On the GOP

Love it when left wing nutters try to "save" the GOP.

I believe two strong political parties create the best government, one leaning left, one leaning right. The left wing and right wing are composed of people on the fringe of the political spectrum, usually inflexible and unwilling to see the other sides point of view. Examples abound, the Tea Party, The Socialist Workers Party, the American Nazi Party, the Libertarian Party, the Peace and Freedom Party, etc.

Why don't you define "left wing Nutters", using examples of their beliefs and actions? I double-dog dare you!
They were even being made fun of on Fox (GOP TV)

Get used to this nonsense guys. The GOP has went to hell in hand basket. Meanwhile, ass hats (like WC) are going to give their phony, sanctimonious two bits on the matter.
Indeed. BOTH parties need to be abolished. Remember what Washington stated in his farewell address?

George Washington: "It serves to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration....agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one....against another....it opens the door to foreign influence and corruption...thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another."

George Washington's Farewell Address

Didn't take note, did we? Look where we are...
Get used to this nonsense guys. The GOP has went to hell in hand basket. Meanwhile, ass hats (like WC) are going to give their phony, sanctimonious two bits on the matter.

WC is a blind sycophant. They exist in both parties.

And you're an ignorant buffoon. See how easy it is to attack the person and not their argument? How come you and others have resorted to the ad hominem and not countered the points made in the OP.
Love it when left wing nutters try to "save" the GOP.

I believe two strong political parties create the best government, one leaning left, one leaning right. The left wing and right wing are composed of people on the fringe of the political spectrum, usually inflexible and unwilling to see the other sides point of view. Examples abound, the Tea Party, The Socialist Workers Party, the American Nazi Party, the Libertarian Party, the Peace and Freedom Party, etc.

Why don't you define "left wing Nutters", using examples of their beliefs and actions?
I double-dog dare you!

why don't you?
since you seem to think you know what a right wing nutters are
so I guess many of you liberals-Democrats are left wing nutters... you all are inflexible and UNWILLING to see other side point of view...and because a person has beliefs they won't give up, that makes them on the fringe...man oh man...you prove my point of being a left wing nutter
Get used to this nonsense guys. The GOP has went to hell in hand basket. Meanwhile, ass hats (like WC) are going to give their phony, sanctimonious two bits on the matter.
Indeed. BOTH parties need to be abolished. Remember what Washington stated in his farewell address?

George Washington: "It serves to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration....agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one....against another....it opens the door to foreign influence and corruption...thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another."

George Washington's Farewell Address

Didn't take note, did we? Look where we are...

Nope, we did not. But let's not focus only on political parties:

In his address Washington:

Extolls the benefits of the federal government. "The unity of government...is a main pillar in the edifice of your real independence...of your tranquility at home, your peace abroad; of your safety; of your prosperity; of that very liberty which you so highly prize."

Warns against the party system. "It serves to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration....agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one....against another....it opens the door to foreign influence and corruption...thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another."

Stresses the importance of religion and morality. "Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice?"

On stable public credit. "...cherish public credit. One method of preserving it is to use it as sparingly as possible...avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt....it is essential that you...bear in mind, that towards the payments of debts there must be Revenue, that to have Revenue there must be taxes; that no taxes can be devised, which are not...inconvenient and unpleasant..."

Warns against permanent foreign alliances. "It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world..."

On an over-powerful military establishment. "...avoid the necessity of those overgrown military establishments, which, under any form of government, are inauspicious to liberty, and which are to be regarded as particularly hostile to Republican Liberty."
Love it when left wing nutters try to "save" the GOP.

I believe two strong political parties create the best government, one leaning left, one leaning right. The left wing and right wing are composed of people on the fringe of the political spectrum, usually inflexible and unwilling to see the other sides point of view. Examples abound, the Tea Party, The Socialist Workers Party, the American Nazi Party, the Libertarian Party, the Peace and Freedom Party, etc.

Why don't you define "left wing Nutters", using examples of their beliefs and actions? I double-dog dare you!

Dare accepted. Left wing nutters believe that because they won the POTUS elections that they can tell their opposites, whom they are dedicated to defeating, how to win and ACTULLY think that they make sense. They give themselves names like "Wry Catcher".
Get used to this nonsense guys. The GOP has went to hell in hand basket. Meanwhile, ass hats (like WC) are going to give their phony, sanctimonious two bits on the matter.
Indeed. BOTH parties need to be abolished. Remember what Washington stated in his farewell address?

George Washington: "It serves to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration....agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one....against another....it opens the door to foreign influence and corruption...thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another."

George Washington's Farewell Address

Didn't take note, did we? Look where we are...

agreed. They both have too much concentrated power and are easily identified by the big biz lobbyists.
Get used to this nonsense guys. The GOP has went to hell in hand basket. Meanwhile, ass hats (like WC) are going to give their phony, sanctimonious two bits on the matter.

WC is a blind sycophant. They exist in both parties.

And you're an ignorant buffoon. See how easy it is to attack the person and not their argument? How come you and others have resorted to the ad hominem and not countered the points made in the OP.

Hey, you started all of this. Grow some balls -or- get the hell out of dodge if you can't handle the backlash. See how easy it is to get slapped around here when you piss off the wrong people? You have no clue. Your solutions are bogus and are not even worth the time to debate. Your entire OP is disingenuous. You insult the intelligence of not only myself, but of other actual logically thinking people.

I will kindly ask you to shut the fuck up.
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The Republican Party (RP) is dying by its own hand. To be viable it needs to weed out extremists and understand a national party needs to represent all United States Citizens. At one time the party leaders pretended to have a big tent open to everyone; once that was proved ridiculous they dropped the tag-line and even the pretext of cultural pluralism.

There is no doubt that the RP is the party of Big Business and holds blue collar workers in disdain. Their policies exploit the low income worker, both non citizen immigrants and Americans citizens, and deceive the middle class with platitudes, false pathos and promises never fulfilled. They obfuscate issues with emotion laden propaganda and misuse words - making them pejoratives - to defame anyone who represents a threat to their one goal: Power.

Essentially the RP of today is built on a foundation of mendacity and is little different than the French Aristocracy before 1789. While the phrase, "let them eat cake" is apocryphal it exists today in the policies of the extreme members in GOP leadership, especially on the state level. Attacks on Unionism, demands that the poor pay more in taxes and the 'job creators' pay less, eliminating the minimum wage law, acting as if those in the legislatures know better then do doctors on the needs of health for women and children, building barriers to voting and that anyone who attempts to curtail the abuse of health insurers is a Communist, Socialist or Statist.

Unless the RP wakes up it will find itself a footnote in history.

I actually agree with you about the GOP. What I find odd is that you seem to think that the DP is not also made up of extremists and that it comes anywhere close to representing "all United States Citizens". How can you possibly defend such an insinuation?

Love it when left wing nutters try to "save" the GOP.

I believe two strong political parties create the best government, one leaning left, one leaning right. The left wing and right wing are composed of people on the fringe of the political spectrum, usually inflexible and unwilling to see the other sides point of view. Examples abound, the Tea Party, The Socialist Workers Party, the American Nazi Party, the Libertarian Party, the Peace and Freedom Party, etc.

Why don't you define "left wing Nutters", using examples of their beliefs and actions?
I double-dog dare you!

why don't you?
since you seem to think you know what a right wing nutters are
so I guess many of you liberals-Democrats are left wing nutters... you all are inflexible and UNWILLING to see other side point of view...and because a person has beliefs they won't give up, that makes them on the fringe...man oh man...you prove my point of being a left wing nutter

Temper, temper ... I hear the point of view from the right wing, and I reject it, as I do those left wingers who are as far off the main stream as are those on the right.

A left wing nutter as you so eloquently wrote is someone who hides his face in a mask and destroys property in a violent protest whenever the G-8 meet; an echo terrorists who destroys property or places steel spikes in trees creating a lethal danger for woodsmen.

I can name the right wing nutters, Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolph who commit murder.
Get used to this nonsense guys. The GOP has went to hell in hand basket. Meanwhile, ass hats (like WC) are going to give their phony, sanctimonious two bits on the matter.
Indeed. BOTH parties need to be abolished. Remember what Washington stated in his farewell address?

George Washington: "It serves to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration....agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one....against another....it opens the door to foreign influence and corruption...thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another."

George Washington's Farewell Address

Didn't take note, did we? Look where we are...

agreed. They both have too much concentrated power and are easily identified by the big biz lobbyists.
So remind me what the intent of this thread is again? AND incidentally? When will you be posting a similar thread regarding Democrats?
The GOP is just fine. funny how the libtards would favor a monopoly party. These fools rant and rave all day and all night about equality and fairness, but they want a system where one political group rules by dictate.

In short, they are idiots.
The Republican Party (RP) is dying by its own hand. To be viable it needs to weed out extremists and understand a national party needs to represent all United States Citizens. At one time the party leaders pretended to have a big tent open to everyone; once that was proved ridiculous they dropped the tag-line and even the pretext of cultural pluralism.

There is no doubt that the RP is the party of Big Business and holds blue collar workers in disdain. Their policies exploit the low income worker, both non citizen immigrants and Americans citizens, and deceive the middle class with platitudes, false pathos and promises never fulfilled. They obfuscate issues with emotion laden propaganda and misuse words - making them pejoratives - to defame anyone who represents a threat to their one goal: Power.

Essentially the RP of today is built on a foundation of mendacity and is little different than the French Aristocracy before 1789. While the phrase, "let them eat cake" is apocryphal it exists today in the policies of the extreme members in GOP leadership, especially on the state level. Attacks on Unionism, demands that the poor pay more in taxes and the 'job creators' pay less, eliminating the minimum wage law, acting as if those in the legislatures know better then do doctors on the needs of health for women and children, building barriers to voting and that anyone who attempts to curtail the abuse of health insurers is a Communist, Socialist or Statist.

Unless the RP wakes up it will find itself a footnote in history.

I actually agree with you about the GOP. What I find odd is that you seem to think that the DP is not also made up of extremists and that it comes anywhere close to representing "all United States Citizens". How can you possibly defend such an insinuation?


I'm a Democrat because I believe in the Social Contract, safety nets and a level playing field. The GOP which claims Christianity does nothing to suggest they believe in the teachings of Jesus which I learned in the Catechism
Indeed. BOTH parties need to be abolished. Remember what Washington stated in his farewell address?

George Washington's Farewell Address

Didn't take note, did we? Look where we are...

agreed. They both have too much concentrated power and are easily identified by the big biz lobbyists.
So remind me what the intent of this thread is again? AND incidentally? When will you be posting a similar thread regarding Democrats?

why would I? I never claimed to be a Democrat. I merely choose them as there is no one else to choose because of the two-party system. Certainly you don't think I would side with the Republicans? They seem to be on the way out anyway as the OP asserts. By their own doing, I might add ;) There doesn't seem to be too many groups left that they haven't already offended w/ their rw rhetoric
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agreed. They both have too much concentrated power and are easily identified by the big biz lobbyists.
So remind me what the intent of this thread is again? AND incidentally? When will you be posting a similar thread regarding Democrats?

why would I? I never claimed to be a Democrat. I merely choose them as there is no one else to choose because of the two-party system. Certainly you don't think I would side with the Republicans?
Good point...and I side with ZERO parties either. they are the reason why we are where we are.
The GOP is just fine. funny how the libtards would favor a monopoly party. These fools rant and rave all day and all night about equality and fairness, but they want a system where one political group rules by dictate.

In short, they are idiots.

you see how they post about the Gop like they aren't SUPPOSE to their OWN beliefs..they think the Gop would be better off to imitate them I guess..well if I wanted to be a liberal-Democrat-commie, I'd join the Democrat party

getting advice from a left wing nutter on how the gop could change is a hoot?
they never see anything wrong with the Democrat though..how funny is that?
The Republican Party (RP) is dying by its own hand. To be viable it needs to weed out extremists and understand a national party needs to represent all United States Citizens. At one time the party leaders pretended to have a big tent open to everyone; once that was proved ridiculous they dropped the tag-line and even the pretext of cultural pluralism.

There is no doubt that the RP is the party of Big Business and holds blue collar workers in disdain. Their policies exploit the low income worker, both non citizen immigrants and Americans citizens, and deceive the middle class with platitudes, false pathos and promises never fulfilled. They obfuscate issues with emotion laden propaganda and misuse words - making them pejoratives - to defame anyone who represents a threat to their one goal: Power.

Essentially the RP of today is built on a foundation of mendacity and is little different than the French Aristocracy before 1789. While the phrase, "let them eat cake" is apocryphal it exists today in the policies of the extreme members in GOP leadership, especially on the state level. Attacks on Unionism, demands that the poor pay more in taxes and the 'job creators' pay less, eliminating the minimum wage law, acting as if those in the legislatures know better then do doctors on the needs of health for women and children, building barriers to voting and that anyone who attempts to curtail the abuse of health insurers is a Communist, Socialist or Statist.

Unless the RP wakes up it will find itself a footnote in history.

I actually agree with you about the GOP. What I find odd is that you seem to think that the DP is not also made up of extremists and that it comes anywhere close to representing "all United States Citizens". How can you possibly defend such an insinuation?


I'm a Democrat because I believe in the Social Contract, safety nets and a level playing field. The GOP which claims Christianity does nothing to suggest they believe in the teachings of Jesus which I learned in the Catechism

Safety nets. No wonder Democrats can't handle failure. They need to protect themselves from it.
The GOP is just fine. funny how the libtards would favor a monopoly party. These fools rant and rave all day and all night about equality and fairness, but they want a system where one political group rules by dictate.

In short, they are idiots.

Gee, a well thought out post (sarcasm alert). It was Tom Delay who worked towards a continuing Republican Majority. I actually believe RINO have some good ideas, sadly the RINO have been tossed out of the 'big' tent.

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