CDZ Our Ally Israel

No, the survivors said it was an accident. You've got a hold of bad information. I read the report many years ago. What you claim happened and they claim happened are two different things. Who should I believe? The people who were there or the people who are getting information from bad sources?
You just broke the Ninth Commandment.

Do you know what the 9th Commandment is, Liminal? As you are a Catholic why don't you list what you have been taught by Catholicism are the ten commandments. 1 - 10. What are they? Can you name them?
Why do you have lie about everything all the time?
USS Liberty: hear survivors in their own words with RAPlayer
You don't want to abandon Israel, you just want the truth..... ? What truth? A truth that blames Americans and Israelis for an accident that was beyond their control? You've got some nerve. Where do you live? Inside the Vatican?
An accident? I guess you just haven't been paying attention. It was obviously a cover up.

The cover up was the LEAST of the crimes committed on that clear and sunny afternoon in 1967 500 miles from shore in the Mediterranean. .

My guess is that the Jews didn't want the recorded proof that they had attacked Egypt first when they were telling the world that THEY were the victims in that war.

It was a nice Rat Jew touch that they jammed the S O S distress calls from the USS Liberty attempting to sink the American vessel allowing for no way to rescue the surviving sailors.

The hatred that much of the world feels towards the Jews and Israel is WELL DESERVED. This is especially so coming from loyal Americans.

Any so called American that excuses and lies on behalf of the Jews and Israel for this attack is a stinking traitor to our flag.

Oh But...But...But The HOLOCAUST !!!! Oh, you must mean .The FAILED holocaust.
I didn't know you were a Catholic, Huggy. I should tell you that your Pope isn't ruling over the world just yet so don't get ahead of yourself with declaring Americans who defend Israel as traitors. We still fly our flag besides Israel's just as your Pope flies his flag next to the Palestinians flag.

What makes you think I'm Catholic?

You used the same "failed line" the Pope just used in his claim that the Jesus "failed" at the cross. I thought you were giving us a clue as to what is up with your hatred of Israel (many Catholics are Democrats and are not friendly towards Israel). If you are not Catholic - that was my mistake - I apologize. If you are? You need to leave Catholicism as fast as you possibly can.

I feel the same way towards Israel as the attackers on 9/11 and for the same reasons. If America had sneak attacked Israel you would probably feel the same way towards the U S A.

My Uncle was in the Navy. My grandfather was on a sea going tug rescuing U S ships and sailors that were sneak attacked in the open ocean. With me it's personal.

As far as I am concerned Israel is our enemy. That's what happens when a country sneak attacks one of my country's ships.
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We are constantly told by our government and news media that Israel is an important strategic ally of the United States. It's easy to see why this alliance is important for Israel, but what do we get out of this relationship? How is Israel an important ally for us? How do they help us? Do they help us? Or are they more of a liability than anything else?
Wow we agree on something.

One reason I heard from the born agains is that the bible tells us to defend Israel. It has to do with armageddon or the apocalypse or the end days.
Not me. I'm telling you to defend Israel because it is the right thing to do, Sealy.

It makes perfect sense for Jews to lie on behalf of Israeli scum. It is an outrage for any loyal American to lie for Israel.
The only reason fundamentalist hypocrites support Israel is because they don't want anything to disrupt their schedule for Armageddon. They can hardly wait to be raptured., but they will probably be the one's who get left behind.
In Purgatory.

? Do you know the ten commandments or don't you? You said I broke the 9th commandment. What is the 9th commandment in Catholicism? Do you know the ten commandments? I asked you a question, Liminal. If you know the ten commandments - list them here for us. Thank you.
No, the survivors said it was an accident. You've got a hold of bad information. I read the report many years ago. What you claim happened and they claim happened are two different things. Who should I believe? The people who were there or the people who are getting information from bad sources?
You just broke the Ninth Commandment.

Do you know what the 9th Commandment is, Liminal? As you are a Catholic why don't you list what you have been taught by Catholicism are the ten commandments. 1 - 10. What are they? Can you name them?
Why do you have lie about everything all the time?
USS Liberty: hear survivors in their own words with RAPlayer

I asked you a question. Are you going to answer the question or not? What is the 9th commandment according to Catholicism? What are the 10 ten commandments? Can you name them?
I wonder just exactly how stupid you would have to be to believe an attack on a clearly identifiable US naval vessel in international waters was an accident. Nearly an hour of repeated attacks by air and sea, bombed, strafed, torpedoed.......all while USS Liberty is transmitting distress signals on open channels. American flag flying from the jackstaff, another one arranged to be clearly visible from the air. An accident ? No one actually believes it was an accident.
USS Liberty: Government Betrayal and Cover-up Finally Exposed
No, the survivors said it was an accident. You've got a hold of bad information. I read the report many years ago. What you claim happened and they claim happened are two different things. Who should I believe? The people who were there or the people who are getting information from bad sources?
You just broke the Ninth Commandment.

Do you know what the 9th Commandment is, Liminal? As you are a Catholic why don't you list what you have been taught by Catholicism are the ten commandments. 1 - 10. What are they? Can you name them?
Why do you have lie about everything all the time?
USS Liberty: hear survivors in their own words with RAPlayer

I asked you a question. Are you going to answer the question or not? What is the 9th commandment according to Catholicism? What are the 10 ten commandments? Can you name them?
You're even dumber than I thought.
Liminal, if you are a Roman Catholic the 9th commandment is not bearing false witness. The 9th commandment according to Catholicism is coveting my neighbors wife. I am woman and I was discussing the fact that the USS Liberty was an accident not a planned out attack. Not coveting someone else's wife. On the subject of the USS Liberty being an accident. How do I know this?

I know this because there is no crime without a motive. You have to have a motive. The Israeli's had no motive for an attack on the USS Liberty. None. Our relationship with Israel was excellent at the time. There was no motive for such an attack. It was an accident. It was ruled an accident. I told the truth but apparently you do not know that your Catholic church changed the ten commandments of God in order to acommodate their practice of idolatry. Were you aware of that fact? I'm wondering because you obviously didn't know what the 9th commandment was according to your religion of Catholicism.

Here is a video that will teach you about how your church deleted and added other commandments to hide the truth from their followers.
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No, the survivors said it was an accident. You've got a hold of bad information. I read the report many years ago. What you claim happened and they claim happened are two different things. Who should I believe? The people who were there or the people who are getting information from bad sources?
You just broke the Ninth Commandment.

Do you know what the 9th Commandment is, Liminal? As you are a Catholic why don't you list what you have been taught by Catholicism are the ten commandments. 1 - 10. What are they? Can you name them?
Why do you have lie about everything all the time?
USS Liberty: hear survivors in their own words with RAPlayer

I asked you a question. Are you going to answer the question or not? What is the 9th commandment according to Catholicism? What are the 10 ten commandments? Can you name them?
You're even dumber than I thought.

Your timing for that false accusation couldn't be worse. All things considered.
You just broke the Ninth Commandment.

Do you know what the 9th Commandment is, Liminal? As you are a Catholic why don't you list what you have been taught by Catholicism are the ten commandments. 1 - 10. What are they? Can you name them?
Why do you have lie about everything all the time?
USS Liberty: hear survivors in their own words with RAPlayer

I asked you a question. Are you going to answer the question or not? What is the 9th commandment according to Catholicism? What are the 10 ten commandments? Can you name them?
You're even dumber than I thought.

Your timing for that false accusation couldn't be worse. All things considered.
I'm sorry that you don't know which Bible is which. I was trying to make it easy for you, but you are evidently in need of theological instruction before you can discuss subjects like that intelligently.
Liminal, if you are a Roman Catholic the 9th commandment is not bearing false witness. The 9th commandment according to Catholicism is coveting my neighbors wife. I am woman and I was discussing the fact that the USS Liberty was an accident not a planned out attack. Not coveting someone else's wife. On the subject of the USS Liberty being an accident. How do I know this?

I know this because there is no crime without a motive. You have to have a motive. The Israeli's had no motive for an attack on the USS Liberty. None. Our relationship with Israel was excellent at the time. There was no motive for such an attack. It was an accident. It was ruled an accident. I told the truth but apparently you do not know that your Catholic church changed the ten commandments of God in order to acommodate their practice of idolatry. Were you aware of that fact? I'm wondering because you obviously didn't know what the 9th commandment was according to your religion of Catholicism.

Here is a video that will teach you about how your church deleted and added other commandments to hide the truth from their followers.

It's you who mixes issues here dummy.
Do you know what the 9th Commandment is, Liminal? As you are a Catholic why don't you list what you have been taught by Catholicism are the ten commandments. 1 - 10. What are they? Can you name them?
Why do you have lie about everything all the time?
USS Liberty: hear survivors in their own words with RAPlayer

I asked you a question. Are you going to answer the question or not? What is the 9th commandment according to Catholicism? What are the 10 ten commandments? Can you name them?
You're even dumber than I thought.

Your timing for that false accusation couldn't be worse. All things considered.
I'm sorry that you don't know which Bible is which. I was trying to make it easy for you, but you are evidently in need of theological instruction before you can discuss subjects like that intelligently.

Ask the Jews about the ten commandments. They have the ten Commandments in their Torah and it exposes your church for having changed the commandments of God. This isn't new testament teaching. This is Old Testament and your church changed the commandments of God. Ask any Jew to list the ten commandments for you. Your church changed the ten commandments to hide their practice of idolatry from the people. It's true. Look it up.
The hatred that much of the world feels towards the Jews and Israel is WELL DESERVED

I would agree with part of that, but not all.
Jews in general are NOT to blame for the mass murder and other major crimes committed by Israel, only the Jews who support it.

If you're using "Israel" to mean the government and Israelis who support their government's evil, I agree with that.

You have to realise, US support was started under an anti Communist banner, but became a US arms industry profit machine.
It makes them and their paid for politicians a massive fortune, so it'll carry on as long as they can get away with it.
The thing that amazes me the most is, many Americans actually believe the propaganda, so allow American to be put at risk to keep the arms industry in cash.
It takes very little effort to see the truth, but many people are so unwilling to believe it, they actually support American deaths to keep a Israel safe.

All you have to do is look at Iraq and the American invasion.
There were no terrorists in Iraq.
Iraq was absolutely no threat to the US.
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11
Iraq had no chemical weapons - they'd been destroyed long before the invasion.
The invasion has cost $billions, the situation for civilians in the area is far worse than before, and thousands of Americans are dead, but the US (save the arms industry and their corrupt politicians) has gained nothing.
Israel has lost an enemy that could, as part of a combined force, , but gained ISIS, a force that can't really touch Israel.
The same goes for Iran. There is absolutely no threat to the US from Iran, but they threaten Israel. The US actions against Iran have created an enemy for the US, and cost Joe taxpayer a massive amount of money, but for zero gain to America.
An accident that lasted almost an hour. I wonder how incompetent the Israelis would have to be to cause an "accident" like that? They must be extremely poorly trained, not a professional force at all. They would have to be very very stupid for that to be an accident.
Why do you have lie about everything all the time?
USS Liberty: hear survivors in their own words with RAPlayer

I asked you a question. Are you going to answer the question or not? What is the 9th commandment according to Catholicism? What are the 10 ten commandments? Can you name them?
You're even dumber than I thought.

Your timing for that false accusation couldn't be worse. All things considered.
I'm sorry that you don't know which Bible is which. I was trying to make it easy for you, but you are evidently in need of theological instruction before you can discuss subjects like that intelligently.

Ask the Jews about the ten commandments. They have the ten Commandments in their Torah and it exposes your church for having changed the commandments of God. This isn't new testament teaching. This is Old Testament and your church changed the commandments of God. Ask any Jew to list the ten commandments for you. Your church changed the ten commandments to hide their practice of idolatry from the people. It's true. Look it up.
Maybe you should read the Torah and worship in the temple. Then you'd know when you bear false witness before God, maybe you wouldn't be so confused about that.
An accident that lasted almost an hour. I wonder how incompetent the Israelis would have to be to cause an "accident" like that? They must be extremely poorly trained, not a professional force at all. They would have to be very very stupid for that to be an accident.
You're appointed to fix it. Get 'er done, Sherlock.
I asked you a question. Are you going to answer the question or not? What is the 9th commandment according to Catholicism? What are the 10 ten commandments? Can you name them?
You're even dumber than I thought.

Your timing for that false accusation couldn't be worse. All things considered.
I'm sorry that you don't know which Bible is which. I was trying to make it easy for you, but you are evidently in need of theological instruction before you can discuss subjects like that intelligently.

Ask the Jews about the ten commandments. They have the ten Commandments in their Torah and it exposes your church for having changed the commandments of God. This isn't new testament teaching. This is Old Testament and your church changed the commandments of God. Ask any Jew to list the ten commandments for you. Your church changed the ten commandments to hide their practice of idolatry from the people. It's true. Look it up.
Maybe you should read the Torah and worship in the temple. Then you'd know when you bear false witness before God, maybe you wouldn't be so confused about that.

There is no need for further discussion. I've given you the truth. Goodnight.
An accident that lasted almost an hour. I wonder how incompetent the Israelis would have to be to cause an "accident" like that? They must be extremely poorly trained, not a professional force at all. They would have to be very very stupid for that to be an accident.
You're appointed to fix it. Get 'er done, Sherlock.
So then you concur with this explanation? It was obviously just a case of gross incompetence. I wonder who was punished? Who had to take the consequences for such a monumental "mistake"?
You're even dumber than I thought.

Your timing for that false accusation couldn't be worse. All things considered.
I'm sorry that you don't know which Bible is which. I was trying to make it easy for you, but you are evidently in need of theological instruction before you can discuss subjects like that intelligently.

Ask the Jews about the ten commandments. They have the ten Commandments in their Torah and it exposes your church for having changed the commandments of God. This isn't new testament teaching. This is Old Testament and your church changed the commandments of God. Ask any Jew to list the ten commandments for you. Your church changed the ten commandments to hide their practice of idolatry from the people. It's true. Look it up.
Maybe you should read the Torah and worship in the temple. Then you'd know when you bear false witness before God, maybe you wouldn't be so confused about that.

There is no need for further discussion. I've given you the truth. Goodnight.
You lie to everyone, particularly yourself, every single day. You can't get through the day without a huge dose of bull shit.
That pretty much tells the whole story...yet these swine still lie about what the Israeli scum did.

I hope that Iran gets a nuke and blows Tel Aviv to red glowing mist. They can write on the bomb.."From the dead crew USS LIberty".
I don't want to abandon Israel, I just want the truth......which would implicate Americans as well as Israelis. The Johnson Administration evidently colluded with Israel to cover it up.

You don't want to abandon Israel, you just want the truth..... ? What truth? A truth that blames Americans and Israelis for an accident that was beyond their control? You've got some nerve. Where do you live? Inside the Vatican?
An accident? I guess you just haven't been paying attention. It was obviously a cover up.

It was ruled an accident long ago. You've already proven that you are going to believe what you want to believe irregardless of the evidence that proves what you are believing to be a lie, Liminal. I'm not going to argue with your or anyone else about it. I'm merely stating the truth of what happened. It was an accident.
So then you're evidently dishonest enough to say you believe that the survivors of the USS Liberty are lying. Is that your theory ?
Their conclusions are irrelevant.

They had no idea why Israel attacked at the time.

This is beyond doubt now.

We have the published transmissions from a NSA spy plane that prices that the Israeli pilots thought it wa an Egyptian ship.

They later were concerned it was a Soviet ship.

It was an accident.
An accident that lasted almost an hour. I wonder how incompetent the Israelis would have to be to cause an "accident" like that? They must be extremely poorly trained, not a professional force at all. They would have to be very very stupid for that to be an accident.
You're appointed to fix it. Get 'er done, Sherlock.
So then you concur with this explanation? It was obviously just a case of gross incompetence. I wonder who was punished? Who had to take the consequences for such a monumental "mistake"?
Who was punished when during the Iraq war the US fired on US and coalition forces.

Friendly fire occurs during war.

It could have easily been avoided if the US told Israel that there was a US ship off the Egyptian coast, especially since Israel was in an active war with Egypt at the time and the night before were shelled from the Egyptian coast.

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