Okay, Liberals, now let me in


Nov 14, 2012
Libs like JoeB131 want to deport Germans to their country where the government turns a blind eye on violence conducted by members of certain ethnic groups, which is racism by the way. At the same time he demands an open border in the south so people can enter the US of A illegally (!!) because the country needs workers, he says. If the country needs workers, why is he hellbent on deporting that German family, that resides legally in the US and abides the laws?

So, the country needs workers. Now let me in. I am even half Spanish and when I show up at your southern borders, you will welcome me, anyway, because I am just a poor Venezuelan who lost his documents during the long journey through Mexico on foot. We can just shorten it all and forbear from the bogus stuff and you let me in just like your European ancestors. Since you need workers, you should applaud me now and give me one of the abandoned jobs. I can do computer stuff and my English is fine, so there is no problem for a company to train me, plus as a German national I would still be eligible to get German welfare money. So where is the problem? No ablar espanol? No hay comida?

One day, I will get American citizenship. I plan to get a decent wealth, own a car and have fun in my life, which is impossible in the hellhole I currently vegetate in and that I want to forget.
Libs like JoeB131 want to deport Germans to their country where the government turns a blind eye on violence conducted by members of certain ethnic groups, which is racism by the way. At the same time he demands an open border in the south so people can enter the US of A illegally (!!) because the country needs workers, he says. If the country needs workers, why is he hellbent on deporting that German family, that resides legally in the US and abides the laws?

So, the country needs workers. Now let me in. I am even half Spanish and when I show up at your southern borders, you will welcome me, anyway, because I am just a poor Venezuelan who lost his documents during the long journey through Mexico on foot. We can just shorten it all and forbear from the bogus stuff and you let me in just like your European ancestors. Since you need workers, you should applaud me now and give me one of the abandoned jobs. I can do computer stuff and my English is fine, so there is no problem for a company to train me, plus as a German national I would still be eligible to get German welfare money. So where is the problem? No ablar espanol? No hay comida?

One day, I will get American citizenship. I plan to get a decent wealth, own a car and have fun in my life, which is impossible in the hellhole I currently vegetate and that I want to forget.
joe talks out of the both sides of his mouth at once...................he is a master
Regardless of what reasons liberals give for their positions (whether on immigration or anything else) the real reason is that they want to destroy White history, White culture, and ultimately White people.

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