One of Life's Lessons.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
All this hype about eating right and getting plenty of exercise! Sounds good donut? Well my brother did all that stuff, no smoking, healthy diet, healthy weight and bike riding was his passion. He could ride a hundred miles a day in the hills of California and not even break a sweat. He told me, the couch potato; that he was gonna live to be a hundred. Two weeks ago he said he went down to wash the windshied and side windows of his car and had to sit down because he felt so tired and out of breath. Yesterday they did open heart surgery and the doctor said he had to do five bypasses. I didn't even know they could do five bypasses.. He's in a hospital in Montery Ca.
There's a word for that Willow..... It's called FATE.

Up until about 18 months ago I was a couch potato as well. I'm between 5'-5" and 5'-6" tall and I weighed 210 lbs, I finally got off my fat ass and into a gym. I started working out, eating better, and it's made a huge improvement in my life. It has helped my heart rate, blood pressure, etc... However it does not mean that I might not drop dead of a heart attack at age 40. It does reduce the likelihood of it happening, but it doesn't eliminate it. That's why I'm not one of those militant gym types who thinks that what I do is what everyone else should be doing.

My suggestion is that your brother has suffered from a massive case of Hubrus. I do hope he's doing well and that everything works out for the best. I also suggest that you give him a good solid.... STFU the next time he comments on your lifestyle.
There's a word for that Willow..... It's called FATE.

Up until about 18 months ago I was a couch potato as well. I'm between 5'-5" and 5'-6" tall and I weighed 210 lbs, I finally got off my fat ass and into a gym. I started working out, eating better, and it's made a huge improvement in my life. It has helped my heart rate, blood pressure, etc... However it does not mean that I might not drop dead of a heart attack at age 40. It does reduce the likelihood of it happening, but it doesn't eliminate it. That's why I'm not one of those militant gym types who thinks that what I do is what everyone else should be doing.

My suggestion is that your brother has suffered from a massive case of Hubrus. I do hope he's doing well and that everything works out for the best. I also suggest that you give him a good solid.... STFU the next time he comments on your lifestyle.

I'll be standing at his bedside Monday. I'll tell him for sure! :lol:
All this hype about eating right and getting plenty of exercise! Sounds good donut? Well my brother did all that stuff, no smoking, healthy diet, healthy weight and bike riding was his passion. He could ride a hundred miles a day in the hills of California and not even break a sweat. He told me, the couch potato; that he was gonna live to be a hundred. Two weeks ago he said he went down to wash the windshied and side windows of his car and had to sit down because he felt so tired and out of breath. Yesterday they did open heart surgery and the doctor said he had to do five bypasses. I didn't even know they could do five bypasses.. He's in a hospital in Montery Ca.

First, I am sorry for your troubles.

Secondly, everything abides by the law of statistics, the basic facts of the situation don't change simply because a single data point is an outlier (not to dehumanize the situation).

In other words, simply because your brother was healthy and had a heart attack (which might have been caused by genetics: Familial hypercholesterolemia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )
Doesn't mean that getting fat on a couch with a two pack a day habit is the true key to good health.
There's a word for that Willow..... It's called FATE.

Up until about 18 months ago I was a couch potato as well. I'm between 5'-5" and 5'-6" tall and I weighed 210 lbs, I finally got off my fat ass and into a gym. I started working out, eating better, and it's made a huge improvement in my life. It has helped my heart rate, blood pressure, etc... However it does not mean that I might not drop dead of a heart attack at age 40. It does reduce the likelihood of it happening, but it doesn't eliminate it. That's why I'm not one of those militant gym types who thinks that what I do is what everyone else should be doing.

My suggestion is that your brother has suffered from a massive case of Hubrus. I do hope he's doing well and that everything works out for the best. I also suggest that you give him a good solid.... STFU the next time he comments on your lifestyle.

It's not fate. That's asinine. Pathology doesn't occur out of no where and atherosclerosis isn't some obscure event that we can't quite figure out.

If you have heart attack tomorrow, it will be due to the accumulation of plagues you already have today from years of not taking care of yourself.
I'll be standing at his bedside Monday. I'll tell him for sure! :lol:

The college I went to is most well known for its Cullinary Arts (CA) program. On occasion the Chefs would come out and have meals with the students in the cafeterias. One night I was sitting with a bunch of my CA friends when one of the Chefs joined us. Huge, German guy. Had to weigh close to 400 lbs. One of my friends asked him what his secret to food was.

The chef replied that he'd learned his secret from his grandmother in Germany. Everyone was on the edge of their seats..... "Eat Right. Exercise Daily. DIE ANYWAY. So why bother?"
Well, Jack Lalanne said that eating right and excessing would make you live longer. He really thought he could make to 120 yrs. He didn't.
George Burn's ate whatever he wanted to, smoked cigars and never exercised. He outlived Jack Lalanne didn't he.
So sorry to hear about your brother, I will put him on my prayer list for a full and fast recovery.
Just think how much worse it may have been if your brother hadn't taken as good care of himself as he did.

Hope he makes a full recovery, WT.
It's not fate. That's asinine. Pathology doesn't occur out of no where and atherosclerosis isn't some obscure event that we can't quite figure out.

If you have heart attack tomorrow, it will be due to the accumulation of plagues you already have today from years of not taking care of yourself.

Ok. If it's so scientific, how about this.....

I have two uncles. Both born of the same parents. One is a firefighter. He smokes, drinks, eats terribly, is probably 40-50 lbs overweight, has a high stress lifestyle and always has. The other one was a forest ranger, doesn't smoke, rarely drinks, eats decently, and was always in pretty good health.

The forest ranger nearly died of a serious heart attack at age 45 (the better part of 20 years ago). The firefighter is now in his late 50's without a single incident even though his doctor is constantly on him about his lifestly. If it's so scientific, how the hell does that work out?
It's not fate. That's asinine. Pathology doesn't occur out of no where and atherosclerosis isn't some obscure event that we can't quite figure out.

If you have heart attack tomorrow, it will be due to the accumulation of plagues you already have today from years of not taking care of yourself.

Ok. If it's so scientific, how about this.....

I have two uncles. Both born of the same parents. One is a firefighter. He smokes, drinks, eats terribly, is probably 40-50 lbs overweight, has a high stress lifestyle and always has. The other one was a forest ranger, doesn't smoke, rarely drinks, eats decently, and was always in pretty good health.

The forest ranger nearly died of a serious heart attack at age 45 (the better part of 20 years ago). The firefighter is now in his late 50's without a single incident even though his doctor is constantly on him about his lifestly. If it's so scientific, how the hell does that work out?

Again, it's the law of statistics. For every anecdote you can point out, I can point out fifty other cases of statistical probability coming to play.

If you played Russian Roulette with one shell in the cylinder, played one round, didn't blow your brains out, and quit; it wouldn't change the fact that you were undertaking a venture where you had roughly an 18% chance of shooting yourself in the head and the more times you play, the worse your odds get.

The fact is that Cardiovascular disease and lung cancer are the number one and two killers in this country. The pathogenesis of both of those events are understood and involve lifestyle choices. Most people that smoke won't get lung cancer and only a third will get COPD. That doesn't make it a healthy lifestyle choice.

In regards to your anecdote; I would venture to guess that there is something you don't know about the forrest ranger that would explain this.
Again, it's the law of statistics. For every anecdote you can point out, I can point out fifty other cases of statistical probability coming to play.

If you played Russian Roulette with one shell in the cylinder, played one round, didn't blow your brains out, and quit; it wouldn't change the fact that you were undertaking a venture where you had roughly an 18% chance of shooting yourself in the head and the more times you play, the worse your odds get.

I only play that game with semi-autos, not with revolvers. That way I'm certain that I have a 100% chance of losing.
I hope he recovers fully.

I do to. That is the decent sentiment to express, as opposed to Anachronism's vile insinuation that somehow his HUBRIS brought this on.

Best wishes to your brother, Willow, for a speedy and complete recovery.
Just because you eat well and exercise, it is not a guarantee that genetics won't still cause you problems. Despite doing everything right, he may have very high cholesterol, or it could be stress related. Whatever the case, I hope he gets through this and makes a full recovery.
All this hype about eating right and getting plenty of exercise! Sounds good donut? Well my brother did all that stuff, no smoking, healthy diet, healthy weight and bike riding was his passion. He could ride a hundred miles a day in the hills of California and not even break a sweat. He told me, the couch potato; that he was gonna live to be a hundred. Two weeks ago he said he went down to wash the windshied and side windows of his car and had to sit down because he felt so tired and out of breath. Yesterday they did open heart surgery and the doctor said he had to do five bypasses. I didn't even know they could do five bypasses.. He's in a hospital in Montery Ca.

Best hopes and wishes to your brother and to his surgeons.

Psalm 41:3 The LORD will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness.
If you live in the uS it's nearly impossible to have a healthy diet unless you have $$$ and go organic on everything.
Your water and tooth paste is also deadly as are most medications, cleaning products and many other things..
If you played Russian Roulette with one shell in the cylinder, played one round, didn't blow your brains out, and quit; it wouldn't change the fact that you were undertaking a venture where you had roughly an 18% chance of shooting yourself in the head and the more times you play, the worse your odds get.

Weird factoid I picked up from somewhere:

Your odds at true russian roulette are better than that. Depending on the caliber and the maintenance of the revolver.

The weight of the cartridge wants to make the cylinder spin it to the bottom.

I'm not going to put the theory to the test however.
If you live in the uS it's nearly impossible to have a healthy diet unless you have $$$ and go organic on everything.
Your water and tooth paste is also deadly as are most medications, cleaning products and many other things..

"Flouridation, Mandrake."

[ame=]YouTube - Dr. Strangelove - Fluoridation 1[/ame]
If you played Russian Roulette with one shell in the cylinder, played one round, didn't blow your brains out, and quit; it wouldn't change the fact that you were undertaking a venture where you had roughly an 18% chance of shooting yourself in the head and the more times you play, the worse your odds get.

Weird factoid I picked up from somewhere:

Your odds at true russian roulette are better than that. Depending on the caliber and the maintenance of the revolver.

The weight of the cartridge wants to make the cylinder spin it to the bottom.

I'm not going to put the theory to the test however.

I'd support both of your conclusions.
Best wishes to your brother.

My 25 year old daughter just tested positive for the BRCA gene mutation. You just have to deal with the hand that was dealt you.

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