Move aside american, here comes china


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
World's largest building opens in west China

BEIJING (AP) -- Move aside Dubai. China now has what is billed as the world's largest building — a vast, wavy rectangular box of glass and steel that will house shops, hotels, offices and a faux ocean beach with a huge LED screen for video sunsets.

The mammoth New Century Global Center that opened last month in the southwestern Chinese city of Chengdu has 1.7 million square meters (19 million square feet) of floor space — or about 329 football fields — edging out the previous record-holder, the Dubai airport.

The structure is half a kilometer long, 400 meters wide and 100 meters high.

The New Century project is a sign that China's growth has spread from the country's more prosperous eastern and southern regions to the west, where wages are lower and the central government has encouraged development with subsidies and tax breaks. With its booming economy, China has become home to some of the largest and tallest buildings in the world.

Backed by local governments, the building in a planned urban district south of Chengdu aims to boost the global stature of the capital city of Sichuan province, known for its spicy cuisine.

Once fully completed, the centerpiece of the building will be a water park with a 400-meter coast and beaches under a gigantic glass dome. Up to 6,000 visitors at a time will be able to sunbathe, play in a wave pool, sip cocktails or feast on seafood. A 150-meter-by-40-meter LED screen will rise above a section of water with videos of an ocean horizon.

World's largest building opens in west China

yes we can!!!
That used to be our money...we better wake up and start making our own stuff again PRONTO.
Our strength was always being self-sufficient....our steel from Pittsburgh and copper from Arizona built our cars and appliances....our cotton in Dixie supplied the textile mills in the Carolinas...our leather made our shoes, Michigan timber went into our furniture factories in Grand Rapids....our electronics industry was the best in the world. We made our own pianos and guitars, and lawnmowers. We have more oil than everybody else put together, we can feed ourselves and have enough left over for the rest of the world to eat.

What happened? We stopped caring about quality, the union leadership forgot they were there to represent the workers instead of themselves, and the Fortune 500 said "SCREW IT" to the EPA and the patriotism we always counted on from our corporations. Can we fix it? Yes we not putting up with it any longer....we're the ones getting screwed by both parties....first throw out the Rats, then the GOPers and get some REAL change....the unions must learn they can earn a fair wage from quality work and the companies must learn their workers deserve to make a good living too.

Time for the Fortune 500 to come HOME now...either from political pressure or by force of law to avoid massive tariffs and siezure of product as contraband. They can reopen every shuttered factory within 6 months....imagine that happening.....imagine the jobs and the new taxes flowing in to fund SS and Medicare. We either stop playing by their rules or go under.
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Business starts are over 1 year in the USA but it is not all at the fed level, much of it is done by states and local govts. But yes, it needs to be redone to allow business starts a shorter period for operation.
Oh dear. Las Vegas comes to China. Hell of a thing for the oldest continuous culture in the world. Sad, too.
BOYCOTT CHINESE more pestcide-soaked more poisoned baby more arsenic-laced apple juice, no more crap tools that snap in the middle of a project, no more letting them keep their currency devalued to stay cheaper than American-made. Why we gave them our industrial base to turn them into a "market economy" never made any sense....the only ones enriched by "opening china" were the Kissinger/Alexander Haig/Bush41 crowd...the same dirtbags who got us into the WTO and NAFTA which the traitor Clinturd signed....the same Clinturd who gave Loral permission to sell our rocket telemetry to them for campaign their ICBMs will hit American cities instead of spiraling into the ocean....Thanks piece of shit.
Our strength was always being self-sufficient....our steel from Pittsburgh and copper from Arizona built our cars and appliances....our cotton in Dixie supplied the textile mills in the Carolinas...our leather made our shoes, Michigan timber went into our furniture factories in Grand Rapids....our electronics industry was the best in the world. We made our own pianos and guitars, and lawnmowers. We have more oil than everybody else put together, we can feed ourselves and have enough left over for the rest of the world to eat.

What happened? We stopped caring about quality, the union leadership forgot they were there to represent the workers instead of themselves, and the Fortune 500 said "SCREW IT" to the EPA and the patriotism we always counted on from our corporations. Can we fix it? Yes we not putting up with it any longer....we're the ones getting screwed by both parties....first throw out the Rats, then the GOPers and get some REAL change....the unions must learn they can earn a fair wage from quality work and the companies must learn their workers deserve to make a good living too.

Time for the Fortune 500 to come HOME now...either from political pressure or by force of law to avoid massive tariffs and siezure of product as contraband. They can reopen every shuttered factory within 6 months....imagine that happening.....imagine the jobs and the new taxes flowing in to fund SS and Medicare. We either stop playing by their rules or go under.

I have told the board over and over again what happened, CLINTON. It was predicted then and has happened we should not be surprised. His free trade BS which was not free caused a great sucking sound of jobs leaving the country as predicted. Certainly it will be argued that the Republicans supported the bills and that would be correct. The only problem is that a Republican President would have an extremely hard time getting them pass a Senate filibuster. So it took Clinton pushing harder for those agreements then anything else in his term. That is why I say Clinton was the worse, for America, of any president in my life time and there has been 12.
BOYCOTT CHINESE more pestcide-soaked more poisoned baby more arsenic-laced apple juice, no more crap tools that snap in the middle of a project, no more letting them keep their currency devalued to stay cheaper than American-made. Why we gave them our industrial base to turn them into a "market economy" never made any sense....the only ones enriched by "opening china" were the Kissinger/Alexander Haig/Bush41 crowd...the same dirtbags who got us into the WTO and NAFTA which the traitor Clinturd signed....the same Clinturd who gave Loral permission to sell our rocket telemetry to them for campaign their ICBMs will hit American cities instead of spiraling into the ocean....Thanks piece of shit.

Clinton was the worse thing that happened to America. Put on top of that DOMA DADT his lying under oath which demisinished the presidency and we have nothing but a disaster for the country. But, the economy out lasted him so he is remembered as being great by the liberal left. Bush took the brunt of the crap Clinton put upon us. And now people want Clinton 2? WTF is wrong with people?
US Grants China Permanent Most Favored Nation Status

On December 27, 2001, US President George W. Bush decided to grant China permanent trade status, formerly called the “most-favored-nation treatment.” Bush’s proclamation ended a long history of an annual review in the US Congress of China’s permanent trade status, removing a major obstacle to the development of bilateral economic relations and trade between the US and China.

Chronology of China-US Relations

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