On this 4th of July....Don't forget to thank a liberal

Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal.

Obviously you have done no reading of the founding fathers' writings nor of other writings from the founding era. You don't even know the basics of the form of government that the framers gave us. Nor do you understand the basic principles upon which that form of government was based.

If the framers were alive today, they would view you as a Jacobin and would wonder why you didn't move to France.
If the founders were alive today, they would be repulsed by the callousness of the conservative movement and their subservience to wealth

you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal.

Obviously you have done no reading of the founding fathers' writings nor of other writings from the founding era. You don't even know the basics of the form of government that the framers gave us. Nor do you understand the basic principles upon which that form of government was based.

If the framers were alive today, they would view you as a Jacobin and would wonder why you didn't move to France.
If the founders were alive today, they would be repulsed by the callousness of the conservative movement and their subservience to wealth

you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal.

Obviously you have done no reading of the founding fathers' writings nor of other writings from the founding era. You don't even know the basics of the form of government that the framers gave us. Nor do you understand the basic principles upon which that form of government was based.

If the framers were alive today, they would view you as a Jacobin and would wonder why you didn't move to France.
If the founders were alive today, they would be repulsed by the callousness of the conservative movement and their subservience to wealth

you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights

Yeah like being forced to buy health insurance
Having the government be able to turn every cell phone into a listening device
Warrantless wiretaps
3 AM no knock search warrants performed by masked government agents
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal.

Obviously you have done no reading of the founding fathers' writings nor of other writings from the founding era. You don't even know the basics of the form of government that the framers gave us. Nor do you understand the basic principles upon which that form of government was based.

If the framers were alive today, they would view you as a Jacobin and would wonder why you didn't move to France.
If the founders were alive today, they would be repulsed by the callousness of the conservative movement and their subservience to wealth

you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights

Yeah like being forced to buy health insurance
Having the government be able to turn every cell phone into a listening device
Warrantless wiretaps
3 AM no knock search warrants performed by masked government agents

Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws

And the worst transgression to conservatives is being forced to buy health insurance
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal.

Obviously you have done no reading of the founding fathers' writings nor of other writings from the founding era. You don't even know the basics of the form of government that the framers gave us. Nor do you understand the basic principles upon which that form of government was based.

If the framers were alive today, they would view you as a Jacobin and would wonder why you didn't move to France.
If the founders were alive today, they would be repulsed by the callousness of the conservative movement and their subservience to wealth

you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights

the liberals of 1776 were the conservatives and libertarians of 2015. The founders were nothing even close to today's liberals.
Obviously you have done no reading of the founding fathers' writings nor of other writings from the founding era. You don't even know the basics of the form of government that the framers gave us. Nor do you understand the basic principles upon which that form of government was based.

If the framers were alive today, they would view you as a Jacobin and would wonder why you didn't move to France.
If the founders were alive today, they would be repulsed by the callousness of the conservative movement and their subservience to wealth

you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights

Yeah like being forced to buy health insurance
Having the government be able to turn every cell phone into a listening device
Warrantless wiretaps
3 AM no knock search warrants performed by masked government agents

Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws

And the worst transgression to conservatives is being forced to buy health insurance

those rights and protections were put in place with republican votes. the dems tried to fillibuster the civil rights act, LBJ needed republicans to get it past the racist democrats.
Obviously you have done no reading of the founding fathers' writings nor of other writings from the founding era. You don't even know the basics of the form of government that the framers gave us. Nor do you understand the basic principles upon which that form of government was based.

If the framers were alive today, they would view you as a Jacobin and would wonder why you didn't move to France.
If the founders were alive today, they would be repulsed by the callousness of the conservative movement and their subservience to wealth

you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights

Yeah like being forced to buy health insurance
Having the government be able to turn every cell phone into a listening device
Warrantless wiretaps
3 AM no knock search warrants performed by masked government agents

Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws

And the worst transgression to conservatives is being forced to buy health insurance

The people who like obozocare are not BUYING it. They are getting it FREE. you dumb ass.
Obviously you have done no reading of the founding fathers' writings nor of other writings from the founding era. You don't even know the basics of the form of government that the framers gave us. Nor do you understand the basic principles upon which that form of government was based.

If the framers were alive today, they would view you as a Jacobin and would wonder why you didn't move to France.
If the founders were alive today, they would be repulsed by the callousness of the conservative movement and their subservience to wealth

you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights

Yeah like being forced to buy health insurance
Having the government be able to turn every cell phone into a listening device
Warrantless wiretaps
3 AM no knock search warrants performed by masked government agents

Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws

And the worst transgression to conservatives is being forced to buy health insurance

Not just conservatives

And rights and freedom are 2 completely different things.

We have less freedom and more regulation than ever
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal.

Obviously you have done no reading of the founding fathers' writings nor of other writings from the founding era. You don't even know the basics of the form of government that the framers gave us. Nor do you understand the basic principles upon which that form of government was based.

If the framers were alive today, they would view you as a Jacobin and would wonder why you didn't move to France.
If the founders were alive today, they would be repulsed by the callousness of the conservative movement and their subservience to wealth

you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights

the liberals of 1776 were the conservatives and libertarians of 2015. The founders were nothing even close to today's liberals.
Why would they be?

the founders couldn't comprehend issues like Civil Rights, women's vote, gay rights, worker protections, protecting the environment

Doesn't make the less liberal....they were a product of their times
If the founders were alive today, they would be repulsed by the callousness of the conservative movement and their subservience to wealth

you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights

Yeah like being forced to buy health insurance
Having the government be able to turn every cell phone into a listening device
Warrantless wiretaps
3 AM no knock search warrants performed by masked government agents

Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws

And the worst transgression to conservatives is being forced to buy health insurance

Not just conservatives

And rights and freedom are 2 completely different things.

We have less freedom and more regulation than ever
Americans have more freedom than any time in history. Ask blacks how much "freedom" they had in 1950

Freedom of speech is broader now than at any time in history
If the founders were alive today, they would be repulsed by the callousness of the conservative movement and their subservience to wealth

you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights

Yeah like being forced to buy health insurance
Having the government be able to turn every cell phone into a listening device
Warrantless wiretaps
3 AM no knock search warrants performed by masked government agents

Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws

And the worst transgression to conservatives is being forced to buy health insurance

those rights and protections were put in place with republican votes. the dems tried to fillibuster the civil rights act, LBJ needed republicans to get it past the racist democrats.

One or two Dems tried to filibuster, which only becomes "the Dems" though Composition Fallacy. Several years earlier that plan had already soured:

>> Reactions to his filibuster ranged from altruistic respect to outright derision. Sen. William Knowland, R-Calif., quipped that Thurmond’s constant prattling was “cruel and unusual punishment to his colleagues,” according to the AP.

Sen. Paul Douglas, D-Ill., a vocal supporter of civil rights, handed Thurmond a glass of orange juice during the filibuster. But the Southern Democrats, feeling that they had been betrayed by Thurmond, were not amused and did not rally behind their colleague as Thurmond had hoped.

Georgia Democrat Herman Talmadge, “who yields to no man as a segregationist,” according to Time, disparaged Thurmond’s performance as a “grandstand of longwinded speeches” that might “in the long run wreak unspeakable havoc upon my people.”

In his book “Legacy To Power: Senator Russell Long of Louisiana,” Robert T. Mann writes, “Thurmond’s obstinate tactic did more than set a new record. It incurred the animosity of the southern senators who believed they had chosen the prudent course while Thurmond betrayed them.”

In the end, Thurmond persuaded no senators to change their vote on the bill. He departed the Senate chamber at 9:12 p.m. on Aug. 29, 1957. Thurmond’s 24 hours and 18 minutes on the floor broke the previous filibuster record of 22 hours and 26 minutes held since 1953 by Oregon Sen. Wayne Morse.

Two hours later, a watered-down version of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 passed the Senate in a 62-15 vote. << -- Thurmond's Record-Setting 24-hour Filibuster
You've got to scrape the bottom of the Fallacy Barrel pretty fucking hard to morph an outlier into a consensus. The actual fact is more Dems voted for the 1964 CRA -- by absolute number and by percentage -- than Republicans, though it would be equally dishonest to pretend the degree was significant.

But you go on and run with that...

btw Thurmond's argument was that guaranteeing civil rights by federal law was unconstitutional, same basis as Goldwater's basis for his own "no" vote in 1964.
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Obviously you have done no reading of the founding fathers' writings nor of other writings from the founding era. You don't even know the basics of the form of government that the framers gave us. Nor do you understand the basic principles upon which that form of government was based.

If the framers were alive today, they would view you as a Jacobin and would wonder why you didn't move to France.
If the founders were alive today, they would be repulsed by the callousness of the conservative movement and their subservience to wealth

you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights

Yeah like being forced to buy health insurance
Having the government be able to turn every cell phone into a listening device
Warrantless wiretaps
3 AM no knock search warrants performed by masked government agents

Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws

And the worst transgression to conservatives is being forced to buy health insurance

"Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws"

Why would they support those issues now?

they didn't support them then.
you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights

Yeah like being forced to buy health insurance
Having the government be able to turn every cell phone into a listening device
Warrantless wiretaps
3 AM no knock search warrants performed by masked government agents

Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws

And the worst transgression to conservatives is being forced to buy health insurance

Not just conservatives

And rights and freedom are 2 completely different things.

We have less freedom and more regulation than ever
Americans have more freedom than any time in history. Ask blacks how much "freedom" they had in 1950

Freedom of speech is broader now than at any time in history

It would seem so.... sure as fuck beats a hundred years ago:

>> By far the harshest penalty for "flag desecration" in American history was handed our during World War I to a Montana man, E. V. Starr, who under the 1918 Montana law, which became the model for the 1918 federal Sedition Act (document 2.18), was given a $500 fine and a jail term of ten to twenty years at hard labor for refusing a mob's demands to kiss a flag and for terming it "nothing but a piece of cotton" with a "little paint" and "some other marks" on it which "might be covered with microbes." Considering the case on appeal, Federal district court judge George Bourquin termed the sentence a "horrifying" one that justified George Bernard Shaw's comment that American courts had gone "stark, staring, raving mad" during the war; Bourquin also labeled the mob that had assaulted Starr "heresy hunters" and "witch burners." Nonetheless, he concluded that he was powerless to intervene, because the Montana state law was clearly constitutional under the Halter precedent (document 3.25). << -- Wiki
If the founders were alive today, they would be repulsed by the callousness of the conservative movement and their subservience to wealth

you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights

Yeah like being forced to buy health insurance
Having the government be able to turn every cell phone into a listening device
Warrantless wiretaps
3 AM no knock search warrants performed by masked government agents

Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws

And the worst transgression to conservatives is being forced to buy health insurance

"Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws"

Why would they support those issues now?

they didn't support them then.
Imagine that....liberal views evolve

You are a liberal or conservative based upon the time in which you live. Our founders were the greatest liberals of their day
you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights

Yeah like being forced to buy health insurance
Having the government be able to turn every cell phone into a listening device
Warrantless wiretaps
3 AM no knock search warrants performed by masked government agents

Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws

And the worst transgression to conservatives is being forced to buy health insurance

Not just conservatives

And rights and freedom are 2 completely different things.

We have less freedom and more regulation than ever
Americans have more freedom than any time in history. Ask blacks how much "freedom" they had in 1950

Freedom of speech is broader now than at any time in history

Sorry but no.

There are more to americans than just minorities.

We spend more time making laws to curb people's behavior than ever before
you have it backwards, they would be crying about what the liberals of today have done to this great country and how they have defiled the constitution.
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights

Yeah like being forced to buy health insurance
Having the government be able to turn every cell phone into a listening device
Warrantless wiretaps
3 AM no knock search warrants performed by masked government agents

Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws

And the worst transgression to conservatives is being forced to buy health insurance

"Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws"

Why would they support those issues now?

they didn't support them then.
Imagine that....liberal views evolve

You are a liberal or conservative based upon the time in which you live. Our founders were the greatest liberals of their day

They'd have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century, much less the 21st, and unlikely they would accept womans, civil, or gay rights, child labor, ACA.

Is your post a fantasy, or a delusion?
The founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

They would be proud of the expansion of individual rights

Yeah like being forced to buy health insurance
Having the government be able to turn every cell phone into a listening device
Warrantless wiretaps
3 AM no knock search warrants performed by masked government agents

Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws

And the worst transgression to conservatives is being forced to buy health insurance

"Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws"

Why would they support those issues now?

they didn't support them then.
Imagine that....liberal views evolve

You are a liberal or conservative based upon the time in which you live. Our founders were the greatest liberals of their day

They'd have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century, much less the 21st, and unlikely they would accept womans, civil, or gay rights, child labor, ACA.

Is your post a fantasy, or a delusion?
They wouldn't accept cars or the internet either

What is your point?
Yeah like being forced to buy health insurance
Having the government be able to turn every cell phone into a listening device
Warrantless wiretaps
3 AM no knock search warrants performed by masked government agents

Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws

And the worst transgression to conservatives is being forced to buy health insurance

"Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, worker protections, laws protecting the handicapped, child labor laws"

Why would they support those issues now?

they didn't support them then.
Imagine that....liberal views evolve

You are a liberal or conservative based upon the time in which you live. Our founders were the greatest liberals of their day

They'd have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century, much less the 21st, and unlikely they would accept womans, civil, or gay rights, child labor, ACA.

Is your post a fantasy, or a delusion?
They wouldn't accept cars or the internet either

What is your point?

Now you're deflecting to inventions over attitudes?

Just wondering: Should we rename Washington DC because Washington had slaves? Tear down the Jefferson memorial? Rename Washington state?

Where does this foolish PC end?

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