once you lose control in the streets....


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
Ohio.com - Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family

Akron police say they aren't ready to call it a hate crime or a gang initiation.

But to Marty Marshall, his wife and two kids, it seems pretty clear.

It came after a family night of celebrating America and freedom with a fireworks show at Firestone Stadium. Marshall, his family and two friends were gathered outside a friend's home in South Akron.

Out of nowhere, the six were attacked by dozens of teenage boys, who shouted ''This is our world'' and ''This is a black world'' as they confronted Marshall and his family.

The Marshalls, who are white, say the crowd of teens who attacked them and two friends June 27 on Girard Street numbered close to 50. The teens were all black.

''This was almost like being a terrorist act,'' Marshall said. ''And we allow this to go on in our neighborhoods?''

They said it started when one teen, without any words or warning, blindsided and assaulted Marshall's friend as he stood outside with the others.

When Marshall, 39, jumped in, he found himself being attacked by the growing group of teens.

His daughter, Rachel, 15, who weighs about 90 pounds, tried to come to his rescue. The teens pushed her to the ground.

His wife, Yvonne, pushed their son, Donald, 14, into bushes to keep him protected.

now if this happened at your house...what would you do? and think? why isnt it a so called "hate crime"?
I suspect that the police are reluctant to call it a hate crime for two reasons:

1. They're only got half the story

2. There were no similar events that evening, which, if you think about it, there typically would have been given the story that we're being told.

Now think about stroll...50 blacks kids attack one White family and ONLY one White family?

And no other incident involving these 50 Black teens happened?

This stretches credibility somewhat don't you think?

Don't you think if 50 Black kids (or whites for that matter) went on a racially motivated rampage there'd have been OTHER victims?

So, based solely on what I read?

Something about this story doesn't jibe with reality as I understand how kids on a rampage operate.
point taken....but it seems to me ..we are losing control of the streets in all major urban areas....there are parts of atlanta that whites dont go in....parts of la...why is that...why have we let the streets go?
point taken....but it seems to me ..we are losing control of the streets in all major urban areas....there are parts of atlanta that whites dont go in....parts of la...why is that...why have we let the streets go?

We let them go because we're too busy making the world safe for democracy elsewhere.

We let them go so WALMART could import crap from China

We let them go so that billionaires could enjoy 50% reductions in taxes in the last two decades.

We let them go so that the insiders would enjoy their status while the rest of us (outsiders) squabble over the crumbs they so nobly grant us.

If you want to know what it's shit on the bottom of the heap, look to the top of the heap for answers.
point taken....but it seems to me ..we are losing control of the streets in all major urban areas....there are parts of atlanta that whites dont go in....parts of la...why is that...why have we let the streets go?

We let them go because we're too busy making the world safe for democracy elsewhere.

We let them go so WALMART could import crap from China

We let them go so that billionaires could enjoy 50% reductions in taxes in the last two decades.

We let them go so that the insiders would enjoy their status while the rest of us (outsiders) squabble over the crumbs they so nobly grant us.

If you want to know what it's shit on the bottom of the heap, look to the top of the heap for answers.

We let them go because civil rights groups and there attorneys feel that races are being unfairly targeted.
so you think of it as deferred maintenence...when will that come due? the problems of the inner cities everywhere in the us ...seems to continue to get worse.
We let them go because the majority of america doesn't care about poor people.

Paris Hilton- no talent everyone knows who she is, Kardashians, the Hills, basically everyone on MTV reality TV

MLK Jr- Great American, was on TV as much as anyone famous, but as soon as he started talking about equality in paychecks the cameras went away and he was assasinated.
Baltimore is an interesting example btw

There are a mass of government housing that was torn down so rich people could move in to classy high rises and row homes without seeing crack heads. The government housing was then moved to my neighborhood because it's close to the city and we had the space. Crime has risen and theres a rule that no unsupervised kids are allowed to be out at the mall after 9 pm implying that the unsupervised youth is the main problem.
point taken....but it seems to me ..we are losing control of the streets in all major urban areas....there are parts of atlanta that whites dont go in....parts of la...why is that...why have we let the streets go?

Blacks who have money don't go there either. Yes, we have impoverished ghettos in this country, the richest in the world. And Republicans want to cut government services.
if 50 irish kids went to the ghetto and did this same shit to a black family you know goddamn well it would be the biggest hate crime to hit the news media in 3 years, Ed. Why not call a spade a goddamn spade?

I'd have shot a few of them in order to have a place to start investigating rather than let an ambiguous "violent black male" description lead the way to the cold case files.
so you think of it as deferred maintenence...when will that come due? the problems of the inner cities everywhere in the us ...seems to continue to get worse.

most definately--it's cheaper to keep em locked in ghettos than jail. Hell--cops won't even respond to some zip codes unless it's a murder.
It is a hatecrime. I live in this city, and it's one of many that I personally know of. But on the other hand, I know of other people who're getting their vegenance. I feel sorry for the blacks who're now being targetted for assault, but hey, what goes around comes around. A lot of the whites around here, especially poor whites, are sick of the hate crimes against our community. Now our only choice is to respond with similar attacks.
I suspect that the police are reluctant to call it a hate crime for two reasons:

1. They're only got half the story

2. There were no similar events that evening, which, if you think about it, there typically would have been given the story that we're being told.

Now think about stroll...50 blacks kids attack one White family and ONLY one White family?

And no other incident involving these 50 Black teens happened?

This stretches credibility somewhat don't you think?

Don't you think if 50 Black kids (or whites for that matter) went on a racially motivated rampage there'd have been OTHER victims?

So, based solely on what I read?

Something about this story doesn't jibe with reality as I understand how kids on a rampage operate.

It jibes with reality as I understand how kids on a rampage operate.

It's classic.
point taken....but it seems to me ..we are losing control of the streets in all major urban areas....there are parts of atlanta that whites dont go in....parts of la...why is that...why have we let the streets go?

We let them go because we're too busy making the world safe for democracy elsewhere.

We let them go so WALMART could import crap from China

We let them go so that billionaires could enjoy 50% reductions in taxes in the last two decades.

We let them go so that the insiders would enjoy their status while the rest of us (outsiders) squabble over the crumbs they so nobly grant us.

If you want to know what it's shit on the bottom of the heap, look to the top of the heap for answers.

No, we let them go because nimrods like you think that anything a black mob does is justified, and any consequences that are brought to bear constitute prejudice.
point taken....but it seems to me ..we are losing control of the streets in all major urban areas....there are parts of atlanta that whites dont go in....parts of la...why is that...why have we let the streets go?

We let them go because we're too busy making the world safe for democracy elsewhere.

We let them go so WALMART could import crap from China

We let them go so that billionaires could enjoy 50% reductions in taxes in the last two decades.

We let them go so that the insiders would enjoy their status while the rest of us (outsiders) squabble over the crumbs they so nobly grant us.

If you want to know what it's shit on the bottom of the heap, look to the top of the heap for answers.

No, we let them go because nimrods like you think that anything a black mob does is justified, and any consequences that are brought to bear constitute prejudice.
Could you show us where he said that?

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