OMG! I like Bernie's idea for free college, with a few tweeks...

Do you support a Wall Street "transaction tax" to help fund college and job training?

  • No, I like the current student loan system

    Votes: 9 60.0%
  • Yes, I like the idea of stopping high speed traders and funding college and job training

    Votes: 6 40.0%

  • Total voters
You need to research WTF high speed traders actually do.

They trade, really, really quickly.
They also have no impact on the QQQs sitting in my 401K.

Your QQQs would be worth more without the high speed traders stealing value and making the dips deeper.

How do they "steal value"? Can you walk through the steps of a typical trade?

A small transaction tax would reduce the attractiveness of high speed trading.

Yes, it would make lots of things less attractive, while raising a fraction of what's claimed,
while costing lots of jobs.

On the plus side, everyone on Wall Street will line up against Bernie, and any other supporter of this silly idea, from day one.
By buying and selling hundreds of millions of shares in nanoseconds companies can make $100,000,000 in short order. Its all computer theft by "quants" whose job is to skim the stock market. You need to read the following link to see that the concern is real. The money they steal should be in your QQQ stock price. Maybe you like getting robbed, most of us don't.
Too fast to fail: How high-speed trading makes Wall Street disasters worse

If you don't like spending the "transaction tax" on education, then pay down the Debt, or reduce the Budget Deficit with it.

By buying and selling hundreds of millions of shares in nanoseconds companies can make $100,000,000 in short order.

Wow. Sounds easy!!! How is it stealing?

Its all computer theft by "quants" whose job is to skim the stock market.

Sounds awful! So how do they "skim"? Walk through the steps.

The money they steal should be in your QQQ stock price.

They didn't steal from my shares, or the shares underlying my shares.

Thanks for the link. I didn't sell during any Wall Street disasters. Try again?

If you don't like spending the "transaction tax" on education, then pay down the Debt, or reduce the Budget Deficit with it.

How much do you feel this tax will raise?
1. How is it stealing? By not waiting for the stock to appreciate like the rest of the investors. By using super-computers to do billions of buys/sells in nanoseconds and stealing $100's of millions of stock value from long term investors. That's how.

2. The steps are described in detail in the article, by buying/selling stock in nanoseconds. A minimal tax would make that unprofitable.

3. Yes they did steal from your shares, who the fuck do you think they took their profit from? (all investors)

4. Point being that Bernie's proposal kills two birds, it funds higher education and job training, and helps stock investors by stopping high speed computer traders

How is it stealing? By not waiting for the stock to appreciate like the rest of the investors.

I can sell my stock 5 years after I buy it, 5 minutes after, 5 microseconds after.
None of those options steals a penny from you.

By using super-computers to do billions of buys/sells in nanoseconds and stealing $100's of millions of stock value from long term investors.

You still haven't shown how the speed of their computers steals a penny from me.
Or walked me through a typical trade. How do they "skim". Or don't you know?

A minimal tax would make that unprofitable.

And wouldn't do a thing to help me or my QQQs.

Yes they did steal from your shares, who the fuck do you think they took their profit from?

You're lying, because a soundbite is easier than proof.

Point being that Bernie's proposal kills two birds, it funds higher education and job training

You never said how much this tax would raise for the government.

and helps stock investors by stopping high speed computer traders

Since I'm not competing against these traders and held my position for years, they don't help or hurt me.

How is it stealing? By not waiting for the stock to appreciate like the rest of the investors.
I can sell my stock 5 years after I buy it, 5 minutes after, 5 microseconds after. None of those options steals a penny from you.
I agree for the 5-years, but not the 5-minutes or 5-microseconds. The purpose of the stock market is to give capital to companies to grow and generate more profit. The short term high-speed traders don't add value, they steal investment capital.

By using super-computers to do billions of buys/sells in nanoseconds and stealing $100's of millions of stock value from long term investors. You still haven't shown how the speed of their computers steals a penny from me. Or walked me through a typical trade. How do they "skim". Or don't you know? If you don't understand the bold answer above, you need to do your own research on high-speed trading.

A minimal transaction tax would make high-speed trading unprofitable. And wouldn't do a thing to help me or my QQQs.
A minimal transaction tax would prevent the high-speed traders from robbing you blind. DUH.

Yes they did steal from your shares, who the fuck do you think they took their profit from? You're lying, because a soundbite is easier than proof. Denial is not a refutation. Who do you think they stole the money from? (ans: investors)

You never said how much this tax would raise for the government. The transaction tax should raise about $200b a year.

Bernie Sanders: I Will Cancel All $1.6 Trillion Of Your Student Loan Debt
"Sanders will fund his student loan forgiveness plan through a new tax on financial transactions, which he expects could raise more than $2 trillion over the next 10 years. The tax plan will include a 0.5% fee on all stock trades, a 0.1% fee on all bond trades and a 0.005% fee on all derivatives trades."

Since I'm not competing against these traders and held my position for years, they don't help or hurt me.
If they steal hundreds of millions of dollars in stock value, they are taking some of your money. They don't add value, they don't invest, they skim money using super-computers, DUH.

The short term high-speed traders don't add value, they steal investment capital.

First they stole from me, now they steal from the stock issuer?

By using super-computers to do billions of buys/sells in nanoseconds and stealing $100's of millions of stock value from long term investors.

From your Mother Jones article.....

Designed by the physics nerds and math geniuses known as quants, these programs exploit minute movements and long-term patterns in the markets, buying a stock at $1.00 and selling it at $1.0001, for example.

How did the above example steal stock value from my long-term position?

If you don't understand the bold answer above

No info in your "answer".

A minimal transaction tax would prevent the high-speed traders from robbing you blind.

Still no evidence I've been robbed.

Denial is not a refutation.

Your soundbite isn't evidence

Who do you think they stole the money from?

Still waiting for proof they stole from anyone.

which he expects could raise more than $2 trillion over the next 10 years.

Expects? He expects $200 billion a year?
Expectations from someone who never held a private sector job? LOL!

Goldman made about $32 billion last year.
Morgan Stanley about $8 billion.
JPM about $104 billion.
Bank of America about $89 billion.
Blackstone Group about $6 billion

5 of the largest firms out there, feel free to add any I didn't list, and their combined profits
were about $240 billion. And this moronic tax is going to raise $200 billion? LOL!

The tax plan will include a 0.5% fee on all stock trades

Again, from your article.

buying a stock at $1.00 and selling it at $1.0001, for example.

Taxing the buy and the sale at $0.005 prevents either trade from occurring.
Total tax collected, zero.

If they steal hundreds of millions of dollars in stock value, they are taking some of your money.

Fucking prove it already. Repeating your fact free claim isn't proof.
I want my mortgage paid off Bernie!!! why can't we do that too? I mean fk all debt, why stop at fking college! the most immature man in america.

Because we need more educated people in this country that are productive and less people who post 69,000+ times on an internet messageboard about their freedom being taken away by gay and brown people.
i thought all the illegals were the smart ones? which is it?

No one ever said that, but an unintelligent/uneducated person would ask something like that.
oh no you don't, you don't get to change your position in mid flight. nope! they are smarter than civilians, it's why we need them, verbatim fkster

WTF, I said nothing about illegals. You did. Are you so retarded you don't know the difference between when you say something and someone else says something?
I actually like the funding mechanism for Bernie's "free college" plan, but with a few tweaks...
Sanders Panders: Four Flaws In Bernie Sanders' Higher Education Plan

1. Lets say that the 1st 2-years of college, including community colleges and trade schools are free, with an emphasis on job training for filling real jobs that need workers.

2. The 2nd 2-years funding are "means tested" and also "grade tested" so that marginal students are weeded out and the wealthy don't need help. Also, "careers that are needed" get more funding than careers that have poor job prospects.

3. Grad school funding is for the brightest and filling needed jobs, such as doctors.

4. The colleges need to control costs and do not get funding for any students that flunk out. Price controls may need to be imposed so that colleges use their "endowment funds" to help students.

What's the downside? Hopefully stopping the high speed traders that don't "invest" but simply skim money from our 401k's and IRA's.

There is actually a 5th flaw in all of their plans...

They all keep telling folks they will eliminate student debt and make college tuition free. I just want to know who is going to foot the
bill for books, room and board?

The same people that foot the bill for roads, police, fire department, k-12 education...etc...etc...

Other people's kid's education isn't my responsibility

I saved, saved , saved to ensure my children got an education. Now the Socialists want me to pay, pay, pay, so someone else's kids legal or illegal can have the same opportunity for free. I'm In! As long as the Govt. pays me back the 150k in tuition I paid to educate my children first.
I actually like the funding mechanism for Bernie's "free college" plan, but with a few tweaks...
Sanders Panders: Four Flaws In Bernie Sanders' Higher Education Plan

1. Lets say that the 1st 2-years of college, including community colleges and trade schools are free, with an emphasis on job training for filling real jobs that need workers.

2. The 2nd 2-years funding are "means tested" and also "grade tested" so that marginal students are weeded out and the wealthy don't need help. Also, "careers that are needed" get more funding than careers that have poor job prospects.

3. Grad school funding is for the brightest and filling needed jobs, such as doctors.

4. The colleges need to control costs and do not get funding for any students that flunk out. Price controls may need to be imposed so that colleges use their "endowment funds" to help students.

What's the downside? Hopefully stopping the high speed traders that don't "invest" but simply skim money from our 401k's and IRA's.

How about everyone be responsible adults and pay for their own education?

It must be nice able to contain your viewpoints to statements that can fit on a bumper sticker.

It must be nice to just nonchalantly pass your personal responsibilities off on others and expect everyone else to take care of you like you're still in diapers.

You're going to have to condense that otherwise you're going to overwhelm your fellow "patriots" with too many words.
I actually like the funding mechanism for Bernie's "free college" plan, but with a few tweaks...
Sanders Panders: Four Flaws In Bernie Sanders' Higher Education Plan

1. Lets say that the 1st 2-years of college, including community colleges and trade schools are free, with an emphasis on job training for filling real jobs that need workers.

2. The 2nd 2-years funding are "means tested" and also "grade tested" so that marginal students are weeded out and the wealthy don't need help. Also, "careers that are needed" get more funding than careers that have poor job prospects.

3. Grad school funding is for the brightest and filling needed jobs, such as doctors.

4. The colleges need to control costs and do not get funding for any students that flunk out. Price controls may need to be imposed so that colleges use their "endowment funds" to help students.

What's the downside? Hopefully stopping the high speed traders that don't "invest" but simply skim money from our 401k's and IRA's.

There is actually a 5th flaw in all of their plans...

They all keep telling folks they will eliminate student debt and make college tuition free. I just want to know who is going to foot the
bill for books, room and board?

The same people that foot the bill for roads, police, fire department, k-12 education...etc...etc...

Other people's kid's education isn't my responsibility

I saved, saved , saved to ensure my children got an education. Now the Socialists want me to pay, pay, pay, so someone else's kids legal or illegal can have the same opportunity for free. I'm In! As long as the Govt. pays me back the 150k in tuition I paid to educate my children first.

We've been saving for ours since the day they were born
I actually like the funding mechanism for Bernie's "free college" plan, but with a few tweaks...
Sanders Panders: Four Flaws In Bernie Sanders' Higher Education Plan

1. Lets say that the 1st 2-years of college, including community colleges and trade schools are free, with an emphasis on job training for filling real jobs that need workers.

2. The 2nd 2-years funding are "means tested" and also "grade tested" so that marginal students are weeded out and the wealthy don't need help. Also, "careers that are needed" get more funding than careers that have poor job prospects.

3. Grad school funding is for the brightest and filling needed jobs, such as doctors.

4. The colleges need to control costs and do not get funding for any students that flunk out. Price controls may need to be imposed so that colleges use their "endowment funds" to help students.

What's the downside? Hopefully stopping the high speed traders that don't "invest" but simply skim money from our 401k's and IRA's.

you need a 3rd choice, none of the above.

Anything to do with college or trade schools needs to be done on a state basis, not a Fed one. The Feds have no business being involved at all.

I would like to see a far greater emphasis placed on trade schools and less on 4 year colleges. My son will be a senior this year and his counselors will not even talk to him about anything but 4 year schools.

There won't be a teacher left to teach, because the Govt. doesn't pay it's bills now. Private schools for the Elite will flourish, Public Colleges will be substandard and filled with Socialist leaning educators. or go bankrupt and screw the students who were dependent on the "free shit" agenda of the left. "Nothing in life is free" it all comes at a cost to somebody. Stop smoking dope and bad mouthing your country …….. Please!
I want my mortgage paid off Bernie!!! why can't we do that too? I mean fk all debt, why stop at fking college! the most immature man in america.

Because we need more educated people in this country that are productive and less people who post 69,000+ times on an internet messageboard about their freedom being taken away by gay and brown people.
i thought all the illegals were the smart ones? which is it?

No one ever said that, but an unintelligent/uneducated person would ask something like that.
oh no you don't, you don't get to change your position in mid flight. nope! they are smarter than civilians, it's why we need them, verbatim fkster

WTF, I said nothing about illegals. You did. Are you so retarded you don't know the difference between when you say something and someone else says something?
it seems you do.
I actually like the funding mechanism for Bernie's "free college" plan, but with a few tweaks...
Sanders Panders: Four Flaws In Bernie Sanders' Higher Education Plan

1. Lets say that the 1st 2-years of college, including community colleges and trade schools are free, with an emphasis on job training for filling real jobs that need workers.

2. The 2nd 2-years funding are "means tested" and also "grade tested" so that marginal students are weeded out and the wealthy don't need help. Also, "careers that are needed" get more funding than careers that have poor job prospects.

3. Grad school funding is for the brightest and filling needed jobs, such as doctors.

4. The colleges need to control costs and do not get funding for any students that flunk out. Price controls may need to be imposed so that colleges use their "endowment funds" to help students.

What's the downside? Hopefully stopping the high speed traders that don't "invest" but simply skim money from our 401k's and IRA's.

you need a 3rd choice, none of the above.

Anything to do with college or trade schools needs to be done on a state basis, not a Fed one. The Feds have no business being involved at all.

I would like to see a far greater emphasis placed on trade schools and less on 4 year colleges. My son will be a senior this year and his counselors will not even talk to him about anything but 4 year schools.

There won't be a teacher left to teach, because the Govt. doesn't pay it's bills now. Private schools for the Elite will flourish, Public Colleges will be substandard and filled with Socialist leaning educators. or go bankrupt and screw the students who were dependent on the "free shit" agenda of the left. "Nothing in life is free" it all comes at a cost to somebody. Stop smoking dope and bad mouthing your country …….. Please!

Where the fuck did I bad mouth the country? Are you stupid or stoned?

Sent from my iPhone using
I actually like the funding mechanism for Bernie's "free college" plan, but with a few tweaks...
Sanders Panders: Four Flaws In Bernie Sanders' Higher Education Plan

1. Lets say that the 1st 2-years of college, including community colleges and trade schools are free, with an emphasis on job training for filling real jobs that need workers.

2. The 2nd 2-years funding are "means tested" and also "grade tested" so that marginal students are weeded out and the wealthy don't need help. Also, "careers that are needed" get more funding than careers that have poor job prospects.

3. Grad school funding is for the brightest and filling needed jobs, such as doctors.

4. The colleges need to control costs and do not get funding for any students that flunk out. Price controls may need to be imposed so that colleges use their "endowment funds" to help students.

What's the downside? Hopefully stopping the high speed traders that don't "invest" but simply skim money from our 401k's and IRA's.

There is actually a 5th flaw in all of their plans...

They all keep telling folks they will eliminate student debt and make college tuition free. I just want to know who is going to foot the
bill for books, room and board?

The same people that foot the bill for roads, police, fire department, k-12 education...etc...etc...

Other people's kid's education isn't my responsibility

I saved, saved , saved to ensure my children got an education. Now the Socialists want me to pay, pay, pay, so someone else's kids legal or illegal can have the same opportunity for free. I'm In! As long as the Govt. pays me back the 150k in tuition I paid to educate my children first.

We've been saving for ours since the day they were born

So Bernie should be Okay with giving me some cash so I can go to college. I need a few years off work. I'll have to live in a tent on campus because room and board aren't free. And I hope there's a good restaurant dumpster nearby. I'll need to eat! I can probably share/ or steal books from a student who can actually afford them, I'll shoplift my other material needs from the local office supply store. This is the dumbest idea that ever came out of a Politicians "cake hole" . :urinate:
By buying and selling hundreds of millions of shares in nanoseconds companies can make $100,000,000 in short order. Its all computer theft by "quants" whose job is to skim the stock market. You need to read the following link to see that the concern is real. The money they steal should be in your QQQ stock price. Maybe you like getting robbed, most of us don't.
Too fast to fail: How high-speed trading makes Wall Street disasters worse

If you don't like spending the "transaction tax" on education, then pay down the Debt, or reduce the Budget Deficit with it.

By buying and selling hundreds of millions of shares in nanoseconds companies can make $100,000,000 in short order.

Wow. Sounds easy!!! How is it stealing?

Its all computer theft by "quants" whose job is to skim the stock market.

Sounds awful! So how do they "skim"? Walk through the steps.

The money they steal should be in your QQQ stock price.

They didn't steal from my shares, or the shares underlying my shares.

Thanks for the link. I didn't sell during any Wall Street disasters. Try again?

If you don't like spending the "transaction tax" on education, then pay down the Debt, or reduce the Budget Deficit with it.

How much do you feel this tax will raise?
1. How is it stealing? By not waiting for the stock to appreciate like the rest of the investors. By using super-computers to do billions of buys/sells in nanoseconds and stealing $100's of millions of stock value from long term investors. That's how.

2. The steps are described in detail in the article, by buying/selling stock in nanoseconds. A minimal tax would make that unprofitable.

3. Yes they did steal from your shares, who the fuck do you think they took their profit from? (all investors)

4. Point being that Bernie's proposal kills two birds, it funds higher education and job training, and helps stock investors by stopping high speed computer traders

How is it stealing? By not waiting for the stock to appreciate like the rest of the investors.

I can sell my stock 5 years after I buy it, 5 minutes after, 5 microseconds after.
None of those options steals a penny from you.

By using super-computers to do billions of buys/sells in nanoseconds and stealing $100's of millions of stock value from long term investors.

You still haven't shown how the speed of their computers steals a penny from me.
Or walked me through a typical trade. How do they "skim". Or don't you know?

A minimal tax would make that unprofitable.

And wouldn't do a thing to help me or my QQQs.

Yes they did steal from your shares, who the fuck do you think they took their profit from?

You're lying, because a soundbite is easier than proof.

Point being that Bernie's proposal kills two birds, it funds higher education and job training

You never said how much this tax would raise for the government.

and helps stock investors by stopping high speed computer traders

Since I'm not competing against these traders and held my position for years, they don't help or hurt me.

How is it stealing? By not waiting for the stock to appreciate like the rest of the investors.
I can sell my stock 5 years after I buy it, 5 minutes after, 5 microseconds after. None of those options steals a penny from you.
I agree for the 5-years, but not the 5-minutes or 5-microseconds. The purpose of the stock market is to give capital to companies to grow and generate more profit. The short term high-speed traders don't add value, they steal investment capital.

By using super-computers to do billions of buys/sells in nanoseconds and stealing $100's of millions of stock value from long term investors. You still haven't shown how the speed of their computers steals a penny from me. Or walked me through a typical trade. How do they "skim". Or don't you know? If you don't understand the bold answer above, you need to do your own research on high-speed trading.

A minimal transaction tax would make high-speed trading unprofitable. And wouldn't do a thing to help me or my QQQs.
A minimal transaction tax would prevent the high-speed traders from robbing you blind. DUH.

Yes they did steal from your shares, who the fuck do you think they took their profit from? You're lying, because a soundbite is easier than proof. Denial is not a refutation. Who do you think they stole the money from? (ans: investors)

You never said how much this tax would raise for the government. The transaction tax should raise about $200b a year.

Bernie Sanders: I Will Cancel All $1.6 Trillion Of Your Student Loan Debt
"Sanders will fund his student loan forgiveness plan through a new tax on financial transactions, which he expects could raise more than $2 trillion over the next 10 years. The tax plan will include a 0.5% fee on all stock trades, a 0.1% fee on all bond trades and a 0.005% fee on all derivatives trades."

Since I'm not competing against these traders and held my position for years, they don't help or hurt me.
If they steal hundreds of millions of dollars in stock value, they are taking some of your money. They don't add value, they don't invest, they skim money using super-computers, DUH.

The short term high-speed traders don't add value, they steal investment capital.

First they stole from me, now they steal from the stock issuer?

By using super-computers to do billions of buys/sells in nanoseconds and stealing $100's of millions of stock value from long term investors.

From your Mother Jones article.....

Designed by the physics nerds and math geniuses known as quants, these programs exploit minute movements and long-term patterns in the markets, buying a stock at $1.00 and selling it at $1.0001, for example.

How did the above example steal stock value from my long-term position?

If you don't understand the bold answer above

No info in your "answer".

A minimal transaction tax would prevent the high-speed traders from robbing you blind.

Still no evidence I've been robbed.

Denial is not a refutation.

Your soundbite isn't evidence

Who do you think they stole the money from?

Still waiting for proof they stole from anyone.

which he expects could raise more than $2 trillion over the next 10 years.

Expects? He expects $200 billion a year?
Expectations from someone who never held a private sector job? LOL!

Goldman made about $32 billion last year.
Morgan Stanley about $8 billion.
JPM about $104 billion.
Bank of America about $89 billion.
Blackstone Group about $6 billion

5 of the largest firms out there, feel free to add any I didn't list, and their combined profits
were about $240 billion. And this moronic tax is going to raise $200 billion? LOL!

The tax plan will include a 0.5% fee on all stock trades

Again, from your article.

buying a stock at $1.00 and selling it at $1.0001, for example.

Taxing the buy and the sale at $0.005 prevents either trade from occurring.
Total tax collected, zero.

If they steal hundreds of millions of dollars in stock value, they are taking some of your money.

Fucking prove it already. Repeating your fact free claim isn't proof.

From your Mother Jones article.....Designed by the physics nerds and math geniuses known as quants, these programs exploit minute movements and long-term patterns in the markets, buying a stock at $1.00 and selling it at $1.0001, for example.
How did the above example steal stock value from my long-term position? Any money that they skimmed lowered your stock's price/value. They did not provide any investment capital, yet took profit. That to me is equivalent to stealing from long term investors.

which Bernie expects to raise more than $2 trillion over the next 10 years.
5 of the largest firms out there, feel free to add any I didn't list, and their combined profits
were about $240 billion. And this moronic tax is going to raise $200 billion? LOL!
U.S. stock trading volume hit a three-year low in 2017 amid near-absent volatility
Average "low" trading volume per day is 6.5b shares x average stock price of $40/sh x 0.005 tax = $1.3b per day just for stocks
The transactions are measured on stocks, bonds, options contracts, futures contracts, derivatives, and commodities.
Lots of money generated even if the volume slows due to the tax.

The tax plan will include a 0.5% fee on all stock trades
Again, from your article. buying a stock at $1.00 and selling it at $1.0001, for example.
Taxing the buy and the sale at $0.005 prevents either trade from occurring.
Total tax collected, zero.
OMG, the $1.00 stock price was just an example. See tax calculation above.
I actually like the funding mechanism for Bernie's "free college" plan, but with a few tweaks...
Sanders Panders: Four Flaws In Bernie Sanders' Higher Education Plan

1. Lets say that the 1st 2-years of college, including community colleges and trade schools are free, with an emphasis on job training for filling real jobs that need workers.

2. The 2nd 2-years funding are "means tested" and also "grade tested" so that marginal students are weeded out and the wealthy don't need help. Also, "careers that are needed" get more funding than careers that have poor job prospects.

3. Grad school funding is for the brightest and filling needed jobs, such as doctors.

4. The colleges need to control costs and do not get funding for any students that flunk out. Price controls may need to be imposed so that colleges use their "endowment funds" to help students.

What's the downside? Hopefully stopping the high speed traders that don't "invest" but simply skim money from our 401k's and IRA's.

you need a 3rd choice, none of the above.

Anything to do with college or trade schools needs to be done on a state basis, not a Fed one. The Feds have no business being involved at all.

I would like to see a far greater emphasis placed on trade schools and less on 4 year colleges. My son will be a senior this year and his counselors will not even talk to him about anything but 4 year schools.

There won't be a teacher left to teach, because the Govt. doesn't pay it's bills now. Private schools for the Elite will flourish, Public Colleges will be substandard and filled with Socialist leaning educators. or go bankrupt and screw the students who were dependent on the "free shit" agenda of the left. "Nothing in life is free" it all comes at a cost to somebody. Stop smoking dope and bad mouthing your country …….. Please!

Where the fuck did I bad mouth the country? Are you stupid or stoned?

Sent from my iPhone using
Just preempting your next idiotic post! wanna play some golf! It's not free though so probably not!
I actually like the funding mechanism for Bernie's "free college" plan, but with a few tweaks...
Sanders Panders: Four Flaws In Bernie Sanders' Higher Education Plan

1. Lets say that the 1st 2-years of college, including community colleges and trade schools are free, with an emphasis on job training for filling real jobs that need workers.

2. The 2nd 2-years funding are "means tested" and also "grade tested" so that marginal students are weeded out and the wealthy don't need help. Also, "careers that are needed" get more funding than careers that have poor job prospects.

3. Grad school funding is for the brightest and filling needed jobs, such as doctors.

4. The colleges need to control costs and do not get funding for any students that flunk out. Price controls may need to be imposed so that colleges use their "endowment funds" to help students.

What's the downside? Hopefully stopping the high speed traders that don't "invest" but simply skim money from our 401k's and IRA's.
Since it is the colleges and universities that wish politicians would give free education, then let the teachers and faculty work for free. See how far that "free" really goes then.
I actually like the funding mechanism for Bernie's "free college" plan, but with a few tweaks...
Sanders Panders: Four Flaws In Bernie Sanders' Higher Education Plan

1. Lets say that the 1st 2-years of college, including community colleges and trade schools are free, with an emphasis on job training for filling real jobs that need workers.

2. The 2nd 2-years funding are "means tested" and also "grade tested" so that marginal students are weeded out and the wealthy don't need help. Also, "careers that are needed" get more funding than careers that have poor job prospects.

3. Grad school funding is for the brightest and filling needed jobs, such as doctors.

4. The colleges need to control costs and do not get funding for any students that flunk out. Price controls may need to be imposed so that colleges use their "endowment funds" to help students.

What's the downside? Hopefully stopping the high speed traders that don't "invest" but simply skim money from our 401k's and IRA's.
Since it is the colleges and universities that wish politicians would give free education, then let the teachers and faculty work for free. See how far that "free" really goes then.

The problems we're trying to solve are:
1. Unburden college kids from outrageous student loans to get a college education
2. Provide community college education, i.e. specific job training for existing job openings matching job skills with job opportunities. (Instead of kids with worthless degrees and student loans with no job opportunities)
3. The states will need to communicate with industry to guide students into the jobs of the future, even considering the impacts of robotics on the job market.

Solving these problems matches Bernie and Trump better than any other. Both have proposed these types of initiatives. Will it happen? Probably not. Unless its part of a mega-comprehensive legislative deal.
I actually like the funding mechanism for Bernie's "free college" plan, but with a few tweaks...
Sanders Panders: Four Flaws In Bernie Sanders' Higher Education Plan

1. Lets say that the 1st 2-years of college, including community colleges and trade schools are free, with an emphasis on job training for filling real jobs that need workers.

2. The 2nd 2-years funding are "means tested" and also "grade tested" so that marginal students are weeded out and the wealthy don't need help. Also, "careers that are needed" get more funding than careers that have poor job prospects.

3. Grad school funding is for the brightest and filling needed jobs, such as doctors.

4. The colleges need to control costs and do not get funding for any students that flunk out. Price controls may need to be imposed so that colleges use their "endowment funds" to help students.

What's the downside? Hopefully stopping the high speed traders that don't "invest" but simply skim money from our 401k's and IRA's.
Since it is the colleges and universities that wish politicians would give free education, then let the teachers and faculty work for free. See how far that "free" really goes then.

The problems we're trying to solve are:
1. Unburden college kids from outrageous student loans to get a college education
2. Provide community college education, i.e. specific job training for existing job openings matching job skills with job opportunities. (Instead of kids with worthless degrees and student loans with no job opportunities)
3. The states will need to communicate with industry to guide students into the jobs of the future, even considering the impacts of robotics on the job market.

Solving these problems matches Bernie and Trump better than any other. Both have proposed these types of initiatives. Will it happen? Probably not. Unless its part of a mega-comprehensive legislative deal.
Want to resolve the issue of college debt? start sending kids into the military. After 4 years of service they not only have skills but the GI bill, that enables those young adults education for free.
I actually like the funding mechanism for Bernie's "free college" plan, but with a few tweaks...
Sanders Panders: Four Flaws In Bernie Sanders' Higher Education Plan

1. Lets say that the 1st 2-years of college, including community colleges and trade schools are free, with an emphasis on job training for filling real jobs that need workers.

2. The 2nd 2-years funding are "means tested" and also "grade tested" so that marginal students are weeded out and the wealthy don't need help. Also, "careers that are needed" get more funding than careers that have poor job prospects.

3. Grad school funding is for the brightest and filling needed jobs, such as doctors.

4. The colleges need to control costs and do not get funding for any students that flunk out. Price controls may need to be imposed so that colleges use their "endowment funds" to help students.

What's the downside? Hopefully stopping the high speed traders that don't "invest" but simply skim money from our 401k's and IRA's.

you need a 3rd choice, none of the above.

Anything to do with college or trade schools needs to be done on a state basis, not a Fed one. The Feds have no business being involved at all.

I would like to see a far greater emphasis placed on trade schools and less on 4 year colleges. My son will be a senior this year and his counselors will not even talk to him about anything but 4 year schools.

There won't be a teacher left to teach, because the Govt. doesn't pay it's bills now. Private schools for the Elite will flourish, Public Colleges will be substandard and filled with Socialist leaning educators. or go bankrupt and screw the students who were dependent on the "free shit" agenda of the left. "Nothing in life is free" it all comes at a cost to somebody. Stop smoking dope and bad mouthing your country …….. Please!

Where the fuck did I bad mouth the country? Are you stupid or stoned?

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Just preempting your next idiotic post! wanna play some golf! It's not free though so probably not!

Played a nice round yesterday! Beautiful out. 80 degrees and a soft wind. Had my best round of the year. Got new clubs for Father’s Day and I am starting to get used to them.

Oh, and I have not asked for a damn thing free. There is little doubt I pay way more in taxes than you.

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I actually like the funding mechanism for Bernie's "free college" plan, but with a few tweaks...
Sanders Panders: Four Flaws In Bernie Sanders' Higher Education Plan

1. Lets say that the 1st 2-years of college, including community colleges and trade schools are free, with an emphasis on job training for filling real jobs that need workers.

2. The 2nd 2-years funding are "means tested" and also "grade tested" so that marginal students are weeded out and the wealthy don't need help. Also, "careers that are needed" get more funding than careers that have poor job prospects.

3. Grad school funding is for the brightest and filling needed jobs, such as doctors.

4. The colleges need to control costs and do not get funding for any students that flunk out. Price controls may need to be imposed so that colleges use their "endowment funds" to help students.

What's the downside? Hopefully stopping the high speed traders that don't "invest" but simply skim money from our 401k's and IRA's.
Since it is the colleges and universities that wish politicians would give free education, then let the teachers and faculty work for free. See how far that "free" really goes then.

The problems we're trying to solve are:
1. Unburden college kids from outrageous student loans to get a college education
2. Provide community college education, i.e. specific job training for existing job openings matching job skills with job opportunities. (Instead of kids with worthless degrees and student loans with no job opportunities)
3. The states will need to communicate with industry to guide students into the jobs of the future, even considering the impacts of robotics on the job market.

Solving these problems matches Bernie and Trump better than any other. Both have proposed these types of initiatives. Will it happen? Probably not. Unless its part of a mega-comprehensive legislative deal.
get government out of the loan business, and don't go to schools one can't afford. hmmmm why is that so difficult for a student to figure out? doesn't sound very bright to me! wow!!!! live within your own means, not mine.
I actually like the funding mechanism for Bernie's "free college" plan, but with a few tweaks...
Sanders Panders: Four Flaws In Bernie Sanders' Higher Education Plan

1. Lets say that the 1st 2-years of college, including community colleges and trade schools are free, with an emphasis on job training for filling real jobs that need workers.

2. The 2nd 2-years funding are "means tested" and also "grade tested" so that marginal students are weeded out and the wealthy don't need help. Also, "careers that are needed" get more funding than careers that have poor job prospects.

3. Grad school funding is for the brightest and filling needed jobs, such as doctors.

4. The colleges need to control costs and do not get funding for any students that flunk out. Price controls may need to be imposed so that colleges use their "endowment funds" to help students.

What's the downside? Hopefully stopping the high speed traders that don't "invest" but simply skim money from our 401k's and IRA's.
Since it is the colleges and universities that wish politicians would give free education, then let the teachers and faculty work for free. See how far that "free" really goes then.

The problems we're trying to solve are:
1. Unburden college kids from outrageous student loans to get a college education
2. Provide community college education, i.e. specific job training for existing job openings matching job skills with job opportunities. (Instead of kids with worthless degrees and student loans with no job opportunities)
3. The states will need to communicate with industry to guide students into the jobs of the future, even considering the impacts of robotics on the job market.

Solving these problems matches Bernie and Trump better than any other. Both have proposed these types of initiatives. Will it happen? Probably not. Unless its part of a mega-comprehensive legislative deal.
Want to resolve the issue of college debt? start sending kids into the military. After 4 years of service they not only have skills but the GI bill, that enables those young adults education for free.
and there is this as well. still not seeing why tax payers need to get involved, go to a community college, I did? paid off within five years, thanks mom and dad.
By buying and selling hundreds of millions of shares in nanoseconds companies can make $100,000,000 in short order.

Wow. Sounds easy!!! How is it stealing?

Its all computer theft by "quants" whose job is to skim the stock market.

Sounds awful! So how do they "skim"? Walk through the steps.

The money they steal should be in your QQQ stock price.

They didn't steal from my shares, or the shares underlying my shares.

Thanks for the link. I didn't sell during any Wall Street disasters. Try again?

If you don't like spending the "transaction tax" on education, then pay down the Debt, or reduce the Budget Deficit with it.

How much do you feel this tax will raise?
1. How is it stealing? By not waiting for the stock to appreciate like the rest of the investors. By using super-computers to do billions of buys/sells in nanoseconds and stealing $100's of millions of stock value from long term investors. That's how.

2. The steps are described in detail in the article, by buying/selling stock in nanoseconds. A minimal tax would make that unprofitable.

3. Yes they did steal from your shares, who the fuck do you think they took their profit from? (all investors)

4. Point being that Bernie's proposal kills two birds, it funds higher education and job training, and helps stock investors by stopping high speed computer traders

How is it stealing? By not waiting for the stock to appreciate like the rest of the investors.

I can sell my stock 5 years after I buy it, 5 minutes after, 5 microseconds after.
None of those options steals a penny from you.

By using super-computers to do billions of buys/sells in nanoseconds and stealing $100's of millions of stock value from long term investors.

You still haven't shown how the speed of their computers steals a penny from me.
Or walked me through a typical trade. How do they "skim". Or don't you know?

A minimal tax would make that unprofitable.

And wouldn't do a thing to help me or my QQQs.

Yes they did steal from your shares, who the fuck do you think they took their profit from?

You're lying, because a soundbite is easier than proof.

Point being that Bernie's proposal kills two birds, it funds higher education and job training

You never said how much this tax would raise for the government.

and helps stock investors by stopping high speed computer traders

Since I'm not competing against these traders and held my position for years, they don't help or hurt me.

How is it stealing? By not waiting for the stock to appreciate like the rest of the investors.
I can sell my stock 5 years after I buy it, 5 minutes after, 5 microseconds after. None of those options steals a penny from you.
I agree for the 5-years, but not the 5-minutes or 5-microseconds. The purpose of the stock market is to give capital to companies to grow and generate more profit. The short term high-speed traders don't add value, they steal investment capital.

By using super-computers to do billions of buys/sells in nanoseconds and stealing $100's of millions of stock value from long term investors. You still haven't shown how the speed of their computers steals a penny from me. Or walked me through a typical trade. How do they "skim". Or don't you know? If you don't understand the bold answer above, you need to do your own research on high-speed trading.

A minimal transaction tax would make high-speed trading unprofitable. And wouldn't do a thing to help me or my QQQs.
A minimal transaction tax would prevent the high-speed traders from robbing you blind. DUH.

Yes they did steal from your shares, who the fuck do you think they took their profit from? You're lying, because a soundbite is easier than proof. Denial is not a refutation. Who do you think they stole the money from? (ans: investors)

You never said how much this tax would raise for the government. The transaction tax should raise about $200b a year.

Bernie Sanders: I Will Cancel All $1.6 Trillion Of Your Student Loan Debt
"Sanders will fund his student loan forgiveness plan through a new tax on financial transactions, which he expects could raise more than $2 trillion over the next 10 years. The tax plan will include a 0.5% fee on all stock trades, a 0.1% fee on all bond trades and a 0.005% fee on all derivatives trades."

Since I'm not competing against these traders and held my position for years, they don't help or hurt me.
If they steal hundreds of millions of dollars in stock value, they are taking some of your money. They don't add value, they don't invest, they skim money using super-computers, DUH.

The short term high-speed traders don't add value, they steal investment capital.

First they stole from me, now they steal from the stock issuer?

By using super-computers to do billions of buys/sells in nanoseconds and stealing $100's of millions of stock value from long term investors.

From your Mother Jones article.....

Designed by the physics nerds and math geniuses known as quants, these programs exploit minute movements and long-term patterns in the markets, buying a stock at $1.00 and selling it at $1.0001, for example.

How did the above example steal stock value from my long-term position?

If you don't understand the bold answer above

No info in your "answer".

A minimal transaction tax would prevent the high-speed traders from robbing you blind.

Still no evidence I've been robbed.

Denial is not a refutation.

Your soundbite isn't evidence

Who do you think they stole the money from?

Still waiting for proof they stole from anyone.

which he expects could raise more than $2 trillion over the next 10 years.

Expects? He expects $200 billion a year?
Expectations from someone who never held a private sector job? LOL!

Goldman made about $32 billion last year.
Morgan Stanley about $8 billion.
JPM about $104 billion.
Bank of America about $89 billion.
Blackstone Group about $6 billion

5 of the largest firms out there, feel free to add any I didn't list, and their combined profits
were about $240 billion. And this moronic tax is going to raise $200 billion? LOL!

The tax plan will include a 0.5% fee on all stock trades

Again, from your article.

buying a stock at $1.00 and selling it at $1.0001, for example.

Taxing the buy and the sale at $0.005 prevents either trade from occurring.
Total tax collected, zero.

If they steal hundreds of millions of dollars in stock value, they are taking some of your money.

Fucking prove it already. Repeating your fact free claim isn't proof.

From your Mother Jones article.....Designed by the physics nerds and math geniuses known as quants, these programs exploit minute movements and long-term patterns in the markets, buying a stock at $1.00 and selling it at $1.0001, for example.
How did the above example steal stock value from my long-term position? Any money that they skimmed lowered your stock's price/value. They did not provide any investment capital, yet took profit. That to me is equivalent to stealing from long term investors.

which Bernie expects to raise more than $2 trillion over the next 10 years.
5 of the largest firms out there, feel free to add any I didn't list, and their combined profits
were about $240 billion. And this moronic tax is going to raise $200 billion? LOL!
U.S. stock trading volume hit a three-year low in 2017 amid near-absent volatility
Average "low" trading volume per day is 6.5b shares x average stock price of $40/sh x 0.005 tax = $1.3b per day just for stocks
The transactions are measured on stocks, bonds, options contracts, futures contracts, derivatives, and commodities.
Lots of money generated even if the volume slows due to the tax.

The tax plan will include a 0.5% fee on all stock trades
Again, from your article. buying a stock at $1.00 and selling it at $1.0001, for example.
Taxing the buy and the sale at $0.005 prevents either trade from occurring.
Total tax collected, zero.
OMG, the $1.00 stock price was just an example. See tax calculation above.

Any money that they skimmed lowered your stock's price/value.

Ummm….the bid/ask spread was $0.999/$1.001
They traded at $1.00 and $1.0001 instead. How did they lower my stock price?

That to me is equivalent to stealing from long term investors.

Yes, I've noticed your ignorance of markets.

Average "low" trading volume per day is 6.5b shares x average stock price of $40/sh x 0.005 tax = $1.3b per day just for stocks

Because a $1.3 billion a day tax will have no impact on trading.....thanks, I was looking for proof of your idiocy.

OMG, the $1.00 stock price was just an example. See tax calculation above.

Ok. $40.00 per share times 100 shares a trade..... $20.00 per trade.
$20.00 per trade times zero trades.....yup, still zero tax collected.
I wouldn't mind public funding of free college education.... for doctors, dentists, nurses in exchange that they set aside one day a week for service at a public health clinic.
I wouldn't mind public funding of free college education.... for doctors, dentists, nurses in exchange that they set aside one day a week for service at a public health clinic.
no way to do it. you know it.

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