Zone1 One progressive gun control argument is it's meant for the militia

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

We could do that, just like Israel and Switzerland.

Let's make an Amendment to the Constitution making it mandatory everyone of age sign up for selective service and serve in the National Guard (male and/or female) for two years. Additionally it will be a requirement to gain the right to vote and be called a citizen.

BTW: No one will be exempt for serving except baby boomers who will be considered too old. Anyone not a boomer will have to do this, no college exemptions or other such crap and it'll be written in the Amendment that there will be no amnesty if you skip the country to avoid your responsibility.

I made it mandatory for the women also because in Israel and Switzerland they serve because with equal rights come equal responsibility.


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Well it is right there in the Amendment itself you know.
Get Rid of This Elitist Manifesto

Constitution-bangers don't realize what loopholes to tyranny they are supporting, except the tyranny of their own favorite bosses. They can't control the genetic corruption of those whose only purpose in life is to seek power over others.
Well it is right there in the Amendment itself you know.

So where does the Second Amendment say "the right of the militia to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"?

It doesn't say that. It says "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

American citizens are the militia, and "well regulated" has nothing to do with government oversight or control. During the time period the Second Amendment was written, the term "well regulated" meant "functional" or "in working order."
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We could do that, just like Israel and Switzerland.

Let's make an Amendment to the Constitution making it mandatory everyone of age sign up for selective service and serve in the National Guard (male and/or female) for two years. Additionally it will be a requirement to gain the right to vote and be called a citizen.

BTW: No one will be exempt for serving except baby boomers who will be considered too old. Anyone not a boomer will have to do this, no college exemptions or other such crap and it'll be written in the Amendment that there will be no amnesty if you skip the country to avoid your responsibility.

I made it mandatory for the women also because in Israel and Switzerland they serve because with equal rights come equal responsibility.



Hello Robert Heinlein, that’s a modification of the society in Starship Troopers.
The Constitution left it to the states to decide who was in a 'militia' and who wasn't, and gun control has been a fact of life in the U.S. since before the Revolution. Even 'the wild west' had some strict gun controls in fore locally, no SC decided for them who could and couldn't carry firearms. Both sides of the issue are just liars and ideological loons.

And, 'old boomers' are most likely to be the best shots, since many have been handling firearms since they were 8 years old.

You really want to draft this and give it firearms?

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The Constitution left it to the states to decide who was in a 'militia' and who wasn't, and gun control has been a fact of life in the U.S. since before the Revolution. Even 'the wild west' had some strict gun controls in fore locally, no SC decided for them who could and couldn't carry firearms. Both sides of the issue are just liars and ideological loons.

And, 'old boomers' are most likely to be the best shots, since many have been handling firearms since they were 8 years old.

You really want to draft this and give it firearms?


Then perhaps the individual states should be the ones to decide what firearms an individual can own in their state and the federal level should STFU and abolish any laws they've enacted concerning firearms.


Then perhaps the individual states should be the ones to decide what firearms an individual can own in their state and the federal level should STFU and abolish any laws they've enacted concerning firearms

Doesn't bother me. That's how it was the first 150 years. Then you shouldn't whine when a town decides who they want armed and who they don't. Works both ways.
Doesn't bother me. That's how it was the first 150 years. Then you shouldn't whine when a town decides who they want armed and who they don't. Works both ways.


They already do that in the big cities that's why all the gang bangers and the elites have the guns. Makes one think the bureaucrats and gang bangers are working together.


Doesn't bother me. That's how it was the first 150 years. Then you shouldn't whine when a town decides who they want armed and who they don't. Works both ways.
It doesn't really. The equal protection clause would supercede that. States could determine their own gun laws but those laws would have to apply equally to all their residents.
Where does it say "every idiot drug dealer, drug user, illegal alien, carjacker, pimp, mugger, gangster wannabe, and street thug"?
Ok, so we agree that idiot rednecks, drug dealers, carjackers, gangsters, ect shouldn't have guns.

Lets round them up.
Legitimate question. you hide, I don't. You look stupid.
You make empty, wild-assed threats on the internet. That's stupid, and worse, its humiliating to yourself.

Everyone, and I do mean everyone, knows that internet tough guys are pathetic losers.

Are you sure that's the brand you want to wear?

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