

Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
There is little doubt that oil drives America's Mideast policies and the fact that our dependency on their oil is diminishing does not diminish our interest in it.
Economically, our trade partners need that oil and without it they would be unable to purchase our goods and services. Bad for us.
Politically, much of the Developing and Third Worlds need a stable supply of relatively inexpensive Mideast oil to maintain life (cooking, heating, electricity) and they would be devastated by the loss of it. The results would be disastrous and that's bad for everyone.
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There is little doubt that oil drives America's Mideast policies and the fact that our dependency on their oil is diminishing does not diminish our interest in it.
Economically, our trade partners need that oil and without it they would be unable to purchase our goods and services. Bad for us.Politically, much of the Developing and Third Worlds need a stable supply of relatively inexpensive Mideast oil to maintain life (cooking, heating, electricity) and they would be devastated by the loss of it. The results would be disastrous and that's bad for everyone.

This is where you and I differ Sayit...As a Libertarian, I would like America to go back to being more isolationist especially when it comes to Europe and the ME and probably most of Asia...Even though America will soon become a net exporter of oil we are tied to these by the nose by a chain of international banking and trade.

We don't need them...South America could easily replace them, plus European and ME problems are draining our treasury and the blood of our children since WWl....

Enough; Let’s listen to George Washington's advice and stay out of old world affairs.
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We are so dependent upon Mideast Oil simply due to the fact that Environmentalist loons have basically been systematically making recovery of our own resources nearly impossible. Idiots have decided that Caribou not having to circumnavigate a fence is far more important than energy independence.
There is little doubt that oil drives America's Mideast policies and the fact that our dependency on their oil is diminishing does not diminish our interest in it.
Economically, our trade partners need that oil and without it they would be unable to purchase our goods and services. Bad for us.Politically, much of the Developing and Third Worlds need a stable supply of relatively inexpensive Mideast oil to maintain life (cooking, heating, electricity) and they would be devastated by the loss of it. The results would be disastrous and that's bad for everyone.

This is where you and I differ Sayit...As a Libertarian, I would like America to go back to being more isolationist especially when it comes to Europe and the ME and probably most of Asia...Even though America will soon become a net exporter of oil we are tied to these by the nose by a chain of international banking and trade.

We don't need them...South America could easily replace them, plus European and ME problems are draining our treasury and the blood of our children since WWl....

Enough; Let’s listen to George Washington's advice and stay out of old world affairs.

We differ on many things, P, and America and the world have come a long way since G. Washington and even since WW1. There will be no return to those "golden days" despite your wonderful memories. :D

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