Ohio Governor Signs Heartbeat Bill, But Will It Survive The Courts?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Nice, but it’s over for the baby. The raging feminazis have won in most areas, and will sue to win in the remaining states.

There is NO doubt that the developing baby is human. It is totally unnatural for a parent to kill that developing baby. No matter what the justification, that will always be true.

Refusing to give the baby a name, or calling him a “fetus” changes nothing.

Shoulda waited till Trump had one more Supreme Court pick to hopefully ensure the law stays. We don’t need any more precedents not in our favor!


Read the whole article at
Townhall.com ^ | April 12, 2019 | Rebecca Downs

Republican Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has kept his promise and signed into law a heartbeat bill which would outlaw abortion when an unborn child’s heartbeat can be detected. This is usually around 6-weeks and can be before some women know they’re pregnant. Many women find out they’re pregnant around 7 or 8 weeks gestation.

While pro-lifers cheer Ohio being the latest state to pass into law one of these heartbeat bills, it is worth noting that it faces legal action. Before the bill was even signed, the ACLU, an abortion advocacy group, was preparing to challenge it in the courts. This is a trend for heartbeat bills which have passed in other states, including Iowa and Kentucky, where they have been blocked. A bill is also waiting for the governor’s signature in Georgia. In fact, heartbeat bills have yet to pass muster in any state where they’ve been passed. Should pro-lifers get their hopes up with such bills, or should they temper their expectations?

“The heartbeat bill is the next incremental step in our strategy to overturn Roe v. Wade,said Ohio Right to Life Mike Gonidakis. If that is the case, we ought to pray that the U.S. Supreme Court doesn’t use such laws to further strengthen the already tight confines the states have to work with presently.

It’s questionable how hopeful to be, especially when the Court, with Chief Justice John Roberts joining the liberals on the Court, temporarily blocked a Louisiana abortion law from taking effect. The law, signed into law by a Democratic governor and sponsored by a Democratic state representative, simply sought to regulate abortion facilities and require abortion providers to have admitting privileges at a hospital. The Court struck down a similar Texas law in 2016.........


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