On a Scale of One to Ten, How Much Do You Fear Being Accused of Racism?

After all the damage they caused, I'm more fearful of being accused of being a Republican.
It's pretty safe to say that the majority of White people living in the Western world are afraid of the consequences of being called a racist. This is mostly due to Black people knowing that they can profit from issuing the accusation, even when it's unwarranted. So, what lengths would you go to to avoid being accused of being a racist?
I'm not afraid of it. Only a moron would call me a racist.
Couldn't care less.
Facts aren't "racist".
In your case facts are you're a racist ;)

Which "facts" are you referring to? I know you're trying to be "clever" and "amusing", but calling people names is never very clever.
You are proud of your views and convince yourself they are based in fact when nothing could be further from the truth. You feel superior to another race based on your race so being called a racist is not name calling. You wear it boldly, why deny it?
Right. Only racists fear being called racists. They betray their beliefs about race without even realizing it.
It's pretty safe to say that the majority of White people living in the Western world are afraid of the consequences of being called a racist. This is mostly due to Black people knowing that they can profit from issuing the accusation, even when it's unwarranted. So, what lengths would you go to to avoid being accused of being a racist?
I'm not afraid of it. Only a moron would call me a racist.

You may not harbour any animosity towards other races, but the accusation of racism is usually used to strengthen the chance of whoever issued the accusation profiting from it.
It's pretty safe to say that the majority of White people living in the Western world are afraid of the consequences of being called a racist. This is mostly due to Black people knowing that they can profit from issuing the accusation, even when it's unwarranted. So, what lengths would you go to to avoid being accused of being a racist?
I'm not afraid of it. Only a moron would call me a racist.

You may not harbour any animosity towards other races, but the accusation of racism is usually used to strengthen the chance of whoever issued the accusation profiting from it.
You're ridiculous. You don't know what you are talking about. Your premise is illogical because it is based in racism. Poor pitiful you.
It's pretty safe to say that the majority of White people living in the Western world are afraid of the consequences of being called a racist. This is mostly due to Black people knowing that they can profit from issuing the accusation, even when it's unwarranted. So, what lengths would you go to to avoid being accused of being a racist?
I'm not afraid of it. Only a moron would call me a racist.

You may not harbour any animosity towards other races, but the accusation of racism is usually used to strengthen the chance of whoever issued the accusation profiting from it.
You're ridiculous. You don't know what you are talking about. Your premise is illogical because it is based in racism. Poor pitiful you.

Noticing trends in behaviour doesn't fit within the definition of racism. You can try again if you like. But next time you'll have to explain how what you quoted me on is racist.
but the accusation of racism is usually used to strengthen the chance of whoever issued the accusation profiting from it.

are you afraid people can't think for themselves? :lol:
i don't have the time to play your games, answering questions with questions just to keep your silly thread rolling...
no i asked you a question and you answer with a question.

your demonstrable concern for being called racist indicates you assume people can't decide for themselves.

are you afraid people can't think for themselves??
no i asked you a question and you answer with a question.

your demonstrable concern for being called racist indicates you assume people can't decide for themselves.

are you afraid people can't think for themselves??

Assuming people fear something that is documented as being harmful doesn't mean that I think people can't think for themselves, or that I'm afraid of people "thinking for themselves". People fear disability. Does it mean I'm "afraid" of people thinking for themselves if I assume that people fear the possibility of becoming disabled?
White guilt, that's so funny.

Being called a racist can't harm you if you aren't a racist. And if you are you'll still find plenty of supporters that will defend your right to be a racist and secretly agree with your racism.

So you and Sunni can quit fearing the label.

Paula Deen wasn't a racist (in that she didn't feel superior to others on account of her race), yet the accusation harmed her reputation and livelihood beyond repair.

What are your opinions on the likes of Rev. Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?


At 0.26 seconds the Black presenter said "my people" in relation to her race. How divisive. I wonder what would happen if a White presenter said my people when referencing members of their race?

And you can also tell she said it with a twinkle in her eye. Context, Swaggerist, context.
It's pretty safe to say that the majority of White people living in the Western world are afraid of the consequences of being called a racist. This is mostly due to Black people knowing that they can profit from issuing the accusation, even when it's unwarranted. So, what lengths would you go to to avoid being accused of being a racist?

Frankly the word means nothing to me anymore. It's been over used to the point where it's like the boy who cried wolf, no one can believe it anymore. Sadly this means that true racism doesn't get the attention it once did.
It's not fearing it. It;s knowing you will be over this dimwit President or for just talking about "black people" . you can't do either in case you all didn't know.

Here's how ridiculous it's gotten, a rodeo clown is accused of being racist because he does a skit with an Obama mask on, when many other Presidents has been used for comedy in this manner

but all HELL broke lose over the Dear wonderful Obama they wanted to charge to poor guy with a hate crime

It's also used as a weapon to try and SHUT YOU UP

It frikken out of control but they learn from their party, Progressive/Democrats and comrades
For most of my life it was zero. Thirty to forty years ago it was up a bit, but that was because if the times. It was becoming more and more common to be accused of racism for no real reason. When you aren't a racist, it used to be you had no fear of becoming one. Then things changed and any white person could be called a racist. Since Obama came into the scene, it's gotten so ridiculous that I no longer fear it because being called a racist no longer had any meaning.
For most of my life it was zero. Thirty to forty years ago it was up a bit, but that was because if the times. It was becoming more and more common to be accused of racism for no real reason. When you aren't a racist, it used to be you had no fear of becoming one. Then things changed and any white person could be called a racist. Since Obama came into the scene, it's gotten so ridiculous that I no longer fear it because being called a racist no longer had any meaning.

Come back and repeat that when the mainstream narrative accepts that the accusation of racism has been undermined and rendered ineffective after being overused or dishonestly applied. It still carries just as much weight as it did ten years ago.

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