Opiates and aging

Open the pictures in a search engine for melanoma, and you will make sure that it does not occur on tanned bodies, or is found only as an exception to the rule. Blacks also very rarely get sick with it
Moreover, the medicians lie. They claim that melanin protects from the sun, but this is contrary to the fact that black absorbs radiation.
There is some kind of politics
Most likely, the point is that the body has something like photosynthesis, and part of the population has lost this property. These are obviously northern forest peoples. There may be a connection to the "global warming" scam.
Australia has a high incidence of melanoma due to the fact that there are many immigrants from England.
And besides, it can reveal the questions of the real origin of peoples. There, everything is already destroyed in the official versions according to genetic data. As far as I understand, most Americans get tanned, so they can't come from the British or the North Germans, as they are being told.
Take a look at crossfit competitions. There are few untanned bodies here, right? Fraser, in my opinion, is not tanned. Mostly all with a tan.

By the way, opiates also don't work the same for everyone. Some have severe vomiting, the body does not accept. This can also be due to differences at the biochemical level.

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