sucks for you huh? :itsok:
What’s crazy is that you don’t want to bitch and whine about the things degrading America...Thats plain fucking weird Gustavo.

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