Once Again Cop Killer Mumia Abu-jamal To Give Commencement Address


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Here we go again, one of the lefts hero's will give a college commencement address. It's beyond despicable, but it has happened before.
For the younger members here, Google his name to find out the story of him killing a cop.

His widow once again is upset, but she's had to live with the torture of knowing the left worships this guy so she's no stranger to being constantly kicked in the teeth.

Convicted Philadelphia cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal has been selected as the commencement speaker for a Vermont college.

Goddard College announced that the infamous inmate will address its graduates at Sunday's ceremony.

Undergraduate students receiving their degrees selected Abu-Jamal as their commencement speaker, the Plainfield, Vt., school said.

Abu-Jamal was convicted in the 1981 slaying of Officer Daniel Faulkner and sentenced to death. The high-profile and long-running case was in the news for decades as Abu-Jamal fought the death penalty; the sentence was later reduced to life in prison without parole.

Read more at Mumia Abu-Jamal to give college commencement speech
I don't agree with it, but the students selected him. Its their graduation they can choose whoever they please.
It's irresponsible as hell however, and try to imagine being family members of the slain cop. Every time loon students ask him to speak, they have to re live the horror of the murder.
When 'Pacifists' Celebrate Cop Killers
"Nonviolence" organizations' love affair with murderers and terrorists.
October 27, 2015
Spyridon Mitsotakis


On the very day that NYPD officers Rafial Ramos and Wenjin Liu were assassinated, the "pacifist" organizations the War Resisters League (WRL) and the AJ Muste Memorial Institute (AJMMI) chose to, at that moment, decorate their building in downtown Manhattan with banners, bunting and graphics celebrating America's most famous cop-killer, Mumia Abu-Jamal. How's that for representing the spirit of nonviolence such groups claim to uphold?

Indeed, this is not as astonishing as it might seem. For this year's fundraising campaign, the AJMMI sent into the world a funding appeal written by none other than the aforementioned Mumia Abu-Jamal, himself an arch-antithesis of the embodiment of nonviolence.

After the publication of my Breitbart article on new AJMMI head Heidi Boghosian's previous work on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal, several former and disaffected contributors to the AJMMI and its sister organization, the WRL, contacted me to give more details of an insalubrious transformation of pacifist organizations into extremist, ideologically irrational, non-pacifist outfits.

The AJMMI is the non-profit umbrella under which tax-exempt donations go to the WRL. The AJMMI owns the 339 Lafayette and Bleecker building in Manhattan, which it bought to house the WRL. It is crumbling (like the WRL itself) and is now on sale.

Former members of the WRL angrily accuse those who run the organization of practicing "nonviolence in name only." They also claim that the present governing clique steering the league today are misrepresenting the league's famous term "revolutionary nonviolence." It does not mean using nonviolence as a tactic to advance traditional revolution (particularly not of the bloody and repressive kind). What "revolutionary nonviolence" means is "nonviolence itself is revolutionary" -- something much more profound, as it breaks with tens of thousands of years of human bloodshed.


When 'Pacifists' Celebrate Cop Killers
It's irresponsible as hell however, and try to imagine being family members of the slain cop. Every time loon students ask him to speak, they have to re live the horror of the murder.

If so, than that is their own fault for allowing themselves to be overcome and controlled by emotion.

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When 'Pacifists' Celebrate Cop Killers
"Nonviolence" organizations' love affair with murderers and terrorists.
October 27, 2015
Spyridon Mitsotakis


On the very day that NYPD officers Rafial Ramos and Wenjin Liu were assassinated, the "pacifist" organizations the War Resisters League (WRL) and the AJ Muste Memorial Institute (AJMMI) chose to, at that moment, decorate their building in downtown Manhattan with banners, bunting and graphics celebrating America's most famous cop-killer, Mumia Abu-Jamal. How's that for representing the spirit of nonviolence such groups claim to uphold?

Indeed, this is not as astonishing as it might seem. For this year's fundraising campaign, the AJMMI sent into the world a funding appeal written by none other than the aforementioned Mumia Abu-Jamal, himself an arch-antithesis of the embodiment of nonviolence.

After the publication of my Breitbart article on new AJMMI head Heidi Boghosian's previous work on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal, several former and disaffected contributors to the AJMMI and its sister organization, the WRL, contacted me to give more details of an insalubrious transformation of pacifist organizations into extremist, ideologically irrational, non-pacifist outfits.

The AJMMI is the non-profit umbrella under which tax-exempt donations go to the WRL. The AJMMI owns the 339 Lafayette and Bleecker building in Manhattan, which it bought to house the WRL. It is crumbling (like the WRL itself) and is now on sale.

Former members of the WRL angrily accuse those who run the organization of practicing "nonviolence in name only." They also claim that the present governing clique steering the league today are misrepresenting the league's famous term "revolutionary nonviolence." It does not mean using nonviolence as a tactic to advance traditional revolution (particularly not of the bloody and repressive kind). What "revolutionary nonviolence" means is "nonviolence itself is revolutionary" -- something much more profound, as it breaks with tens of thousands of years of human bloodshed.


When 'Pacifists' Celebrate Cop Killers

Dispicable bastards !
I don't agree with it, but the students selected him. Its their graduation they can choose whoever they please.

Which in essence makes is a whole lot worse cause it reflects what is being taught.

We are fucked.

The country, is already over. Liberals clearly have all of the things they want. Congrats.

Fucking losers.
Wow....liberals telling the family of a murdered cop they need to "get over themselves"???

What filth we have in the modern Democrat hordes.
Wow....liberals telling the family of a murdered cop they need to "get over themselves"???

What filth we have in the modern Democrat hordes.

It is an incredible weakness to allow those kind of emotions to overwhelm and control you. Yes, they should get over themselves.

Wow....liberals telling the family of a murdered cop they need to "get over themselves"???

What filth we have in the modern Democrat hordes.

The guy has already spent 30 years in prison for a crime on pretty questionable evidence. (In short, a WHITE person with a good lawyer would never end up on jail on this evidence).

Get over yourselves.
Here we go again, one of the lefts hero's will give a college commencement address. It's beyond despicable, but it has happened before.
For the younger members here, Google his name to find out the story of him killing a cop.

His widow once again is upset, but she's had to live with the torture of knowing the left worships this guy so she's no stranger to being constantly kicked in the teeth.

Convicted Philadelphia cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal has been selected as the commencement speaker for a Vermont college.

Goddard College announced that the infamous inmate will address its graduates at Sunday's ceremony.

Undergraduate students receiving their degrees selected Abu-Jamal as their commencement speaker, the Plainfield, Vt., school said.

Abu-Jamal was convicted in the 1981 slaying of Officer Daniel Faulkner and sentenced to death. The high-profile and long-running case was in the news for decades as Abu-Jamal fought the death penalty; the sentence was later reduced to life in prison without parole.

Read more at Mumia Abu-Jamal to give college commencement speech
No, what's despicable is the lie that this individual is a 'hero' to the 'left.'
Here we go again, one of the lefts hero's will give a college commencement address. It's beyond despicable, but it has happened before.
For the younger members here, Google his name to find out the story of him killing a cop.

His widow once again is upset, but she's had to live with the torture of knowing the left worships this guy so she's no stranger to being constantly kicked in the teeth.

Convicted Philadelphia cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal has been selected as the commencement speaker for a Vermont college.

Goddard College announced that the infamous inmate will address its graduates at Sunday's ceremony.

Undergraduate students receiving their degrees selected Abu-Jamal as their commencement speaker, the Plainfield, Vt., school said.

Abu-Jamal was convicted in the 1981 slaying of Officer Daniel Faulkner and sentenced to death. The high-profile and long-running case was in the news for decades as Abu-Jamal fought the death penalty; the sentence was later reduced to life in prison without parole.

Read more at Mumia Abu-Jamal to give college commencement speech
No, what's despicable is the lie that this individual is a 'hero' to the 'left.'
Of course he's a hero to the left. The French left named a street after him ffs! The American left would too, but they wouldn't get away with it.

French name street for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Here we go again, one of the lefts hero's will give a college commencement address. It's beyond despicable, but it has happened before.
For the younger members here, Google his name to find out the story of him killing a cop.

His widow once again is upset, but she's had to live with the torture of knowing the left worships this guy so she's no stranger to being constantly kicked in the teeth.

Convicted Philadelphia cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal has been selected as the commencement speaker for a Vermont college.

Goddard College announced that the infamous inmate will address its graduates at Sunday's ceremony.

Undergraduate students receiving their degrees selected Abu-Jamal as their commencement speaker, the Plainfield, Vt., school said.

Abu-Jamal was convicted in the 1981 slaying of Officer Daniel Faulkner and sentenced to death. The high-profile and long-running case was in the news for decades as Abu-Jamal fought the death penalty; the sentence was later reduced to life in prison without parole.

Read more at Mumia Abu-Jamal to give college commencement speech
No, what's despicable is the lie that this individual is a 'hero' to the 'left.'
Of course he's a hero to the left. The French left named a street after him ffs! The American left would too, but they wouldn't get away with it.

That is despicable.

French name street for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Here we go again, one of the lefts hero's will give a college commencement address. It's beyond despicable, but it has happened before.
For the younger members here, Google his name to find out the story of him killing a cop.

His widow once again is upset, but she's had to live with the torture of knowing the left worships this guy so she's no stranger to being constantly kicked in the teeth.

Convicted Philadelphia cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal has been selected as the commencement speaker for a Vermont college.

Goddard College announced that the infamous inmate will address its graduates at Sunday's ceremony.

Undergraduate students receiving their degrees selected Abu-Jamal as their commencement speaker, the Plainfield, Vt., school said.

Abu-Jamal was convicted in the 1981 slaying of Officer Daniel Faulkner and sentenced to death. The high-profile and long-running case was in the news for decades as Abu-Jamal fought the death penalty; the sentence was later reduced to life in prison without parole.

Read more at Mumia Abu-Jamal to give college commencement speech
No, what's despicable is the lie that this individual is a 'hero' to the 'left.'

And who exactly are the ones then that ask this killer to give speeches ? Conservatives ?
And who exactly are the ones then that ask this killer to give speeches ? Conservatives

Why do you reduce this guy to only that one thing? The thing is, he has in the 30 years since he was convicted on flimsy evidence, written a lot of very interesting things about the prison-industrial complex and why most Americans should be worried about it.

True, the fact he is more articulate than most murderers doesn't excuse what he did, but what he did doesn't take away from his writings, which a lot of people have found meaning in them.

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