Opiates and aging

in theory, this is a natural substance for humans, it is an analogue of endogenous endorphin, so this apparently does not have any toxic effect on the body.
Of course not. I do not know at all, and probably no one knows what health problems can be caused by the use of pure opiates, if, for example, compared with alcohol, which leads to cirrhosis and so on. Usually they die from overdoses, or because they injected some kind of shit instead of heroin, or because the veins got infected, or because they committed suicide, and so on. No one even knows what this may lead to in the future, because there are no health problems specific to the use of opiates.
Whatever you say. Logic eludes you.
They often have a specific appearance, often there are bruises under the eyes and a tired look, but this cannot be attributed to signs of old age, this happens in youth, and even many people like it.

Brittany Murphy apparently had problems with opiates, 11 days before her death she received 120 hydrocodone tablets from the pharmacy

She has just a heroin face with black bruises, she didn't need to do the fake darkening like Spears and others. But she looked great, and she was damn charming.

Last Interview​

By the way, this is also an interesting phenomenon in culture, the fact that "heroin bruises" under the eyes are presented as a drawback, but in fact, almost all women imitate them in one way or another to look like heroin girls.
These bruises, of course, can arise simply from fatigue or sex, but not everyone has them, and they are especially rare in blondes with fair skin.

Don't you know, folks, almost all women want to link like junkies!

You heard it here first!
Well, this includes just the stereotype of a heroin face, here, of course, it's not about drugs, but about some kind of biochemical specifics. It seems that this is how the aristocrats once looked, because even men in Iran and Afghanistan do such makeup. The Taliban are also doing this, I think it has something to do with it.

In general, any image of a sexy blonde always includes this. At the very least, they do mascara around the eyes, but often they just paint bruises. For example, Britney Spears is always painted like this. Without dark eyes, they cannot look sexy
This naturally occurs very often among northern Indian women.
The American women seem to have the same, although I'm not sure.
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It's a gift from the Goddess.

On sale now.
Where? Aristocrats in the Mayan culture looked nothing like Sumerian Aristocrats, or Mandarin or Zulu...
Judging by the fact that this is common in northern India, these were the Aryan peoples. This exactly coincides with the region of Iran and Central Asia, where their nobility was present for the longest time.
like Sumerian Aristocrats
There is a possibility that the Sumerians were associated with the Aryans. This question of the origin of the Sumerians is still not clear, but they correlate in location and some other features with Babylon, Media and Mittani. Babylon had an Aryan serpent-fighting myth (the myth of Marduk)
Moreover, it is this myth that is the closest to the myth of the Rig Veda of all the others.
Please show the relevance to opiates and aging, moron.
I did not absolutely state this, but I shared my impressions observations and conclusions in relevance with oxigen aging. All the arguments in favor of this hypothesis have been voiced.
You can disagree with this
Then the thread has run its course. Racist middle eastern mythology is another topic altogether. Repost if you think you will get your dopamine fix from it.
Your hysteria looks as if you are very worried about this topic and you would not like it to be discussed. Do you deny the oxidative theory of aging? And why do you call middle eastern mythology "racist"?

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