On the GOP

I love these concern troll posts about the Republican Party. Constitutionalists and libertarians are making serious inroads into the party bringing positive change. That movement is the only bright spot in American politics.

Who in their right mind would take political analysis of the Republican party by a democrat seriously? I guess the assembly line democrats the school system is churning out might give them some heed. Intelligent people simply file the nattering under the wishful thinking category.
It should make sense. You have a democrat in the White House. You willfully put that democrat in office twice without possibly considering the wide ranging implications of your decision. That is what I mean by "while you hold the dagger, ready to plunge it into the heart of America" if my euphemisms are too difficult for you to understand, that is something I cannot help you with.

I see. You're not admitting to being a member of the GOP, nor of the Democratic Party. So why would you find my comments on the current state of the RP amusing or worth an ad hominem? I'm may be off base, but I smell a self righteous curmudgeon whose allegiance is only to himself and enjoys 'hearing' himself 'talk'.

A thoughtful response would either defend the RP (though it is hard to imagine a thoughtful post defending the RP of today) or, in your case, and argument offering an alternative to the DP and the RP.
Actually, a thoughtful response is no response at all. Your premise is flawed and therefore requires no comment. If anything, it is nothing but a bait and switch to get people to defend what YOU consider the indefensible. Except that what you consider indefensible is itself, an extremist position.

Now you're being ridiculous. My "premise"? I pointed out facts and offered an opinion. You may disagree and LOL or ignore my post. But don't lie and pretend, for example, what the GOP is doing on the issue of abortion isn't an attack on women; what the H. of Rep. is doing on the Immigration issue is not an attack on Latinos.
My intent (really!) was not to invite the echo chamber to have a circle jerk and post red herrings. Time will tell if the RP can survive or go the way of the Whigs.

A thoughtful response would explain away the wrongheaded remarks by Republican Leaders on women, immigrants, gun control, and foreign policy with examples of common sense solutions to the problems facing our country.

It was easy enough to get you to reveal your true intentions. We question what your definition of a "thoughtful response" would be. Your usage of the phrase "common sense solutions" is quite ironic since you have offered none.
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The Republican Party (RP) is dying by its own hand. To be viable it needs to weed out extremists and understand a national party needs to represent all United States Citizens. At one time the party leaders pretended to have a big tent open to everyone; once that was proved ridiculous they dropped the tag-line and even the pretext of cultural pluralism.

There is no doubt that the RP is the party of Big Business and holds blue collar workers in disdain. Their policies exploit the low income worker, both non citizen immigrants and Americans citizens, and deceive the middle class with platitudes, false pathos and promises never fulfilled. They obfuscate issues with emotion laden propaganda and misuse words - making them pejoratives - to defame anyone who represents a threat to their one goal: Power.

Essentially the RP of today is built on a foundation of mendacity and is little different than the French Aristocracy before 1789. While the phrase, "let them eat cake" is apocryphal it exists today in the policies of the extreme members in GOP leadership, especially on the state level. Attacks on Unionism, demands that the poor pay more in taxes and the 'job creators' pay less, eliminating the minimum wage law, acting as if those in the legislatures know better then do doctors on the needs of health for women and children, building barriers to voting and that anyone who attempts to curtail the abuse of health insurers is a Communist, Socialist or Statist.

Unless the RP wakes up it will find itself a footnote in history.


Which leads to the next question: does the GOP Old Guard have the courage and strength of will to stand up to the social conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and radical fiscal right, as did the democrats to the extreme left some 20 years ago?

Since democrats relegated liberals to the political sidelines, they’ve won four of the last six presidential/general elections.

The majority of Americans reject extremism – both left and right.

And does the GOP Old Guard have the courage and strength of will to void the Faustian bargain they struck with the radical right? Or will the gerrymandering, fear of being primaried, and animosity toward diversity and dissent continue to drag down a once great and honorable political party?
I see. You're not admitting to being a member of the GOP, nor of the Democratic Party. So why would you find my comments on the current state of the RP amusing or worth an ad hominem? I'm may be off base, but I smell a self righteous curmudgeon whose allegiance is only to himself and enjoys 'hearing' himself 'talk'.

A thoughtful response would either defend the RP (though it is hard to imagine a thoughtful post defending the RP of today) or, in your case, and argument offering an alternative to the DP and the RP.
Actually, a thoughtful response is no response at all. Your premise is flawed and therefore requires no comment. If anything, it is nothing but a bait and switch to get people to defend what YOU consider the indefensible. Except that what you consider indefensible is itself, an extremist position.

Now you're being ridiculous. My "premise"? I pointed out facts and offered an opinion. You may disagree and LOL or ignore my post. But don't lie and pretend, for example, what the GOP is doing on the issue of abortion isn't an attack on women; what the H. of Rep. is doing on the Immigration issue is not an attack on Latinos.

you offered bs is all
here is no doubt that the RP is the party of Big Business and holds blue collar workers in disdain.
wasn't one fact in that spew of yours
Left wing nutter: The GOP is dying, but hey, I'll tell you how you can win again.

Republican: How's that?

Left Wing Nutter: Adopt the Progressive platform.

for sure..
they do love to PRETEND they Represent ALL, like they are the only party of the Big Tent..

they make me laugh
The Republican Party (RP) is dying by its own hand. To be viable it needs to weed out extremists and understand a national party needs to represent all United States Citizens. At one time the party leaders pretended to have a big tent open to everyone; once that was proved ridiculous they dropped the tag-line and even the pretext of cultural pluralism.

There is no doubt that the RP is the party of Big Business and holds blue collar workers in disdain. Their policies exploit the low income worker, both non citizen immigrants and Americans citizens, and deceive the middle class with platitudes, false pathos and promises never fulfilled. They obfuscate issues with emotion laden propaganda and misuse words - making them pejoratives - to defame anyone who represents a threat to their one goal: Power.

Essentially the RP of today is built on a foundation of mendacity and is little different than the French Aristocracy before 1789. While the phrase, "let them eat cake" is apocryphal it exists today in the policies of the extreme members in GOP leadership, especially on the state level. Attacks on Unionism, demands that the poor pay more in taxes and the 'job creators' pay less, eliminating the minimum wage law, acting as if those in the legislatures know better then do doctors on the needs of health for women and children, building barriers to voting and that anyone who attempts to curtail the abuse of health insurers is a Communist, Socialist or Statist.

Unless the RP wakes up it will find itself a footnote in history.


Which leads to the next question: does the GOP Old Guard have the courage and strength of will to stand up to the social conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and radical fiscal right, as did the democrats to the extreme left some 20 years ago?

Since democrats relegated liberals to the political sidelines, they’ve won four of the last six presidential/general elections.

The majority of Americans reject extremism – both left and right.

And does the GOP Old Guard have the courage and strength of will to void the Faustian bargain they struck with the radical right? Or will the gerrymandering, fear of being primaried, and animosity toward diversity and dissent continue to drag down a once great and honorable political party?

This is exactly what I mean. You agree blindly. Thought counters bias.
Since I espouse to neither this party or the other, I find this post to be quite amusing. You think one party is committing suicide, while you hold the dagger ready to plunge it into the heart of America.

I do believe the GOP is committing political suicide; what you mean by, "while you hold the dagger ready to plunge it into the heart of America" makes no sense.

It should make sense. You have a democrat in the White House. You willfully put that democrat in office twice without possibly considering the wide ranging implications of your decision. That is what I mean by "while you hold the dagger, ready to plunge it into the heart of America" if my euphemisms are too difficult for you to understand, that is something I cannot help you with.

No they’re not too ‘difficult to understand,’ they’re just idiotic hyperbole and wrong.
My intent (really!) was not to invite the echo chamber to have a circle jerk and post red herrings. Time will tell if the RP can survive or go the way of the Whigs.

A thoughtful response would explain away the wrongheaded remarks by Republican Leaders on women, immigrants, gun control, and foreign policy with examples of common sense solutions to the problems facing our country.

Actually that goes in support of your premise, as the conservative subscribers to this thread illustrate well what is indeed wrong with the GOP, and why it’s likely not to change.
The Republican Party (RP) is dying by its own hand. To be viable it needs to weed out extremists and understand a national party needs to represent all United States Citizens. At one time the party leaders pretended to have a big tent open to everyone; once that was proved ridiculous they dropped the tag-line and even the pretext of cultural pluralism.

There is no doubt that the RP is the party of Big Business and holds blue collar workers in disdain. Their policies exploit the low income worker, both non citizen immigrants and Americans citizens, and deceive the middle class with platitudes, false pathos and promises never fulfilled. They obfuscate issues with emotion laden propaganda and misuse words - making them pejoratives - to defame anyone who represents a threat to their one goal: Power.

Essentially the RP of today is built on a foundation of mendacity and is little different than the French Aristocracy before 1789. While the phrase, "let them eat cake" is apocryphal it exists today in the policies of the extreme members in GOP leadership, especially on the state level. Attacks on Unionism, demands that the poor pay more in taxes and the 'job creators' pay less, eliminating the minimum wage law, acting as if those in the legislatures know better then do doctors on the needs of health for women and children, building barriers to voting and that anyone who attempts to curtail the abuse of health insurers is a Communist, Socialist or Statist.

Unless the RP wakes up it will find itself a footnote in history.


Which leads to the next question: does the GOP Old Guard have the courage and strength of will to stand up to the social conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and radical fiscal right, as did the democrats to the extreme left some 20 years ago?

Since democrats relegated liberals to the political sidelines, they’ve won four of the last six presidential/general elections.

The majority of Americans reject extremism – both left and right.

And does the GOP Old Guard have the courage and strength of will to void the Faustian bargain they struck with the radical right? Or will the gerrymandering, fear of being primaried, and animosity toward diversity and dissent continue to drag down a once great and honorable political party?

You missed this

Obama reflects on 'shellacking' in midterm elections
I do believe the GOP is committing political suicide; what you mean by, "while you hold the dagger ready to plunge it into the heart of America" makes no sense.

It should make sense. You have a democrat in the White House. You willfully put that democrat in office twice without possibly considering the wide ranging implications of your decision. That is what I mean by "while you hold the dagger, ready to plunge it into the heart of America" if my euphemisms are too difficult for you to understand, that is something I cannot help you with.

No they’re not too ‘difficult to understand,’ they’re just idiotic hyperbole and wrong.

And that is a troll post. Where's the thoughtful debate Wry wanted you to have? Oh yeah that's right, I'm talking to a troll.
The Republican Party (RP) is dying by its own hand. To be viable it needs to weed out extremists and understand a national party needs to represent all United States Citizens. At one time the party leaders pretended to have a big tent open to everyone; once that was proved ridiculous they dropped the tag-line and even the pretext of cultural pluralism.

There is no doubt that the RP is the party of Big Business and holds blue collar workers in disdain. Their policies exploit the low income worker, both non citizen immigrants and Americans citizens, and deceive the middle class with platitudes, false pathos and promises never fulfilled. They obfuscate issues with emotion laden propaganda and misuse words - making them pejoratives - to defame anyone who represents a threat to their one goal: Power.

Essentially the RP of today is built on a foundation of mendacity and is little different than the French Aristocracy before 1789. While the phrase, "let them eat cake" is apocryphal it exists today in the policies of the extreme members in GOP leadership, especially on the state level. Attacks on Unionism, demands that the poor pay more in taxes and the 'job creators' pay less, eliminating the minimum wage law, acting as if those in the legislatures know better then do doctors on the needs of health for women and children, building barriers to voting and that anyone who attempts to curtail the abuse of health insurers is a Communist, Socialist or Statist.

Unless the RP wakes up it will find itself a footnote in history.

I have one question, are the Republicans committing suicide by disagreeing with you, or are they doing it by agreeing with you?
My intent (really!) was not to invite the echo chamber to have a circle jerk and post red herrings. Time will tell if the RP can survive or go the way of the Whigs.

A thoughtful response would explain away the wrongheaded remarks by Republican Leaders on women, immigrants, gun control, and foreign policy with examples of common sense solutions to the problems facing our country.

Actually that goes in support of your premise, as the conservative subscribers to this thread illustrate well what is indeed wrong with the GOP, and why it’s likely not to change.

Do what?

I'll ask you the same question I asked your butt buddy: How do you know the mechanics and tendencies of a party you've never been a member of?

Haha, you two need to get a room.
The Republican Party (RP) is dying by its own hand. To be viable it needs to weed out extremists and understand a national party needs to represent all United States Citizens. At one time the party leaders pretended to have a big tent open to everyone; once that was proved ridiculous they dropped the tag-line and even the pretext of cultural pluralism.

There is no doubt that the RP is the party of Big Business and holds blue collar workers in disdain. Their policies exploit the low income worker, both non citizen immigrants and Americans citizens, and deceive the middle class with platitudes, false pathos and promises never fulfilled. They obfuscate issues with emotion laden propaganda and misuse words - making them pejoratives - to defame anyone who represents a threat to their one goal: Power.

Essentially the RP of today is built on a foundation of mendacity and is little different than the French Aristocracy before 1789. While the phrase, "let them eat cake" is apocryphal it exists today in the policies of the extreme members in GOP leadership, especially on the state level. Attacks on Unionism, demands that the poor pay more in taxes and the 'job creators' pay less, eliminating the minimum wage law, acting as if those in the legislatures know better then do doctors on the needs of health for women and children, building barriers to voting and that anyone who attempts to curtail the abuse of health insurers is a Communist, Socialist or Statist.

Unless the RP wakes up it will find itself a footnote in history.

I have one question, are the Republicans committing suicide by disagreeing with you, or are they doing it by agreeing with you?

Game. Set. Match.
Get used to this nonsense guys. The GOP has went to hell in hand basket. Meanwhile, ass hats (like WC) are going to give their phony, sanctimonious two bits on the matter.

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