One More Time....When Was America Great And When Did It Stop?

just bake that cake even though you object and rent your Poperty to that person even though you don't want to . And as far as smoking , SOME Bar Owners can be told that THEIR property is non smoking even though the owner wants smoking Slade .
I actually agree that many regulations on property and required permits are very annoying. I’d vote to repeal them. But I don’t feel like my Liberty is being stripped away and that we are digressing as a country. That’s just plain silly. You can cherry pick many examples but as a whole I completely disagree with your assertion that life was better in this country 80 years ago
------------------------------------------------- I think my claim or thought is that the USA was more FREE 80 years ago Slade .
True it was more free. However that freedom lead to abuse of others especially women and minorities and I bet if you asked them they would not want to live under the oppression that existed for them and their ilk 80 years ago. Perspective pismoe perspective
just bake that cake even though you object and rent your Poperty to that person even though you don't want to . And as far as smoking , SOME Bar Owners can be told that THEIR property is non smoking even though the owner wants smoking Slade .
I actually agree that many regulations on property and required permits are very annoying. I’d vote to repeal them. But I don’t feel like my Liberty is being stripped away and that we are digressing as a country. That’s just plain silly. You can cherry pick many examples but as a whole I completely disagree with your assertion that life was better in this country 80 years ago
------------------------------------------------- I think my claim or thought is that the USA was more FREE 80 years ago Slade .
True it was more free. However that freedom lead to abuse of others especially women and minorities and I bet if you asked them they would not want to live under the oppression that existed for them and their ilk 80 years ago. Perspective pismoe perspective
---------------------------------- keep giving it away . it was your FREEDOM and Liberty .
the answer is your Admission that , YES , Country was FREE'ER 80 years ago and also in the 60s and 70s and maybe a bit more that I experienced . That's ADMISSION and it is ALL that I am looking for Slade !!
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When asshole liberals seized power in 2008 and told us to OBEY them or else. We bitch slapped them in 2010, they suffered their biggest defeat in nearly 100 years. :eusa_dance:
when something was FREE and legal and then Government Decrees that it is no longer Free and Legal then that is loss of Freedom no matter if it leads to a better country in your opinion or not Slade . [your better is BAD in my opinion]
just bake that cake even though you object and rent your Poperty to that person even though you don't want to . And as far as smoking , SOME Bar Owners can be told that THEIR property is non smoking even though the owner wants smoking Slade .
I actually agree that many regulations on property and required permits are very annoying. I’d vote to repeal them. But I don’t feel like my Liberty is being stripped away and that we are digressing as a country. That’s just plain silly. You can cherry pick many examples but as a whole I completely disagree with your assertion that life was better in this country 80 years ago
------------------------------------------------- I think my claim or thought is that the USA was more FREE 80 years ago Slade .
True it was more free. However that freedom lead to abuse of others especially women and minorities and I bet if you asked them they would not want to live under the oppression that existed for them and their ilk 80 years ago. Perspective pismoe perspective
---------------------------------- keep giving it away . it was your FREEDOM and Liberty .
Not if it impedes on other people’s freedoms and liberties. There needs to be a balance
as EXAMPLE . We all had FREEDOM and the non smokers had the Freedom to move to where they weren't bothered . But the way it is is now the non smokers dictate and take away the FREEDOM of the smokers Slade . Do i care , naw , not really . I like watching and seeing as the USA goes downhill . I think i am watching history so get to work and bake that cake that you disapprove of Slade .
just bake that cake even though you object and rent your Poperty to that person even though you don't want to . And as far as smoking , SOME Bar Owners can be told that THEIR property is non smoking even though the owner wants smoking Slade .
I actually agree that many regulations on property and required permits are very annoying. I’d vote to repeal them. But I don’t feel like my Liberty is being stripped away and that we are digressing as a country. That’s just plain silly. You can cherry pick many examples but as a whole I completely disagree with your assertion that life was better in this country 80 years ago
------------------------------------------------- I think my claim or thought is that the USA was more FREE 80 years ago Slade .
True it was more free. However that freedom lead to abuse of others especially women and minorities and I bet if you asked them they would not want to live under the oppression that existed for them and their ilk 80 years ago. Perspective pismoe perspective
------------------------------- your above ADMISSION is all i want to see . USA was Free'er at an earlier time and i think that that is my only point you social engineer named Slade !!
America was great until gore invented the internet and cell phones became popular. Since then it's gone to hell in a handbag. Trillions lost in Clintons dot-com bubble, families being torn apart by cheating spouses using the internet to meet their lovers, families no longer communicating with each other because they constantly have a screen in front of them, and hundreds of thousands dead in texting-and-driving accidents.1.6 MILLION crashes per year are from cell phone use.

I still remember the old days. Waiting by my landline phone in my room for my first girlfriend to call me. No cell phones, no internet. I stopped what I was doing and went and sat by the phone. And when I picked it up to make sure it was working I heard a dial tone. We didn't meet through texting, it was the old way. I walked up to her and being a very nervous preteen boy, got up the courage to ask her out. To her face. No screens involved.
just bake that cake even though you object and rent your Poperty to that person even though you don't want to . And as far as smoking , SOME Bar Owners can be told that THEIR property is non smoking even though the owner wants smoking Slade .
I actually agree that many regulations on property and required permits are very annoying. I’d vote to repeal them. But I don’t feel like my Liberty is being stripped away and that we are digressing as a country. That’s just plain silly. You can cherry pick many examples but as a whole I completely disagree with your assertion that life was better in this country 80 years ago
------------------------------------------------- I think my claim or thought is that the USA was more FREE 80 years ago Slade .
True it was more free. However that freedom lead to abuse of others especially women and minorities and I bet if you asked them they would not want to live under the oppression that existed for them and their ilk 80 years ago. Perspective pismoe perspective
---------------------------------- keep giving it away . it was your FREEDOM and Liberty .
Not if it impedes on other people’s freedoms and liberties. There needs to be a balance
Balance? Today? What are you, nuts? That's too complicated.

I actually agree that many regulations on property and required permits are very annoying. I’d vote to repeal them. But I don’t feel like my Liberty is being stripped away and that we are digressing as a country. That’s just plain silly. You can cherry pick many examples but as a whole I completely disagree with your assertion that life was better in this country 80 years ago
------------------------------------------------- I think my claim or thought is that the USA was more FREE 80 years ago Slade .
True it was more free. However that freedom lead to abuse of others especially women and minorities and I bet if you asked them they would not want to live under the oppression that existed for them and their ilk 80 years ago. Perspective pismoe perspective
---------------------------------- keep giving it away . it was your FREEDOM and Liberty .
Not if it impedes on other people’s freedoms and liberties. There needs to be a balance
Balance? Today? What are you, nuts? That's too complicated.

------------------------------ Balance , if a guy doesn't like the Smokers at Andy's Bar let him walk down the street to Ralphs non smoking Bar . Now , thats an example of Balance with NO new rules , laws or regulations an forced social engineering . ----------- Its called Preservation of Everyones Freedom Slade .
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But honestly, I would say the day we elected Clinton into office is when it started to go downhill. When our country was mired in daily talk about the "stain on the blue dress" I knew this country would never be the same again. He set the precedent for presidential behavior while in office. Up until then it was considered a professional job. After Clinton it was just a blow job. He showed the nation that lying is perfectly ok and that a partisan senate will forgive and forget. He should have been removed from office. But he wasn't. For a crime HE ADMITTED HE DID AND WAS CAUGHT ON TAPE COMMITTING.
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But honestly, I would say the day we elected Clinton into office is when it started to go downhill. When our country was mired in daily talk about the "stain on the blue dress" I knew this country would never be the same again. He set the precedent for presidential behavior while in office. Up until then it was considered a professional job. After Clinton it was just a blow job. He showed the nation that lying is perfectly ok and that a partisan senate will forgive and forget. He should have been removed from office. But he wasn't. For a crime HE ADMITTED HE DID AND WAS CAUGHT ON TAPE COMMITTING.
So I guess you overlook what JFK did when in office -- like the rest of the media did.....

If what Bill did happened in those times, it would have been overlooked too....

But to most Americans, Clinton getting his dick sucked amounted to nothing more than a "so the fuck what"

Only partisan hack conservatives obsessed over that dumb shit -- which is why its so funny to watch them pretend like what Trump is doing is no big deal compared to what they were bitching about back then
Eric Holder goes on MAGA attack: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

When did America stop being great to where we have to make it "great again"?? I have never got an answer to that question from a Trumper without them first clutching their pearls and falling on their fainting couch in faux outrage. It's a very simple question, if you feel America was great, then you must be able to point to that time period when it was great -- you must also be able to point to the time period when it stopped... Did it stop in the 2008?, was it in the 90's? -- did it stop in the 80's? 1960's?, the 50's? the roaring 20's? when?

From the article: "...Obama-era attorney general Eric Holder posed the question to MAGA-chanting Trump supporters: "Exactly when did you think America was great? -- .....the Democrats took shots at America's past as part of an effort to criticize President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan."

How is simply asking the question, when was America great? -- how is that "taking shots at America's past -- but claiming America isn't great now isn't taking shots at America's present? What is so wrong with accepting that America was already great and the whole purpose and intent of this country is to always strive to be greater -- Trump could have easily said "Make America Greater"

However, something tells me it wouldn't have the same appeal as "MAGA" -- maybe because the people he was trying to appeal to don't believe in the concept of making America greater for everyone -- they believe in the concept of "RETURNING AMERICA BACK" to something that was only seen as great for a select few of Americans and if it wasn't so great for other Americans, so what, they aren't real Americans anyway -- but if this isn't the case -- then you should be able to tell us.....when was America great to where it needs to be made great again?

answer to the OP questions: since 1776, and when obama was elected
But honestly, I would say the day we elected Clinton into office is when it started to go downhill. When our country was mired in daily talk about the "stain on the blue dress" I knew this country would never be the same again. He set the precedent for presidential behavior while in office. Up until then it was considered a professional job. After Clinton it was just a blow job. He showed the nation that lying is perfectly ok and that a partisan senate will forgive and forget. He should have been removed from office. But he wasn't. For a crime HE ADMITTED HE DID AND WAS CAUGHT ON TAPE COMMITTING.
So I guess you overlook what JFK did when in office -- like the rest of the media did.....

If what Bill did happened in those times, it would have been overlooked too....

But to most Americans, Clinton getting his dick sucked amounted to nothing more than a "so the fuck what"

Only partisan hack conservatives obsessed over that dumb shit -- which is why its so funny to watch them pretend like what Trump is doing is no big deal compared to what they were bitching about back then

clinton was impeached for lying under oath, not for the BJ.
as EXAMPLE . We all had FREEDOM and the non smokers had the Freedom to move to where they weren't bothered . But the way it is is now the non smokers dictate and take away the FREEDOM of the smokers Slade . Do i care , naw , not really . I like watching and seeing as the USA goes downhill . I think i am watching history so get to work and bake that cake that you disapprove of Slade .
Ok, you like seeing what your seeing so what are you complaining about?

I have no problem with the regulations on smoking. I go into Indian casinos where they still allow smoking and I leave with a headache and soar throat every time. It’s disgusting. Plus they got e-sigs now that don’t stink up the joint. Win win.
just bake that cake even though you object and rent your Poperty to that person even though you don't want to . And as far as smoking , SOME Bar Owners can be told that THEIR property is non smoking even though the owner wants smoking Slade .
I actually agree that many regulations on property and required permits are very annoying. I’d vote to repeal them. But I don’t feel like my Liberty is being stripped away and that we are digressing as a country. That’s just plain silly. You can cherry pick many examples but as a whole I completely disagree with your assertion that life was better in this country 80 years ago
------------------------------------------------- I think my claim or thought is that the USA was more FREE 80 years ago Slade .
True it was more free. However that freedom lead to abuse of others especially women and minorities and I bet if you asked them they would not want to live under the oppression that existed for them and their ilk 80 years ago. Perspective pismoe perspective
------------------------------- your above ADMISSION is all i want to see . USA was Free'er at an earlier time and i think that that is my only point you social engineer named Slade !!
Ok well I hope you got it all figured out then
as EXAMPLE . We all had FREEDOM and the non smokers had the Freedom to move to where they weren't bothered . But the way it is is now the non smokers dictate and take away the FREEDOM of the smokers Slade . Do i care , naw , not really . I like watching and seeing as the USA goes downhill . I think i am watching history so get to work and bake that cake that you disapprove of Slade .
Ok, you like seeing what your seeing so what are you complaining about?

I have no problem with the regulations on smoking. I go into Indian casinos where they still allow smoking and I leave with a headache and soar throat every time. It’s disgusting. Plus they got e-sigs now that don’t stink up the joint. Win win.
-------------------------------------- so what concerning your widdle whiny complaints Slade .
not complaining . it looks and sounds like its YOU that complains about FREEDOM as you restrict , make rules and regulation and laws and then tax payer paid gov men to enforce your anti freedom ways Slade .

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