Okay Progressives, What does raising taxes on the Rich and Corporations do for you?

The less power the rich have the more freedom everyone else has. It really is that zero sum.

View attachment 415156
We have a defense, equal protection of the laws. Go ahead rich persons, lobby for any laws you may find friendly and beneficial.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
Oh by the way dannyboy....Some facts that you seem to be missing..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

Up to 2019 there was 23 trillion dollars of debt until Joe Biden working with China released the Kung Flu upon US. But notice how that war on poverty never got rid of poverty and such waste because when you pay people not to work, they wont. Take that 1 trillion away and soon everyone is working....
Only because right wingers have nothing but bigotry not faithfulness to our Constitution. We could have literally solved simple poverty in a more automatically stabilizing method than we do now, yesterday; but for right wing bigotry and nothing but Repeal of public policies that actually benefit the Poor.
The "right wing" did not create all the welfare programs that have cost trillions and done nothing to eliminate poverty. IOW, you're complaining about the left wing's approach to the problem. Did you realize that, or were you on the bong at the time and oblivious?
The right wing is wasting money on alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. There is no general warfare clause in our federal Constitution. We do have an express general welfare clause that right wingers love to complain about.
three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history.

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

Our War on Poverty helps AMERICAN Citizens
True we have the richest "poor" people in the world.

We are the wealthiest nation on earth and you brag about not being Third World?

And our so called "poor" have it pretty good.

TVs, Cable, cell phones, etc etc etc not to mention we have the fattest poor people on the planet so we know they are getting more than enough to eat.

What more do you think "poor" people need to be given by the rest of us?
Dont give me shit about the debt or some other shit, the question for you Progs is, "What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Please enlighten US about how during the 8 years of the brown turd Obammy who raised taxes on the rich and corporations, how much better off you were?

They will raise all of our taxes.
They want another lockdown that lasts for at least 3 months.
They're going to destroy the economy on purpose.
This is why they stole the election.
Right wingers are such Hoaxsters, how droll.
By droll you mean law abiding citizens who support law enforcement.....how droll.
Nothing but right wing Hoax is the droll part. And, right wingers wanting us to believe they are not really like that, afterward.
I work, paid for my own education, and moved to better jobs. All it takes is not being a lazy dreg whiner.
Special pleading is merely that. We would need no right wing alleged wars on crime, drugs, or terror since according to you, everyone should be able to do as well as You.
Who needs wars goof? We have police, FBI, etc, to deal with internal and international criminals. Are you stupid or something Forrest??
Prove it; abolish your useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror as the wasteful discretionary spending they are.
Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
you do know that Democrat administrations participated in and funded the failed war on drugs too don't you?
War time tax rates or they should be abolished as the expensive right wing Hoaxsterism they are!
the war on drugs isn't an actual war. You know that right?
What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Makes funding available for Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure and multiple social programs.

Republicans love to cut taxes on the upper class and then when you ask for public funding they cry......we can’t afford it!
That's because you're ignoring the relative sizes of the amounts of money. Social programs are very expensive, and once implemented NEVER go away. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a single social program that saw an actual reduction in their year to year funding.

Couple that with the reality that any tax increase is immediately met by spending that far exceeds the projected revenue AND the fact that tax increases NEVER actually generate the projected revenue and you realize that tax increases don't help.
Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
Oh by the way dannyboy....Some facts that you seem to be missing..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

Up to 2019 there was 23 trillion dollars of debt until Joe Biden working with China released the Kung Flu upon US. But notice how that war on poverty never got rid of poverty and such waste because when you pay people not to work, they wont. Take that 1 trillion away and soon everyone is working....
Only because right wingers have nothing but bigotry not faithfulness to our Constitution. We could have literally solved simple poverty in a more automatically stabilizing method than we do now, yesterday; but for right wing bigotry and nothing but Repeal of public policies that actually benefit the Poor.
The "right wing" did not create all the welfare programs that have cost trillions and done nothing to eliminate poverty. IOW, you're complaining about the left wing's approach to the problem. Did you realize that, or were you on the bong at the time and oblivious?
The right wing is wasting money on alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. There is no general warfare clause in our federal Constitution. We do have an express general welfare clause that right wingers love to complain about.
I take care of my family and 3 children, why should i have to pay for others welfare when they dont pay for mine? How much taxes do pan handlers pay in, for making 30,000 dollars of free money? SHouldnt they be paying their fair share?
Employment is at the will of either party. Don't work hard if you are only going to develop a bad attitude for it. You should be grateful for being able to be richer than the Poor.
I take care of my family and 3 children, why should i have to pay for others welfare when they dont pay for mine?

Because civilized societies take care of their less fortunate. Only heartless pricks care only about themselves.
Right....here is a job now show up and work for a living. Now you aren't less fortunate.

What jobs do you have for 30 million people on Government assistance.
Even those who do work do not earn sufficient wages to sustain themselves
Jobs can get them off government assistance there are plenty of unfilled jobs now and if you support the businesses, even more. And baloney on the other...if you aren't making enough ask for a raise or leave and go to another job. What country do you libbers live in anyway??

Show me 30 million infilled jobs

Show me 50 million unfilled higher wage jobs
Dont give me shit about the debt or some other shit, the question for you Progs is, "What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Please enlighten US about how during the 8 years of the brown turd Obammy who raised taxes on the rich and corporations, how much better off you were?

They will raise all of our taxes.
They want another lockdown that lasts for at least 3 months.
They're going to destroy the economy on purpose.
This is why they stole the election.
Right wingers are such Hoaxsters, how droll.
By droll you mean law abiding citizens who support law enforcement.....how droll.
Nothing but right wing Hoax is the droll part. And, right wingers wanting us to believe they are not really like that, afterward.
I work, paid for my own education, and moved to better jobs. All it takes is not being a lazy dreg whiner.
Special pleading is merely that. We would need no right wing alleged wars on crime, drugs, or terror since according to you, everyone should be able to do as well as You.
Who needs wars goof? We have police, FBI, etc, to deal with internal and international criminals. Are you stupid or something Forrest??
Prove it; abolish your useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror as the wasteful discretionary spending they are.
Not sure what you are ranting about now but real citizens like their laws enforced.
What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Makes funding available for Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure and multiple social programs.

Republicans love to cut taxes on the upper class and then when you ask for public funding they cry......we can’t afford it!
Businessess create jobs for people to work they should be supported. Take care of yourself instead of waiting for public funding.
Why have a publicly funded military? We know what our Founding Fathers proscribed.
Dont give me shit about the debt or some other shit, the question for you Progs is, "What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Please enlighten US about how during the 8 years of the brown turd Obammy who raised taxes on the rich and corporations, how much better off you were?

The Trillion Dollar Debts are not shit. Your thread qualifies as taunting.

That said, your OP provides evidence that Republican voters like you, and Republican Senators, are hypocrites, and not conservatives.

Learn from the Past
Live in the President
Plan for the Future

To respond to your question, I don't expect anything for me from raising the taxes of corporations. The fact is, we are a consumer driven economy, the more money paid in interest by the debt, the less revenue is available for government to repair, replace and renew our nation's infrastructure; for the many to buy goods and services in their community (small businesses provide lots of jobs in retail, construction and public education); Trickle down is now and has been twice before a failure.
I take care of my family and 3 children, why should i have to pay for others welfare when they dont pay for mine?

Because civilized societies take care of their less fortunate. Only heartless pricks care only about themselves.
Right....here is a job now show up and work for a living. Now you aren't less fortunate.

What jobs do you have for 30 million people on Government assistance.
Even those who do work do not earn sufficient wages to sustain themselves
Jobs can get them off government assistance there are plenty of unfilled jobs now and if you support the businesses, even more. And baloney on the other...if you aren't making enough ask for a raise or leave and go to another job. What country do you libbers live in anyway??

Show me 30 million infilled jobs

Show me 50 million unfilled higher wage jobs
Tell Biden to go back to his cryogenic hibernation and let the President go another 4 years.
Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
Oh by the way dannyboy....Some facts that you seem to be missing..

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

Up to 2019 there was 23 trillion dollars of debt until Joe Biden working with China released the Kung Flu upon US. But notice how that war on poverty never got rid of poverty and such waste because when you pay people not to work, they wont. Take that 1 trillion away and soon everyone is working....
Only because right wingers have nothing but bigotry not faithfulness to our Constitution. We could have literally solved simple poverty in a more automatically stabilizing method than we do now, yesterday; but for right wing bigotry and nothing but Repeal of public policies that actually benefit the Poor.
The "right wing" did not create all the welfare programs that have cost trillions and done nothing to eliminate poverty. IOW, you're complaining about the left wing's approach to the problem. Did you realize that, or were you on the bong at the time and oblivious?
Programs for the poor are stupid like the libbers who create them.
My problem is not with helping those who cannot provide for themselves, such as the sick or handicapped, and not with providing temporary help until someone can get back on their feet, like with with Unemployment Insurance. My problem lies with those who CAN work and who have access to jobs but choose NOT to work, yet expect society to pay them for it.
Employment is at the will of either even in Right to Work States.

Employers simply choose to be lazy and not hire labor for a better wage. There is no unemployment under Capitalism only underpayment on a for-profit basis.
I went to work for a union in Maryland and was paid 2 dollars more an hour than the steam fitters and HVac mechanics, i was paid more because my skills enabled me to be paid more, not decided by some progressive schmuck who never worked in the private sector.....
It is about the minimum wage and that upward pressure on wages in general.
What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Makes funding available for Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure and multiple social programs.

Republicans love to cut taxes on the upper class and then when you ask for public funding they cry......we can’t afford it!
Businessess create jobs for people to work they should be supported. Take care of yourself instead of waiting for public funding.
Why have a publicly funded military? We know what our Founding Fathers proscribed.
The country needs to be protected from your fellow idiots.
What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Makes funding available for Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure and multiple social programs.

Republicans love to cut taxes on the upper class and then when you ask for public funding they cry......we can’t afford it!
That's because you're ignoring the relative sizes of the amounts of money. Social programs are very expensive, and once implemented NEVER go away. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a single social program that saw an actual reduction in their year to year funding.

Couple that with the reality that any tax increase is immediately met by spending that far exceeds the projected revenue AND the fact that tax increases NEVER actually generate the projected revenue and you realize that tax increases don't help.

Social Programs help AMERICAN people with food, shelter, healthcare, education

In the last 50 years, how have our wars helped the American people other than killing tens of thousands?
Abolish your right wing, general warfare spending on our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror if you don't want to be taxed for them.
you do know that Democrat administrations participated in and funded the failed war on drugs too don't you?
War time tax rates or they should be abolished as the expensive right wing Hoaxsterism they are!
the war on drugs isn't an actual war. You know that right?
We don't have a general warfare clause, you know that, right?
Dont give me shit about the debt or some other shit, the question for you Progs is, "What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

I've got it, Jim! All we need to do is make the TOP 10,000 richest people in the country pay the fed 240 million dollars in taxes each year for the next ten years while the government spends not a dollar more than it takes in and we can pay down down the debt! :rock:
If it only was that easy.....they can cut the govt by 50% and it would still be too big....
Dont give me shit about the debt or some other shit, the question for you Progs is, "What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Please enlighten US about how during the 8 years of the brown turd Obammy who raised taxes on the rich and corporations, how much better off you were?

They will raise all of our taxes.
They want another lockdown that lasts for at least 3 months.
They're going to destroy the economy on purpose.
This is why they stole the election.
Right wingers are such Hoaxsters, how droll.
By droll you mean law abiding citizens who support law enforcement.....how droll.
Nothing but right wing Hoax is the droll part. And, right wingers wanting us to believe they are not really like that, afterward.
I work, paid for my own education, and moved to better jobs. All it takes is not being a lazy dreg whiner.
Special pleading is merely that. We would need no right wing alleged wars on crime, drugs, or terror since according to you, everyone should be able to do as well as You.
Who needs wars goof? We have police, FBI, etc, to deal with internal and international criminals. Are you stupid or something Forrest??
Prove it; abolish your useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror as the wasteful discretionary spending they are.
Not sure what you are ranting about now but real citizens like their laws enforced.
Right wing Hoaxsterism is about socialism on a national basis not free market capitalism.
What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Makes funding available for Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure and multiple social programs.

Republicans love to cut taxes on the upper class and then when you ask for public funding they cry......we can’t afford it!
Businessess create jobs for people to work they should be supported. Take care of yourself instead of waiting for public funding.
Why have a publicly funded military? We know what our Founding Fathers proscribed.
The country needs to be protected from your fellow idiots.
Right wing Hoaxster.
Dont give me shit about the debt or some other shit, the question for you Progs is, "What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Please enlighten US about how during the 8 years of the brown turd Obammy who raised taxes on the rich and corporations, how much better off you were?

They will raise all of our taxes.
They want another lockdown that lasts for at least 3 months.
They're going to destroy the economy on purpose.
This is why they stole the election.
Right wingers are such Hoaxsters, how droll.
By droll you mean law abiding citizens who support law enforcement.....how droll.
Nothing but right wing Hoax is the droll part. And, right wingers wanting us to believe they are not really like that, afterward.
I work, paid for my own education, and moved to better jobs. All it takes is not being a lazy dreg whiner.
Special pleading is merely that. We would need no right wing alleged wars on crime, drugs, or terror since according to you, everyone should be able to do as well as You.
Who needs wars goof? We have police, FBI, etc, to deal with internal and international criminals. Are you stupid or something Forrest??
Prove it; abolish your useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror as the wasteful discretionary spending they are.
Not sure what you are ranting about now but real citizens like their laws enforced.
Right wing Hoaxsterism is about socialism on a national basis not free market capitalism.
Awwwwk ubereducated Libber Polly wanna cracker! Hoaxerism awwwk! Free Market Capitalism awwwk!!
What does raising taxes on the Wealthy and Corporations DO FOR YOU?"

Makes funding available for Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure and multiple social programs.

Republicans love to cut taxes on the upper class and then when you ask for public funding they cry......we can’t afford it!
Businessess create jobs for people to work they should be supported. Take care of yourself instead of waiting for public funding.
Why have a publicly funded military? We know what our Founding Fathers proscribed.
The country needs to be protected from your fellow idiots.
Right wing Hoaxster.
Brainless goofball libber.

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