3rd graders write 'get well soon' cards to cop killer


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Teacher behind Mumia letters: ‘The mind of a child is where the revolution begins!’

ORANGE, N.J. – Marylin Zuniga’s third-grade class letter writing project to convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal is just the latest example of her successful attempts to inject radical politics into her classroom.

Judging by the Forest Street School teacher’s Twitter feed, she regularly brings up race issues to her students.

In an April 5 tweet, Zuniga boasted that she dropped off her class’s letters to her “comrade” Johanna Fernandez, the professor who delivered them to the imprisoned Abu-Jamal.

“Comrade” is a favorite term among far-leftists.

Just dropped off these letters to comrade Johanna Fernandez. My 3rd graders wrote to Mumia to lift up his spirits as he is ill. #freemumia

During Black History Month, Zuniga had her students consider a quote from Mumia: “As long as one just person is silenced, there is no justice.”

U have to include a target skill in your do-now they say.. #mainideaisa3rdgradeskill #BlackLivesMatter#mumiaabujamal pic.twitter.com/VKn0Vz9Oji

— Marylin (@Marylin_Zuniga) February 5, 2015

Zuniga is likely never taught her 8-year-olds about the night when Mumia Abu-Jamal, formerly known as Wesley Cook, “silenced” Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner by putting a bullet between his eyes.

But the teacher seems somewhat infatuated with the cop killer.

Consider these tweets from Christmas Eve.

I think about Mumia Abu-Jamal often considering the targetization by the state over his life, I wanna know his feelings/thoughts right now

— Marylin (@Marylin_Zuniga) December 24, 2014

Woke up with Mumia on my mind & a vision of what the cell he stays in may look like, and feel like on this Christmas Eve morning.& then this

— Marylin (@Marylin_Zuniga) December 24, 2014

Zuniga also had her students write about the death of Eric Garner in New York City.

She posted the letter of one students:

I believe that a WHITE police will just jump on a BLACK man and acusse him of selling ciggarets so what many people sell ciggarets you why would you coke someone to death for doing something iligle

If a 3rd grader can tell it like it is..never underestimate youth.The mind of a child is where the revolution begins! pic.twitter.com/TBlNBa9ZRT

— Marylin (@Marylin_Zuniga) December 5, 2014

After a protest in New York City, Zuniga had her students watch videos about it and write “their own creative chants/lyrics to be used at future marches.”

Today my students watched videos from Saturday's #MillionsMarchNYC and wrote their own creative chants/lyrics to be used at future marches❤️


Just in case you were wondering if there was a reason to hate liberals today, more than you did yesterday.

Fucking liberals folks.

Seriously do you search the interwebs day and night for stuff like this and project one persons behavior on liberals?
Letters to a convicted killer of a police officer. Sad really sad what teachers do to our children.

ORANGE, N.J. – Marylin Zuniga’s third-grade class letter writing project to convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal is just the latest example of her successful attempts to inject radical politics into her classroom.

Judging by the Forest Street School teacher’s Twitter feed, she regularly brings up race issues to her students.

In an April 5 tweet, Zuniga boasted that she dropped off her class’s letters to her “comrade” Johanna Fernandez, the professor who delivered them to the imprisoned Abu-Jamal.

“Comrade” is a favorite term among far-leftists......................

According to the site, in 2014, 58 percent of 3rd graders were proficient in reading and writing while 62 percent were proficient in math.

Who needs to know how to add and subtract when the next “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” chant needs to be dreamed up?

Teacher behind Mumia letters The mind of a child is where the revolution begins - EAGnews.org
Letters to a convicted killer of a police officer. Sad really sad what teachers do to our children.

ORANGE, N.J. – Marylin Zuniga’s third-grade class letter writing project to convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal is just the latest example of her successful attempts to inject radical politics into her classroom.

Judging by the Forest Street School teacher’s Twitter feed, she regularly brings up race issues to her students.

In an April 5 tweet, Zuniga boasted that she dropped off her class’s letters to her “comrade” Johanna Fernandez, the professor who delivered them to the imprisoned Abu-Jamal.

“Comrade” is a favorite term among far-leftists......................

According to the site, in 2014, 58 percent of 3rd graders were proficient in reading and writing while 62 percent were proficient in math.

Who needs to know how to add and subtract when the next “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” chant needs to be dreamed up?

Teacher behind Mumia letters The mind of a child is where the revolution begins - EAGnews.org

"What difference, at this point, what difference does it make?"

PC won, kids believe in zombies but not the republic, and the only satisfaction will be in saying "It told you so" when America blows.

And we are just one or two more idiots getting shot while resisting arrest away from it blowing.

We need hot weather, that's about all.
“Comrade” is a favorite term among far-leftists......................

Yeah, the military is such a far leftist organization...
Comrade is used by communists/socialists. In the Army Creed, it is used as fellow soldier. They don't refer to each other as comrade.
“Comrade” is a favorite term among far-leftists......................

Yeah, the military is such a far leftist organization...

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