One Term.. Obama..?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
My opinion ...Obama will be a one term President... in fact .. I don't think he'll make it past the primaries for 2012...
Who else would step into the role of defending that record? I don't see Hillary taking him on, especially with the economic problems & entitlement cuts needed. I see Christie as the only guy who has the stones to fix the US budget.
Never underestimate the ineffectiveness of the other party.
I do not believe the Republicans are so utterly stupid to make Palin the choice...but then again...stranger things have happened.
Palin against Obama?...toss up.
My opinion ...Obama will be a one term President... in fact .. I don't think he'll make it past the primaries for 2012...

It remains to be seen. I think if the election were held today he would be in for a fight for sure. He can not count on pretending to be a moderate and fiscal conservative anymore.

But 2 years is a long long time. Presidents with much lower numbers than his, have come back to win a second term in the past.

Don't count those chickens just yet.
My opinion ...Obama will be a one term President... in fact .. I don't think he'll make it past the primaries for 2012...

It remains to be seen. I think if the election were held today he would be in for a fight for sure. He can not count on pretending to be a moderate and fiscal conservative anymore.

But 2 years is a long long time. Presidents with much lower numbers than his, have come back to win a second term in the past.

Don't count those chickens just yet.

Against who?
Carter was still viable and clear up till the day of the election. One Pollster (no longer in business) even had him ahead on election day.

As to what I think, your fingers to Gd's ear.
A lot can happen in 2 years. America could undergo a mass lobotomy, making them incapable of telling shit from shinola. That might allow Obama to squeak in a second term.

No, Obama is an idiot. He is totally out of his depth and doesn't learn from his mistakes. He just blames others. I don't know what he will do, but I do think he will do something to screw up badly. Maybe Afghanistan will become a Viet Nam style quagmire. Maybe we will have another terrorist attack. Maybe his record in Chicago will reveal real scandal. Maybe he will be shown to be a foreign national. Maybe he will appoint Hugo Chavez to his cabinet.
Look at his infrastructure program. He promised "shovel ready jobs" even though he knew a year ago there was no such thing. Yet just 2 weeks ago he promised a new infrastructure program.
The possibilities are endless. But his inability to govern, his surrounding himself with equal incompetents, his lying, his Leftist ideology all mitigate against him being successful in the job.
A GOP candidate would have a field day with all his lies, flip flops, and failures.
My opinion ...Obama will be a one term President... in fact .. I don't think he'll make it past the primaries for 2012...

It remains to be seen. I think if the election were held today he would be in for a fight for sure. He can not count on pretending to be a moderate and fiscal conservative anymore.

But 2 years is a long long time. Presidents with much lower numbers than his, have come back to win a second term in the past.

Don't count those chickens just yet.

Against who?

I don't know, Chris Christi perhaps.

At this point it would be more about people voting against Obama's polices and perceived arrogance, than voting for anyone.
Clinton owes his re-election to working with Republican majorities and the ensuing prosperity.

Has Obama showed any willingness to moderate or change?

Hell no.

Just wait until after the mid terms. I predict Obama will attempt to remake himself into the Moderate fiscal conservative we were sold in the election.
Clinton owes his re-election to working with Republican majorities and the ensuing prosperity.

Has Obama showed any willingness to moderate or change?

Hell no.

Just wait until after the mid terms. I predict Obama will attempt to remake himself into the Moderate fiscal conservative we were sold in the election.

He is incapable of that. He is so ideologically Left that he cannot compromise. To compromise is to treat with the enemy, in his mind.
Just wait until after the mid terms. I predict Obama will attempt to remake himself into the Moderate fiscal conservative we were sold in the election.

Narcissist that Obozo IS,

I see him trying to "rule" by Executive Order, trying to get his policies forced into law,

and depending on those Orders getting bogged down in legal proceedings regarding their validity and/or any justification behind them.

He IS a lawyer, after all, and has seen how well this tactic works, as evidenced by his continued failure to provide even the rudiments of proof of his eligibility to even be POTUS.
Never underestimate the ineffectiveness of the other party.
I do not believe the Republicans are so utterly stupid to make Palin the choice...but then again...stranger things have happened.
Palin against Obama?...toss up.

Sometimes you just have to vote green!
My opinion ...Obama will be a one term President... in fact .. I don't think he'll make it past the primaries for 2012...

your opinion is a bit premature. he has a higher approval rating than reagan and clinton at this point in their terms.

makes you sound like a hack.

I'm just stating my opinion, if that makes me a political hack in your opinion, I have no problem with that... I'm merely opening the discussion and seeing how others feel about it.

I do feel more things will come to light after this coming election and in the gearing up for the 2012 election, so I agree, it's premature..
Obama will not be reelected. Obama is Jimmy Carter in an afro. And like Jimmy Carter he didn't even expect to get elected. Carter didn't get a second term; neither will Obama.
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My opinion ...Obama will be a one term President... in fact .. I don't think he'll make it past the primaries for 2012...

your opinion is a bit premature. he has a higher approval rating than reagan and clinton at this point in their terms.

makes you sound like a hack.

I'm just stating my opinion, if that makes me a political hack in your opinion, I have no problem with that... I'm merely opening the discussion and seeing how others feel about it.

I do feel more things will come to light after this coming election and in the gearing up for the 2012 election, so I agree, it's premature..

The problem is, love, you always 'just open the debate' to rightwingnut loony bin stuff. kind of like the anti-semitic trash who just want to 'discuss' Israel.

but don't worry, i'm sure it gets you rep from the rightwingnuts. and that's the point, right?
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your opinion is a bit premature. he has a higher approval rating than reagan and clinton at this point in their terms.

makes you sound like a hack.

I'm just stating my opinion, if that makes me a political hack in your opinion, I have no problem with that... I'm merely opening the discussion and seeing how others feel about it.

I do feel more things will come to light after this coming election and in the gearing up for the 2012 election, so I agree, it's premature..

The problem is, love, you always 'just open the debate' to rightwingnut loony bin stuff.

but don't worry, i'm sure it gets you rep from the rightwingnuts. and that's the point, right?

Shezz......Lovey.......I've never thought of it that way before....if the past is an example, I'm sure barking up the wrong tree... :lol:...
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Clinton owes his re-election to working with Republican majorities and the ensuing prosperity.

Has Obama showed any willingness to moderate or change?

Hell no.

Just wait until after the mid terms. I predict Obama will attempt to remake himself into the Moderate fiscal conservative we were sold in the election.

He is incapable of that. He is so ideologically Left that he cannot compromise. To compromise is to treat with the enemy, in his mind.

That certainly is the impression he has been giving. But Nov could be a serious wake up call. The question will be whether he cares about Ideology or legacy more.

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