Open season on our elections

“Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,“ wrote Ellen Weintraub, chairwoman of the FEC. “This is not a novel concept.“

LOL So how are those investigations into the DNC and Hillary's campaign going?

‘Let me make something 100% clear’: FEC chair lays down the law on foreign help

What does that link have at all to do with Clinton?
“Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,“ wrote Ellen Weintraub, chairwoman of the FEC. “This is not a novel concept.“

LOL So how are those investigations into the DNC and Hillary's campaign going?

‘Let me make something 100% clear’: FEC chair lays down the law on foreign help

What does that link have at all to do with Clinton?
Her campaign solicited and accepted the Steele report. It's from a foreign national, contains information from foreign nationals and it was solicited and accepted in connection with a U.S. election.
Absolves her of what? The Clinton campaign and the DNC were paying for opposition research.
When Steele realized he had found far more than that, he contacted the FBI.
Do you know if either the Clinton campaign or the DNC ever acually received a completed copy of the dossier? Did they use it in any way?

I think it would have been helpful if Mueller looked into that during his investigation of Russian interference in the election. Perhaps AG Barr's new investigation will have some answers. Rumor has it that they are talking to Steele soon.

Mueller was not tasked to look at that. Why would he? A former British intel officer sharing intel with the US is neither uncommon nor suspicious.

I encourage you to gain a perspective other than the trumpian narratives.
Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier
His partner was a Russian named Skirpal, and was a Russian Spy, so Clinton and Obama were dealing directly with Russians.

Obama had nothing to do with it and the Clinton campaign hired a law firm to do the research, dope.
Sorry, but Obama paid $1 Million of his own money towards The Russian Collusion Scam, and not only that he was ALL IN on the Unmasking, The Spying, and The COUP, as he was kept informed at every juncture.

What the Obamas’ $65 million book advance actually means

He probably paid The $1 Million out of the $64 Million he got from a Russian backed Publisher for the book advance for a book he NEVER WROTE.

Team Obama Paid Nearly $1M to Law Firm That Paid Fusion

FEC: Obama Paid $1 Million To Fusion GPS To Fund 'Piss-Gate' Dossier

Slimy George Soros also pitched in.

George Soros gave $1M to group that paid for Fusion GPS research

Obama may be the first president in US History to actually end up in jail after leaving office, and Hillary Clinton may be the first presidential candidate to do the same.

^ :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:.... :spinner:......:cuckoo:
Nothing was "laundered" or hidden. Fusion GPS is an American company and Orbis was a Brithish company. They aren't criminal enterprises, dope.

So why did she hide the $1,000,000 she paid GPS from the FEC?

Link it.
Hillary Clinton campaign lied about the golden shower dossier, watchdog alleges
Nowhere does the link say they tried to hide anything, dope.

That's from two years ago anyway. Where are we with that "investigation" now?
Well unless you are arguing that Hilary is a foreign national I think the difference speaks for itself.
?? She paid a foreign national (Steele) for information (disinformation?) from foreign nationals (Russians)

She paid an American law firm, dope.
They hired Fusion GPS who in turn hired Orbis, Steele's firm.

That's what you call a "straw buyer" situation. And that's exactly what Mr. Durham is busting wide open in his investigation.

President Trump was speaking last week with the British monarch, and she is making Mr. Steele, her subject, available for questioning by American officials. He is willing to spill the beans and make a deal. Further, Mr. Durham's office has been questioning CIA agents, who will have an opportunity to avoid prison and disgrace by spilling the beans as well.

If I were Mr. Comey or Mr. Clapper I'd reach out now to my President and see what kinds of deals are available.

That's not a "straw buyer", dope. There was nothing illegal in the hiring of a firm that specializes in collecting information.

It is if you launder money to them through a third party and then direct them to your FBI contacts (Foreign Agents) overseas to get a Russian Propaganda Campaign going for purposes of rigging the 2016 Election and allowing Russia to interfere in it by INVITATION.

There is a law against that, and it's called TREASON.
No money was "laundered", dope.
Nothing was "laundered" or hidden. Fusion GPS is an American company and Orbis was a Brithish company. They aren't criminal enterprises, dope.

So why did she hide the $1,000,000 she paid GPS from the FEC?

Link it.
Hillary Clinton campaign lied about the golden shower dossier, watchdog alleges
Nowhere does the link say they tried to hide anything, dope.

That's from two years ago anyway. Where are we with that "investigation" now?

Mr. Durham was just appointed to investigate the Investigation a couple of months ago.

People will be questioned, I can see multiple counts of Obstruction arising from this.
?? She paid a foreign national (Steele) for information (disinformation?) from foreign nationals (Russians)

She paid an American law firm, dope.
They hired Fusion GPS who in turn hired Orbis, Steele's firm.

That's what you call a "straw buyer" situation. And that's exactly what Mr. Durham is busting wide open in his investigation.

President Trump was speaking last week with the British monarch, and she is making Mr. Steele, her subject, available for questioning by American officials. He is willing to spill the beans and make a deal. Further, Mr. Durham's office has been questioning CIA agents, who will have an opportunity to avoid prison and disgrace by spilling the beans as well.

If I were Mr. Comey or Mr. Clapper I'd reach out now to my President and see what kinds of deals are available.

That's not a "straw buyer", dope. There was nothing illegal in the hiring of a firm that specializes in collecting information.

It is if you launder money to them through a third party and then direct them to your FBI contacts (Foreign Agents) overseas to get a Russian Propaganda Campaign going for purposes of rigging the 2016 Election and allowing Russia to interfere in it by INVITATION.

There is a law against that, and it's called TREASON.
No money was "laundered", dope.

You can't prove that, and my guess is that no one in the Deep State will be able to prove that either.

We shall see of course. I'm sure that President Trump has already covertly got FISA warrants from friendly judges to keep an eye on Biden's people as well as other leading Democrats.
You suggested Mueller should have looked at Steele, dope.
No question.

I knew you wouldn't read my link.
I did. The NYorker did a valiant job of trying to portray him as a victim and as a hero. But as we've subsequently learned, he is a rabid partisan that was trying everything in his power to throw the election for Hillary. Hell, even Comey's FBI fired his ass for being a lying sack of shit.
You're a derranged lunatic.
How in your mind did Steele "try everything in his power to throw the election for Hillary"?
She paid an American law firm, dope.
They hired Fusion GPS who in turn hired Orbis, Steele's firm.
She used an American law firm to launder the transaction. Everyone involved in the transaction knew what was going on.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Nothing was "laundered" or hidden. Fusion GPS is an American company and Orbis was a Brithish company. They aren't criminal enterprises, dope.

If these outfits are MAKING UP LIES in a dossier to get a fake FISA warrant, they are indeed criminal enterprises.

Remember, INNOCENT Americans like Carter Page were spied on by liberal operatives. And that's a crime
If these outfits are MAKING UP LIES in a dossier to get a fake FISA warrant, they are indeed criminal enterprises.

Remember, INNOCENT Americans like Carter Page were spied on by liberal operatives. And that's a crime
Why do you feel the need to mischaracterize all of this?

Nothing in the dossier has been proven to be "lies" or "made up", liar.
Why should we believe an American Hating Liar like you, liar? And Why The FUCK can't the premier intelligence agencies, and Law Enforcement Agencies in The WORLD STILL CANNOT VERIFY ANY OF THIS SHIT?

Because it's RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA paid for by Obama Bin Sucking Poothin DEEK, and Hillary Rotten SnatchMuncher Clinton.

You should stop relying so heavily on dopey narratives. Try reading sometime.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
She paid an American law firm, dope.
They hired Fusion GPS who in turn hired Orbis, Steele's firm.

That's what you call a "straw buyer" situation. And that's exactly what Mr. Durham is busting wide open in his investigation.

President Trump was speaking last week with the British monarch, and she is making Mr. Steele, her subject, available for questioning by American officials. He is willing to spill the beans and make a deal. Further, Mr. Durham's office has been questioning CIA agents, who will have an opportunity to avoid prison and disgrace by spilling the beans as well.

If I were Mr. Comey or Mr. Clapper I'd reach out now to my President and see what kinds of deals are available.

That's not a "straw buyer", dope. There was nothing illegal in the hiring of a firm that specializes in collecting information.

It is if you launder money to them through a third party and then direct them to your FBI contacts (Foreign Agents) overseas to get a Russian Propaganda Campaign going for purposes of rigging the 2016 Election and allowing Russia to interfere in it by INVITATION.

There is a law against that, and it's called TREASON.
No money was "laundered", dope.

You can't prove that, and my guess is that no one in the Deep State will be able to prove that either.

We shall see of course. I'm sure that President Trump has already covertly got FISA warrants from friendly judges to keep an eye on Biden's people as well as other leading Democrats.

Sure I can.

mon·ey laun·der·ing
  1. the concealment of the origins of illegally obtained money, typically by means of transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses.
There was no illegally obtained money, dope.
She used an American law firm to launder the transaction. Everyone involved in the transaction knew what was going on.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Nothing was "laundered" or hidden. Fusion GPS is an American company and Orbis was a Brithish company. They aren't criminal enterprises, dope.

If these outfits are MAKING UP LIES in a dossier to get a fake FISA warrant, they are indeed criminal enterprises.

Remember, INNOCENT Americans like Carter Page were spied on by liberal operatives. And that's a crime
If these outfits are MAKING UP LIES in a dossier to get a fake FISA warrant, they are indeed criminal enterprises.

Remember, INNOCENT Americans like Carter Page were spied on by liberal operatives. And that's a crime
Why do you feel the need to mischaracterize all of this?

Nothing in the dossier has been proven to be "lies" or "made up", liar.
Why should we believe an American Hating Liar like you, liar? And Why The FUCK can't the premier intelligence agencies, and Law Enforcement Agencies in The WORLD STILL CANNOT VERIFY ANY OF THIS SHIT?

Because it's RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA paid for by Obama Bin Sucking Poothin DEEK, and Hillary Rotten SnatchMuncher Clinton.

You should stop relying so heavily on dopey narratives. Try reading sometime.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective

You should quit serving as Putin's Butt Plug. Try being a Heterosexual some time.
Steele's Dossier was written by Russians at The Invitation of Obama Bin Lying and Hillary Rotten Clinton. The biggest contributor was Skirpal an Ex Russian Agent with contacts in The Kremlin.

Suck it Propagandist.
“Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,“ wrote Ellen Weintraub, chairwoman of the FEC. “This is not a novel concept.“

LOL So how are those investigations into the DNC and Hillary's campaign going?

‘Let me make something 100% clear’: FEC chair lays down the law on foreign help

What does that link have at all to do with Clinton?
Her campaign solicited and accepted the Steele report. It's from a foreign national, contains information from foreign nationals and it was solicited and accepted in connection with a U.S. election.

Fusion GPS hired Steele's firm, dope.
Nothing was "laundered" or hidden. Fusion GPS is an American company and Orbis was a Brithish company. They aren't criminal enterprises, dope.

So why did she hide the $1,000,000 she paid GPS from the FEC?

Link it.
Hillary Clinton campaign lied about the golden shower dossier, watchdog alleges
Nowhere does the link say they tried to hide anything, dope.

That's from two years ago anyway. Where are we with that "investigation" now?

Mr. Durham was just appointed to investigate the Investigation a couple of months ago.

People will be questioned, I can see multiple counts of Obstruction arising from this.

Oh. So your link was meaningless then?
Got it.
That's what you call a "straw buyer" situation. And that's exactly what Mr. Durham is busting wide open in his investigation.

President Trump was speaking last week with the British monarch, and she is making Mr. Steele, her subject, available for questioning by American officials. He is willing to spill the beans and make a deal. Further, Mr. Durham's office has been questioning CIA agents, who will have an opportunity to avoid prison and disgrace by spilling the beans as well.

If I were Mr. Comey or Mr. Clapper I'd reach out now to my President and see what kinds of deals are available.

That's not a "straw buyer", dope. There was nothing illegal in the hiring of a firm that specializes in collecting information.

It is if you launder money to them through a third party and then direct them to your FBI contacts (Foreign Agents) overseas to get a Russian Propaganda Campaign going for purposes of rigging the 2016 Election and allowing Russia to interfere in it by INVITATION.

There is a law against that, and it's called TREASON.
No money was "laundered", dope.

You can't prove that, and my guess is that no one in the Deep State will be able to prove that either.

We shall see of course. I'm sure that President Trump has already covertly got FISA warrants from friendly judges to keep an eye on Biden's people as well as other leading Democrats.

Sure I can.

mon·ey laun·der·ing
  1. the concealment of the origins of illegally obtained money, typically by means of transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses.
There was no illegally obtained money, dope.
All the news reports even say Obama and Clinton laundered money but the corrupt Obama Bin Lying Administration covered it up just like they covered up all of their crimes for 8 years. Most Criminal Administration Ever. Also ranks as the most incompetent.

I mean come on douche bags, you got Leftist Biased Media even admitting they laundered money to pay for The Dirty Russian Dossier and asked Putin to help them beat Trump.
“Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,“ wrote Ellen Weintraub, chairwoman of the FEC. “This is not a novel concept.“

LOL So how are those investigations into the DNC and Hillary's campaign going?

‘Let me make something 100% clear’: FEC chair lays down the law on foreign help

What does that link have at all to do with Clinton?
Her campaign solicited and accepted the Steele report. It's from a foreign national, contains information from foreign nationals and it was solicited and accepted in connection with a U.S. election.

Fusion GPS hired Steele's firm, dope.
You mean tried to hide the money trail, dope.
And who was Steele's Partner? know the guy Steele and British Intelligence tried to Murder him & poison him and his daughter once it was discovered Steele did most of the dirty work on The Dirty Dossier with his Russian Partner, Skirpal and his Contacts in The Kremlin.

Yah, that guy.

The Trump Dossier and the Poisoning of Sergei Skripal
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Nowhere does the link say they tried to hide anything, dope.
Dope? Really? Is that you're level of discourse?

The campaign and party "routed the money through the law firm Perkins Coie and described the purpose as 'legal services' on their FEC reports rather than research," the CLC said online in announcing the complaint. "By law, campaign and party committees must disclose the reason money is spent and its recipient."

Opposition research is not legal services and by including it the $5 million she paid to Perkins Coie and describing it as "legal services" she's hiding it.

That's from two years ago anyway. Where are we with that "investigation" now?

Still pending.
-You're being obtuse because I have answered the question of why it matters at least five times in the course of this OP. Two of those times in answer to you asking that question. If someone answers a question 5 times just to have the other person posing the same question I conclude you are obtuse. Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you don't simply have reading comprehension problems.
-Yes, it could be all those things. It doesn't explain why you jump to wanting to make the point that because of Democrats having problems with Trump saying he would accept "dirt" from foreign governments means the Democrats have done something illegal. Just to go to logical fallacies again, it's called Post hoc ergo propter hoc. Making causal jumps without proper justification.
What we are struggling with is the Democrats' and media's "outrage" over the President's comments when Hillary solicited and accepted opposition research from foreign nationals, the DNC solicited and accepted opposition research from foreign nationals.

This exposes the outrage as politically motivated and completely disingenuous.
You struggle with something that is not comparable then. Both legally, from a national security standpoint and from a standpoint of severity. Hiring a law firm to do opposition research who then hires a British PRIVATE citizen is not even remotely the same as accepting help from the Russian government or the Chinese government as Trump said in the interview. If you can't see the difference between the 2 instances I can't help you.
The DNC went directly to the Ukraine government. You OK with that?

And think about your Hillary argument. Using a cutout, a lawfirm, to get the exact same information from the exact same people is legal and more secure? Why isn't the lawfirm breaking the law, or risking our national security.

The DNC did NOT go directly to the Ukrainian government. The woman who approached the Ukraines didn't work for either the DNC or the Clinton Campaign.

There is a process by which opposition research can be conducted legally, obtaining information, which is to use an arm's length third party, which is what the Clinton Campaign. In the case of the Clintons, none of Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele or any of his sources knew who the end client was. That was also true of the first Republican client who originally commissioned the work.

Today Trump said that if he was given truly compromising information about illegal activity, he would turn it over to the FBI. Which is EXACTLY what the Clinton Campaign and Christopher Steele DID, and which Trump is now trying to prosecute them for doing.

As for the Dossier being made up and full of lies, I don't think so:

Nearly everything in the Dossier was true. All the important stuff has been verified.
Fusion GPS hired Steele's firm, dope.

More importantly, the law prohibits accepting donations from foreigners. Stelle's report was not a donation. That's why, in more than two years, a Republican DoJ didn't investigate the wrongdoing that wasn't. Everyone with a hint of a clue knows that, and that's why you hear nothing about it from anyone unless they're paid to lie about it.

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