OMG! Romney Running AGAIN? JUST SAY NO!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Beckel predicts that Romney will make a third run on the WH in 2016.

GOP folks, please listen.

People want a choice when they vote for a choice, and Romney is at best a Dimbocrap Light, not a real conservative Republican.

Let me renumerate why Romney is a FAIL as a Presidential candidate:
1) He loses the Obamacare issue since Obamacare is based on Romneycare that Romney first set up in Massachusetts.
2) Romney has a solidly LIBERAL track record, not a conservative record. He will not mobilize the GOP base because he hates the GOP base organizations and wants to purge them from the leadership of the GOP as much as possible.
3) Romney's people he put into power in the GOP leadership are crooks, cronies and reprehensible back stabbing thugs. He pisses on rank and file GOP members on a daily basis and NONE OF THAT WILL CHANGE IF HE GETS ANOTHER RUN.
4) Romney doesn't know how to give any sort of rousing speech or rallying cry to motivate the GOP regulars. He is the anti-Reagan, in fact, Reagan went by one rule as he ran for office in the GOP; never criticize another Republican, and Romney is the biggest slanderer, back stabber, rumor monger and Democrat suck up to have ever taken the nomination.

If Romney gets the GOP nomination he will LOSE again, simply because his opponent is NOT Mitt Romney.

IF the GOP renominates Romney, it will be yet another strong motivation for GOP conservatives to look elsewhere for a candidate to represent them as Romney is no conservative, not at all.
Beckel predicts that Romney will make a third run on the WH in 2016.

GOP folks, please listen.

People want a choice when they vote for a choice, and Romney is at best a Dimbocrap Light, not a real conservative Republican.

Let me renumerate why Romney is a FAIL as a Presidential candidate:
1) He loses the Obamacare issue since Obamacare is based on Romneycare that Romney first set up in Massachusetts.
2) Romney has a solidly LIBERAL track record, not a conservative record. He will not mobilize the GOP base because he hates the GOP base organizations and wants to purge them from the leadership of the GOP as much as possible.
3) Romney's people he put into power in the GOP leadership are crooks, cronies and reprehensible back stabbing thugs. He pisses on rank and file GOP members on a daily basis and NONE OF THAT WILL CHANGE IF HE GETS ANOTHER RUN.
4) Romney doesn't know how to give any sort of rousing speech or rallying cry to motivate the GOP regulars. He is the anti-Reagan, in fact, Reagan went by one rule as he ran for office in the GOP; never criticize another Republican, and Romney is the biggest slanderer, back stabber, rumor monger and Democrat suck up to have ever taken the nomination.

If Romney gets the GOP nomination he will LOSE again, simply because his opponent is NOT Mitt Romney.

IF the GOP renominates Romney, it will be yet another strong motivation for GOP conservatives to look elsewhere for a candidate to represent them as Romney is no conservative, not at all.

It does look like he's warming up for it. And if it's true, it's because GOP leaders are encouraging him to do so. Why? Because at least they know that Christie, Ryan, Rubio and Paul simply can't win. Women don't like these guys, and THEY DON'T HAVE ANYBODY ELSE.
Beckel predicts that Romney will make a third run on the WH in 2016.

GOP folks, please listen.

People want a choice when they vote for a choice, and Romney is at best a Dimbocrap Light, not a real conservative Republican.

Let me renumerate why Romney is a FAIL as a Presidential candidate:
1) He loses the Obamacare issue since Obamacare is based on Romneycare that Romney first set up in Massachusetts.
2) Romney has a solidly LIBERAL track record, not a conservative record. He will not mobilize the GOP base because he hates the GOP base organizations and wants to purge them from the leadership of the GOP as much as possible.
3) Romney's people he put into power in the GOP leadership are crooks, cronies and reprehensible back stabbing thugs. He pisses on rank and file GOP members on a daily basis and NONE OF THAT WILL CHANGE IF HE GETS ANOTHER RUN.
4) Romney doesn't know how to give any sort of rousing speech or rallying cry to motivate the GOP regulars. He is the anti-Reagan, in fact, Reagan went by one rule as he ran for office in the GOP; never criticize another Republican, and Romney is the biggest slanderer, back stabber, rumor monger and Democrat suck up to have ever taken the nomination.

If Romney gets the GOP nomination he will LOSE again, simply because his opponent is NOT Mitt Romney.

IF the GOP renominates Romney, it will be yet another strong motivation for GOP conservatives to look elsewhere for a candidate to represent them as Romney is no conservative, not at all.

It does look like he's warming up for it. And if it's true, it's because GOP leaders are encouraging him to do so. Why? Because at least they know that Christie, Ryan, Rubio and Paul simply can't win. Women don't like these guys, and THEY DON'T HAVE ANYBODY ELSE.

You should add Romney to that list of demonstrated LOSERs.

I would rather pick the GOP nominee out of a hat than see Romney at the top again.

And a lot of the 'So-and-so' cant win logic is based on lack of name recognition. Jindal, Cruz, Paul, Huckabee, and Gingrich I think have demonstrated that they can win a popular vote without a huge 3rd party slander machine running to destroy their opposition for them like Romney the billionaire did when he BOUGHT the GPOP nomination in 2012..
Beckel predicts?


Lol, all right, I know Beckel is not Carville, but he is fairly solid and I think he has this one right; Romney has been testing the waters and he is getting set up for a third run.
If republicans give us another obama we will absolutely deserve what will happen. Romney has a pretty good argument. He was right about everything.
Anyone who supports Mitt Romney is a certifiable idiot- One time shame on you, twice shame on me.. I won't do it again. Fuck it.. I don't care .. we can lose the WH
It does look like he's warming up for it. And if it's true, it's because GOP leaders are encouraging him to do so. Why? Because at least they know that Christie, Ryan, Rubio and Paul simply can't win. Women don't like these guys, and THEY DON'T HAVE ANYBODY ELSE.

Chris Christie won over 60% of female voters in 2013 and he was running against a female candidate.
It doesn't matter who the Republicans run, they will lose. Look, the electorate is still pretty much split, but any Democratic candidate has a huge advantage. Despite the fact that Republicans have the advantage in House races, the fact remains that for the last few elections, Democrats have taken more votes in House races than Republicans. The votes are just in the wrong places to give Dems the House, but when it comes to the presidential election, Dems have a huge advantage. The second problem Republicans will be facing is the fact that the economy is on the rebound and gaining strength little by little. By election time, the economy is going to be looking good. Bottom line is that the Dems could run Howdy Doodie and win in 2016.
If republicans give us another obama we will absolutely deserve what will happen. Romney has a pretty good argument. He was right about everything.

Only because he was mimicking actual conservatives on the campaign trail. Everything that Romney was right about was said prior to him saying it in 2012, and I know Palin stated several of Romney's predictions on Russia and the Ukraine, the government debt and Obamacare years before Romney.

Romney does not have the TRACK RECORD to back up his electoral rhetoric, which means that there is no actual evidence that Romney would have done much different than Obama has done other than election speeches.

People we need to stop taking these political whores words for anything and go strictly by what they DO, not what they say.
It doesn't matter who the Republicans run, they will lose. Look, the electorate is still pretty much split, but any Democratic candidate has a huge advantage. Despite the fact that Republicans have the advantage in House races, the fact remains that for the last few elections, Democrats have taken more votes in House races than Republicans. The votes are just in the wrong places to give Dems the House, but when it comes to the presidential election, Dems have a huge advantage. The second problem Republicans will be facing is the fact that the economy is on the rebound and gaining strength little by little. By election time, the economy is going to be looking good. Bottom line is that the Dems could run Howdy Doodie and win in 2016.

The actual election record is that when the GOP nominates a real conservative, they win. When they nominate a moderate that is supposed to have a better chance to win, they lose. Why? Because the GOP is like 80% conservative. The electorate is about 20% liberal, 35% moderate, and 45% conservative (as self identified). Yet in elections where Republicans lose the exit polls show about as many conservatives voted as liberals and the moderates are 40% of the vote. Why? Because moderates FAIL to get all the conservatives out to vote. The GOP RINOs claim that the conservatives have no where else to go but to vote for them, and they are proven wrong every election that has a moderate run for the GOP. Where do the conservative voters go? To the couch and stay home and do not vote and that means the GOP loses.

IF the GOP nominates a conservative, the GOP wins, every time, and it will be the same in 2016 as well.
It does look like he's warming up for it. And if it's true, it's because GOP leaders are encouraging him to do so. Why? Because at least they know that Christie, Ryan, Rubio and Paul simply can't win. Women don't like these guys, and THEY DON'T HAVE ANYBODY ELSE.

Chris Christie won over 60% of female voters in 2013 and he was running against a female candidate.

Christie is like an Oprahfied mouth piece, he might as well be a female.
Anyone who supports Mitt Romney is a certifiable idiot- One time shame on you, twice shame on me.. I won't do it again. Fuck it.. I don't care .. we can lose the WH

We need to have a NEW PARTY that is REALLY CONSERVATIVE. In a three way race the demographics are on the conservative side; 20-35-45 split.

Look at UKIP in the UK or the Conservative Party in Canada to see how we do this.

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