Calif. town orders police department to get rid of MRAP vehicle

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
And so it begins! About damn time some people got off their ass and accepted their role as controller of their government as opposed to their government controlling them.

The Davis City Council in California has told its police department that it has 60 days to come up with a plan to get rid of its mine-resistant, ambush protected vehicle, after the city received pressure from local residents who feared their police are becoming too militarized.

The vehicle, worth nearly $700,000, was acquired by the Davis Police Department for free a few weeks ago through a U.S. military surplus program. Its arrival sparked immediate controversy within the community, bringing a large crowd to Tuesday night’s City Council meeting, a local CBS affiliate reported.

“I would like to say I do not suggest you take this vehicle and send it out of Davis, I demand it. I demand it!” shouted a man dressed in a “Tank The Tank” T-shirt, the station said.

“My understanding is that these vehicles were designed to help reduce casualties and fatalities among our military personnel in places like Iraq and Afghanistan where they were being blown up by mines and being ambushed… I don’t think these things are happening very often in Davis,” said one resident during the public forum, the NBC affiliate reported.

Calif. town orders police department to get rid of MRAP vehicle - Washington Times
MRAPs belong in National Guard units, not in police departments. If things become so serious that deploying armored vehicles against the public is a necessity, then the governor can order in National Guard units, not a bunch of Rambo-wannabe cops. And who do we have to thank for this lunatic militarization of police institutions in America? Reagan and Obama, that's who.
MRAPs belong in National Guard units, not in police departments. If things become so serious that deploying armored vehicles against the public is a necessity, then the governor can order in National Guard units, not a bunch of Rambo-wannabe cops. And who do we have to thank for this lunatic militarization of police institutions in America? Reagan and Obama, that's who.
This is about as bad as the attempt at getting all the guns from everybody, I mean it is that ridiculous really. When will the idiots stop in this nation ? Will it be when they think that the nation is finally to weak to defend itself against radical mobs and/or a mob rule on the streets ? Will this be when those whom want to destroy America finally are satisfied that they can finally get that kind of control all due to the weakness and the fear that will be gained through intimidation against a nation that no longer can enforce the laws of the nation if need be ? Do we really think that we would be having problems if people were a majority good and peaceful people now, and this no matter what ones status is in life ?

Did we create the very thing in which we now hate, and if we did then how or why did we do it ? I'm not taking up for bad cops, but I think that most all police forces are generally good and do the right things in life. Want a better Country? Then lets try peace and goodness first, and if that don't work, then we should be smart enough to get change in the right way in life, and not in the wrong way in life.

How about communities winning the cops over by visiting the precincts, and getting to know their police forces in that way ? There could be groups formed just for that reason, and their job is relationship and mediators to help mediate and stop the confusion between the two. The force should allow a few citizens to sit through their briefings each morning, and these briefings should be made public so that the citizens can join in. What happened to governments becoming transparent in this nation again ? There are many solutions, but violence, looting and rioting is not any of them.
Perhaps the good people of Davis should be reminded of this:

The problem of wanting something is that sometimes you receive it.
"Because the MS-13s are crawling all over Davis, Ca."

Just before he retired, former federal judge and FBI Director, Louis Freeh, stated that the major threat of terrorism to American society was the epidemic of urban gangs infesting every quarter of the country today.
The streets must be safe for criminals so they can safely steal the tip money from hard working waitresses.

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