Once The Yoke Is Removed...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....from their neck, the minorities that the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives see as inferior in ability....

......actually succeed.

1. Government schooling functions via ‘Mushroom Management:” keep ‘em in the dark and feed ‘em manure. The result is that a large number of their graduates imagine that there is a difference between Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Progressivism. Polls show many such government school grads actually favor socialism over capitalism."

2. Implicit in that view is that beneficent big government will take care of their serfs....er, citizens....from cradle to grave. Hence, no need to work hard, to plan for a future, to take responsibility.
The result is the failure known as government school.

a. It's considered a 'bad school' if populated by minorities.....we need an influx of whites or there can be no learning.

"...poor (read 'black') kids are as talented as white kids...."

You know what he really thinks.

3. What happens when those minority children are treated as being capable of learning, and relieved of the burden of Liberals protocols?
"Success Academy Charter Schools, originally Harlem Success Academy, is a charter school operator in New York City. Eva Moskowitz, a former city council member for the Upper East Side, is its founder.
Success Academy received the 2017 Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools, an award recognizing the best academic outcomes in the nation for low-income students and students of color. "
Success Academy Charter Schools - Wikipedia

4. "...Success Academy Bronx I Charter School. Success Academy is New York City and State’s largest and fastest-growing charter school network and also, by far, the most successful—earning it and its founder Eva Moskowitz the disdain of Mayor Bill de Blasio, a teachers’ union partisan.

...its math instruction is “easily the most ‘constructivist’ aspect of its curriculum; at least at the elementary level.” In math, Success reaches seemingly impossible levels of achievement on the state’s annual exam. Progressive or not, though, the school is certainly defined by hard work,...

5. ...a January meeting of kindergarten parents, called because the five-year-old students are not performing at expected levels on the school’s interim assessment of reading levels. The teachers sense that “something is off.” About a third of the parents show up and are informed that unless the children improve by the next assessment, they will not likely reach the required reading level by the end of the year. If that happens, they will not be promoted to first grade. “All of us in this room are not doing enough for our kids,” they are told.

Later in the meeting, a parent points out that her son has no trouble completing his assignments at home but that he gets scared in school and misses answers. One might expect the teacher to offer encouragement and emotional support, but that’s not the Success Academy way. The teacher replies, “At home, your child is in such a relaxed environment. Do you time him?” No, the parent says. “Start timing him.” Such an unstinting approach can appear harsh, but this is what Success promises parents it will deliver.

6. In this light, Pondiscio relates a story he heard from the mother of a Success student. Growing up in the Bay Area, the student’s mother attended “supposedly good” public schools, which promoted her from grade to grade despite teaching her little. “They were like, ‘Just let this Latina pass.” That never happens at Success Academy."
The South Bronx School That Outscores the Suburbs

Don't treat minorities any differently than anyone else!!!

Get rid of Liberals and Liberal policies.

Can I get an "Amen"!!!!
7. "Accountability is inescapable, and students and parents always know where the children stand..."

That's a conservative policy.

Here's the Liberal one:

"California’s public schools are now following a controversial rule that allows unruly students to go unpunished despite disrupting the classroom.

Gov. Gavin Newsom (pictured below) has signed into law Senate Bill 419, which bans suspending students in grades four through eight who are show “willful defiance” in the classroom, The Sacramento Bee reported last week.

The law, which is targeted at keeping minority students in school, goes into effect in 2020."
CA gov signs 'willful-defiance' bill once vetoed by Brown

When Obama force schools to do the same thing.....
8. In Tampa Bay, Fla., 66% of teachers said that the new policy did not make schools more orderly. In Santa Ana, Calif., as well, 66% of teachers said the new system was not working. In Denver, Colo., 75% of teachers said that the new system did not improve student behavior. In Madison, Wis., only 13% of teachers thought that discipline reform was having a positive effect. But in Baton Rouge, La., 60% of teachers said there was an increase in violence or violent threats from students, and in Syracuse, N.Y., two-thirds of teachers said they were worried about their safety at work.

9. …Marc Bruno, a teacher who got kicked in the head by a student said: “We have fights here almost every day.... The kids walk around and say, ‘We can’t get suspended — we don’t care what you say.’”

10…. schools have become less respectful, more disorderly places for millions of students. The bitter irony is that the effort to limit the “school-to-prison pipeline” has likely only increased its flow.

11. The Obama administration issued “guidance” coercing school districts to second-guess their teachers’ judgment on how to maintain discipline and order. The Trump administration should rescind that mis-guidance, ….’
Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column
It's called the bigotry of low expectations.

People of any race can learn & do anything anybody else can...if they WANT to!
One of the most odious initiatives by Progressives over the years has been the campaign to reduce the number of suspensions (and expulsions) for "disruptive behavior" (which often euphemises serious physical assaults on other students and teachers).

There are three viable responses to serious student disruption: Serious punishment, suspension, and segregation of offenders into separate groups. Once they are "of age," there is no reason not to expel the bastards.

Keeping them in school and pretending that solves the problem is so utterly stupid and destructive it could only have been mandated by the O'Bama Administration.
Not the message Liberals purvey.

And too many buy it.

There is a certain "comfort" in considering yourself a victim.

Once you believe you are a victim...you absolve yourself of any personal responsibility what-so-ever. You've convinced yourself you are just a leaf in the wind...you do nothing...it's others that do to you!

Your poverty is not your fault...others are "keeping you down".
Your drug problem is not your fault...others supplied the drugs.
Even the children you've fathered are somehow not your fault or responsibility...YOU ARE A VICTIM!
Not the message Liberals purvey.

And too many buy it.

There is a certain "comfort" in considering yourself a victim.

Once you believe you are a victim...you absolve yourself of any personal responsibility what-so-ever. You've convinced yourself you are just a leaf in the wind...you do nothing...it's others that do to you!

Your poverty is not your fault...others are "keeping you down".
Your drug problem is not your fault...others supplied the drugs.
Even the children you've fathered are somehow not your fault or responsibility...YOU ARE A VICTIM!

"There is a certain "comfort" in considering yourself a victim."

Comfort??? Nay, nay.....one becomes a hero/heroine of the Left .....hence the prevalence of the hoaxes and frauds who claim to be victims.
....from their neck, the minorities that the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives see as inferior in ability....

......actually succeed.

1. Government schooling functions via ‘Mushroom Management:” keep ‘em in the dark and feed ‘em manure. The result is that a large number of their graduates imagine that there is a difference between Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Progressivism. Polls show many such government school grads actually favor socialism over capitalism."

2. Implicit in that view is that beneficent big government will take care of their serfs....er, citizens....from cradle to grave. Hence, no need to work hard, to plan for a future, to take responsibility.
The result is the failure known as government school.

a. It's considered a 'bad school' if populated by minorities.....we need an influx of whites or there can be no learning.

"...poor (read 'black') kids are as talented as white kids...."

You know what he really thinks.

3. What happens when those minority children are treated as being capable of learning, and relieved of the burden of Liberals protocols?
"Success Academy Charter Schools, originally Harlem Success Academy, is a charter school operator in New York City. Eva Moskowitz, a former city council member for the Upper East Side, is its founder.
Success Academy received the 2017 Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools, an award recognizing the best academic outcomes in the nation for low-income students and students of color. "
Success Academy Charter Schools - Wikipedia

4. "...Success Academy Bronx I Charter School. Success Academy is New York City and State’s largest and fastest-growing charter school network and also, by far, the most successful—earning it and its founder Eva Moskowitz the disdain of Mayor Bill de Blasio, a teachers’ union partisan.

...its math instruction is “easily the most ‘constructivist’ aspect of its curriculum; at least at the elementary level.” In math, Success reaches seemingly impossible levels of achievement on the state’s annual exam. Progressive or not, though, the school is certainly defined by hard work,...

5. ...a January meeting of kindergarten parents, called because the five-year-old students are not performing at expected levels on the school’s interim assessment of reading levels. The teachers sense that “something is off.” About a third of the parents show up and are informed that unless the children improve by the next assessment, they will not likely reach the required reading level by the end of the year. If that happens, they will not be promoted to first grade. “All of us in this room are not doing enough for our kids,” they are told.

Later in the meeting, a parent points out that her son has no trouble completing his assignments at home but that he gets scared in school and misses answers. One might expect the teacher to offer encouragement and emotional support, but that’s not the Success Academy way. The teacher replies, “At home, your child is in such a relaxed environment. Do you time him?” No, the parent says. “Start timing him.” Such an unstinting approach can appear harsh, but this is what Success promises parents it will deliver.

6. In this light, Pondiscio relates a story he heard from the mother of a Success student. Growing up in the Bay Area, the student’s mother attended “supposedly good” public schools, which promoted her from grade to grade despite teaching her little. “They were like, ‘Just let this Latina pass.” That never happens at Success Academy."
The South Bronx School That Outscores the Suburbs

Don't treat minorities any differently than anyone else!!!

Get rid of Liberals and Liberal policies.

Can I get an "Amen"!!!!

Poor kids are just as bright as white kids? WTF, those poor kids that happen to be white are in big trouble.
Comfort??? Nay, nay.....one becomes a hero/heroine of the Left .....hence the prevalence of the hoaxes and frauds who claim to be victims.

Because the left NEEDS a permanent underclass to vote for them.

We - the benevolent gov't will fix all your problems & provide all your needs...and we will STICK IT to the rich who have done this to you poor poor victims.

Just look at their current promises...there isn't enough money/wealth in the world to provide what they are proposing.

Green new deal, medicare for all, etc...etc...
....from their neck, the minorities that the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives see as inferior in ability....

......actually succeed.

1. Government schooling functions via ‘Mushroom Management:” keep ‘em in the dark and feed ‘em manure. The result is that a large number of their graduates imagine that there is a difference between Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Progressivism. Polls show many such government school grads actually favor socialism over capitalism."

2. Implicit in that view is that beneficent big government will take care of their serfs....er, citizens....from cradle to grave. Hence, no need to work hard, to plan for a future, to take responsibility.
The result is the failure known as government school.

a. It's considered a 'bad school' if populated by minorities.....we need an influx of whites or there can be no learning.

"...poor (read 'black') kids are as talented as white kids...."

You know what he really thinks.

3. What happens when those minority children are treated as being capable of learning, and relieved of the burden of Liberals protocols?
"Success Academy Charter Schools, originally Harlem Success Academy, is a charter school operator in New York City. Eva Moskowitz, a former city council member for the Upper East Side, is its founder.
Success Academy received the 2017 Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools, an award recognizing the best academic outcomes in the nation for low-income students and students of color. "
Success Academy Charter Schools - Wikipedia

4. "...Success Academy Bronx I Charter School. Success Academy is New York City and State’s largest and fastest-growing charter school network and also, by far, the most successful—earning it and its founder Eva Moskowitz the disdain of Mayor Bill de Blasio, a teachers’ union partisan.

...its math instruction is “easily the most ‘constructivist’ aspect of its curriculum; at least at the elementary level.” In math, Success reaches seemingly impossible levels of achievement on the state’s annual exam. Progressive or not, though, the school is certainly defined by hard work,...

5. ...a January meeting of kindergarten parents, called because the five-year-old students are not performing at expected levels on the school’s interim assessment of reading levels. The teachers sense that “something is off.” About a third of the parents show up and are informed that unless the children improve by the next assessment, they will not likely reach the required reading level by the end of the year. If that happens, they will not be promoted to first grade. “All of us in this room are not doing enough for our kids,” they are told.

Later in the meeting, a parent points out that her son has no trouble completing his assignments at home but that he gets scared in school and misses answers. One might expect the teacher to offer encouragement and emotional support, but that’s not the Success Academy way. The teacher replies, “At home, your child is in such a relaxed environment. Do you time him?” No, the parent says. “Start timing him.” Such an unstinting approach can appear harsh, but this is what Success promises parents it will deliver.

6. In this light, Pondiscio relates a story he heard from the mother of a Success student. Growing up in the Bay Area, the student’s mother attended “supposedly good” public schools, which promoted her from grade to grade despite teaching her little. “They were like, ‘Just let this Latina pass.” That never happens at Success Academy."
The South Bronx School That Outscores the Suburbs

Don't treat minorities any differently than anyone else!!!

Get rid of Liberals and Liberal policies.

Can I get an "Amen"!!!!

Poor kids are just as bright as white kids? WTF, those poor kids that happen to be white are in big trouble.

Let's be clear as to the sort of black Biden has in mind:
Biden called Obama first "clean" African-American candidate ... who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said.
Biden's description of Obama draws scrutiny - CNN.com

Lucky he is a Democrat, or he would be called 'racist.'
Comfort??? Nay, nay.....one becomes a hero/heroine of the Left .....hence the prevalence of the hoaxes and frauds who claim to be victims.

Because the left NEEDS a permanent underclass to vote for them.

We - the benevolent gov't will fix all your problems & provide all your needs...and we will STICK IT to the rich who have done this to you poor poor victims.

Just look at their current promises...there isn't enough money/wealth in the world to provide what they are proposing.

Green new deal, medicare for all, etc...etc...

Covered here....

....from their neck, the minorities that the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives see as inferior in ability....

......actually succeed.

1. Government schooling functions via ‘Mushroom Management:” keep ‘em in the dark and feed ‘em manure. The result is that a large number of their graduates imagine that there is a difference between Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Progressivism. Polls show many such government school grads actually favor socialism over capitalism."

2. Implicit in that view is that beneficent big government will take care of their serfs....er, citizens....from cradle to grave. Hence, no need to work hard, to plan for a future, to take responsibility.
The result is the failure known as government school.

a. It's considered a 'bad school' if populated by minorities.....we need an influx of whites or there can be no learning.

"...poor (read 'black') kids are as talented as white kids...."

You know what he really thinks.

3. What happens when those minority children are treated as being capable of learning, and relieved of the burden of Liberals protocols?
"Success Academy Charter Schools, originally Harlem Success Academy, is a charter school operator in New York City. Eva Moskowitz, a former city council member for the Upper East Side, is its founder.
Success Academy received the 2017 Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools, an award recognizing the best academic outcomes in the nation for low-income students and students of color. "
Success Academy Charter Schools - Wikipedia

4. "...Success Academy Bronx I Charter School. Success Academy is New York City and State’s largest and fastest-growing charter school network and also, by far, the most successful—earning it and its founder Eva Moskowitz the disdain of Mayor Bill de Blasio, a teachers’ union partisan.

...its math instruction is “easily the most ‘constructivist’ aspect of its curriculum; at least at the elementary level.” In math, Success reaches seemingly impossible levels of achievement on the state’s annual exam. Progressive or not, though, the school is certainly defined by hard work,...

5. ...a January meeting of kindergarten parents, called because the five-year-old students are not performing at expected levels on the school’s interim assessment of reading levels. The teachers sense that “something is off.” About a third of the parents show up and are informed that unless the children improve by the next assessment, they will not likely reach the required reading level by the end of the year. If that happens, they will not be promoted to first grade. “All of us in this room are not doing enough for our kids,” they are told.

Later in the meeting, a parent points out that her son has no trouble completing his assignments at home but that he gets scared in school and misses answers. One might expect the teacher to offer encouragement and emotional support, but that’s not the Success Academy way. The teacher replies, “At home, your child is in such a relaxed environment. Do you time him?” No, the parent says. “Start timing him.” Such an unstinting approach can appear harsh, but this is what Success promises parents it will deliver.

6. In this light, Pondiscio relates a story he heard from the mother of a Success student. Growing up in the Bay Area, the student’s mother attended “supposedly good” public schools, which promoted her from grade to grade despite teaching her little. “They were like, ‘Just let this Latina pass.” That never happens at Success Academy."
The South Bronx School That Outscores the Suburbs

Don't treat minorities any differently than anyone else!!!

Get rid of Liberals and Liberal policies.

Can I get an "Amen"!!!!

So fund enough of these Charter schools so everyone can attend them.

Until then, STFU.
....from their neck, the minorities that the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives see as inferior in ability....

......actually succeed.

1. Government schooling functions via ‘Mushroom Management:” keep ‘em in the dark and feed ‘em manure. The result is that a large number of their graduates imagine that there is a difference between Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Progressivism. Polls show many such government school grads actually favor socialism over capitalism."

2. Implicit in that view is that beneficent big government will take care of their serfs....er, citizens....from cradle to grave. Hence, no need to work hard, to plan for a future, to take responsibility.
The result is the failure known as government school.

a. It's considered a 'bad school' if populated by minorities.....we need an influx of whites or there can be no learning.

"...poor (read 'black') kids are as talented as white kids...."

You know what he really thinks.

3. What happens when those minority children are treated as being capable of learning, and relieved of the burden of Liberals protocols?
"Success Academy Charter Schools, originally Harlem Success Academy, is a charter school operator in New York City. Eva Moskowitz, a former city council member for the Upper East Side, is its founder.
Success Academy received the 2017 Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools, an award recognizing the best academic outcomes in the nation for low-income students and students of color. "
Success Academy Charter Schools - Wikipedia

4. "...Success Academy Bronx I Charter School. Success Academy is New York City and State’s largest and fastest-growing charter school network and also, by far, the most successful—earning it and its founder Eva Moskowitz the disdain of Mayor Bill de Blasio, a teachers’ union partisan.

...its math instruction is “easily the most ‘constructivist’ aspect of its curriculum; at least at the elementary level.” In math, Success reaches seemingly impossible levels of achievement on the state’s annual exam. Progressive or not, though, the school is certainly defined by hard work,...

5. ...a January meeting of kindergarten parents, called because the five-year-old students are not performing at expected levels on the school’s interim assessment of reading levels. The teachers sense that “something is off.” About a third of the parents show up and are informed that unless the children improve by the next assessment, they will not likely reach the required reading level by the end of the year. If that happens, they will not be promoted to first grade. “All of us in this room are not doing enough for our kids,” they are told.

Later in the meeting, a parent points out that her son has no trouble completing his assignments at home but that he gets scared in school and misses answers. One might expect the teacher to offer encouragement and emotional support, but that’s not the Success Academy way. The teacher replies, “At home, your child is in such a relaxed environment. Do you time him?” No, the parent says. “Start timing him.” Such an unstinting approach can appear harsh, but this is what Success promises parents it will deliver.

6. In this light, Pondiscio relates a story he heard from the mother of a Success student. Growing up in the Bay Area, the student’s mother attended “supposedly good” public schools, which promoted her from grade to grade despite teaching her little. “They were like, ‘Just let this Latina pass.” That never happens at Success Academy."
The South Bronx School That Outscores the Suburbs

Don't treat minorities any differently than anyone else!!!

Get rid of Liberals and Liberal policies.

Can I get an "Amen"!!!!

So fund enough of these Charter schools so everyone can attend them.

Until then, STFU.

"Until then, STFU"

Once again.....and I admit that this is one of the dumbest posters of that side.....we find a Progressive/Liberal/Democrat demanding that the other side be silenced.

Clearly they fear the logic and intelligence they lack.

And illustrative of the difference between the two sides.....the Right welcomes debate, because in debate, we eat their lunch.
The Left demands the other side be silenced.

Last edited:
....from their neck, the minorities that the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives see as inferior in ability....

......actually succeed.

1. Government schooling functions via ‘Mushroom Management:” keep ‘em in the dark and feed ‘em manure. The result is that a large number of their graduates imagine that there is a difference between Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Progressivism. Polls show many such government school grads actually favor socialism over capitalism."

2. Implicit in that view is that beneficent big government will take care of their serfs....er, citizens....from cradle to grave. Hence, no need to work hard, to plan for a future, to take responsibility.
The result is the failure known as government school.

a. It's considered a 'bad school' if populated by minorities.....we need an influx of whites or there can be no learning.

"...poor (read 'black') kids are as talented as white kids...."

You know what he really thinks.

3. What happens when those minority children are treated as being capable of learning, and relieved of the burden of Liberals protocols?
"Success Academy Charter Schools, originally Harlem Success Academy, is a charter school operator in New York City. Eva Moskowitz, a former city council member for the Upper East Side, is its founder.
Success Academy received the 2017 Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools, an award recognizing the best academic outcomes in the nation for low-income students and students of color. "
Success Academy Charter Schools - Wikipedia

4. "...Success Academy Bronx I Charter School. Success Academy is New York City and State’s largest and fastest-growing charter school network and also, by far, the most successful—earning it and its founder Eva Moskowitz the disdain of Mayor Bill de Blasio, a teachers’ union partisan.

...its math instruction is “easily the most ‘constructivist’ aspect of its curriculum; at least at the elementary level.” In math, Success reaches seemingly impossible levels of achievement on the state’s annual exam. Progressive or not, though, the school is certainly defined by hard work,...

5. ...a January meeting of kindergarten parents, called because the five-year-old students are not performing at expected levels on the school’s interim assessment of reading levels. The teachers sense that “something is off.” About a third of the parents show up and are informed that unless the children improve by the next assessment, they will not likely reach the required reading level by the end of the year. If that happens, they will not be promoted to first grade. “All of us in this room are not doing enough for our kids,” they are told.

Later in the meeting, a parent points out that her son has no trouble completing his assignments at home but that he gets scared in school and misses answers. One might expect the teacher to offer encouragement and emotional support, but that’s not the Success Academy way. The teacher replies, “At home, your child is in such a relaxed environment. Do you time him?” No, the parent says. “Start timing him.” Such an unstinting approach can appear harsh, but this is what Success promises parents it will deliver.

6. In this light, Pondiscio relates a story he heard from the mother of a Success student. Growing up in the Bay Area, the student’s mother attended “supposedly good” public schools, which promoted her from grade to grade despite teaching her little. “They were like, ‘Just let this Latina pass.” That never happens at Success Academy."
The South Bronx School That Outscores the Suburbs

Don't treat minorities any differently than anyone else!!!

Get rid of Liberals and Liberal policies.

Can I get an "Amen"!!!!

So fund enough of these Charter schools so everyone can attend them.

Until then, STFU.

"Until then, STFU"

Once again.....and I admit that this is one of the dumbest posters of that side.....we find a Progressive/Liberal/Democrat demanding that the other side be silenced.

Clearly they fear the logic and intelligence they lack.

And illustrative difference between the two sides.....the Right welcomes debate, because in debate, we eat their lunch.
The Left demands the other side be silenced.


Poor kids are just as smart as white kids”
Joe Biden

What’s really going on in their heads?
....from their neck, the minorities that the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives see as inferior in ability....

......actually succeed.

1. Government schooling functions via ‘Mushroom Management:” keep ‘em in the dark and feed ‘em manure. The result is that a large number of their graduates imagine that there is a difference between Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Progressivism. Polls show many such government school grads actually favor socialism over capitalism."

2. Implicit in that view is that beneficent big government will take care of their serfs....er, citizens....from cradle to grave. Hence, no need to work hard, to plan for a future, to take responsibility.
The result is the failure known as government school.

a. It's considered a 'bad school' if populated by minorities.....we need an influx of whites or there can be no learning.

"...poor (read 'black') kids are as talented as white kids...."

You know what he really thinks.

3. What happens when those minority children are treated as being capable of learning, and relieved of the burden of Liberals protocols?
"Success Academy Charter Schools, originally Harlem Success Academy, is a charter school operator in New York City. Eva Moskowitz, a former city council member for the Upper East Side, is its founder.
Success Academy received the 2017 Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools, an award recognizing the best academic outcomes in the nation for low-income students and students of color. "
Success Academy Charter Schools - Wikipedia

4. "...Success Academy Bronx I Charter School. Success Academy is New York City and State’s largest and fastest-growing charter school network and also, by far, the most successful—earning it and its founder Eva Moskowitz the disdain of Mayor Bill de Blasio, a teachers’ union partisan.

...its math instruction is “easily the most ‘constructivist’ aspect of its curriculum; at least at the elementary level.” In math, Success reaches seemingly impossible levels of achievement on the state’s annual exam. Progressive or not, though, the school is certainly defined by hard work,...

5. ...a January meeting of kindergarten parents, called because the five-year-old students are not performing at expected levels on the school’s interim assessment of reading levels. The teachers sense that “something is off.” About a third of the parents show up and are informed that unless the children improve by the next assessment, they will not likely reach the required reading level by the end of the year. If that happens, they will not be promoted to first grade. “All of us in this room are not doing enough for our kids,” they are told.

Later in the meeting, a parent points out that her son has no trouble completing his assignments at home but that he gets scared in school and misses answers. One might expect the teacher to offer encouragement and emotional support, but that’s not the Success Academy way. The teacher replies, “At home, your child is in such a relaxed environment. Do you time him?” No, the parent says. “Start timing him.” Such an unstinting approach can appear harsh, but this is what Success promises parents it will deliver.

6. In this light, Pondiscio relates a story he heard from the mother of a Success student. Growing up in the Bay Area, the student’s mother attended “supposedly good” public schools, which promoted her from grade to grade despite teaching her little. “They were like, ‘Just let this Latina pass.” That never happens at Success Academy."
The South Bronx School That Outscores the Suburbs

Don't treat minorities any differently than anyone else!!!

Get rid of Liberals and Liberal policies.

Can I get an "Amen"!!!!

So fund enough of these Charter schools so everyone can attend them.

Until then, STFU.

"Until then, STFU"

Once again.....and I admit that this is one of the dumbest posters of that side.....we find a Progressive/Liberal/Democrat demanding that the other side be silenced.

Clearly they fear the logic and intelligence they lack.

And illustrative difference between the two sides.....the Right welcomes debate, because in debate, we eat their lunch.
The Left demands the other side be silenced.


Poor kids are just as smart as white kids”
Joe Biden

What’s really going on in their heads?

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
A really attractive element of Liberal/Democrat policies is that one need do nothing in terms of their own efforts to better their situation.

A clearly false promise is that big government will do everything for their supporter.

" We try and discourage people from self help." - Former MA Att'ny Gen. Coakley

Yet that is demanded in schools that work:

"Critics often charge that Success screens out students who don’t do well. Pondiscio reports that screening does occur—not of students, though, but of parents, who are assessed on a single measure: their willingness to comply with the schools’ policies, from sending their child to class each day in a school uniform (including the right-colored socks) to doing the required reading at home each night.

From the outset, parents hear about what’s expected and are reminded that “Success Academy is not for everyone.” Some parents decide that that’s all too true, and the network taps its waiting list (also compiled by lottery) to fill the vacated seats. The churning goes on right up to the first day of school. Pondiscio describes a kindergarten entrant who moved from 106th place on the waiting list to acceptance just before the start of school. The school’s model relies on parental buy-in and compliance."
The South Bronx School That Outscores the Suburbs
....from their neck, the minorities that the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives see as inferior in ability....

......actually succeed.

1. Government schooling functions via ‘Mushroom Management:” keep ‘em in the dark and feed ‘em manure. The result is that a large number of their graduates imagine that there is a difference between Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Progressivism. Polls show many such government school grads actually favor socialism over capitalism."

2. Implicit in that view is that beneficent big government will take care of their serfs....er, citizens....from cradle to grave. Hence, no need to work hard, to plan for a future, to take responsibility.
The result is the failure known as government school.

a. It's considered a 'bad school' if populated by minorities.....we need an influx of whites or there can be no learning.

"...poor (read 'black') kids are as talented as white kids...."

You know what he really thinks.

3. What happens when those minority children are treated as being capable of learning, and relieved of the burden of Liberals protocols?
"Success Academy Charter Schools, originally Harlem Success Academy, is a charter school operator in New York City. Eva Moskowitz, a former city council member for the Upper East Side, is its founder.
Success Academy received the 2017 Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools, an award recognizing the best academic outcomes in the nation for low-income students and students of color. "
Success Academy Charter Schools - Wikipedia

4. "...Success Academy Bronx I Charter School. Success Academy is New York City and State’s largest and fastest-growing charter school network and also, by far, the most successful—earning it and its founder Eva Moskowitz the disdain of Mayor Bill de Blasio, a teachers’ union partisan.

...its math instruction is “easily the most ‘constructivist’ aspect of its curriculum; at least at the elementary level.” In math, Success reaches seemingly impossible levels of achievement on the state’s annual exam. Progressive or not, though, the school is certainly defined by hard work,...

5. ...a January meeting of kindergarten parents, called because the five-year-old students are not performing at expected levels on the school’s interim assessment of reading levels. The teachers sense that “something is off.” About a third of the parents show up and are informed that unless the children improve by the next assessment, they will not likely reach the required reading level by the end of the year. If that happens, they will not be promoted to first grade. “All of us in this room are not doing enough for our kids,” they are told.

Later in the meeting, a parent points out that her son has no trouble completing his assignments at home but that he gets scared in school and misses answers. One might expect the teacher to offer encouragement and emotional support, but that’s not the Success Academy way. The teacher replies, “At home, your child is in such a relaxed environment. Do you time him?” No, the parent says. “Start timing him.” Such an unstinting approach can appear harsh, but this is what Success promises parents it will deliver.

6. In this light, Pondiscio relates a story he heard from the mother of a Success student. Growing up in the Bay Area, the student’s mother attended “supposedly good” public schools, which promoted her from grade to grade despite teaching her little. “They were like, ‘Just let this Latina pass.” That never happens at Success Academy."
The South Bronx School That Outscores the Suburbs

Don't treat minorities any differently than anyone else!!!

Get rid of Liberals and Liberal policies.

Can I get an "Amen"!!!!

So fund enough of these Charter schools so everyone can attend them.

Until then, STFU.

"Until then, STFU"

Once again.....and I admit that this is one of the dumbest posters of that side.....we find a Progressive/Liberal/Democrat demanding that the other side be silenced.

Clearly they fear the logic and intelligence they lack.

And illustrative of the difference between the two sides.....the Right welcomes debate, because in debate, we eat their lunch.
The Left demands the other side be silenced.


Charter Schools are great. They get to pick & choose their students. They use teaching techniques that many public schools can't because of funding.

If chaarter schools teach you anything ( a difficult task) they should teach you we need more education funding in the public school system.

Instead the right wants to siphon off a few good students from inner city schools, pat themselves on their backs & say "My what a good job we did".

So yes, unless you are saying we need enough charter schools to include everyone, then the crap you post is useless. As it is, you want the public to fund your private/specialty schools leaving most children behind in now a lower funded public school.
Charter Schools are great. They get to pick & choose their students. They use teaching techniques that many public schools can't because of funding.

If chaarter schools teach you anything ( a difficult task) they should teach you we need more education funding in the public school system.

Instead the right wants to siphon off a few good students from inner city schools, pat themselves on their backs & say "My what a good job we did".

So yes, unless you are saying we need enough charter schools to include everyone, then the crap you post is useless. As it is, you want the public to fund your private/specialty schools leaving most children behind in now a lower funded public school.

Utter nonsense! A lack of funding has never been the problem in the state schools. Study after study has shown this to be the case. Where have you been?

Lack of Funding Is Not What Ails American Schools | National Review
Charter Schools are great. They get to pick & choose their students. They use teaching techniques that many public schools can't because of funding.

If chaarter schools teach you anything ( a difficult task) they should teach you we need more education funding in the public school system.

Instead the right wants to siphon off a few good students from inner city schools, pat themselves on their backs & say "My what a good job we did".

So yes, unless you are saying we need enough charter schools to include everyone, then the crap you post is useless. As it is, you want the public to fund your private/specialty schools leaving most children behind in now a lower funded public school.

Utter nonsense! A lack of funding has never been the problem in the state schools. Study after study has shown this to be the case. Where have you been?

Lack of Funding Is Not What Ails American Schools | National Review

It's lack of teaching that is the problem.

Many of us have realized that teaching is not the mission of government school.

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