Omar: "Please Don't Fire Me!"

She needs to be removed from office. The views of her and her constituents are unAmerican.
Here is what she said.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), whose comments on U.S. financial ties to Israel sparked claims of anti-Semitism, called for an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a Washington Post op-ed published over the weekend.

“My goal in speaking out at all times has been to encourage both sides to move toward a peaceful two-state solution,” wrote Omar, a freshman lawmaker who supports Palestinian rights, in the column published on Saturday. “We need to reinsert this call back into the public debate with urgency. Both parties must come to the table for a final peace deal; violence will not bring us any closer to that day.”

Omar said she recognized the historical foundations of Israel, but pointed to the need for Palestinians to have a state of their own. “They, too, deserve freedom and dignity,” she wrote.

“A balanced, inclusive approach to the conflict recognizes the shared desire for security and freedom of both peoples,” Omar said, noting that a two-state solution has received bipartisan support in the U.S., as well as from Israelis and Palestinians.

Thankfully she stopped trying to address complicated ideas in snarky tweets
I wonder if she realizes Palestine isn't a country. Its a State. And there are no Palestinians???
I wonder if she realizes Palestine isn't a country. Its a State. And there are no Palestinians???

It's not even that. There is no "State of Palestine" because yes, there are no Palestinians. There are the Gaza strip and the West Bank territories.
It didn't take long for her to change her tune ... I guess she got sent to the speaker's office.


Yea, don't fire her...deport her sorry ass.
Why would you want to deport her?

Really? Is this the first you've heard of her?
Ive heard of her, I’m not a fan. I’ve also heard the clips that everyone is in a tizzy about and I honestly don’t understand the fuss. What exactly did she say that you think is so offensive? Please help me understand

Yea, don't fire her...deport her sorry ass.
Why would you want to deport her?

Really? Is this the first you've heard of her?
Ive heard of her, I’m not a fan. I’ve also heard the clips that everyone is in a tizzy about and I honestly don’t understand the fuss. What exactly did she say that you think is so offensive? Please help me understand

Great, so now you want to make like you don't have access to the internet?

Yea, don't fire her...deport her sorry ass.
Why would you want to deport her?

Really? Is this the first you've heard of her?
Ive heard of her, I’m not a fan. I’ve also heard the clips that everyone is in a tizzy about and I honestly don’t understand the fuss. What exactly did she say that you think is so offensive? Please help me understand

Great, so now you want to make like you don't have access to the internet?
I have access and I literally just said I’ve seen the clips. I just don’t understand why everybody is so offended. She if obviously against how Israel has treated the Palestinians and she has spoken out against pro Israel lobby groups and their influence in Washington. If you disagree with those things then fine but I’m not seeing this big offensive in your face racism that everybody is talking about. I’m not saying it isn’t there, I just don’t get it. Can you point to exactly what it is?
Yea, don't fire her...deport her sorry ass.
Why would you want to deport her?

Really? Is this the first you've heard of her?
Ive heard of her, I’m not a fan. I’ve also heard the clips that everyone is in a tizzy about and I honestly don’t understand the fuss. What exactly did she say that you think is so offensive? Please help me understand

Great, so now you want to make like you don't have access to the internet?
I have access and I literally just said I’ve seen the clips. I just don’t understand why everybody is so offended. She if obviously against how Israel has treated the Palestinians and she has spoken out against pro Israel lobby groups and their influence in Washington. If you disagree with those things then fine but I’m not seeing this big offensive in your face racism that everybody is talking about. I’m not saying it isn’t there, I just don’t get it. Can you point to exactly what it is?
ilhan omar anti semitic - Bing

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