OK Tea Party....Time to belly up to the bar


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? It is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against
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"Yes, We Can". I believe that summed up Obama's campaign. Never did answer the 'can what?' thing... but we know now... and we just told him 'no, you can't'.

Live with it.
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? it is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

Me Personally. I'd work on fair labor laws. Union's out of Government completely. When Government Workers swear Allegiance to the Union, it would be so nice that they were referring to the USA, let's remove the temptation. Unions are obsolete, at least their legal activity and function.

Government Salaries and hours worked per week is questionable. Extended vacation time. Waste Waste Waste.

You seem to put so much faith in Tea Party Members that hold office, how many do you think there are? Or are you just being silly? I thought so.

I'm looking at the opportunity to see the various levels of Government, start applying some real Federalism, where things are experimented with, tried, and refined at the State levels, rather than one size fits all Centralized Legislation that does not adapt to concern or need. Governing isn't always about what is convenient for the Governing Body Itself. It gets lazy and sloppy that way. Governing is about maintaining and applying proper remedy. It is Government that is supposed to adapt to circumstance and correctly apply through reason, not expect reality to bend to it's will without question.
I don't think anyone is going to tell Rand Paul what to do, or how to do it. If you think he's going to go up to Washington and disappear, you have a VERY rude awakening coming.
LOL, full of retoric and bumper slogan stickers.

Hit the D an drive a car off in a ditch.
They have to get in the back.
I WON!!!!

oh wait, that was the Democrats-Progressives-Commies and the Boykings slogans and bumper sticker BS rhetoric....:lol:
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I too will be interested in seeing what the revived GOP will do with its control over the House.

I suspect that our TEA PARTY folks are going to be sorely disappointed when they finally realize that its going to be business as usual in Washington.

They are going to be, much as the right wing evangelists were, shocked when they see that the RNC leopard isn't going to change its spots.

But time will tell.

I see gridlock.

And before some of you cheer that gridlock, know that gridlock means that the tax cuts will automatically be repealed, and that the Obama HC plan will go into effect, too.

There's soemthing there for everybody to hate.
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? it is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

That is an interesting question and I don't know the answer.

Cap and trade isn't part of it, and neither is the public option. It's not much, but it's a start.
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? it is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

yeah and you did YOUR part to keep it that way. rooting on every corrupted lying person with a D next to their name and running down every new name Republican, just to SAVE your party.
so you don't have any ROOM to speak.
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I don't think anyone is going to tell Rand Paul what to do, or how to do it. If you think he's going to go up to Washington and disappear, you have a VERY rude awakening coming.

I don't think Anyone looks all that good leashed. ;)
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? it is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

One can only hope they'll realize our problems are far more complex than they thought, and the solution isn't short enough to fit on a bumper sticker.
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? it is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

Stop being so paranoid. No one is going to cut social security or medicare. What will happen and needs to , is to extend Bush' tax cuts, freeze spending, defund Obamacare and other wasteful programs like NPR.
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? it is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

I look forward to them fixing things in this nation. I will not be an obstructionist. Let them at it.
Hmm, let's see. Obama and Democrats ran in '08 on a bunch of slogans. They took control of both houses of Congress and the White House by filibuster proof majorities. Yet Nutwinger never called on them to stand and deliver. And when they did, the country got in a worse mess than ever.
Now the GOP has control of the House and he challenges them to start governing like they staged a coup.
Memo: Dems still control the Senate and Obama is still the president.
My question is: OK Dems. You've lost control of the House but still have a big role in government. What are you going to do to solve all these problems?
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Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? it is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

Stop being so paranoid. No one is going to cut social security or medicare. What will happen and needs to , is to extend Bush' tax cuts, freeze spending, defund Obamacare and other wasteful programs like NPR.

Freeze spending where? And what do we do with the additional uninsured that will result? Non-military discretionary is about $610 Billion. If you wipe out the entire government, less mandatory programs and military, you can cut the deficit in half, while only raising unemployment a few points resulting in deeper depression.

Please, tell us where you want to make the cuts. That's why this conversation sounds like a broken record. We never get to the answer.
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? it is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

I look forward to them fixing things in this nation. I will not be an obstructionist. Let them at it.

Caleeeeefornication? Same ole shit, different day. and you walk around I bet looking all :confused:
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? it is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

Easy, repeal Obamacare. Stop all "stimulous" spending. Freeze and roll back spending budgets to 2008 levels immediately. Cut welfare, if not totally eliminate it. Scale back and cut spending to every single Fed agency except DoD and DoJ.
Same old crap different day.

You guys are talking about labor unions and big government. Okay. First off "getting rid of the unions" would be Unconstitutional. Period. And it won't save a dime. Neither will cutting pay from government workers.

The real cost is in Medicare, Military and Vets.

Not "earmarks" which are actually pretty cheap and get stuff built..something Americans have stopped doing.

So..what about Seniors, Veterans and Troops do you guys wanna cut?
Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? it is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

Easy, repeal Obamacare. Stop all "stimulous" spending. Freeze and roll back spending budgets to 2008 levels immediately. Cut welfare, if not totally eliminate it. Scale back and cut spending to every single Fed agency except DoD and DoJ.

You haven't even scratched the deficit with that suggestion.

No, it isn't. That's the point we're trying to make.
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Your campaigns were full of rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans. Now that you have actually been elected it is time to put some meat on those bones.

Its easy to say "cut spending" "eliminate waste" "end earmarks"....now you have to actually do it. What are you going to cut? What will be the impact of those cuts? What will happen if they cut the Social Security, Medicare ?

How does a Tea Party candidate get things done in Washington? it is still the same old city.

I think they are in for a rude awakening and will be the same old Washington insiders they campaigned so hard against

Easy, repeal Obamacare. Stop all "stimulous" spending. Freeze and roll back spending budgets to 2008 levels immediately. Cut welfare, if not totally eliminate it. Scale back and cut spending to every single Fed agency except DoD and DoJ.

Repeal "Obamacare"? Thats a joke. It's scored as actually saving money.

And Stimulus? You wanna raise taxes? Half the stimulus came in the form of tax cuts.

Welfare? It was reformed..and doesn't cost all that much.


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