Omfg did you just see that play in the Chicago Steelers game? LMFAO

Love it when a hotdog gets his ass handed to him

He just had to jog into the end zone
Good for you !!! We're both boycotting. TBH , I commend you. Don't let the joo use you anymore than what he has. Funny , Black and White Nationalists have one huge commonality. Isolation. Screw the multi cultural. Peace dude.
It's too bad. negros can chimp and get every right too. Whites speak up and get (((moderated)))
Dont melt snowflake. Are you watching the game or are you helping me boycott it?
Why are you boycotting the games asslips?
Supporting Kap.

There are civil rights activists to justify rallying behind. He is not one of them.
I disagree. Dude manned up and he does big work in the community. He is going to be legendary before its over.

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