Open season on our elections

Honest question. How do you reconcile that law and Hillary paying for the Steele dossier?
Well unless you are arguing that Hilary is a foreign national I think the difference speaks for itself.
?? She paid a foreign national (Steele) for information (disinformation?) from foreign nationals (Russians)

She paid an American law firm, dope.
They hired Fusion GPS who in turn hired Orbis, Steele's firm.

That's what you call a "straw buyer" situation. And that's exactly what Mr. Durham is busting wide open in his investigation.

President Trump was speaking last week with the British monarch, and she is making Mr. Steele, her subject, available for questioning by American officials. He is willing to spill the beans and make a deal. Further, Mr. Durham's office has been questioning CIA agents, who will have an opportunity to avoid prison and disgrace by spilling the beans as well.

If I were Mr. Comey or Mr. Clapper I'd reach out now to my President and see what kinds of deals are available.

That's not a "straw buyer", dope. There was nothing illegal in the hiring of a firm that specializes in collecting information.

It is if you launder money to them through a third party and then direct them to your FBI contacts (Foreign Agents) overseas to get a Russian Propaganda Campaign going for purposes of rigging the 2016 Election and allowing Russia to interfere in it by INVITATION.

There is a law against that, and it's called TREASON.
You suggested Mueller should have looked at Steele, dope.
No question.

I knew you wouldn't read my link.
I did. The NYorker did a valiant job of trying to portray him as a victim and as a hero. But as we've subsequently learned, he is a rabid partisan that was trying everything in his power to throw the election for Hillary. Hell, even Comey's FBI fired his ass for being a lying sack of shit.
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Thats a good lemming. Keep denying reality.
Honest question. How do you reconcile that law and Hillary paying for the Steele dossier?
Well unless you are arguing that Hilary is a foreign national I think the difference speaks for itself.
?? She paid a foreign national (Steele) for information (disinformation?) from foreign nationals (Russians)

She paid an American law firm, dope.
They hired Fusion GPS who in turn hired Orbis, Steele's firm.
She used an American law firm to launder the transaction. Everyone involved in the transaction knew what was going on.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Nothing was "laundered" or hidden. Fusion GPS is an American company and Orbis was a Brithish company. They aren't criminal enterprises, dope.
Honest question. How do you reconcile that law and Hillary paying for the Steele dossier?
Well unless you are arguing that Hilary is a foreign national I think the difference speaks for itself.
?? She paid a foreign national (Steele) for information (disinformation?) from foreign nationals (Russians)

She paid an American law firm, dope.
They hired Fusion GPS who in turn hired Orbis, Steele's firm.

That's what you call a "straw buyer" situation. And that's exactly what Mr. Durham is busting wide open in his investigation.

President Trump was speaking last week with the British monarch, and she is making Mr. Steele, her subject, available for questioning by American officials. He is willing to spill the beans and make a deal. Further, Mr. Durham's office has been questioning CIA agents, who will have an opportunity to avoid prison and disgrace by spilling the beans as well.

If I were Mr. Comey or Mr. Clapper I'd reach out now to my President and see what kinds of deals are available.

That's not a "straw buyer", dope. There was nothing illegal in the hiring of a firm that specializes in collecting information.

If the information is from a FOREIGN, hostile source like the Russian Federation and our oldest and most bitter enemy, the British, I'd say so.

In any event, this is something to be investigated and for people to be questioned about. IMHO, I bet that Comey or McCabe or one or more of the other sleaze ball traitors will fuck up and contradict each other. And then, its life in prison in solitary confinement for Obstruction and Perjury, unless they are willing to rat on people higher on the food chain.

Good investigators are going to be able to get charges that will stick
You suggested Mueller should have looked at Steele, dope.
No question.

I knew you wouldn't read my link.
I did. The NYorker did a valiant job of trying to portray him as a victim and as a hero. But as we've subsequently learned, he is a rabid partisan that was trying everything in his power to throw the election for Hillary. Hell, even Comey's FBI fired his ass for being a lying sack of shit.
Are you changing my quotes? I pushed the link and the first quote didn't bring me to the matching quote and the second one doesn't have an arrow at all?
She paid an American law firm, dope.
They hired Fusion GPS who in turn hired Orbis, Steele's firm.

OK. You're sticking to the theory that the use of strawmen in the transaction absolves her and her campaign. Do you see any problems with that?

Absolves her of what? The Clinton campaign and the DNC were paying for opposition research.

When Steele realized he had found far more than that, he contacted the FBI.

Do you know if either the Clinton campaign or the DNC ever acually received a completed copy of the dossier? Did they use it in any way?
Clinton paid Russian espionage agents to manufacture dirt on Trump. Steele realized right from the start that he was being asked to dig up dirt on Trump. The Trump campaign contacted him to do the task. Plus, he was in close contact with the FBI and the DOJ during the entire process. The FBI even paid him several times.

Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?
Clinton paid Russian espionage agents to manufacture dirt on Trump. Steele realized right from the start that he was being asked to dig up dirt on Trump. The Trump campaign contacted him to do the task. Plus, he was in close contact with the FBI and the DOJ during the entire process. The FBI even paid him several times.

Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Honest question. How do you reconcile that law and Hillary paying for the Steele dossier?
Well unless you are arguing that Hilary is a foreign national I think the difference speaks for itself.
?? She paid a foreign national (Steele) for information (disinformation?) from foreign nationals (Russians)

She paid an American law firm, dope.
They hired Fusion GPS who in turn hired Orbis, Steele's firm.
She used an American law firm to launder the transaction. Everyone involved in the transaction knew what was going on.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Nothing was "laundered" or hidden. Fusion GPS is an American company and Orbis was a Brithish company. They aren't criminal enterprises, dope.

If these outfits are MAKING UP LIES in a dossier to get a fake FISA warrant, they are indeed criminal enterprises.

Remember, INNOCENT Americans like Carter Page were spied on by liberal operatives. And that's a crime
You suggested Mueller should have looked at Steele, dope.
No question.

I knew you wouldn't read my link.
I did. The NYorker did a valiant job of trying to portray him as a victim and as a hero. But as we've subsequently learned, he is a rabid partisan that was trying everything in his power to throw the election for Hillary. Hell, even Comey's FBI fired his ass for being a lying sack of shit.
Are you changing my quotes? I pushed the link and the first quote didn't bring me to the matching quote and the second one doesn't have an arrow at all?
I just figured that for some reason Hutch quotes are attributed to me.
Well unless you are arguing that Hilary is a foreign national I think the difference speaks for itself.
?? She paid a foreign national (Steele) for information (disinformation?) from foreign nationals (Russians)

No SHE didn't. SHE didn't have contact with the researcher (Steele). Nor did she have contact with his sources. Steele was contracted and paid by Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS contracted with and was paid by the law firm. Hillary had no contact nor did she pay with ANYONE associated with the information contained in the OR.

That you consistenly fail to see that difference shows what a complete dupe you are. Trump was contracting with Russian agents for information. That he didn't know they were Russian agents is the ONLY reason there were no indictments filed for conspiracy.

And you have to ask yourself why a sworn enemy of the United States of America was willing to invest so much time and money into sabatoging the election of Hillary Clinton, and ensuring the election of Donald Trump. Can anyone honestly say that Putin thought Trump would be a better President for America? That he thought Trump would be strong and stand up for America? Or did he think that Trump was an easily manipulated and lead fool who admired him and would do anything for his approval?

Putin didn't want a Trump Presidency for YOU. He wanted it to do as much damage as possible to your country.

You seem to have a lot of anger. No need to name call. We simply disagree. I see absolutely no discernible difference between paying strawmen to contact foreign nationals for you, and accepting opposition research directly from said foreign nationals. If you consider one to be illegal, the other should be illegal too. (THink about killing your husband or hiring a hitman to kill your husband.)

I think it's clear that Putin's purpose was to create discord in America. Unfortunately he's been grinning from ear to ear for the past two years.

You seem to have a lot of stupidity, if it's not wilful, then you have no business commenting on this until you're better informed as to the meaning of "arm's length transactions".

You're still mischaractizing the Clinton Campaign's purchase of opposition research. Hillary didn't direct her lawyers to purchase dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. She directed to lawyers to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump.

Her lawyers didn't direct Fusion GPS to obtain dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. They directed Fusion GPS to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump. In order for Hillary Clinton to make "a stawman purchase" she would have to have known who and where the opposition research was coming from and the direct her middlemen as to who to deal with. She gave no direction to her staff, nor did they provide any direction to her go-betweens.

I do believe that Putin is THRILLED BEYOND ALL MEASURE with the results since everything is succeeding beyond his wildest dreams. The further destabilizing of the American economy with another round of tax cuts and deficit spending will be the cherry on his ice cream sundae. On that we agree. But Putin never expected that Trump would be elected so everything from that point forward has been a bonus for him.

I don't suffer fools gladly. I have no patience with those who don't fact check or take the trouble to admit when they're wrong. You clearly are guilty of both. Start fact checking and you'll stop making a total fool of yourself.
Yeah, sure she didn't, because if she did direct them to perform illegal services, they would have written it all down so the Trump DOJ would have a record of it.

You're a special kind of stupid.

What do you imagine were the " illegal services"?
Well unless you are arguing that Hilary is a foreign national I think the difference speaks for itself.
?? She paid a foreign national (Steele) for information (disinformation?) from foreign nationals (Russians)

She paid an American law firm, dope.
They hired Fusion GPS who in turn hired Orbis, Steele's firm.
She used an American law firm to launder the transaction. Everyone involved in the transaction knew what was going on.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Nothing was "laundered" or hidden. Fusion GPS is an American company and Orbis was a Brithish company. They aren't criminal enterprises, dope.

If these outfits are MAKING UP LIES in a dossier to get a fake FISA warrant, they are indeed criminal enterprises.

Remember, INNOCENT Americans like Carter Page were spied on by liberal operatives. And that's a crime
If these outfits are MAKING UP LIES in a dossier to get a fake FISA warrant, they are indeed criminal enterprises.

Remember, INNOCENT Americans like Carter Page were spied on by liberal operatives. And that's a crime
Why do you feel the need to mischaracterize all of this?

Nothing in the dossier has been proven to be "lies" or "made up", liar.
Let me ask you libs a question. Suppose President Trump uses the same kind of information from foreign sources as the Dossier, to get a FISA warrants to spy on Sleepy Joe, Crazy Bernie, Pocahontas, whomever, would you guys be ok with that? Keeps it all on the QT, just accumulating the information to use during the campaign?

IMHO, what's really going to break this wide open is when Cruz or Rubio or Kasich or Jeb! are found to have been spied upon as well- just in case they won the nomination.
You suggested Mueller should have looked at Steele, dope.
No question.

I knew you wouldn't read my link.
I did. The NYorker did a valiant job of trying to portray him as a victim and as a hero. But as we've subsequently learned, he is a rabid partisan that was trying everything in his power to throw the election for Hillary. Hell, even Comey's FBI fired his ass for being a lying sack of shit.
Are you changing my quotes? I pushed the link and the first quote didn't bring me to the matching quote and the second one doesn't have an arrow at all?
I just figured that for some reason Hutch quotes are attributed to me.
Sorry - yes - my bad, I'll fix
?? She paid a foreign national (Steele) for information (disinformation?) from foreign nationals (Russians)

She paid an American law firm, dope.
They hired Fusion GPS who in turn hired Orbis, Steele's firm.
She used an American law firm to launder the transaction. Everyone involved in the transaction knew what was going on.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Nothing was "laundered" or hidden. Fusion GPS is an American company and Orbis was a Brithish company. They aren't criminal enterprises, dope.

If these outfits are MAKING UP LIES in a dossier to get a fake FISA warrant, they are indeed criminal enterprises.

Remember, INNOCENT Americans like Carter Page were spied on by liberal operatives. And that's a crime
If these outfits are MAKING UP LIES in a dossier to get a fake FISA warrant, they are indeed criminal enterprises.

Remember, INNOCENT Americans like Carter Page were spied on by liberal operatives. And that's a crime
Why do you feel the need to mischaracterize all of this?

Nothing in the dossier has been proven to be "lies" or "made up", liar.

Sure it has, the dossier has Mike Cohen in Prague, something which has never been demonstrated. And where are the DNA blotches from the allegedly ruined mattresses?
?? She paid a foreign national (Steele) for information (disinformation?) from foreign nationals (Russians)

She paid an American law firm, dope.
They hired Fusion GPS who in turn hired Orbis, Steele's firm.
She used an American law firm to launder the transaction. Everyone involved in the transaction knew what was going on.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Nothing was "laundered" or hidden. Fusion GPS is an American company and Orbis was a Brithish company. They aren't criminal enterprises, dope.

If these outfits are MAKING UP LIES in a dossier to get a fake FISA warrant, they are indeed criminal enterprises.

Remember, INNOCENT Americans like Carter Page were spied on by liberal operatives. And that's a crime
If these outfits are MAKING UP LIES in a dossier to get a fake FISA warrant, they are indeed criminal enterprises.

Remember, INNOCENT Americans like Carter Page were spied on by liberal operatives. And that's a crime
Why do you feel the need to mischaracterize all of this?

Nothing in the dossier has been proven to be "lies" or "made up", liar.
Why should we believe an American Hating Liar like you, liar? And Why The FUCK can't the premier intelligence agencies, and Law Enforcement Agencies in The WORLD STILL CANNOT VERIFY ANY OF THIS SHIT?

Because it's RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA paid for by Obama Bin Sucking Poothin DEEK, and Hillary Rotten SnatchMuncher Clinton.
She paid an American law firm, dope.
They hired Fusion GPS who in turn hired Orbis, Steele's firm.
She used an American law firm to launder the transaction. Everyone involved in the transaction knew what was going on.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Nothing was "laundered" or hidden. Fusion GPS is an American company and Orbis was a Brithish company. They aren't criminal enterprises, dope.

If these outfits are MAKING UP LIES in a dossier to get a fake FISA warrant, they are indeed criminal enterprises.

Remember, INNOCENT Americans like Carter Page were spied on by liberal operatives. And that's a crime
If these outfits are MAKING UP LIES in a dossier to get a fake FISA warrant, they are indeed criminal enterprises.

Remember, INNOCENT Americans like Carter Page were spied on by liberal operatives. And that's a crime
Why do you feel the need to mischaracterize all of this?

Nothing in the dossier has been proven to be "lies" or "made up", liar.

Sure it has, the dossier has Mike Cohen in Prague, something which has never been demonstrated. And where are the DNA blotches from the allegedly ruined mattresses?

I bet Lefty forgot about DNA. If there was one thing The Trump Hating Comey Clan could have did, it was verify DNA from Trump and the two hookers.

My guess is that Hillary just refashioned a story from one of her and Bill's Bisexual Orgies on The Lolita Express, and just inserted Trump's name in to it.

Maybe Trump's DNA is on Adam Schiff's Face. Maybe that is the evidence Adam Schiff was talking about that he still has yet to produce.

I hope he gets hit by a Trump Campaign Bus in 2020.
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
BULL SHIT If that was Hillary in the WH saying she'd accept help from foreign countries republican AH's would string her up
The dumb bitch did more than accept such “intel”... she paid a foreign entity to manufacture some. Fuck off off you hypocritical twat.

"She", her Campaign, paid a law firm to do research, liar.

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