Opposition To Michael Steele Mounts, Race Rearing Ugly Head

Wish it took more. You disagree with that troll and you're a racist.

My wife and 1/2 Puerto Rican kids would laugh at him in 3 languages.
Hey, cut him some slack. Throwing out spurious inflammatory charges is easier than thinking.

What's easy is talking to yourself, never actually engaging in any real debate ... shivering in your own lacking.

If you want to talk about me, then step up and tell me ... so I can tell you.

That's easier than thinking .. and a lot less adult.
Okay. You're a well-programmed fool, too. You see everything...EVERYTHING...through the lens of race.

Hint: Most people don't give a shit about race. Pretending that all opposition to Obama is due to racism is not only wrong, it's stupid.
I'd like to reiterate BlackAsCoal's question and direct it to the CON$:

BlackAsCoal said:
Do you think there was more "freedom"in 1950 than there is today?


Of course there is. What a silly question.

I believe there is more freedom for the Black man today than there was in the 1950's. I believe there is less freedom for others today, than in the 1950's.
Only when reading from a Teleprompter.

you know, i really dislike when people intentionally diminish others just because they disagree with them. there are certain things you can't take away from the president no matter how much the rightwingnuts flail and scream.

Really? How do you know? He never released his transcript, did he?

why do you need his 'transcript'? harvard law school isn't educated? to be on harvard's law review he had to be top 10% of his class. so yes, he's well educated. that has nothing to do with 'wanting' it to be true. what the right *wants* is for the contrast in education between him and a good many of their candidates to disappear...

There are some people who object to Obama because of his race...but they are a small minority. Certainly far, far few than you want to believe. Most opposition to Obama is due to his policies.

i disagree to an extent. to my mind the hysteria of the tea parties is absolutely race-based. the talk about him being a muslim, socialist, not american...

let me know when the insane have demanded a 'long form birth certificate' from any other candidate.

But you can't accept that, so you pretend it's all racism. Fool. Well-programmed fool.

it's not 'all racism', but there's a lot of it out there. ignoring it is silly as is overemphasising it.

now, as for Steele and the thread topic, i actually think it went the other way b/c the GOP has such a horrible track record on racial issues. had steele been white, he'd have been canned a year ago because he was a terrible party chair.
Hey, cut him some slack. Throwing out spurious inflammatory charges is easier than thinking.

What's easy is talking to yourself, never actually engaging in any real debate ... shivering in your own lacking.

If you want to talk about me, then step up and tell me ... so I can tell you.

That's easier than thinking .. and a lot less adult.
Okay. You're a well-programmed fool, too. You see everything...EVERYTHING...through the lens of race.

Hint: Most people don't give a shit about race. Pretending that all opposition to Obama is due to racism is not only wrong, it's stupid.

Most people do care about race, this country is a racially polarized country and was founded by men who were racist, get out of denial and quit with your strawman arguments, nobody has stated that *ALL* opposition to Obama is racism, why use that strawman to deny that there is racism against Obama and not just a little bit? Retard.
It's not racism if the target is a conservative.

Or so white liberals keep telling me.

Obama is well spoken...
Only when reading from a Teleprompter.
...and highly educated...
Really? How do you know? He never released his transcript, did he?

Oh. You just want it to be true. That's good enough for you, isn't it?
...andd look at how you stupid ass rightwing dipshats treat him, its racist to criticize black conservatives but not black liberals, dumbass caveman.
There are some people who object to Obama because of his race...but they are a small minority. Certainly far, far few than you want to believe. Most opposition to Obama is due to his policies.

But you can't accept that, so you pretend it's all racism. Fool. Well-programmed fool.

Did you ask for and request Bush's transcript to see if he was truly educated? Why is it that you asking for Obama, who happens to be black, for proof of his education and not Palin, Boehner, McConnel, Bachmann and Joel Miller? Is it because of your own lack of educational credentials? matter of fact lets see your transcript, failure to produce one makes you an uneducated retard.
Hey, cut him some slack. Throwing out spurious inflammatory charges is easier than thinking.

What's easy is talking to yourself, never actually engaging in any real debate ... shivering in your own lacking.

If you want to talk about me, then step up and tell me ... so I can tell you.

That's easier than thinking .. and a lot less adult.
Okay. You're a well-programmed fool, too. You see everything...EVERYTHING...through the lens of race.

Hint: Most people don't give a shit about race. Pretending that all opposition to Obama is due to racism is not only wrong, it's stupid.

Guess what's even more stupid .. thinking that I voted for Obama because I'm black.

Didn't vote for Obama homeboy .. not a democrat. I present more real opposition to Obama and his right-of-center policies than do teabaggers and right-wing republicans who'd much rather talk about his "religion" and his birth certificate.

You know why you thought that I supported Obama?

Because you're a well-programmed fool. You haven't heard a word I've said.

If I, as you say, saw everything .. make that EVERYTHING .. through the lens of race, wouldn't I have voted for Obama?

Unless I'm mistaken, this thread is about race .. thus I talk about race. But I talk about a lot of issues .. even wrote legislation that has nothing to do with race .. but as I said .. this thread ....

Here's your chance to back up and try again.

This time try debating what I actually say, not unfounded emotion.
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An Uncle Tom is an Uncle Tom,

What a vile racist statement. You don't give any black people credit for Independent Thought.


Here's some example of "black conservative independent thought" below

National Black Republican Association | National Black Republican Association

Great originality isn't it? That right there was a great example of "independent" black thought, parroting the words of the ignorant whites in their party. Notice that that lame site has a link that says Thank you Michael Steele, but the cowardly Negroes that run the site have not one article, link or statement condemning those within the Republitard Party who want Steele gone, yet they have plenty of crap condemning Democrats and liberals, textbook proof of well trained Negroes not wanting to upset massa, lol.

Look at their "Black History Test":

HistoryTest | National Black Republican Association

When you are a black Republican with true independent thought and don't parrot the ignorant retards in your party and put such people in their place this is what happens to you:

Colin Powell/Rush Limbaugh War Rages On

And thats coming from people within the Republitard Party, instead of being a House Negro Powell opted to be the Field Negro and caught the backlash.
I'd like to reiterate BlackAsCoal's question and direct it to the CON$:

BlackAsCoal said:
Do you think there was more "freedom"in 1950 than there is today?


from previous post:

"Freedom from the government "mandating" how we spend the money we earn. Freedom from the government protecting "union jobs" by seizing private industries. Freedom from the government using "my money" to bail out big banks. Freedom from the government seizing private property as payoffs for political contributions.

If the dems are "taking responsibility" for people (welfare, food stamps, education, unemployment insurance, and now health care), those people are "owned" by the government (they might not say that publicly, but who taking those "bribes" would disagree with their "gravy train"?).

The "war on drugs" is the governments way of using "our money" to fund things that cannot be covered in the light of day operations. Are you suggesting drugs should be legal?

Our justice system is appointed by politicians or elected. Talk to your elected officials or get involved with the elections if you want it changed.

Do "gays, women, and minorities have a different Bill of Rights than I do? As far as the law goes, all the above have the same legal rights that I do. Do you have any documentation on your statement of white women being the "biggest winner of affirmative action"?

"Legally" there was more freedom in the 1950s than there is today; there are way more laws that impede our freedoms (a fact). Today, we tend to be more "tolerant" of things that were considered "improper" (not saying all good), than we were in the 1950s. As far as more freedom: no. The children cannot play alone without supervision for fear of some pornography encouraged pedophile predator waiting for an opportunity. Children cannot take the risks they did ten years ago, let alone fifty years ago to help them build experience and character (pick-up teams for back yard games, playing without helmets and pads, failing in school because of bad performance, etc). "Some people" have their speech monitored, and are "charged" with a hate crime for stating an "opinion" (we all know what is said about opinions). Hate crime legislation is being used like dictators in other countries use their authority to squash political dissent. Yes, the dems are responsible for a large part of that. If you want to be "ruled" vote democrat."
I'd like to reiterate BlackAsCoal's question and direct it to the CON$:

BlackAsCoal said:
Do you think there was more "freedom"in 1950 than there is today?


Of course there is. What a silly question.

"Of course there is?" Really? So why are so many of your fellow crazed and delusional RWers have been and are screaming and moaning for the last 2 years about taking the country BACK to a time (supposedly of more freedom?)

You act as if there's NO reason or base in my question.

I await your response.
Obama is well spoken...
Only when reading from a Teleprompter.

Really? How do you know? He never released his transcript, did he?

Oh. You just want it to be true. That's good enough for you, isn't it?
...andd look at how you stupid ass rightwing dipshats treat him, its racist to criticize black conservatives but not black liberals, dumbass caveman.
There are some people who object to Obama because of his race...but they are a small minority. Certainly far, far few than you want to believe. Most opposition to Obama is due to his policies.

But you can't accept that, so you pretend it's all racism. Fool. Well-programmed fool.

Did you ask for and request Bush's transcript to see if he was truly educated? Why is it that you asking for Obama, who happens to be black, for proof of his education and not Palin, Boehner, McConnel, Bachmann and Joel Miller? Is it because of your own lack of educational credentials? matter of fact lets see your transcript, failure to produce one makes you an uneducated retard.

That is probably because all the above (except Obama) are traceable (there are announcements in the paper or with the media). The press was only to happy to put out every school Palin ever attended in to disrespect her accomplishments.
Obama is a giant question mark. There is no documentation of his life: no birth hospital, no records of who paid for his high dollar schools (since he was from a middle class white family), none of his written works from said schools, no records of his citizen status as a college student (did he claim to be a foreign citizen for student aid?).

You want to make it about race? How about treating him like the "white man" that was the republican canidate? That man had to have a special inquiry by congress to prove he was eligible. Or do you want to declare that he is inferior, therefore he needs special rules?
Why don't you talk to some of these people that you think are "racists"? You might find they have a problem with people that want to make this country like the European countries: the same place that a huge percentage of this country's population escaped from, long ago. You might find that those people have a problem with politicians telling them that "charity" is giving money to the government so the government can decide who needs it, instead of the individual looking at their community and giving where "they" perceive the money is needed. You might find that their problems are with people that will not read the Constitution or the Bill of Rights but go around saying what is in it. You might find they have a problem with people declaring there are not equal rights when they are trying to "blackmail the government" into giving them "additional rights": the Bill of Rights covers all of us.
There are racists out there. Your attitude is extremely hostile. Your attempt to "bully" people into agreeing with you by calling them racists, voids any legitimate points you may be trying to make. Unless someone gives you a "straight-up" racist comment, please stop wasting our time. If we are conservative, we have been called far worse names by the "tolerant". Get over it, there is a big difference between ignorance of someone culture and the deliberate berating of said culture.
Only when reading from a Teleprompter.

Really? How do you know? He never released his transcript, did he?

Oh. You just want it to be true. That's good enough for you, isn't it?

There are some people who object to Obama because of his race...but they are a small minority. Certainly far, far few than you want to believe. Most opposition to Obama is due to his policies.

But you can't accept that, so you pretend it's all racism. Fool. Well-programmed fool.

Did you ask for and request Bush's transcript to see if he was truly educated? Why is it that you asking for Obama, who happens to be black, for proof of his education and not Palin, Boehner, McConnel, Bachmann and Joel Miller? Is it because of your own lack of educational credentials? matter of fact lets see your transcript, failure to produce one makes you an uneducated retard.

That is probably because all the above (except Obama) are traceable (there are announcements in the paper or with the media). The press was only to happy to put out every school Palin ever attended in to disrespect her accomplishments.
Obama is a giant question mark. There is no documentation of his life: no birth hospital, no records of who paid for his high dollar schools (since he was from a middle class white family), none of his written works from said schools, no records of his citizen status as a college student (did he claim to be a foreign citizen for student aid?).

You want to make it about race? How about treating him like the "white man" that was the republican canidate? That man had to have a special inquiry by congress to prove he was eligible. Or do you want to declare that he is inferior, therefore he needs special rules?
Why don't you talk to some of these people that you think are "racists"? You might find they have a problem with people that want to make this country like the European countries: the same place that a huge percentage of this country's population escaped from, long ago. You might find that those people have a problem with politicians telling them that "charity" is giving money to the government so the government can decide who needs it, instead of the individual looking at their community and giving where "they" perceive the money is needed. You might find that their problems are with people that will not read the Constitution or the Bill of Rights but go around saying what is in it. You might find they have a problem with people declaring there are not equal rights when they are trying to "blackmail the government" into giving them "additional rights": the Bill of Rights covers all of us.
There are racists out there. Your attitude is extremely hostile. Your attempt to "bully" people into agreeing with you by calling them racists, voids any legitimate points you may be trying to make. Unless someone gives you a "straight-up" racist comment, please stop wasting our time. If we are conservative, we have been called far worse names by the "tolerant". Get over it, there is a big difference between ignorance of someone culture and the deliberate berating of said culture.

If I may .. The Bill of Rights?

Are you serious?

The Bill of Rights was in effect all through this nations shitstained history of oppression and terrorism against its own population .. and it did NOTHING to protect them. The only "additional rights" required was protection from an insane and racist population.

What you fail to recognize is that it was and is the duty and responsibility of government to protect that portion of the population from the horror and terrorism of monsters.

Go here .. and explain to me what the Bill of Rights did to protect innocent people.
Only when reading from a Teleprompter.

Really? How do you know? He never released his transcript, did he?

Oh. You just want it to be true. That's good enough for you, isn't it?

There are some people who object to Obama because of his race...but they are a small minority. Certainly far, far few than you want to believe. Most opposition to Obama is due to his policies.

But you can't accept that, so you pretend it's all racism. Fool. Well-programmed fool.

Did you ask for and request Bush's transcript to see if he was truly educated? Why is it that you asking for Obama, who happens to be black, for proof of his education and not Palin, Boehner, McConnel, Bachmann and Joel Miller? Is it because of your own lack of educational credentials? matter of fact lets see your transcript, failure to produce one makes you an uneducated retard.

That is probably because all the above (except Obama) are traceable (there are announcements in the paper or with the media). The press was only to happy to put out every school Palin ever attended in to disrespect her accomplishments.
Obama is a giant question mark. There is no documentation of his life: no birth hospital, no records of who paid for his high dollar schools (since he was from a middle class white family), none of his written works from said schools, no records of his citizen status as a college student (did he claim to be a foreign citizen for student aid?).

You want to make it about race? How about treating him like the "white man" that was the republican canidate? That man had to have a special inquiry by congress to prove he was eligible. Or do you want to declare that he is inferior, therefore he needs special rules?
Why don't you talk to some of these people that you think are "racists"? You might find they have a problem with people that want to make this country like the European countries: the same place that a huge percentage of this country's population escaped from, long ago. You might find that those people have a problem with politicians telling them that "charity" is giving money to the government so the government can decide who needs it, instead of the individual looking at their community and giving where "they" perceive the money is needed. You might find that their problems are with people that will not read the Constitution or the Bill of Rights but go around saying what is in it. You might find they have a problem with people declaring there are not equal rights when they are trying to "blackmail the government" into giving them "additional rights": the Bill of Rights covers all of us.
There are racists out there. Your attitude is extremely hostile. Your attempt to "bully" people into agreeing with you by calling them racists, voids any legitimate points you may be trying to make. Unless someone gives you a "straight-up" racist comment, please stop wasting our time. If we are conservative, we have been called far worse names by the "tolerant". Get over it, there is a big difference between ignorance of someone culture and the deliberate berating of said culture.

Get your facts straight. McCain voluntarily asked the Senate to look over his documentation and issue a non-binding resolution regarding his citizenship.....before the 2000 election. Where, BTW, the race of his adopted child was used against him as a vicious lie and smear by none other than the Bush campaign, causing a poor showing in SC among people who thought he'd had an affair with a black woman resulting in an interracial child and ending his primary bid.

Race or allegations of racism and race baiting are used as weapons and/or strategy constantly. Steele himself openly attempted to play his race in the beginning of his term as Chair, and was so awkward and stereotypical about it even I cringed for the guy. And I'm no fan of his.

Race will probably play a role in the election, although IMO he should and will be tossed for his performance alone. Race isn't invisible. Treating it like the elephant in the room and never bringing it up at all unless it somehow benefits "your" side to pull it out as an accusation won't make it go away.
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Did you ask for and request Bush's transcript to see if he was truly educated? Why is it that you asking for Obama, who happens to be black, for proof of his education and not Palin, Boehner, McConnel, Bachmann and Joel Miller? Is it because of your own lack of educational credentials? matter of fact lets see your transcript, failure to produce one makes you an uneducated retard.

That is probably because all the above (except Obama) are traceable (there are announcements in the paper or with the media). The press was only to happy to put out every school Palin ever attended in to disrespect her accomplishments.
Obama is a giant question mark. There is no documentation of his life: no birth hospital, no records of who paid for his high dollar schools (since he was from a middle class white family), none of his written works from said schools, no records of his citizen status as a college student (did he claim to be a foreign citizen for student aid?).

You want to make it about race? How about treating him like the "white man" that was the republican canidate? That man had to have a special inquiry by congress to prove he was eligible. Or do you want to declare that he is inferior, therefore he needs special rules?
Why don't you talk to some of these people that you think are "racists"? You might find they have a problem with people that want to make this country like the European countries: the same place that a huge percentage of this country's population escaped from, long ago. You might find that those people have a problem with politicians telling them that "charity" is giving money to the government so the government can decide who needs it, instead of the individual looking at their community and giving where "they" perceive the money is needed. You might find that their problems are with people that will not read the Constitution or the Bill of Rights but go around saying what is in it. You might find they have a problem with people declaring there are not equal rights when they are trying to "blackmail the government" into giving them "additional rights": the Bill of Rights covers all of us.
There are racists out there. Your attitude is extremely hostile. Your attempt to "bully" people into agreeing with you by calling them racists, voids any legitimate points you may be trying to make. Unless someone gives you a "straight-up" racist comment, please stop wasting our time. If we are conservative, we have been called far worse names by the "tolerant". Get over it, there is a big difference between ignorance of someone culture and the deliberate berating of said culture.

Get your facts straight. McCain voluntarily asked the Senate to look over his documentation and issue a non-binding resolution regarding his citizenship.....before the 2000 election. Where, BTW, the race of his adopted child was used against him as a vicious lie and smear by none other than the Bush campaign, causing a poor showing in SC among people who thought he'd had an affair with a black woman resulting in an interracial child and ending his primary bid.

Race or allegations of racism and race baiting are used as weapons and/or strategy constantly. Steele himself openly attempted to play his race in the beginning of his term as Chair, and was so awkward and stereotypical about it even I cringed for the guy. And I'm no fan of his.

Race will probably play a role in the election, although IMO he should and will be tossed for his performance alone. Race isn't invisible. Treating it like the elephant in the room and never bringing it up at all unless it somehow benefits "your" side to pull it out as an accusation won't make it go away.

Did you ask for and request Bush's transcript to see if he was truly educated? Why is it that you asking for Obama, who happens to be black, for proof of his education and not Palin, Boehner, McConnel, Bachmann and Joel Miller? Is it because of your own lack of educational credentials? matter of fact lets see your transcript, failure to produce one makes you an uneducated retard.

That is probably because all the above (except Obama) are traceable (there are announcements in the paper or with the media). The press was only to happy to put out every school Palin ever attended in to disrespect her accomplishments.
Obama is a giant question mark. There is no documentation of his life: no birth hospital, no records of who paid for his high dollar schools (since he was from a middle class white family), none of his written works from said schools, no records of his citizen status as a college student (did he claim to be a foreign citizen for student aid?).

You want to make it about race? How about treating him like the "white man" that was the republican canidate? That man had to have a special inquiry by congress to prove he was eligible. Or do you want to declare that he is inferior, therefore he needs special rules?
Why don't you talk to some of these people that you think are "racists"? You might find they have a problem with people that want to make this country like the European countries: the same place that a huge percentage of this country's population escaped from, long ago. You might find that those people have a problem with politicians telling them that "charity" is giving money to the government so the government can decide who needs it, instead of the individual looking at their community and giving where "they" perceive the money is needed. You might find that their problems are with people that will not read the Constitution or the Bill of Rights but go around saying what is in it. You might find they have a problem with people declaring there are not equal rights when they are trying to "blackmail the government" into giving them "additional rights": the Bill of Rights covers all of us.
There are racists out there. Your attitude is extremely hostile. Your attempt to "bully" people into agreeing with you by calling them racists, voids any legitimate points you may be trying to make. Unless someone gives you a "straight-up" racist comment, please stop wasting our time. If we are conservative, we have been called far worse names by the "tolerant". Get over it, there is a big difference between ignorance of someone culture and the deliberate berating of said culture.

If I may .. The Bill of Rights?

Are you serious?

The Bill of Rights was in effect all through this nations shitstained history of oppression and terrorism against its own population .. and it did NOTHING to protect them. The only "additional rights" required was protection from an insane and racist population.

What you fail to recognize is that it was and is the duty and responsibility of government to protect that portion of the population from the horror and terrorism of monsters.

Go here .. and explain to me what the Bill of Rights did to protect innocent people.

The Bill of Rights was meant for all citizens. Because the government justice system did not do its job, more legislation was required to force the government to do its job. That was the government controlling another part of citizens' lives, and it did a bad job (and now the same people are trusting their health to the same system).

That is the whole point: the government is not doing its job. Its job is listed in the Constitution. Our Congress and our President seem to think they need to do all kinds of things that are not in the Constitution while they are ignoring their duties (now all citizens are being terrorized and living with horrors).

The government has very straight forward duties listed in the Constitution. Those duties are complex and hard; instead the government chooses to meddle into citizen's lives to appear they are doing ....something. They are not keeping the justice system efficient. They are not protecting our borders. They are not ensuring freedom for future generations.
Only when reading from a Teleprompter.

you know, i really dislike when people intentionally diminish others just because they disagree with them. there are certain things you can't take away from the president no matter how much the rightwingnuts flail and scream.
No, he's really not a very good speaker. It's okay, neither was Bush.
Really? How do you know? He never released his transcript, did he?

why do you need his 'transcript'? harvard law school isn't educated? to be on harvard's law review he had to be top 10% of his class. so yes, he's well educated. that has nothing to do with 'wanting' it to be true. what the right *wants* is for the contrast in education between him and a good many of their candidates to disappear...
I think you may have some bias here, Counselor. :tongue:

But by refusing to release his transcripts, the impression is he has something to hide.
There are some people who object to Obama because of his race...but they are a small minority. Certainly far, far few than you want to believe. Most opposition to Obama is due to his policies.

i disagree to an extent. to my mind the hysteria of the tea parties is absolutely race-based. the talk about him being a muslim, socialist, not american...
With all due respect (and that's a fair bit :beer:), you've been presented a carefully-crafted vision of the Tea Party.
let me know when the insane have demanded a 'long form birth certificate' from any other candidate.
Personally, I wish the birthers would STFU, for one reason: President Joseph R. Biden. :eek:
But you can't accept that, so you pretend it's all racism. Fool. Well-programmed fool.

it's not 'all racism', but there's a lot of it out there. ignoring it is silly as is overemphasising it.
I haven't ignored it -- you can tell because I said it's there. :lol:
now, as for Steele and the thread topic, i actually think it went the other way b/c the GOP has such a horrible track record on racial issues. had steele been white, he'd have been canned a year ago because he was a terrible party chair.
I agree he hasn't done a very good job, although he seems to have raised lots of money.

I disagree, however, that the GOP has a horrible track record on racial issues. The GOP was founded on the principle of civil rights for all, and has been true to that principle.
No, he's really not a very good speaker. It's okay, neither was Bush.

and therein lies the problem. you *can't* compare him to bush. that's why the whole 'ooh... he reads off a teleprompter' stuff. the only modern president we had who could speak extemporaneously was bill clinton who once went off script for 20 minutes in the middle of a state of the union address. every other president from washington on down used notes... a teleprompter is just the modern day version of the envelope lincoln used to write the gettysburgh address.

I think you may have some bias here, Counselor. :tongue:

But by refusing to release his transcripts, the impression is he has something to hide.

bias or knowledge about what law review is and what is required?

i'm going to go with the fact that i know how you get on law review. :razz:

i figure that he knows it doesn't matter what he releases. it only gives the impression he has something to hide to people predisposed to believe that. and none of the people predisposed to believing that would vote for him anyway.

my own feeling? i'd bet he exaggerated some part of his background to gain an admissions advantage (you know, check here if you're a chinese eskimo living in guam type of thing). is that a sin? i dunno... i'm gong to be anyone who wants to go to columbia and has an advantage card to play does so.

With all due respect (and that's a fair bit :beer:), you've been presented a carefully-crafted vision of the Tea Party.

well, i know what i've seen. have i been under misconceptions in the past? i'm sure i have.

props back to ya, btw. and thanks. :beer:

Personally, I wish the birthers would STFU, for one reason: President Joseph R. Biden. :eek:

lol.. i like joe. i know he suffers from foot in mouth disease, but i'm very fond of him.

I haven't ignored it -- you can tell because I said it's there. :lol:

well, perhaps its a matter of degrees. lol.. but i think you underestimate it as a basis for all the noise that started on the day he was sworn in. you know, like when they threw tantrums about him addressing school kids to encourage education.

you don't think that was a race thing? you ever hear of that type of disrespect before... regardless of the politics of the president?

I agree he hasn't done a very good job, although he seems to have raised lots of money.

true. he's a good fundraiser. but i think he overspent as much as he raised.

I disagree, however, that the GOP has a horrible track record on racial issues. The GOP was founded on the principle of civil rights for all, and has been true to that principle.

the southern strategy was not helpful to the GOP among minorities. That has worked very well for them in terms of holding onto red states. it is, however, really dumb when minorities are going to be the majority in this country.

what you call equality for all, doesn't always translate into practice. when they call the first latina justice a racist because she is proud of her background, it doesn't look good. when they hound the first black president by having it's party leaders say they are going 'to do an investigation a day' for no reason, it takes on a racial overtone even if one isn't intended sometimes.

the interesting thing is that a huge part of the black community is christian conservative and would be a natural constituency for the GOP but for social justice issues. that's why when they did come out to vote en masse, they voted against gay marriage.
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Okay. You're a well-programmed fool, too. You see everything...EVERYTHING...through the lens of race.

Hint: Most people don't give a shit about race. Pretending that all opposition to Obama is due to racism is not only wrong, it's stupid.

Most people do care about race...
Most people who view everything through the lens of race do, yes.
...this country is a racially polarized country and was founded by men who were racist...
And you're doing your damnedest to continue that polarization. Good job, asshat. :clap2:
...get out of denial and quit with your strawman arguments...
Oddly enough, I feel no obligation to develop a sense of "white guilt" to satisfy your distorted notions of justice.
...nobody has stated that *ALL* opposition to Obama is racism, why use that strawman to deny that there is racism against Obama and not just a little bit? Retard.
No strawman at all. Retard.

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